Week 13
Day 1
Current roster list as follows:
Outpost One / Tip’s Nest; Corporal Micheal and three specialist including recruits. Travel time half an hour.
Outpost Two / East Ends; Corporal Saidin and three specialists including recruits. Travel time ten minutes
Outpost Three / Wide Plains; Corporal Duffy and five specialist including recruits. Travel time thirty minutes.
Outpost Four / Cavern; Sargeant Keefe and nine specialist including recruits, with four at the ramp. Travel time ten minutes to the vertical cave.
Outpost Five / Southern Belles; Sargeant Kabe and six specialist including recruits. Travel time is forty five minutes.
Village: Coporal Simone and four recruits. Travel time is one hour.
Patrol; Corporal Pedro and three specialists; New Furies.
BASE; Major Feeley and seven specialist and recruits.
Seventeen guards over eighty nine inmates.
I am losing my margin of safety. Todate, I have lost ten personnels including guards here. I am ignoring the inmates; they don’t count. I had Pedro on the bike tracking the banished inmates making sure they reached their end of the bargain.
I am back at the housing unit with my dad as Susan is still in the Medic Unit. Micheal Bent sat himself in front of me. He smelled of yesterdays’ grime so I asked him. He said the communal bath house is under maintenance due to a clogged pipe. They just cleared it and the people are queuing for their baths. He wil take his later. He then asked me about the farm.
‘Dunno, Dad.’ I guess the word slipped out as I was not sure what to call him at times.
‘Been a long time since you called me Dad. Is it that painful? I did not kill your mum. She died of the disease.’ I looked at the man who I know is responsible for my mother’s death. He work her to dead and he claims no responsibility. He is a hypocrite here.
I ignored him and grabbed my gear and walked out. I met Corporal Simone who asked to speak to me.
‘They want to farm and they are asking. Can you talk to them?’ I looked over her shoulder to the back where a score of these people are standing there looking at me. The threat of the inmates are over and they want to go back to their land. But I am concerned on the safety of them there. I lost ten good people here on this land and I would not want to add more. But they know the risk and they are entitled to the land.
‘Okay, issue them the arms, PDW and PH350 to the ladies. Tell them to select their own perimeter guards and come back before sundown. I will have the patrol run the perimeter for extra measure. You deploy two recruits on the field with them farmers. Medic aids on standby and comms too.’
Corporal Simone was off running to the people of the village. As I rode my bike off, I can hear the cheers and shouts of these happy people. My next stop is the Holding.
‘You done good work on the roads. I thank you, but there is more to be done. I am asking you to work to help yourself. Work with me and I will give you a piece of the land to work on soon as colonist. That is my promise.’ It worked and they agreed, as they know escape is useless and they need to feel the freedom. I told them start on the farm next to their camp. ‘Grow your own and we will trade the extra.’
At BASE, I spoke to the Cheng’s; I want the W-Bots to built a wall around the farm. Its their responsibility.
Then I went to my old bunk and had a good sleep.
‘Commander to Command Centre’. I heard the buzz for me that woke me up. I looked at the electronic clock next to my bunk. Its past noon, and they sure did not wake me up for mealtimes. I met Major Feeley at Command. She gave me a status update and some grim news.
Recruit Reeds and Tomlins are down with an infection that the doctors are not sure of. They just lapse into coma during morning duty and has been on life support. Medicine treated are not doing much good. We have no records of this infection in the database. She said Doctor Bashir is working with the research team. We also just had two more patients from the colonist; a Norman Reed and Martin Lude. Both are showing similar signs.
We may have a epidemic on the run.
‘Run me through the Scientific Team. Who are the ones which we can formed a medical research team? Until I find out what is wrong, do not panic the colonist or the others.’ If crisis mades a man, this is one man who dislikes crisis.
As I alwasys said, things can never get worse than this. Sometimes it doesn’t.
‘Commander, this is Doctor Tanaki.’ The man has many good characters but timing is not of his best. I declined his call but he message me regardless.
‘The small holes I mentioned in the pool area, which was cleared after the last flood are not man made as speculated earlier. They are unique minute lava tubes that formed years ago. Or they could be surface tubes. This means they slowly develop walls around them as the surrounding lava cools and/or as the channel melts its way deeper. These channels can get deep enough to crust over, forming an insulating tube that keeps the lava molten and serves as a conduit for the flowing lava. In other words, we could be on part of a old volcano which could be partially removed by earth movements. I am checking further. Doctor Tanaki.’ Fragging theory worries me more; we could be on a volcano side that collapsed down on one side which is how the plateau formed. And that means this planet is unstable in its core.
‘Get me the geologist. And keep Doctor Tanaki off my comms channel for the next twenty four hours.’ I had enough of bad news or would be bad news.
Across the plateau in the Big Boy, standing by the pool is Doctor Tanaki smiling to himself. He hopes the Commander will get of his back as he explore more of the pool bottom. Or in this case open bottom. He has cracked the bottom to reveal an extension of his vertical cave. Its another drop of height to somewhere.
‘Doctor Bell, do you fancy caving the unknown?’.
Day 2
We think we got the cause of the disease. According to Doctor Bashir, the database came up something close to it. Or Doctor Schmidt Bormann conclude with him. The disease is a sleeping condition caused by flies or more specific Tsetse flies, which carries the pathogen Trypanosomatids which causes these conditions.
As in our current time 2311, there are no more flies in existance, we did not considered such archaic insect could had caused it. It was Doctor Bormann who managed to detect the eggs found in the feaces samples of the patients that we narrowed down the cause. The panel believes they could had been infected some days beack but the acceleration of the disease here compared to the database showed disturbing findings. But the patients are responding to our new administration of drugs but they will be having a rather longer sleep period for the next three days.
I was relief then, and I swat my first fly on this place. It was hovering over my coffee. Bloody irritating insect.
‘Commander, we have a situation in Big Boy. Doctor Tanaki and Bell are missing. We believe they went caving without permission.’
Of all the fragging time, the doctor has get into my nerves with his adventurous romps.
‘I will be there. And brief Doctor Bashir.’
Report from Doctor Tanaki
Day 2 Week 13
I descended with Doctor Bell down the tunnel we named Tanaki Bell Descent. Our opening mouth is only six feet across and its narrow at some point to four feet across. Our laser measure told us the depth is a hundred feet. The cave reader gave us an impression of a descending tunnel with a diameter of five feet at twenty degree downwards to some larger tunnel. Its a cavers dream holiday.We abseil down for about twenty feet, with the walls closing in on us and finally we reached the larger tunnel access after seventy five feet. Its pitch dark here and we decided to set a flouresent marker here. Bell dropped a magnesium flare down to lit up the interior; honestly we were expecting to see enormous reptiles like their peers up there, but we find the usual small marine dwellers. I cleared the marker of half way and find myself abselling in the cold draught that climbs up from beneath. It was very climatic and I stopped to take a glass container to capture the air permeating out. It could produce some new findings. We are on breathing appratus so we are safe from any unknown viruses.
Bell called me up and I signalled my condition back to him. He told me my camera is off the shoulder and pointing upwards. I adjusted my camera so he can see what I just seen. Flat worms of a sizeable proportions not seen in the database. There is a salamander crawling back down to the dark recess in the depths avoiding the glare of the flare. There is the unmistakeable slittery reptile of species unknown now. I pressed the remote to descend futher.
I am now at the bottom of the tunnel and its slippery edges makes standing an issue with a twenty degree down gradient. I took out some carabiners and stuck it to the wall to create some holds. I also attached a marker here for navigation purpose. Now this is the big challenge; the tunnel exploration. But I needed some nutrition now. I signaled Bell to come down while I satisfy my craving for food. Bell soon joined me. He wants to go the next section. I reluctanly agreed.
Report from Doctor Bell
Day 2 Week 13
I hooked on the next roll of rope onto the carabiner and made my down very slow. I threw in another magnesium flare down there. I can hear it tumbling down and hitting the bottom. There was sounds of rustling in the tunnels as we just disturb their dark environment. Unlike Tanaki, I have another lamp at my wasit shinning down so I can see the bottom as I descend.
I reached the hundred and ten feet distance before I came onto a cavern. Its about the size of the ATV but there are tunnels on the side of the cavern. I counted five of them but they are small for a man to crawl in. I signaled Tanaki and explored the cavern by myself. He came down to joined me and was excited at his new finding.
We agreed to use the ‘crawler’ for the next part of the journey. Its an expensive tool used for cave exploration in small or narrow access. The crawler is a spidery like designed robot which can be operated remotely. Its used in most caving today as people do find caving an adventure anymore.
Tanaki then descend down the equipment bag which contains our survelliance units. We set them up around the cavern by riveting it into the surface to prevent any unwanted accidents. Its a round metallic ball with a diameter of two feet. We rest it on the tropod which we setup earlier. Tanaki activate the touch screen side panel and the equipment starts up. All its sensors are builtin inside the ball and it will record the needed readings like seismic monitor and also geological tests.
We collected back our crawler and took turn to ascend back the tunnel.
I came out of my tunnel to see the grim face of the Commander.
I was contemplating to haul his butt out or seal the tunnel. But I decided the former will not add number to my list of casualty. But he told me that the equipment will allow them to predict the tremors better.
Day 5
It was a quiet three days and things was moving smoothly. The sleeping patients has woken from their slumber, the farm is progressing well, with one third seedling done, and I welcome the return of Specialist Pedro from his tracking mission. The inmates has crossed the river safely. What he did not tell me was how they managed it.
But he brought back the bike with a scratch on the front fender. I confronted him on the scratch there.
‘That one is my notch for the raptor I shot. I decided to keep a tab so I can remember the tally.’ He fragging mark his tally on my bike loaned to him. I was told it started off a trend for the rest to notched their wins on vehicles or some totem of their preference. Bloody idiots; why can’t they do it like me behind my roster board.
It was Major Shaw who told me as she watched from the sky, how our inmates fared on the crossing,
Report from Doctor Bell
Day 4 Week 13
I saw the inmates approaching the river. Its a wide river of about a hundred feet across and the current is swift. I can see school of piracucu, a subspecies of the piranha; the large Sauroposeidon could reach 17 m (56 ft) in height with its neck extended, making it the tallest known dinosaur. Not all the creatures are big as I saw the small Ohmdenosaurus or Ohmden lizard, a herbivorous dinosaur which is about 12 feet in length.There is the mosasaurs which seen here are all above twenty feet in length.and the long slittery Pachyrhachis.
They have built a large raft and will attempt to cross the river. The nine inmates board the raft and roll it out to the river. They used the long branch they but as their steers to move across. I can see some of them shooting at the river surface. I would presume there is some predators there. I swooped down and assisted them with soe heavy killpower. I shot two mosasaurs in the river. One my second sweep, they were almost over the river. I saw Specialist Pedro on his bike near the banks of the river on our side. He raised his rifle and fired off some shots into the jungle as the inmates were landing.
Soon it was all over. The inmates has moved on into the jungle. I saw Pedro on his bike moving back too.
So they have lived to their end of the deal. The remaining inmates has done a good job with the roads and now travelling is better between outposts. And the inmates are getting more friendly and this is unnerving.
And it has to happened.
My first crime of the heinous type.
Cold Blooded Murder.
Simon Bone; father of three.
Murdered by persons unknown. His body was found on the yard one morning, near Micheal Bent’s unit.
Micheal Bent had no alibi. Susan is still in the Medic Hall for infection treatment.
I was there that night, sleeping in my dad’s unit.
Simon was murdered by a K2 Blade, issued to military only.
I am the prime suspect. I hit the man before in the farm. He told everyone.
He is also seeing Susan in the Medic Hall.
I offered Major Feeley the command while I am detained in the unit. The investigation team is Major Shaw, Sargeant Keefe, Warden Tomas and Doctor Bashir. Doctor Bashir is assisted by Doctor Bormann and Doctor Irina.
They are assisted by a colonist who was a retired enforcement officer; Joseph Bat. He was actually a administrative officer in the records section, but he is trained as an enforcement officer. He is over weight and has a moustache that curls at the end. He also smoke a repungant tobacco with his old pipe; claimed to be two hundred years old.
Affidavit from Commander Bent
Day 5 Week 13
On the night of Day 4 Week 13, I was in the housing unit of Micheal Bent from 2100hr to 0800hr when I was awaken by the shouts outside the unit. I got my gear and walked out to see the crowd at the yard. I moved towards the crowd to see the body of a colonist, Simon Bone lying on the ground with a multiple wounds on his chest. His chest is still bleeding and he is saying something. There was a colonist listening to his murmurings. That colonist stood up and said; ‘He was killed by the Commander.’
It was then the crowd looked at me and I stepped back. It was also the arrival of the recruits with Corporal Simone. As orders took place, we managed to isolate the scene of the murder.
The body was moved to BASE for further attention.
Report from Doctor Bashir
Day 5 Week 13
I examined the body of the victim Simon Bone. The victim suffered multiple stab wounds on the chest, and the one who killed him pierce his heart. We identified the weapon as the K2 from the signs of entry and exit.
Statement from Witness; Peter Mannehiem
Day 5 Week 13
I saw Simon lying on the ground bleedingand he wwas trying to say something. I crouched down and held up his head. He whispered to me this; ‘the commander did this’. Then he stopped whispering and I noticed he has stopped breathing. I lowered his body and saw the commander approaching. I shouted out that he is the one. I did that on the information given by Simon. I did not engage or interact with the commander before this.
I knew Simon as we are partners in the same plot of land. He has been very helpful with the crops and we were hoping to make a good trade soon.
I also know Simon’s family before we come here. His wife was my academic colleague in Uni 102 back in 2291. She died five years ago in a suicide, after I met her. Both Simon and myself volunteered for this colonisation in 2305 soon after she died.
Statement from Witness; Carol Chambers
Day 5 Week 13
I was there in the yard planting some flowers seedlings in front of my unit, opposite the Bent’s. I saw this man staggered to the unit with blood on his body. I screamed and he looked up at me. Then he fell down on his back and I continued screaming. It was then the neighbours came out and they tried to revive him.
I saw a man crouching down on the ground holding him, and later shouted; ‘He was killed by the Commander.’ It was then Ben, my husband came to comfort me.
I did not see the Commander coming to the scene as I was led away back to the unit by Ben.
Statement from Witness; Micheal Bent
Day 5 Week 13
I recall that Scott was with me for dinner and then I went to sleep at 2300hr. I was awaken in the morning by the commotion outside the unit at about 0830hr. I did not see anything or heard anything of the ordinary. My son, Scott was sleeping in the lounge as usual.
I do not know if he went out during the night or early morning.
Joseph Bat was given access to my Dad’s Unit. He interviewed or more less chat with the older man, on sports and weather instead of me. He even interviewed the witnesses. But I was not allowed to see the witnesses or the murdered family. They are under the care of Major Feeley for now.
I went on my own work as if nothing happened, which is a laugh as everyone I see, gives me the ‘whodunit’ look.
But this time the Troodon; a rare small dinosaur, around 8 feet in length, and weighing around 110lb bcame our problem. It allegedly ran and chase some prey and fell down the vertical tunnel into Big Boy and then got up confused. It ran again in fright perhaps, and ended up in the smaller tunnel down into the small cavern. In its midst of getting out, it actually destroyed multi million credits equipments much to the annoyance of Doctor Tanaki. If not for Doctor Leong, the creature would had grazed the BBQ pit.
Somehow Doctor Leong has managed to convince Doctor Bashir to have the creature penned up in the farm as a test subject, and according to him can alert them of any other predators. The logic is that the creature will be frighten by these predators and will react in a frantic manner. But how frantic leaves us puzzled but intrigue to the zoologist. We named the creature ‘Troy’ for an ancient city.
Day 6
Investigator Joseph came up with some interesting facts.
Preliminary Update from Investigator Joseph Bat.
Day 6 Week 13
I done my interviews and searched their records. I found two possible clues.
Simon Bent dead wife named Rebecca Thrace, was in the same Uni 102 with Peter Mannhiem, but she left one year early. She just quit that semester. She also gave birth to a child six months later. That child named is Thomas Micheal Bent. She only married Simon after the child was born. She later had two more kids during her marriage.
Peter Mannheim is a ex-marine, specialised in recon and demolition. He did two tours with the marines. He left the corp just before coming here. All marines on their retirement or resignation after a full tour, gets to keep their K2. I asked him about it and he said he did not bring it with him. He left it as he did not want to remember those tours.
I checked his intinery on flight check in. There was a K2 registered in the list under Peter Mannheim’s daughter, Melody Mannheim.
I am still investigating.
Report from Doctor Bormann
Day 6 Week 13
I examined the body and also the personal effects of the victim. The victim has traces of soil similar to that found in the farm area. He also has traces of nicotine which is attributable to inhaling some tobacco ingredients. ( smoking is prohibited in Earth, but there are many ways to get ‘smokes’ from the black undergorund market. ) He could be smoking at the farm area undetected. I found small minutes pieces of the banned ingredients in his side pocket. He also has one other illegal ingredients; α-D-glucopyranosyl-(1→2)-β-D-fructofuran or C12H22O11. It was commonly named as Sucrose or Sugar. ( Sugar was banned in year 2289 as its a catalyst for many ailments.
I could not concentrate on my job as this investigation is drving me crazy. I see Peter Manheim giving me the looks, Major Feeley when she is not babysitting the orphans, and so are the creatures in the jungle.
‘Commander, we got a T-Rex on the rampage at the farm. All assistance required.’ I grabbed the PH900 and rode off in the bike.
Darned! Someone tied some empty cans to my rear wheel. I had to cut them with my K2 to avoid them tangling up. I got on my bike and rode off again.
Tyrannosaurus; a bipedal carnivore with a massive skull balanced by a long, heavy tail. It was the largest known tyrannosaurid and one of the largest known land predators, measuring up to 40 ft in length, up to 12 ft tall at the hips,8 tons in weight. But this one is in pain as some other predator has attacked it and injured its right eye; bleeding from the eye socket. Its pain is making it a unpredictable creature as its rampage through the farm. I can sensed its pain and it need to be put down to make it easier.
I unslung the PH900 and took aim. I rang off three shot into its thick big skull and blew a hole off it’s face. The cannons from the ATV behind me shot off some rounds into the chest of the creature. It staggered on the impact and fell on its side. Its still breathing but its not snapping at any one.
I walked towards it and looked at it on the remaining eye’s. It glared at me and then it went into a glazed like look. Its finally dead now; a grim reminder that even big things can fall down and die.
Doctor Leong came running on his short legs and walked up to the dead dinosaur.
‘Can I keep it?’
‘Yes, no BBQ.’
Day 7
‘Why did you kill Simon Bent, Melody?’
Statement from Witness; Melody Susan Mannheim
Day 7 Week 13
I met Simon Bent on the ship EDS Titan during the vovage. He was dad’s friend so we talked a lot. We used to hang out at the ship recreation area alongside his son, Micheal and Steven. Peter is in the nursery with the other smaller kids. I got along well with Micheal as we were about the same age group. We used to take long walks in the corrdiors and watch the stars.
One week before we land, Simon stopped Micheal from seeing me. He told Micheal it was not right for us to mix. He kept Micheal away from me, so I confronted him. Simon told me to find other boys to talk to and stopped seeing Micheal. But we did not abide by his rule; we became closer. It was the day before the landing, Simon caught us together in the storage locker. He was mad and hit Micheal. I told him to stop or I will kill him. He laughed at me, and said; ‘stay away from Micheal or I will tell your dad.’
I went back to the bunk which I shared with my dad. He told me to pack the things as we are leaving soon. I did as he told me. I saw the K2 Blade, and I remembered dad saying it brings him out of many tight situations but he wants me to leave it here as he does not want it. I stash the K2 in my duffle bag as this place we are going to is dangerous.
I met Simon that morning early dawn as he was walking by near the uncompleted unit. I called out to him to talk. He walked over and I told him about Micheal and myself. I also told him I am pregnant. He went berserk and started ranting. I told him to quiet down or others will hear. But he will not. I took out the K2 I had under my jacket and I stabbed him. And stabbed, and stabbed.
It was then dad came to my rescue. He grabbed my hand and pulled me back. I was sobbing away while dad took the blade off me. Meanwhile Simon ran off to the yard,and my dad told me to go home. He ran after Simon. I went home by the back of the units and cleaned up. I stayed there until dad came back. He told me to stay calm and if anyone asked me where I was, just said I was here all the time.
Statement from Witness; Peter Mannheim
Day 7 Week 13
I was walking the yard looking for Simon, when I saw them arguing at the uncompleted unit. I ran over and I saw the commotion. When I reached there, Simon was bleeding from the wounds inflicted. I grabbed hold of Melody and calm her down. I saw Simon running and I told Melody to go back to the unit. I was to take care of everything. I picked up the K2 and ran after Simon.
Simon collapsed in front of Micheal Bent’s place. I know his intention and I rushed forward to hold his head. He kept on murmuring to me to let him go, but I held onto him tightly. I did not want the people around to hear him speak. When I saw the crowd building up, I had little choice. I saw the commander and remembered the incident which Simon told me. I therefore accuse the commander of killing him. It was only later I realised the K2 is still with me underneath my jacket. When the crowd was focus on the commander, I slipped away and threw the knife in the jungle.
When Joseph asked me about the K2, I told him I left it behind on Earth, but I did wanted to leave it there. It was Melody who brought it here.
The K2 was my only attachment to the life I had, but it was a life which I lost Rebecca.She did not like me joining the military but I was adamant. She left the Uni when I was in training during semester break. She did not tell me she was pregnant then. I would had quit the military and come back. We lost contact for some years and when we did, she was married to Simon Bone. They have a lovely home and family and I was not to intervene, as I had married earlier to another woman, Melody’s mother who died during childbirth.
I don’;t know why Simon was talking to my Melody, but I do know I had to protect her.
Final Update from Investigator Joseph Bat.
Day 7 Week 13
I did some more checks into the victim. And also the witnesses. I told Doctor Bashir to look at the records of the two families. He did and we found out this. Micheal Thomas Bone is not the son of Simon Bone. He is also not the son of Peter Mannhiem. We do not have the father’s DNA in our records. Without Rebecca Thrace, we cannot determine who is the father.
We did find the K2 that Peter threw into the jungle. The knife has a receiver inside which allowed us to track it. Its used for tracking the military personnel on AWOL or retired. In case they are needed for active duties. The K2 is their most precious piece of item in their military life.
Now comes the hard part; passing sentence on the guilty one.
She is just past her teens and she is pregnant.
Darned; I hate this job.
I have a colony to administer and now this has to happened. I remember Shaw’s case but she was innocent then. This one is guilty of murder. Or the least manslaughter. I killed many in my days but those are enemies who deserved to die. But Simon Bone is not an enemy, but a father of three.
Then it struck me.
I told Joseph my thoughts and he went to work. This man is a genius in this armchair detective works. Me, I am the one with the gun and shoot first ask later.
Statement from Witness; Peter Mannheim
Day 7 Week 13
Simon Bone and myself were growing a plant named Beta Vulgaris which another name for sugar beet that can be used to produce sugar. Simon saw that plant when he was in the jungle and he took some samples that day the commander caught up with him. We been analysing the plant and confirmed its a variant and could be the source of raw sugar. We decided to plant it in the jungle and harvest when needed. That was Simon was always the first to go to the farm and last to leave. He was watching his sugar beets. He was fascinated by it and started building his dreams.
We know sugar is banned but this is a new world. Maybe we needed sugar after all, but the authorities in their mind banned it. We were just exploring the possibilites of making sugar available again. And with proper guidance, it can be re-introduced back to the people. Call it a new beginning like our life here.
Now that dream is over. Simon is dead and I will be soon.
At 1158hr, I gave my speech.
‘Melody Mannheim is guilty of manslaugther. But she killed a man who was going to produced drugs which we do need here nor from Earth. Or its past. Peter Mannheim is guilty of assisiting in the planting of illegal crops. Simon Bone is guilty of planting illegal corps and with intention to distribute. He died and this trial is about his death. The lady in question here did kill the man who was trying to intervene her from a new beginning in New Pangaea. She is past her age to be qualified to make her own decision, as the same for her unborn child’s father. He is also past the age of a child and will shoulder the decision as a man. I am not justifying the killing by saying she did right as she was with a child, but she did wrong in her act. She killed the man who intervene. She did it with a deadly weapon, but she did not come premediated with that weapon. She carried the weapon for her own protection here in this savage land. At that spur of moment, she used that weapon to protect her child and herself. Simon Bone was at that time about to destroy her life with her child. He was upset at her being pregnant with his son’s child. He was not prepared to see this end with a marriage, as it should be. He was fixated to stop the union of the family. Simon was enraged and he was going to do something to stop the union. Yes.its his right as the head of the family but he forgets that the son has the same right as he is past his age of adulthood and he is the father too, which made him head of the family. But the correct head of the family was not consulted. Simon reacted harshly as he is a violent man with no remorse to killing others. He is no ideal father lest alone a good colonist of this place. He is a cold blooded criminal with no remorse for life. He is sowing the seeds of destruction on us and our generations. He is a madman with one intentipn; greed in his mind. He cares not for the future of New Pangaea. If his plan to grow those plants were to bear fruits, we have tarnished the good people of New Pangaea with its curse of addiction and ailments. Is that the kind of man you want to see here in New Pangaea. So the same falls for Peter Mannheim. He is a culprit in the act, and he is equally blamed. I have no sympathy for this man as he is as cruel as Simon Bone. But we are the first in this new paradise or cursed land to some of you, but nevertheless our new home now. Ask yourselves, do we have and may take other life’s. Or shall we just banished them like the inmates we have on the other side of this place? Or do we forgive them, for they have been misled by their own thinking? I am no angel inside; I am actually the devil incarnate, for its the personalty I have to wield to pass judgement on such act. If I have a human soul; I will cherish these words; love life fully as its given to us at birth. ‘
I let the colonist to decide.
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