Monday, January 9, 2012

New Pangaea 81-89

Part 2
Next move ....
Week 15
Day 1
The week started off with the tremors but it was mild. It broke some cups and saucers but we lived through it. I arranged for the colonist’ to move out to their repective plots of land, but they are still reluctant to do so until they survey the land. I told them each family is allocated five acres of land with allocation for roads. Each family will be given three months supplies including medic aids and weapons. They are to do their own farming or raised their own animals to trade with us or their neighbours. In a conflict or attacked by predators, they are to defend it together.
They asked what can they raised. I told them anything that does not bite or eat meat.
I arranged the New Furies to escort their reps out for the land survey. I also send out Bubble to seek new plot of lands for the coming colonists.
Steven Bone came back to me with his list of village guards; they numbered fifteen only, and on average at about twenty five years of age. They are all thinking they are getting in for the weapons training and food, but I am going to see them get trained like real soldiers. I walked up to one obese looking byoung volunteer, and I stood before him. He immediately shouted his name and called me Sir. I glared and him and said; ‘I did not asked and you did not asked me if I wanted to know. So why did you shout into my ears?’ He went pale and his eyes has tears in them. I saw that and then I said; ‘But you did good. You think before you speak. You knew I was going to asked so you told me. I like it.’
That put some colors into his face. I walked back to Steven Bone and smiled at him. ‘Good job, son. I will get Major Feeley to draw up a training schedule.’ He saluted me and I replied. I must remind Major Feeley to add in their training on how to salute and make sure they know it involves more than just running in circles. I will expect dropouts, but I don’t have amny replacements.
I was also getting tired of administration, so I decided to take a ride to the Holding. I wanted to speak to the Warden on getting his people to build the new housing. He agreed to it and suggested a plot of land in front of Holdings, and they can farm there. He wanted to select the ones the thinks will do well there, but i told him; all or no one. I want them to work together if they are going to survive here. He said he will think about it and advise me back.
I also consulted Pedro on newer site for the next village. He suggested further down south away from the current cluster. I asked him why not north to near the river. He told me its unexplored land and we don’t know what is out there. More to it, he likes to go south as he felt we are at the frontier now.

The first trouble started for me from the moving colonists. They were squabling who gets first ride and where. So I stepped in. I took the rough sketch of the land and pointed to a spot on the map. I told thats where they are going and no one is allowed to argue. Its to south of Outpost Five by abiout five miles. They looked at me and I told New Furies to take the ATV2’ ‘drive them there’.
Then came the priest of the faith believers; they want to build a place of worship in the new land. And they request for a plot of land, and materials. To me as a non-believer, faith is a belief of confidence or full trust of that person into a teaching or practise which could be handed down by generations. Most of these teachings or practices cannot be proven as they happened a long time ago, and despite our new advancement in technology and thoughts, many of us still holds on them as an anchor into the going on of our life. In some, they named it as in religion, faith is a belief in a great teacher whose teachings are transcripted down by disciples, or a metaphor of a supreme beings coming into their lifes. Generally believed that with it, all will end well or all will be forgiven. Its another meaning to the word ‘hope’ or ‘self trust’. It has a calming effect on the believers but many a times, it develops conflicts on other beliefs of trust, despite their own teaching of tolerance and love. Some said faith defiles reasons in the mind, as not all the questions regarding faith is ever answered with reasonable evidence or rationale. In the year 2311 as we are now, many of the logical reasoning proceed assumptions, be it positive or negative. But in issue of faith, its has not changed and the positive assumption prevail irregardless of new findings and reasoning. Most of the people of the world needs a port of sanctuary to reflect on their positive vibes. And Faith is one. More so when we destroy the first port of physical living for mankind.
I addressed them members as they flocked around me.
‘Members of the congregation; I cannot agreed or disagreed to any of your requests as I am not a believer in your faith. But if you choose to do your place or sanctuary here, you may but please do not cross the line on the faith of others. They will demand the same and they will defines theirs. Your faith is yours just as mine remain mine. But outside of our faith beliefs, we must also learn to co-exists as one colony. And that means more tolerance and mutual understanding. So the land is out there and the material is what you can find, do your sanctuary but do it within these reasoning.’
They looked at me and then chatter among themselves. I was not in the mood to discuss further so I excused myself. ‘If you would excuse me, I got to answer to some calls from Earth Council.’
That last bit was correct, but it was a call from the ship carrying the new colonists. And more faith believers I think.

‘EDS Titan, this is Commander Scott Bent. Please advise your status.’
‘Commander, this is Captain Newley, of EDS Titan. We are early on schedule and will be reaching you in 72hrs. We have some load for you, plus goodies. Any chunks of meat we can carry back? Our holds are going to be empty.’ That conversation spring up my thoughts of the enterprise I had in mind. Those slabs of red meats I can see now loading onto the hold, with my name stamped on the side, SCOTT”S MEAT. But dammned military rules says no trading as long as I am in this uniform.
‘Captain, we will see what we round up for your crew. But we will keep in mind for future trips. BASE out.’ I felt like a chunk of myself was letdown.
‘Commander, Code One from Earth Council.’
Darned it; the last time they did this, I had colonist coming. The message is simple. They want a new base to study the marine life in New Pangaea. They said they got this report from Earth Research Council, and its strongly recommended we proceed. Those equipments and materials are on EDS Titan. That accounts for the empty hold for the return trip in the EDS as mentioned by the Captain earlier.
‘Pedro, I need to see you.’ Now I need to do some more land survey. The land on the river banks as we know is swampy in the west but the eastern side is dry and of higher slopes.
I sent Pedro off to check for the good location at the west. I got the W-Bots to repair the wall around the farm and also add in more defenses’.
I thought it was over for the day until Susan called me, to say Micheal Bent had a cardiac issue an hour again.

‘His cardiac readings are within the limits but his liver is bad; its caused by cardiac dysfunction, i.e. right heart failure. It also called as Congestive hepatopathy. But its has not developed into cardiac cirrhosis, so we can treat it but our medical facilities are limited and we are stretched out in patients. Maybe when the EDS Titan arrived, we can put him on board for treatment.’ I thanked Doctor Bashir for his diagnosis and took my walk to see the man who is my father.
He laid there on the bed in the Infirmary with tubes and wires attached from his body to the Life Support Machine. He looked so old laying there, and for once I really wanted to know him. But like before in the old days, we did not speak then but sat by each other lost in each other’s thoughts. Its the same now, as I could not find the words to tell or whispered to him. I still blamed him for that in a thousand reasons but he will defend everyone like the way he did with my mother.
In the end, I felt silence was the best way of comminicating my concerns and love. So did he, as he looked away aimlessly into the ceiling.

Day 2
‘Commander’, the comm buzzed me up from my sleep on the chair next to my dad’s bed. I replied to it. Some of the priests has taken my words literally and dissapeared last night; all six of them into the dark jungle. If they going to preach or convert any of those creatures, they are sadly mistaken for it.
Or I am glad they did leave. That’s one less group to deal with.
‘Get the ladies to search them out. They can’t go out far in their conditions. I will joined from the village here.’ We scout the area and found no tracks or clues as to where they went. Whoever they are, they are good as we cannot find traces of them, or they been torn to pieces by now.  And they did not go unarmed as I feared. They did take arms and supplies.
So maybe our ‘priests’ ain’t exactly who they are.
I got Joseph on the job as investigator. I also told him belt up his PH350 or they will shoot him if he is unarmed. He took my advise and wore his PH350 and also protective vests.
As I said, the faith still prevails in 2311 with over dozens of them, with some new ones which are too radical for the general population. Just as in history, the religous fanatic groups do exists too in year 2311 although they keep to the background with their beliefs and numbers. Their numbers are few and rare as there has been some clashes with them over the years with the the militants. Some of them disbanded while some are more or less wipe out.
The ones I know are mostly racist or paranoid on orders and civilisation. The former is easier to understand but the second is more complicated. They felt that society has evolved to become caged creatures and their cause is to free the caged survivour. They called it redemption.
The ones I think who has gone roque here could be spies or terror groups and not faith teachers.

Preliminary Update from Investigator Joseph Bat.
Day 2 Week 15
I purviewed the records.
The six are as follows:

1)     Haaken Fiord, professional handyman, ex-marine
2)     Haakon Fiord, IT Analyst
3)     Taban Misbah – Mechanical Enginner, ex-marine
4)     Fafnir Misbah – professional handyman
5)     Seville Misbah – Chemical Engineer
6)     Mythos Meli – Ex-marine
They are a set of two families including a cousin by marriage. They are also from a faction of the sect faith that claims that there is a new Earth out there. Haaken Fiord, is named by his father as the ‘chosen One’ so he claims. He is the leader of this faction sect  and they are militants as recorded in previous records. The group has been banned by Earth Council but they still thrive in the outside cities and settlements due to popular beliefs. They also supported by the Federaion in their revolt against us the Empire.
Missing arms and supplies
1)     PH350 – 10 sets
2)     PH762 – 5 sets
3)     PH900 – 1 set
4)     Incendiary/ Flash grenades – 10 sets
5)     Flare Guns- 2 sets
6)     Inter-planetary Comms Unit.
7)     Rations and Medic Aid.- enough to feed for one month.
The Comms set is to contact planetary ships or nearby moons.

They had this planned in when we colonised the land. They are suspected as scouts and now they know our strength. But they don’t know New Pangaea wonders yet. Or me for instance.
Pedro called in and said he found tracks of six men in the jungle. They seem to be heading north east. He asked if he is to pursue. I told him to do but be careful. Those men are dangerous. Pedro then send me coordinates for the new base at the river banks near the swamps. I send that to Comms to pass on to EDS Titan.
I am short of people and until I am reinforced, I will not attempt any reckless mission which I might lose more personnels. Talking about losing personnels, Doctor Bashir called me to advise me of a possible epidemic.

‘This is really the first possible epidemic here in New Pangaea involving us human beings. I had the Crawley families coming in three days ago and now the Fowler’s. They are infected by Naegleria fowleri or a form of  pathogen that causes primary amoebic meningoencephalitis or brain eating disease. But we managed to detect it fast and they will be fine in a week. I am proposing a vaccination on it for all personnels, especially if we are going start a new base at the river, or swamps. These pathogebn thrives in warm water.’
Darned place is swimming with virus and what they called it pathogen’s. I have Luker and now the families of Crawley and Fowler in there. What can’t we have thing like meteor which wipe out the bad creatures. Kinda made me think of planet Earth.
A beautiful planet of habitable environment which we dwell for over millions of years, and we destroyed it all in three hundred years of war and poisioning of its ground, expecially the last thrity years when we literally wiped out living environment on it. It was still breathing even though we have made enough pock marks on it for the last three hundred years, and that day thirty years ago, two cluster of nation decided to wage war on the grounds of humanity. In humanity’s name, we launched nukes that destroyed half the planet. Where credits could had been spent on space exploration, we seek to dump it into self destructing weapons. It was not after a barrage of these nukes that we called for peace and it was already late. We killed half the population and poisoned the planet to its crust. It rebelled back and we huddle ourselves into the remaining part of the world which is deemed safe.
We explored back to space for salvation, but we still point the hatred at the other. The world is split into the two nations; the bigger benevolent Empire and the smaller devious Federation, as propaganda then. But who is benevolent and devious does not matter, as the foundation of the planet was crumbling. In ten years, the green went to gray dust and the oceans starts to dry. We went from humans to animals in the pen. But we never stopped fighting behind all these deteriorating conditions. We fought on cold fronts; on hidden agenda and above all, on superiority in advancement.
True we found ways to build sophiscated machines, and ships that can carry us out into deeper space; not fast but able to get there in due to time. We had those in our knowledge and serving us, but there were for minerals extraction on unmanned planets. Of the nine planets, only Pluto and Jupiter was untouched; the rest we set down machines to mine them.
But the new call was out; find hospitable planets. Planet Earth may not be able to sustain life for long. We shuttled the people to the nearby planets and moon’s, but they are not truly hospitable. We need to find earth’s equivalent. Explorations started and we seek them out in the galaxies. We enhanced our space travel to more advanced technologies, and todate we have identified ten more which we can lived in, and a score more to start soon with. But they are not perfect until we discovered New Pangaea.
We are first colonist on a planet similar to Earth, but its creatures are predated million of years.
But I have to tell many who come here; its  replica of Earth but it will never be Earth. So far only a handful  understand my thoughts, but the rest think otherwise.
Plus I have more coming here.
And a Federation ship if the six can tell them where to land.

Day 3
‘Commander, the EDS Titan is in orbit. They will launch the new base to the new coordinates.’
Its majestic to seek the heavy shuttles carry the bulks down to formed the base. The launch are shell like shuttle with the loads in their middle section hold. They will land these large containers and the W-Bots will extract the parts to assembled into units and subsequently with the help of the shuttles they will carry these units to assembled onto the structure. Its like a game of building blocks but this is the real stuff. The connected units will be joint by the seams on the electronic panels locks, and the doorways will open access. It like watching the wasps hovering over the flower bed on the old vidclips as they move down to suckle the nectar of flowers and then fly off. And then another come and take its turn. Within a day, the new base was ready. The new base is designed for marine environment deployment; in fact it was to go to a wet planet, but they cancelled that when theny discovered the planet is unstable for colonisation. Hence all the equipment was moved here.
Unlike the size of BASE, the new base is a similar circular base with its high wall of forty feet and three hundred feet across in diameter representing the central structure of two levels with the four spokes corridor on the sides to the outer ring of corridors that cover the base. Its like designed like wheel with a large inner base, The upper level of the base are the command centre and the armory next to communications room whereas the middle level is the living quarters with a small workshop. Instead of ATV and LTV, there will eight MSV below in the waters. There is a ramp which allows the personnels to go down to a floating platform on the water surface where the MSV are parked. The floating platform is extended a long raised walkway acorss the wet swamps to the dry banks which is where the new Outpost Six is established.
The four spokes corridors are twelve foot across and thirty foot in length are circular in design attached to the middle level of the circular structure, in which half of its space are the additional living quarters and storage cubicles. The outer corridor which is similar in design to the spokes corridors housed the laboratories and other testing cubicles besides additional storage rooms. All the two levels are connected by sprial stairways or the metal chute for faster access, at the both sides of the levels. There are also escape hatches and these are to be used only in emergencies.
Under the main structure are the twelve metallic tripods which holds the  base up from the ground at the height of twenty foot high, whereas the there are similar supporting the corridors making a total of thirty six of them. The extra tripods are due to the soft foundation of the wet grounds. The new base sits partially on the swamp and river, which gives it excess to an area teeming with marine lifes.
There is no  canopy defence energy wall like BASE as the wall defense will not work on the water logged area. Instead each tripod in the water emits an electrical field which helps to distract any reptiles near it.
The whole base can accomodate forty personnels but for now only twenty five are here as combatants or exploration’s experts. 
On the outer rings are the automated defense twin cannons which fires energy taser that can stun or killed a large carnivore creature off its foot. They are about ten of these self automated defense cannons on the ring, and three sets installed on the top of the circular structure for aerial intrusion.
The MSV is a military submersible vehicle of an oblong shape with two fins on its side and a twin propulsion jets on the rear. It has a top speed of twenty five miles an hour on surface and eight miles in submerged condition or five knots per hour. On surface or submerged, the driver can view through the glass viewer screen but when its submerged, theycan also rely on a three dimension image viewer. There are built in side windows for the passengers. Its diving depth is up to a hundred feet.
The vehicle has four hatches, one on the driver side, two on the roof and last on the rear. Its armed with an automated 360 degree revolving single cannon on the top of the vehicle, which fires metal projectile on surface or submerged condition. The velocity of the projectile is less in water causing it to have an effective range of three thousand feet instead of the twenty thousand feet in the air. It also has a single electrical pod mounted on the fore front of the vehicle just above the driver section, which releases a high voltage streak of twenty five, enough to stun a mid size marine reptile. It also has two hydraulic metallic crab claw on the front which can extend up to ten feet to picked items in the water. It has a load capacity of half a ton. Or it can be attached a drill instead of claws to remove debris under water.
The vehicle can seat seven including the driver.
We named the base; SWAMP. Its manned by Lieutenant Carlos Manuela, along with Sargeant Ali Hamid. The base needs six personnels to man at all time.
Outpost Six is setup about two hundred feet from the marine base SWAMP on dry land. Outpost Six is similar in design to Outpost Five. It has two military structure complete with the automated revolving twin cannons, and three scientific structure. Its the dry land connection to the marine base SWAMP.  Outpost Six is under the command of Sargeant Mick O’Brien,with six specialists.
They are part of the twenty five military personnel which arrived with EDS Titan.
The balance of the military personnels are assigned to the new Colony settlement named Village Two, situated a distance behind of Outpost Six by about five miles.
The newly arrived one hundred and twenty families had to built new housing units. EDS Titan brought us a new ‘Heavy Metal’ and this speed up works, plus ten W-Bots and ten M-Bots. They also brought in extra supplies for armaments and food, plus medical equipment and aids. Micheal Bent was one of the first patients move to the EDS Titan for care.
Due to the new threat of the Federation, the Earth Council left us with more goodies stuff. But they also made it up with two ATV2 and extra automated revolving twin cannons, plus three LTV. And five more bikes, so I can start off my calvary riders. I kept them all in Outpost Six.
I had a Code One to Earth Council, and mentioned that we are going to have to build more outposts in view of the colonists intention to do their own farm. They promised to send but no firm assurance. But its worked for me, as they left me three Bubbles in my yard. Now I got Air Wing too.
I wondered if I complaint anymore I might get more goodies but EDS Titan is leaving soon after their forty eight hours stop. I gave them my best regards and a load of red meat with the consigment note from SCOTT’S MEAT.
And they hand me back Micheal Bent, all cured form his ailment. He was all smiles when he walked out of the Shuttle.

Day 6
‘Commander, Pedro here. The six has camped and seems to be settling down. Permission to exercise extreme prejudice.’ I gave him the go ahead.

Target for Operation Six.
1)     Haaken Fiord, professional handyman, ex-marine
2)     Haakon Fiord, IT Analyst
3)     Taban Misbah – Mechanical Enginner, ex-marine
4)     Fafnir Misbah – professional handyman
5)     Seville Misbah – Chemical Engineer
6)     Mythos Meli – Ex-marine

Special Report from Specialist Pedro
Day 6 Week 15
I had the plan laid out for Operation Six. The biggest threat are the ex-marines which has been trained in fighting tactics. But not the the other three. I targetted the weakest in the link; Sevile Misbah, as he is also carrying the Comms Unit.
The group of six has staked out a camp site near the jungle north west of the BASE. They have constructed a wooden outpost of their own with portuding sharp stakes facing out as perimeter. They erected basic shelters using the available materials; wood and leaves. They have build one large canopied shelter and another smaller one on the side. The smaller one act as a storage and cooking facilities. They also have two fire place at the camp and they probably using that to scare the creatures. They have posted in a guard at the tree top with a PH900; which is Taban Misbah. Probably he is the best shot they had.
At this moment under the main shelter are Haaken Fiord, Fafnir Misbah and Mythos Meli. Haakon Fiord is tending to the fire and cooking something over it. Selville Misbah is fiddling with the comms set near the small shelter.
I raised the PH900 to my shoulder and took aim. At the range of five hundred feet, this is a dead shot on  my target, but I do not want to kill him. I took the shot at Taban hitting him on the right knee cap and causing him to fall off the tree. I reloaded and took my second shot at Selville in the chest which the projectile penetrated his left upper rib cage from the rear and exploded into the Comms Unit, rendering it useless.
By then I had disappear back into the jungle.
I crawled some distance away and took up my next firing position. The remaining five are now roused up from their slumber and they are lying prone or hiding behind the available shelter. Taban is lying on his back against the tree trunk and trying to nursed his right knee. Mythos grabbed a medic aid and threw it to him. I was surprised that they did not fire at me or where I was.
Haaken signaled Mythos to go into the jungle to track me, while he and Fafnir laid cover fire by firing at random spots. I seen that coming so I had myself at base of a large tree trunk. The shots came and I hid behind my cover. Their shots did reached my location but it was a blind shot. I slipped away leaving the PH900 at the trunk base. I am going to track Mythos now.
I saw him coming through the thich undergrowth with caution and looking for signs or any tracks of mine. He stooped down to see the broken twig on the young connfier tree which I laid out for him. He was fast to react when I stepped out of the bush from behind him, but not fast enough for me to land my K2 into his heart while my left hand pushed his PH762 barrel off to the side. He died firing off a short burst but it was on some bushes instead of me. I lowered his body and slipped off into the jungle.
I heard shouts form Haaken and Fafnir but I was back at my tree trunk retrieving the PH900. Time to reduce the odds. I eased myself onto the ground resting the rifle stock on the uprooted lower trunk of the tree. I sighted my next target; Haakon who was earlier nursing the fire now hiding at the small shelter. He lobbed in a grenade to the right of me, and was getting ready to lobbed the next one in my cover position. He pulled the pin while I pulled my trigger on the rifle. The projectile spit out of the long barrel and hit him in the head within split seconds, and his life clinging hand dropped the live grenade on the pile of bags. The explosion took off the shelters leaving a blackened spot in the camp. Fragments of the explosion hit Taban who was sitting by the tree trunk, and he never got to finish bandaging his knee.
That leaves now Haaken and Fafnir.
Fafnir was the first to break ranks and stood up with his PH762 spraying the surrounding jungle, until his clip finished their load. He then took out his PH350 and started shooting until the clip is finished. It was Haaken who ended his shooting spree with a back shot on the man. Fafnir fell on his face not knowing who actually shot him.
‘Come out now. I surrender.’ Haaken threw off his PH762 and stood up. He also reached for his PH350 and threw that aside. I walked out of my cover and approached him with the PH900 held loosely at my side. He saw me coming and he smiled. I smiled back at the man I was commissioned to remove with extreme prejudice.
Pedro Mano. I heard of your name and reputation. Seems like you are a man of many skills and among them is hand to hand combat. Perhaps you want to settle this in that way.’ Haaken reached for the back of his waist and extracted out the K2.  He has grip it in the reverse grip as some fighters do; with this grip, the knife is held upside down with the blade pointing downward and backward alongside the wrist. This grip "hides" the knife, but it hads limitations in certain reach. Since thrusts are primarily backward, your must be close to your opponent.
I unslung the PH900 and pulled out my K2 from my left hip holster. Instead of the reverse grip, I grip mine in the hammer hold. With his grip, the knife handle is gripped in a fist such as you would hold a hammer. Blade is pointed upward. With this grip, the wrist is kept flexible.and less likely to be knocked from your grasp. With it you can use the hand to punch or deliver butt-end knife strikes. Due to the force of the grip, the thrust power provides for deep penetration and power so the blade may even cut through heavy clothing. The differetn styles of chopping, slashing, and thrusting techniques can be deployed.
I just happened to be in one too many knife fights in days. And I got the scars to show for it.
We circled each other with feinged moves and thrusts, and when it was right, he striked at me with a in swing of his blade for my lower chest, but I stepped back. I did a swing of my own at him and he did step in to do a upward thrust with the reversed edge of the blade. I saw that coming, as I block his move with my left arm using the inner block technique and slashed my blade on his right forearm. He drew back in pain and I followed up with a sid kick on his left shoulder. The kick shoved him back and he was getting agitated. In a fight like this, emotions should be kept to the minima or it will show rash acts. Haaken in rage, came at me with his blade swinging in the front. I stepped off to the side and land a left elbow on his right back shoulder. He fell on the ground upon my blow. I stepped some distance off so he can regain his composure.
He knew then he was in losing fight against an experienced opponent. He was eyeing his options including his PH350 but they are to the right of me. He was debating to go for it or fight me in a fair round. But his decision was made by a raptor which came in from the jungle; jumping onto his back with its claws and the jaws on the back of the head. Haaken reacted by slashing at his back predator while I ran for the PH900. If there is one raptor there bound to be more. The fire in the camp has dwindled down to the ambers and they are mroe than one raptor here. The other one came in charging for Haaken’s front and clawed into his thighs and lower chest. Haaken reached with a upward thrust and slashed the new predator. By then I had reached the PH900; grabbed it to my hips and fired off one projectile into the predator being slashed by Haaken. The projectile ripped off the head of the creature and Haaken fell on his front. The back creature meanwhile was still holding onto Haaken;s neck. I reloaded in the next projectile and fired it at the creature. The projectile caught it in the side of the thick skin and penetrated to explode inside. It was dead lying on top of Haaken. The other raptors on the edge of the camp took caution to the new development and decided to retreat. I went over to Haaken and kicked the carcass off him. Its dead and so is Haaken, with a severed back vertebrate. I leaned down to pick up the K2 and tucked it to the dead man’s waist.
I took the dead men’s transceiver and burned their corpse. I collected some of the weapons including the PH900 and brought them back.
Operation Six is completed.

What Pedro did not know was that Haaken did send out the signals to his friends on a incoming vessel, but we managed to intercept portions of it and terminated the process. The Comms unit the six traitors took still had to send via our Comms networkm and hence us stopping part of the transmission.
The signals that went through could be enough for them to come here but not enough to tell them what to expect or know about New Pangaea. They are always welcome to enjoy the scenes and the dinosaurs.

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Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

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