Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Elite 3 Part 9

‘Good afternoon, Islander. This is Angela sitting in for Tim Curry. Our studio was hit by a terror gang who wanted us to highlight their plight. Their method of entry was crude; it caused two of our guards to be shot dead, but their plight was more demanding of the media. Bryan Neels, the leader of the now defunct ‘Free Islanders Movements’ has his story to tell us. Remember this is Breaking News; ‘we bring you the news on time’.
The next clip is on the interview between Bryan Keels and Tim Curry. The installments caught on more viewership than the election of the new Governor. But the next hour, the phones were ringing at the Studio for claims of paternity to missing son’s identification, plus a number of irrate viewers who complains that the Police did do right. But no one remember the cameraman who was shot dead, as he was left in the morgue till the next day.
The Commissioner has tendered his resignation in view of his falling health and Captain D’Cruz is the acting commissioner for now.
But what caught on the viewers was the sudden drop in the rare metals prices from its highest in its history. An announcement made to the Mining Community of a series of successful digs in the main continent has found new deposits of these rare metals that the supply of it will stablise the prices soon. Its driving investors to the planning board as to re-calculate their options or would be options. Bankers are delirous on their profile analysis while some mine owners are buying any rogue shares in the free market as they are afraid of the prices plummeting. .

Captain D’Cruz saw the message on the Governor’s confirmation of his attendance for the dinner tonight but his wife is not joining him. He will be coming alone to the dinner event.
‘Rebecca, your team has done a wonderful job this tow days. I am pulling your team out of active roster for the week. The backup team will take over the Governor’s event tonight.’ Rebecca was relief as she could feel her joints are to fall loose at any moment now. She stripped off her kelvar vest and went to the locker room.
She is looking forward to a hot shower and then back to home with the kids.
But not Captain D’Cruz, as he is busy briefing the next SWAT Team for their next assignment.
Mr Loman, Governor of Genoe Island is having a drink to his late wife. He got to know of the details just about five minutes ago. She was shot dead beyond recognition and her daughter is still missing.
‘Neelan, arranged for her death as an accident during a fishing trip on the sea. Said she was attacked by sharks when she fell overboard. I want this coverup well.’ Neelan nodded his confirmation and walked out the Living Hall. Neelan is a good man with him for some years, and was his informant during his days as President. Neelan is a bad policeman with many vices but he has one good one; his mouth is closed when its needed. He is now the Chief Security of the Governor’s personal safety.
‘Called in Mama Olein’ The fat lady was brought in and she briefed the Governor on the latest in regards to Melanie and Alicia. She soon left with a very distressed look as she been told to find them or don’t come back again.
Mr Loman then sat down on his favourite chair in the Living Hall as he reflected the past events which drove him to what he is today. He created the Mahout Gang but kept his identity behind the scenes. They has competitions then, but they knew the mines was the pot of gold to preserved. He had the gangs removed and brought in Kingfisher to eliminate the biggest threat, the Kingfisher protege, but it did not work to plans. But it did get rid of the competition, or so he thought until the recent threat to his well being. He knows not who is planning it but the threat is real. That’s was why he recall the Kingfisher to do the opposite’ find the assassin and killed it.
But he lost so many friends in this long journey; Colonel Mahout. General Milton, and now his wife. All at the hands of the new Kingfisher. But now his insurance is missing in the jungle.
Maybe I took the wrong turn in the journey.
Or maybe I should not had started the journey.
But since I am on it, I will challenge its obstacles and win.
Mr Loman picked up the phone, and called Neelan; ‘ passed the word. I want Kingfisher dead by today. The reward is two million on confirmation.’
Within the hour, the words has spread and the teams are out to hunt for a certain bird; Kingfisher.
Captain D’Cruz is also looking for the Kingfisher to answer the two million dollars question; who wants the Kingfisher dead?

Alicia is standing with her back to the tree while I am on the opposite side. She is holding her improvised wooden pick with both her hands, and is lfexing her muscles for the swing. The armed man came by the tree trunk and stepped next to Alicia hideout. She swung her arms like a baseball battling, and the wooden pick skewered into the armed man’s left ribs and up to his thorax. He fell down holding onto the wooden pick but he could not scream.
I stepped out of the bush and did a double tap on the the second man. He fell backwards from the shots and we both rushed out. ‘The guns’ Alicia’; she grabbed the two AK47’s and we ran tangent on the same track we came. I needed to get back to the previous spot as there was where the men said is a road.
Bullets whizzed around us as we ran; it must be the other armed man who is now tracking our run.
‘Down, Alicia’ as we both dived down to hide in the thick undergrowth. I took teh retrieved AK47 and set it to shoot single shot. I passed it to Alicia, and told her to move a few paces behind me. I took my position ahead of her and we wait.
The last armed man came running through the bushes and I shot him when he emerged near me. The impact of the bullets stopped him in his track. I walked over to his body and checked if he is really dead. I picked his pocket and found nothing useful except the AK47 he is carrying. Now I have four Ak47’s to play with.
‘Let’s go’ I told Alicia and saw her staring at the man who is lying there dead.
‘He’s look young, Mum. About my age.’ I can see the shock is getting into her now. I went to her and held her in my arms. I can feel the tears coming down from her eyes on my chest and I held her tight. I keep on consoling her while I looked around us. Anybody who has gone through what she did would be crying too. More so for a lady of only in her late teens.
‘We got to go now. Can you do it?’ I can see her nodding and I am ready to run again. We ran again looking for the road that may take us home.

The promise of two milions dolars make people greed and forget their immortality. I hid out at the cemetery along with the dead. To be exact, I am in the caretaker’s house next to it. I knew the caretaker for many years and he is an old friend. I don’t know his name but I called him ‘old man ‘ for respect of his age. Despite his age, he still carries himself well and hardly shows much of aging in his movements. He told me to stay there while he tends to his flock of dead but I was anxious and trusted no one. I dragged myself off his house and settle myself at a nearby tree overlooking a big cemetery plot. The tombstone is a dedicated plaque to a great father and husband. I know the deceased; he was one of my victims’. I hoped he won’t reveal my hiding place if anybody comes looking for me.
It did not take long, as I saw two men sneaking to the house compound. I recgonised them as I used them before in some missions of mine. They are good with their hands and that includes the handgun they hold in their hand. Their names are not important but everyone called them Tom and Jerry from some cartoon series. Tom is the taller of the two and is the more sensible on compared to his partner, Jerry who can be erratic at times. In my last mission using them. Jerry acted on his own despite my strict orders. So I dropped them off and not seen them until today.
Tom peeked over the window edge to looked into the single level house and moved to all the windows ledges to looked at them. They can’t see me there so they are considering other options. Tom looked around him and even glance at my current hideout but he seemed to missed me. I know he’s seen me but he is pretending not to do so.
Tom pulled Jerry to go back the way they came, but Jerry was insisiting on looking for me. Finally Tom grab hold of his partner and pointed at the tree. Whatever he had to say made Jerry followed him out. If they had come for me, I may have to kill them.
I turned my body in time to have the spade hit my left shoulder but I shot the person in the chest with the Colt Cobra .38. I kept that as a memoriam from Marius. It was the caretaker and he thought he could sneak on me. The old man fell next to me face down with his spade. I reached for my injured left shoulder and used my legs to kick the dead man over.
He was a friend for over fifteen years and he still dream of collecting on my dead body.
Its time to go, as I grab my bag and leave the cemetery on the other side.
I seem to end up in Peter’s as he is the only friendly I know and trust. Peter told me to sack up and he brought me to this budget hotel on 2nd Street. I was in disguise and he got me a room at back on the top of the five levels building. I looked out my window and I can see the alley and the building opposite this one. He left me there as Mr Brown Hare.

Captain D’Cruz assigned three snipers on the newly constructed platform  and out the other tow on the sentries tower in the Memorial Park. He assigned over fifty policemen in and around the Memorial Park. He had a ambulance standing by at the rear of the Dining Hall, and two patrol cars in the front. He also assigned ten plain clothes detective in the dining crowd, and had the roads leading to the Memorial Park, scrutinised and checked for any illegals or weapons.
At that moment, Mr Loman has got a call from Mama Olein and he is very upset. He called in reinforcements to assist in the search and asked for the map of the area.
Mr Loman traced the area where they were last seen, moving his finger to the right, he found the country road marked on the map. He trailed the road up north and ended up in the jungle again. He re-traced his finger downwards and he saw the sawmill.
‘Tell Mama Olein, they are at the old sawmill at the fifth mile on the country road.’

Alicia saw the building first and told me. Its an sawmill and it looks abandoned. I can see the main building structure which is the sawmill itself and the smaller building next to it which will be the office. The sawmill is a open structure design with only the supporting small long columns and high roofing. There are some machineries in the sawmill but it looks like it not going to operate for sometime. There is the small stockpile of logs next to the sawmill on the other end of it.
We ran to the office and saw its actually an open torn down structure with some broken furnitures inside.
We went over to the sawmill next to the office and tried to look for anything I can used to remove the shackles on our legs. There are some tools around but nothing we can use until I saw the mallet underneath some pile of rotten woods. I pulled it out and the hissing sound followed with it. There is a viper beneath the pile of woods and its not happy with me. Alicia took aim and shot it before I could stopped her. She blew the viper’s body into two pieces, but I grab the rifle off her.
‘You just announced our presence to everyone. Now we got to hide and then removed the shackles. Grab that iron rod there, we need to use it.’ I got Alicia to run ahead while I looked back at the surrounding. We decided to hole up near the logs and proceeded with our blacksmith skills.

Melanie was right; the shot alerted the search party of Mama Olein; dressed in jeans and t-shirt. She also has in her belt; her M1911 and she carries now a M16 plus her bottle of water. She is not alone; she brought in seven more men with her and they are armed with AK47 or M16.
‘The sound came from the sawmill. I think they are there.’ One of the men hollered out as he knows this place well. The six men cheered their friend on his call, and was renew their search to the sawmill.
Mama Olein picked up her portable to called the Governor but noticed there is no signal at all. So much for technology that does not work in the jungle. She looked at her watch and cursed the bitches who made her come here. She will missed her dinner and the next segment of the soap opera she is following.
In a particular hotel, five group of foreigners are entering the business conference room III to take their appointed seats. Each of them carries a small briefcase with them. They took their seats on the long conference table, and await their host.
Just after the boundary of the international sea, a helicopter is geting ready to take off from the deck of the amphibious ship to head for the island. It will need about an hour to reach on the island and it will fly below the radar level, hugging close the sea waves. The pilot is an expert at this as he’s been doing this for some time. Its hull consist of ten passenger dressed in black fatigues and carrying MP5A3 with suppressor and Glock 17, plus flash and fragment grenades. Their backpack includes rappelling tools and ropes.
Their leader Mjor Gregor is carrying an additional item; an empty container case.
On the island, Major Tuan is carrying out last minute checks with his seven man team and they are preparing to move out. They are dressed in the SWAT uniform and carrying AK74 and M1911 in their belt holsters.The seven man board the van marked with the word POLICE.

There was seven man and one fat lady walking into the sawmill, all armed and ready to kill. I was hiding at the logs area, with Alicia. We had removed the iron shackles and now free to run without a heavy chain. Its going to be tough to fight eight armed person when I am only one who knows how to shoot properly. I looked to my back and see the jungle and at this hour, it will be dark in two or more hours. Then the we can sneak back on the road and find our safety again.
But its going to be touchy to run the open stretch to reach the jungle without those men seeing us. We could stay put and hope they missed us in the search.
But my decision was made.
Alicia took aim and shot the nearest man in the chest with her AK47. She is one reckless lady with the gun, The other six armed persons dived for cover and return fire at us. I dragged Alicia down from the heap of log before she gets her head blown off.
‘Lady, you asked me before you shoot.’ I am not waiting for her answer as I raised the gun above my head and fired over the top towards them. It also finished the clip I had on. I threw the AK47 and took the one on my back. I set it for full blast, and peeked over.
The seven of them has spaced themselves out with Mama Olein in the middle. I am sure they going to do a flank on us and we are dead.
‘Run for the cover there’, pointing to a satck of rotten wood on the open ground. I will cover you.’ I raised my body up and fired off two burst at the men. Alicia ran for the stack and dived for cover. I followed suit with bullets at my feets but  I made it.
It was then more gunshots were fired.
I looked up and saw a van pulled up near the armed group and someone was firing at them. Whoever it was took down two more men and the armed group pulled back in retreat. Then I saw Mama Olein in my line of fire. She is one tempting target to shoot and I did with a short burst from my AK47. I must had hit her in the back as she fell forward. The rest of the men got up and ran for the sawmill office. The van then was seen driving towards us.
It turned out to be Rebecca and another person I do not know. She later introduced as her current beau, Officer Denims, a team member and younger to her by eight years. Rebecca was about to leave the Station when she overheard a report from some woodsmen of two ladies running being pursued by armed men in the jungle. So she reckon it was us as Marius told her about Alicia. Rebecca got her colleague to drive over here to check and on the way they heard reports of gunshots in the vicinity of the sawmill. So here she is and she is glad she returned the favor.
Alicia and myself discarded the rifles and offered to follow Rebecca back to her place to freshen up. She will try to contact Marius and then they will decide the next action.
It was getting dark then.

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