Thursday, January 19, 2012

New Pangaea Pg 103-117

Week 17
Day 1

Doctor Leong refused to see me making him a living target but he did tell me what not to feed Junior with. He has a soft heart after all. Not like mine; I began feeding Junior jungle roots and leaves, and the occasional chocolate. I think the chap has got gastro issues now.
I called for an update from the outposts. And so the new settlements is on in Eden. They got their units and wall up fast, and they are building new facilities. The Four Horsemen has also come up with more mock up of their ‘flame thrower’ and its being deploy in the farms and village. So did Margaret Welch who caught up with me now on the lack of education facilities. So I assigned her to construct some. I expect her to request for transport soon for the kids.
I also relocate the retired Admiral on his request. Then I got the report of the farm at Main Village already bearing fruits with the enhanced seedling.
And more requests for similar farms like Eden came. And also more issues coming up.

I got a Code One call from Earth Council. ‘We have EDS Discovery flying over your planet and they will dropped off a shuttle which will land on your place with supplies. You will used the shuttle on your planet for wide surveillance.’
Now we got wide surveillance options, which is something Bubble is restricted on. And we do not have radar scanners which we can check for other civilianization, if any. We have are the restricted scanners on the vehicles but those are wide for two miles radius and its on transceivers or metal structure. The shuttle will allow us to go out across the continent and maybe beyond. The last few wars took our technology to military uses and its not fitted for colonies as yet.
Moreover in a new planet, what is there to scan for.
‘Commander, I am receiving signal from the shuttle. She is coming in fast and I think she has trouble in her engines.’ Now this is what I need to start my day off.
‘She is not able to comms to us, as its all static.’
‘Calculate her possible landing coordinates.’ I told the bikers to be on standby with medical and rescue team on three ATV.
She did come in hot and streak across the sky to land  fifty miles east of BASE. She crash landed on ground with a loud bang. My team was streaming to  the possible sight. The Shuttle has a length of two hundred feet with a wingspan of eighty feet. It can carry a load of sixty thousand pounds load. It came in with a speed of fast train that used to run on Earth. As we were rushing to there, we saw the crash. It raised a narrow stream of dust across the jungle, and causing the creatures to run for safety. Then we heard nothing but the usual jungle shrieks. But the creatures are still running.We did not any scanners to find the craft as we need to follow the drain it created. It landed just before hitting a large pond. Its on its front and still intact, although the hull looks smoldering. We were told to hold back an mile while waiting for it to cool down and any radiation to dissipate.
We got the clearance in the afternoon, and I was the first to reach it. I went up the left wing to the shuttle door. I saw the panel outside is burnt out, and I signaled the M-Bots to come up.
‘Pry it open.’ The M-Bots reached for it with one of its arm and jabbed its metal finger in. It took hold and pulled the door off his hinges.The sound of the atmosphere inside balancing with the outside air whooshed out. I walked in first and it was the hold I accessed on the upper walkway platform. I can see the stacks of containers and cases in the hold.
Its a gem find actually. But not so when I walked into the cockpit. The door to the cockpit area was locked. I punched in the codes on the side panel and the door slid open. Inside are six seats for the pilot and his crew but only two is occupied. The pilot is dead but not the co-pilot. Her name is Lieutenant Amy ‘Ace’ Bentley, and she is unconscious with a bleeding head. She is breathing but shallow. I got Medic to attend to her while I went back to the hold.
The other team members was calling in support to evacuate the supplies.
But how did they crashed? That is secondary now.
The supplies come first, and all available vehicles were sent here. It took us one day just to move the supplies over. And it took us only half a day to cremate the pilot near the shuttle, while the co-pilot lies in coma. But we got supplies; badly needed supplies. Shuttle is a scrap now; and we advised that to Earth Council.

Day 3
It took us two days to unload the crates and another extra day to transport it to BASE. In addition, the Four Horsemen got my approval to dismantled the Shuttle. The standard call was to destroy it but this is not war time now. So the Cheng’s assisted in the dismantling and then used the ATV to pulled the parts off and to BASE.
That took another three days. In the end, like ants, we strip her down to her frame and later her components. We had to clear a clearing to keep these items safe and workable when we need it.

Day 7
Then the works stopped and we saw was  a long trench piece. But on BASE, it was like a workshop yard with items in coverings and tagged on it. And then the tremors began. It took us by surprise but it lasted for a while and stopped.
The good news is Doctor Leong has recovered and Junior has got its caretaker back. So did Lieutenant Amy Bentley.
This is her report.

Special Report from Pilot Amy Bentley, Shuttle Flight Squadron
Day 7 Week 17
Captain Marin Shirley and myself was en route to New Pangaea at 1213hr Day 1 Week 17. The Captain was piloting the craft while I checked the navigation. We cleared the atmosphere with no major issues; the reentry was almost perfect at forty degree as in all the previous flight in, everything was checked and cleared. At exactly forty five thousand feet, we experienced some turbulences and I rechecked all instruments. It was still fine and holding well. We reported abnormal spike in the thermal condition on the hull and the Captain asked me to re-calibrate all the instrument and do another diagnostic.
I did that and found the error; our stabilizing fin on the left wing was out by 0.0002 degree, and we are contracting too much friction on the hull and left wing. The Captain tried to compensate the pitch on our descent but the controls were not able to response well. Then the next issue came into our focus; out tail gate looks faulty, refusing to respond. We raised this with Maintenance and they fixed twice but the issue is still there. We were off course by now but the Captain got the pitch adjusted and we are descending but going in hot and fast.
At fifteen  thousand  feet above the ground, the commander pulls up the nose to slow the rate of descent. We were still hitting it hot so she compensate with more. At five thousand, she hit the thruster to alleviate the pitch but we are still nosediving. Captain pulled on the stick and the G-Force was beyond our norms. She did it at three thousand and she signaled me to hit the parachute to slow the descent. I reached for it and hit at two thousand five hundred feet and then we were slowing and its looks good.  She got back control and we are descending off course but we are able to land. She deploys the landing gear and we slowly descend down for a rough landing but safe one. Then the most unexpected happened at two hundred feet; one of your creature hit us in the cockpit screen and she moved the stick. We went into a side pitch and she went out on the impact. I took over and pulled the stick but the ground was coming up fast.
Next thing I know was I hit the secondary brake thrusters for such emergencies and the vertical tail opens up. Our second parachute is deployed from the back to help stop the orbiter. The parachute and the speed brake on the tail increase the drag on the shuttle and pushed the Captain against the console. I could hear her bones break on the impact. I was also flung but I held onto my harness and lost conscious.

‘Welcome to New Pangaea, Lieutenant.’
The rain came down that day. As usual It never rained; it poured like water off a cliff and we are getting water logged everywhere. SWAMP had to adjust its tripod and then had a sealed station as the water reached their base. We also got creatures running up the plateau but we are worried on the villages. Eden people has been moved to Big Mouth as they are on the lowlands. But it stopped early or someone prayed hard enough for divine assistance.

Week 18
Day 1
The creation of two weeks is cleared in one rainfall, and that was the fate of Eden. We had to rebuilt again from scratch. I did offer them alternative land but they declined. They felt that drainage could be improved. This time I assigned half the W-Bots as some of them are needed elsewhere.  But the Penal inmates offered to help.
It was that day Major Shaw in her Bubble saw the new landscape with new streams. The rain and the tremors opened up some new crevasses and resulted in the new rivers and streams. We will see if it will last during the hotter days, but its a relief as it cleared the water off the land.
SWAMP is back on its firm footing with some adjustments to the tripod heights. Then the four horseman came to with a crazy idea of building water mills in the rivers to generate irrigations. They found it in the archive and reckon it can be done. They also want to build wind turbines now that we have scraps from the shuttle. They reckon they can improvised up some wind turbine which will saved on the mini solar rechargeable gen set we installed at the village. We been using solar energy since we arrived in view of the sunlight here and the technology ahs allowed to run it efficiently. But we hardly tested the winds concept although we used them in Earth.
I okay both projects just to get them off my back.
‘Commander, we got to get the creatures off our plateau or we will have a problem.’ I had to okay that too. Nothing seems to work that day.
Like my bike. I got it stuck in the mud and it won’t budge. The hub-less wheel sunk into the mud even though it was supposed to be light weight. I looked up at the jungle and reckon I am somewhere in between Outpost Five and Eden. I got off the bike and looked back at the wheels. It looks okay but somehow it won’t move. I then sensed something behind me and I turned around. Its a flipping lizard with a crocodile face ( later known as Macelognathus ). I did not see it before but its seen me now and I looked juicy for a meal to it. Its about five feet in length and weigh about a hundred over pounds. It was giving me the once over and paced forward. I unslung my PH762 and raised it to my shoulder.
As I was about to press the trigger, it raised it head and sniff the air. It then scuttled away into the jungle. I thought it was over by then, but the next threat came. Its old faithful predator the T-Rex but not a big one, just half the size but equally nasty. I got on the bike and tried to get it moving but only successful in spewing up mud. I turned back to see the young adult coming forward in a run.
Then a series of cannon shots came and the creature was deter off its the course. I looked up to see the Bubble flown by Major Shaw assisting me. I waved back for thanks and radioed for assistance from Outpost Five.
That was a close call.
There was an urgent call at SWAMP but the line was bad with static. So I took the LTV from Outpost Five to get there. Lieutenant Carlos came to see me at the platform.

‘Our patrol came and told us they saw someone waving for help down stream. I thought I cleared with you.’ I told him to get me two Specialist and we will check on the MSV.
Two Specialist; Elvis and Tony was with me when we went downstream. We went fast on the surface to where they last spot the marooned man. He is still there, and was glad to see us.
It was PP10287 Issac Bain.
He is malnourished and have cuts on his body. He is carrying a crude spear and a wooden shield. We picked him up and load him on the craft while Elvis stood guard on the cannon.
This is his story.

Statement from Witness; PP10287 Issac Bain
Day 2 Week 18
I am Issac Bain; PP10287 from Penal Block 102. I escaped with nine others sometime back. We took our refuge in the jungle and was assisted by Senior Guard Kim Toh, who armed us and gave us rations. We ran on foot for days and slept on the trees while some of us take turns to guard. During our run, we saw many creatures big and small in our path. Some of it we had to scare with our flaming torch on the long branches, and some smaller ones we just killed with our blade.We will cooked the meat over the small fire and eat then meat. Except for Mongol; he eats them raw and he is a mean one. He will take the larger bones and shaped them into cleavers or sharpened spears.
Since we lost Ben ( PP10267 Ben Oswald ) died, we were disillusioned by the leader. Ben revolted against Mathew ( PP10233 ) but he had him tied up on the tree with the grenade. We set the trap to collect supplies and ammo. But it all went wrong, so was the next trap on the river bank. The idea was to give you the doctor and take the supplies, but nothing worked.
I argued with Mathew and he got the gun on me. They took my weapons and chased me off the hideout. I left without any supplies or weapons, but Mongol met me later in the jungle. He gave a me a bone blade, shield and spear. I lost the blade in a fight with a small creature which ran off with my blade in its back.
I reach the river and I holed up there thinking I might get the attention of the river crafts. I did signal them but they left until you came.
We are low on supplies  and we are conserving on ammo. We are improvising on traps and ancient wooden weapons.

I asked how did he cross the river. Ben told me they did cross the river but they also used the raft to cross over. Its dangerous but they managed it a few times. I find it hard to believe but I would buy it for now.
I send PP10267 to the Holding. He is Warden Tomas’ issue now.
‘Commander, you need to come back to BASE. We have a situation here.’
What I am looking at is a dark swarm on the horizon. According to the zoologist and anthropologist, it looked like the locusts swarm back on earth, but insects are not commonly found in this parallel period on Earth. I was to argue on that point, but I held back my intentions. The issue now is how to handle the oncoming insects.
I issued a lockdown on SWAMP and BASE, plus all outposts. We are going sit it out. Doctor Frost theory is that the insects are looking for food after the flood and they could be migrating looking for it. Plateau will be a possible stopover source. I had to repel them. It was suggested that sound vibrations can affect the insects, and they can improvise on the communication waves to emit these short bands across the plateau. Several insect species develop tympanic organs similar to humans; they are air-filled cavities covered with thin tissue resembling the human eardrum. These Insects react to ultrasonic vibrations higher than 20 kilohertz, including crickets, locusts, green lacewings and praying mantids.
I told them they got two hours before the swarm arrived.
‘Gentleman, you might get a dizzy or a spell of disorientation but we are ready.’ It worked and we managed to deter the insects from settling down here. But we all got bad spells of dizziness and nausea feeling.
But it was soon to pass.

Issac Ben escaped in the midst of the commotion with two others carrying supplies including ammo. Issac knocked his guard off who was watching the oncoming swarm, and grabbed the supplies. He met two of his old cell mates and they joined him. They took a LTV and was seen heading north; PP10265 Karim Ibnu and PP10278 Peter Lawford got their name on the wanted list.
This time I am filled with angry emotions.
I would had called for a bigger manhunt if not for the Code One from Earth.
‘Commander, we would like to advise that FDS Enterprise is believed on course to your planet. From our intelligence, we anticipate they should reach orbit within twenty four hours. Be careful as we do have a truce here on Earth, but it may not apply to there.’
I got them coming here now.
Are they colonists or conqueror?
That is the question that remains to be answered.

Day 2
The Bubbles’ went up on recon mission to check for any landings. The bikers are out there too, and so is the Comms on every channels for transmissions. The colonists does not know so we left it at that.
‘Scott, its me, Micheal.’ My head rider of the horsemen s’ and he bears good news. We got the first wind turbine running in Eden. I installed in large fans or propellers on the roof of the units and also the wall so that we can garner the wind force to run the turbine. The power is up and we can have hot showers too.’ I was glad we found the alternative power source as it rely less on us. 
But we are now seeing hot drops of containers coming down from the skies. Its them; the Federation Colonial Expeditionary Force. But unlike us, they are being dropped like parachutes in large containers of about twenty foot in length and eight feet in width plus a height of ten feet. Its landing across the river much further  inland to the north.
That how they land their expeditionary forces in the war, with the armored vehicles inside; floating down with two parachutes attached to their back. Once the containers touched ground, the sides of will open to reveal the vehicles and its occupants. We used to ambush them in the open clearing when they land. The Federation Colonization was improvised on ours as they also felt the pressure form their people to fight a new planet. Whereas we been doing for the last five years, they are not ready as yet nor are they experienced in Colonization.
More so when the land is filled with hostiles creatures.
I mobilized the personnels to travel in the ATV and LTV to SWAMP. I have advised the Lieutenant to dis-engaged the floating platform to land the vehicles and be pulled over by the MSV. Its not a fight we are looking with them but a rescue mission.
The first load of force to cross over was the bikers and two ATV. The platform left us on the banks and we sped off to the sounds of shooting. We navigate with the visual on the parachutes, there are strong winds here, and they could be landing in different areas. We came across the first container loads. Its packed with about twenty colonists and four military personnels. They are firing to protect the colonist from the herd of raptors. Their weapons are almost similar to the PDW PH762 and its not effective. I can see the colonist are armed with their own improvised weapons like bags and bare flesh to protect the weaker. There are people lying wounded or dead on the ground, where the container sides are opened flat onto the ground. The ATV raced out and open fire with the cannons while we on the bikes unslung the PH900 and took aimed shots. It was over in five minutes as we chased the raptors away or dead. I got the personnel from the ATV to dispensed medic aids, while I speak to the military leader; Sargeant Saidin Salleh.
‘Thank you. We were not prepared. This is madness.’
‘Come with me. We need to find the others and formed a perimeter. The Corporal mounted my bike and we rode off with my other bikers following. We covered three more landings before we find the commanding officer; Colonel Ras Miklov. He has landed with ten marines and then formed a perimeter when we arrived.
‘Colonel. I am Commander Bent. Exploration Forces. I am here to assist you and your men. can we work out a mutual understanding please.’
‘Yes, I agree. And thanks.’ Colonel Ras is a tall man with an athletic build. He is armed but he also carries  curved sword on his belt. We agree to transport the survival here including the wounded. This will be their temporary base. The rest of my ATV and LTV are here and we used them to transport the supplies and personnels.
 A total of twenty containers came down in the first wave and only seventeen were recovered. The three are missing and it went down alongside with the supplies were fifty six personnels. Ten of them were military personnels. They are dressed in the standard military green blue dungarees and armed with their own weapons. The seventeen containers accommodate two hundred and three colonists and thirty five more military personnels. Initial count shows a hundred and six including nine military personnels died in the landing.
We cleared the land further with the help of the W-Bots and assist in building a wooden wall. The colonist themselves took to clearing the land of the smaller trees and bushes. The portable flame throwers build by the Four Horsemen helped us in scaring the predators.

It took three days to build their temporary camp and we decided to go back. I said goodbye to Colonel Ras. On my way back across the river, I asked myself the question of why? I should had stop the Colonization but I did not and instead I helped to safe it.
What has the Federation done for us on Earth to deserved the merit of our rescue?
The war on Earth escalated when the countries of the world united into factions, and the Empire was one of  the three largest, along with the Federation and World. The three factions took apart the smaller factions or un-associated countries until we were the only three left but we decimate one third of the population and one quarter of civilianization land. It was not us who released the first nuke bombs, but the independent countries. Its impact was seen but it not deter madman on pressing the switch. Nor did it prevent more madmen to join the first one.
When the odds was down to three, the fight became an intense conflict of superiority in power and might. Cold wars escalated and turmoil in politics were the works of everyone. But the three cannot be a pair so the next war started with the Empire, Federation and World. The later joined forces with the Federation and fought on several fronts. It was winning on all fronts until the madness of ‘I must win’ came into the minds of the leader. Earth suffered another shock to its crust with the released of more superior nukes. It stopped the war as the Earth called out in pain. Quakes and tsunami hit the nations irrespective of races and alliance. It also broke the joint alliance of the Federation and World.
It also caused the internal destruction of World, and the break up was swallowed by the Empire making it bigger. Its superiority ceased the war but not the destruction of the Earth. By then half the Earth is a wasteland or barren of any civilianization,  and abnormality happened on the weather and environment.
It took millions of years for Earth to be where we are today, and we took twenty years of war and ravages to wipe it out. For ten years, the Earth was spared of war but the technology was to leave Earth. The space program took off where we last left; sub-space speed and explorations. Old databases were restored and we embark on sending out probes. Space Stations were built in extra fast mode so we can consider living on it.
It was the discovery of light speed travel which we consider space exploration beyond the nearby system. As more resources are put into it, the progression of knowledge and tests done showed us we can do it better every time.  What was once that may take a week to travel now takes a day and soon an hour. But as technology improved, the knowledge is highly protected but stealth and deceit paved its way into the field. Secrets get stolen and soon the know how is with the Federation and vice versa,
It became a new pace of a new war; a war on technology and we seems to be having the edge. Nearby planets could became colonies and travel was shorter and easy. But the habitable condition of the planets leaves us with bad options which causes inconvenience. As mentioned before probes were sent out to the nearby galaxies and the first space Colonization was carried out with the military. It was a success if you take into account the loss of four expeditionary forces before we finally secured hold on the first planet that can allowed us to breathe with a gas filter but enough to sustain not more than ten thousand life's.
So it became the first military base outside of Earth. Its also the transit center for the colonists as most of the EDS are station there; we only numbered seven of them doing the transportation. Federation has four  FSD in another system nearer to Earth’s system.
But it was a start.
Since then we have colonized twenty to date with population from ten thousand to fifty thousand each. We set the limit to such as we are not sure we can sustain beyond that. Today, we are still exploring seventeen more to housed the one billion people left on Earth. We cannot save all but we will try to save as much as we can. The Federation with its population of three hundred million has just embarked on their program.
New Pangaea is their third attempt, and the last two are still surviving with the harsh conditions. They are still exploring new planets, but they decided to share on ours for convenience.

‘So why did you assist, Scott?’ I looked Micheal who came along to see if he can help.
‘God told me to share my planet.’
‘Scott, you are a pacifist. So cut the crap, and tell me why.’
‘Because Earth is going die soon, according to the Scientists. We are to leave or die. I been killing for the last twenty years and I had enough. If I can save them, maybe when I die, I will feel better. Or mum won’t said I am a bastard to join the military anymore. She would be proud of me doing my duty as a savior of life.’
‘Scott, I prefer you as the pacifist. Your current status scared me to hell. If there is one for me, its probably your mum’s doing.’
‘Save a place for me, Dad.’

Day 3
The morning was not the same. We are waking up to the fact that we have neighbors now. Its no more our Pangaea alone; its a share commitment for all.
‘Commander, Code One from Earth Council.’ I took the call. It was a sounding off on my decision to allow the Federation to live on the planet, but they accepted the fact. I am to maintain minimum contact with them, and develop the colony of mine. More colonists will be arriving soon. I tried to protest but I was left with an empty transmission as they cut off after that. I looked at my options.
I got the land down south and Colonel Ras can develop the north, and take care of my fugitives. I will opened up more villages like Eden and spread the colonist out. I will armed them and trained them. I also called Micheal Bent to do what we can on new engines or concept. I need it fast and its cartel blanche on salvaged parts or resources. As long as its safe. I met the Admiral for a long chat. Finally we agreed on the general terms and he is to lead the colonists as their leader. That will irk out Margaret Welch.
Now I going to see the jungle for a while.
I got Pedro to go on another ride with me into the wilderness; this time to the south east. We packed up for a week’s ration and some extra ammo. We rode off in the afternoon. But before that, I met the Warden to tell him of my plans. I told him I will discuss with him when I am back. Pedro and myself headed off on our excursion.

Special Report from Specialist Pedro
Day 1 Week 18
Its not much to tell of this place as its the same as in the others, except here we are in an unexplored section of the land. We rode on for miles; making detours and jumping over obstacles. We left markers so we know where we are going. I used to stand on the cavern and see out here. There is a range of mountains in the horizon and That where I am going.
We camped that night near a stream, and had our camp staked out with the alert sensors. Both of us are tired and we needed the rest. We were awakened twice in the night by inquisitive creatures including a group of raptors. We shot one to deter the rest, but they kept hanging around for an hour before they actually leave. We had a Najash; snake like abut 3 feet passing near the sensor but it did not picked up; maybe its due to the creature hugging the ground level so low. It did greet us with a hiss but it went its way.

Day 2 Week 18
A long grueling ride as we came across large trees with large ferns on the trunks, and thick undergrowth.We did hacked our way on some paths but we ended up doing a back track to take on new longer trails. The vegetation is thick and dense and if we are not careful we will fall off crevasses in the terrain.
We came to our new sinkhole wonder; three hundred feet across in diameter with a drop of two hundred feet into clear water. The hole is hidden from the the us and if not the instant brake system, we would had flung over. Its edge is hidden by thick undergrowth and low trees which some cling on the slopes of the sinkhole. We back tracked on the trail and skirt the hole.
Then we continue on our journey but we noted there is a troop of primates here which seems to be following us. It may be coincidental or I am just getting paranoia. But we rode on and at some places we find the usual obstacles which we had to detour.
We camped in a wide clearing and as usual, we set up the alerts. The night was quiet with no sensors going off, but I can see the primates keeping their distance. This is unnerving, but I need to keep watch from now. We rode and came to a river which span over two hundred feet across. Its teeming with reptiles and we saw a first glance at a scorpion but his one is big; bigger than me. Its about fifteen feet in length and has two nasty claw grips which comes with jagged teeth. It was moving into the water.
Commander and myself debated on how to cross this river and continue our journey. In the end we decided to travel north to see where the river will converged and hopefully to SWAMP. But we camped the night there. If not for the primates, we would had been dinner for the new predator; a Titanoboa which can grow up to forty feet in length and has a diameter between one to three feet across. Its a huge killer and a painful one. The primates was throwing things at it when we woke up. The snake was outside the parameter and its approaching us. This one is smaller at about less than one feet across but its length is only twenty five feet. I mounted the bike and powered it up; and I turned the handle to faced it. I press the trigger button to fire the single mounted cannon into the snake’s head. The heavy charges penetrated the lower neck of the snake and some went into its mid section. It hissed out in pain and raised its head up in protest of this new pain on its body.
The commander followed suit with the K2 as he stabs at its upper body with it repeatedly. The severed reptile coiled up and then laid still, leaving a man who is covered in blood and looking very silly in fact. But he has satiated his lust for a fight since the new colonists’ arrived. But what was amazing were the primates who descended to hit the dead reptile and tore at its flesh. Its a show of vengeance as they desecrate the reptile into pieces. Then they leave the remains for the others.
We did not sleep that night and kept watched for the siblings or mate of the dead reptile. The commander stripped off his uniform and burned it on the fire. He wore his spare set from the back pack.

Day 3 Week 18
We rode along the river and scout the area near it. We looked at the flow and realized we going upstream which is good as we could meet up with SWAMP. It was then we saw the mosasaurs fight it out with a Rhomaleosaurus; a lizard like sea serpent that must had swam up in the last flood in the deep end of the river. The tangling of these two reptiles were amazing as they grapple with with their strong jaws and lash out with their tails. It was like watching a series of geysers sprouting up as the reptiles break surface and then submerged again. In the end, it was the Rhomaleosaurus who got the upper jaw and broke the mosasaur’s fight. The lizard like drag the wounded reptile and we did not see it surfaced. But there was streaks of blood on the river and the other predators went diving in.
By then we decided to move on or we will become the desserts for them.
We came to a fork in the river flow and we took the one on the left as we could not cross the river. Its the same scene with the predators and preys, but nothing climatic. Except we can hear the clouds rumbling again, and its going to be another rainfall soon. This time we decided to ride inland and stayed a distance off the river.
We found a small cave for shelter and we stayed there. It was not ours to begin with but we used it that night. We had to deter the lion who came to rest and left it wet outside there somewhere. We chased off some smaller uninvited creatures with creepy legs and antennas, with the fire which we lit.

Day 4 Week 18
The rain stopped at mid morning and it was wet and clammy outside. We rode off in the slippery ground and skidded twice running on uneven trails. We came across little mammals and reptiles running around for their cover and some may be back to their previous dwellings from higher grounds. The flying reptile Pterodactylus was seen in the area. Its wingspan length is about three feet and they normally roost near the sea or large water area as fish is their diet.
But there is no sea here; or maybe the last flood brought them too. It could be the a small herd roosting at the large sinkhole and now flying around here.
They are not feeding on the small creatures, its only the other predators doing the hunt.
The Commander hurt his left shoulder in the last skid of his bike but he still wants to ride. But we called in a campsite early today as the trails are difficult to travel on.
I saw the primates again, and they are watching us again.

Day 5 Week 18
We made contact with SWAMP at noon when we sighted the pair of MSV. They told us they are an hour from SWAMP. We took on the journey to SWAMP and met up with the Lieutenant.

I met Lieutenant Carlos and he told me they had issues with the new arrivals; the Federation. It seems that there has been some exchange of shots between the two when the Lieutenant send his men to assist in medical aids. I took off in a MSV and two Specialist escorts  to cross the river. We were greeted by five Federation troops; with armed weapons. They are under the command of Sargeant Rico.
‘Commander, my name is Sargeant Rico. I never got to thank you for saving us that day.’ I remembered Rico as he was one of the survivals in the third container which we found.
‘Sargeant, I would to meet Colonel Ras, your Commanding Officer.’
‘I am sorry, Sir. Colonel Ras has been relieved of his duty and rank. We are now commanded by Lieutenant Major Wilhelm Dortmund.’
‘Can I see him?’ The Sargeant picked up his comms and spoke to it. ‘Lieutenant Colonel will be coming in a short while.’
He did with a team of personal guards; six of them. He is a short but wide chest man and he carries his curved sword in the left hand. We saluted and walked to the side to discuss.
‘I have strict orders from Federation Earth not to fraternize with you or your colonists. We will occupy this side of the land and you will do so on your side. There will be no diplomatic relationship whatsoever.’ I recognised pervs like him; political boot lickers and ego headed. I agreed to his terms and told him we will withdraw all aids and assistance. And if anyone of his people crosses over the river we will shoot on sight.
We parted company with that mutual understanding. Darned my good natured side to assist in the last round.

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Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...