Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Elite 3 Part 7


‘Gone in sixty seconds... was what I had in mind when I saw the right wing collapsed. The final tally of the dead is fifty five and seven more fighting for their life’s.I have nothing more to add, than my condolences to the dead’s families. Take care, This is Angela, Senior Correspondent.’
‘We just got this in. Gunshots were heard at the new warehouses near the docks. This is Tim Curry, Senior Editor of ‘we bring you the news on time. And we do, as we will find out more...... wait, more reports of gunshots at the The New Factor. Are we poised for another gang war? Tim Curry, Senior Editor of ‘we bring you the news on time.’
The Ministry of Interior got a wire from Interpol of a negotiation which is going to happened tomorrow at a hotel in the city. Its believed to be linked to the case in the hospital. It was also suggested that extreme prejudice be taken of the case. Two photographs was sent over the wire; one of a certain Major and another of a Doctor. Both these men are wanted by their Goverment for national security issues.
But the alarming part was the second wire advising of the possible attack by a mercenary group named ‘Baraccuda’ which is believed to be in the city now. Their designated target is not known.

I stepped out of the stairway door and shot the three armed men in the lift lobby with the M1911. It was by instinct I did the shots as I used to do years ago. I stepped out and keep my eyes on the wooden door which will open to the penthouse. Marius came out and ran to the dead man. He picked up the AK74 and shoulder it across his back. He removed the suppressor on the M1911 and slot the gun into his waistband.  He then took the PDW in his hands and went towards the door.
I dropped the M1911 and took out my PDW. I prefer the Glock to the M1911 but right now we need heavy firepower. Marius signaled me to get ready and he opened the wooden door. I dived in and rolled onto my back. There is two guards inside the inner lobby and they were looking at the offices. I did a double tap on my PDW, while Marius rushed in. He went straight for the door which is probably the Padre room’s. I got up and ran after him. Both of us are now standing by the side of the door, and catching out breath. I raised my hand for the knob and by instinct pulled back in time when the bullets came to hit the lock from inside the room. It broke open the lock and door frame was not engaged properly.
Marius pushed the door open on his side and tossed in the grenades.
Ka-boom! Ka-boom!
Both of us rushed in and each went their separate ways. There is two more of the armed men on the flooring but there is one still firing from behind the settee. I trained my PDW on the settee and did a full blast on it. The balst ripped the leather covers and stuffing inside it, creating an atmosphere like a pillow fight with feathers stuffed bags. But it did the works.
Pedri ‘The Padre’ came out of his hiding behind the desk with his hands raised, and pleading not to kill him. I grabbed him and pushed him down on the desk facedown while my PDW is on the back of his head.
‘Where is the Alicia?’
‘Who? I don’t know her.’ I shot off his right ear lobe.
‘Arghh..... The Governor took her to his place. I swear that’s all I know.’ I shot him in the back of his head.

The SWAT Team got out in time before the blast went off, but they suffered some slight injuries. The whole building collapsed on the aftermath of the blast, and buried all evidence of the going-on here.
Captain D’Cruz walked away from the carnage and muttered to himself.

The bomb in the scooter carriage bag blew up as per the timer setting. I took the opportunity to fire the AK74 taken from the dead guard at the guys at the stairways. Marcel was on the opposite of me on the other side of the door way, and he is also firing at the stairway.
When the blast came, Marcel took out a grenade and tossed them inside the stairways.
We rushed to the stairways and looked in past the door. The blast killed the three armed guards but we were on our way down to the lower level. We did not stop until we reached the Basement One. I peeked out and saw it was without guard.
We ran out and looked at our options. There was only a minicooper and two SUV. We decided then on our choice.
I went to the SUV and smashed the driver’s windows. I jumpstart the engine and drove it out. Marcel had taken the Minicooper and followed me. We drove down the ramp to the next level and then raced to the last level ramp. There was two guards there holding their AK74’s but they were not expecting trouble. And we are trouble.
I shot them from the side of the SUV with my AK74. I stopped at the ramp going down to the last level. I could tell what is cooking there and it ain;t mum’s cooking. I jammed the AK 74 onto the accelerator against the steering wheel, and then Marcel took out his last grenade and dropped into the seat while I psuehd the gear to ‘D’.
We both ran back to the Minicooper and drove out very recklessly. I could hear the crash and then the explosion followed by more explosions. We jumped up on the last hump at the Basement One and landed on the outside yard of the building. There they were; ten armed men looking at us on our right with their guns drawn. As Marcel was driving, I reached for my AK74 from my shoulder and fired at them.
Marcel hit the barricade and we are through onto the street.

Across large ocean, a naval amphibious ship just received an order from its High Command. Its to sailed immediately in full speed to head towards the island of Genoe. Its estimated time of arrival will be ten hours, allowing for sea conditions.
Inside the ship is ten man commando team with experitse in demoltition and high sea rescue. But this time their mission involves a land objective and their mode of travel is by helicopter/sea launch.
The commando team are told not to carry any personal items and their gear for the coming mission are plain black overalls with no markings of any countries. They are ‘unknown subjects’ for this mission. They are given kelvar vest and bandolier of ammo clips and grenades. Their weapons will be standard Glock 17 and MP5A3 with suppressor. They are also given night thermal googles.
Major Gregor is the commander of the team. He has been with Black Ops for over ten years and a string of sucessful missions. He was just advised that an initial incursion squad has gone ahead and will be there in six hours to take care of the secondary target. Major Gregor asked if the first team has any intelligence reports or done recon on the target. The reply was no.
‘I hope they will be alright.’muttered the Major.
Pablo was sitting in the Maintenance Office of the National Power Grid, enjoying his movie on the laptop he is holding, when the portable phone of his rang. It signal an incoming SMS. Pablo picked it up and read the message. He put down the phone and switched off his movie. He is now checking his mail box and the message in full was there. He knows what is needed to do and when.
Its not the first time the city gets a power overload on its grid.
Across the city, in a small workshop for heavy trucks and buses, Alfred is also checking his email. He shits off the PC and walks to his outside yard. He walks to the forty seater Cruise Bus that he drives on weekends. He unsnap the lock on the fuel cap and proceeded to fill the bus to the maximum in petrol. She is needed for a long run.
At the Coast Guard office, Chief Petty Officer is changing the patrol instructions for the  Coastal boats tomorrow evening.
All three of them will justify their extra funds in the private accounts of theirs by the same time tomorrow.

I am standing in the open carpark near the beach still wondering if we done the right thing, hitting Pedri ‘The Padre’. We are no closer to Alicia and now Melanie is missing. We had ditched the minicooper in some carpark and took a taxi here.
‘I think our best option is to kill the Governor or stop his assaination.’ I looked at Marius for any better ideas but he is as tired as I am. But we are short of guns to killed the Governor. We don’t even have the proper sniper’s tool to do it or bombs to blast him.
We need allies and we don’t have any now. 
For once I am lost.
Kingfisher has lost his influence.
‘I know who can help us.’ Marius words sounded like we been given a new hope.

I stood in the shadow and watched the entrance to the park. I saw her drive in in her assigned car; a japanese make but reliable model. She stopped the car near the public restrooms, and got out to go in. It was the cue for me to come out and approached the car. I went for the boot and opened it as it was already unlocked. I took out the long duffle bag and close the boot cover. Then I carried the duffel bag to the shadows when she came out from the restroom. She got in the car and drove off as if nothing has happened.
‘Thank you, Rebecca.’

‘Major Ivanov, I got info that our previous employer may stage a pre-emptive strike on us. Please strengthen the security details.’ The Doctor is enjoying his martini as he watches the late news on the bombing at the new warehouse. According to the news report, there are no official reports out yet, but they did find some bodies inside.
The Doctor looked at the cannister in his hand, which will make him rich. And then he can do the needed for the ones who died in the lab those years ago. He wants to reclaim his humantiy again by redeeming his sins. He has hidden the five cannisters in different part of the city to avoid it falling into the wrong hands.
‘Doctor One, perhaps you want me to called off the meeting tomorrow night?’ The major whispered into my ears.
The Doctor shook his head and smiled.
‘Is our house under watch?’ The Doctor took another sip of his martini.
‘Yes, the house you were staying is still ours. I have two men there as guards. Are you in need of anything from there?’
‘Good, tell them to prepare for a morning assault. I know how the old boys think. They reckon the product is there and may do a early bid for it. We shall not dissapoint them.’ The Major left to work on his latest instructions.

I think I got the pin loosen now and we can pulled it out with some effort. Mama Olein did not search me for the penknife I put in my shoes. I been scraping the side of the pin in the ground to loosen the soil around it, and it worked.

Three players are troubled at the final game as they had made no progressed todate. The score board is still blank as they tried to find the goal. One of them has seen the goal but she is sent off for obstruction.
The other two players are now getting tired and so they decided to play a different strategy to the second half of the final game. Its going to be a dirty tactics now.

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