Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Seven Sins of Man Part 5

The Vault is a secured section in the facility where we are supposed to stay in the case of any emergency. Its a three levels pyramid shaped building with no windows and is access by only one main entrance. The structure is a hundred feet across and hundred and fifty to the height. The entrance to the vault is guarded by electronics security surveliance alarm system. Entry is on bio-metric identification and any unauthorised person will be shot by the builtin machine gun. That is all I know of the Vault from the database I accessed earlier. Its on the far end of the Global Research Facility Ground.
It was a long five days drive to make it here. From the very same place which I left to be alone and normal. Now I am back with part of my family to reunite them all.
“Maddie, this is not your fight. You can stay back. We will take it from here.” I looked at the lady whom I called my Mum. She looked at me and she shook her head. Its the same in every family connections; you stay together. “Your call, Mum.” Somehow the word ‘mum’ tasted bitter this time when I mentioned it. Maybe what Sally said it true but I can wait for the correct answer later.
Maddie is the driver and she drove us in through the open gate and into the yard facing the Vault. We got out all four of us; Graham carrying a bag of his stuff, Angst with flickers of flame on his fingertips, Evie with the looks of a very troubled person and myself muttering my favourite line; “Be nice to me or I will be Pride if I need to tear you apart”
The doorway of the Vault is a reinforced steel door with a three inch thickness, but in my mind; its a piece of soiled tissue to be discarded. I swept it in towards the inside leaving an open entrance. I walked in first to see the inside of the Vault. Its a large structure with one levels of mezzanine platforms at the first level. In the center is the structure which house three lifts to the sub levels. But now the lift facing the door is a heap of tangles wires and dented pieces of steel plates as the entrance door has smashed into it earlier.
“Welcome, children. I hoped you are back here for good. We are on the sublevel but you seemed to have dismantled the lifts. Perhaps you want to take the stairs instead.” On the right side of the lift opens a doorway on the flooring. We moved towards it and saw a stairs going down.
“Let me do it.” I looked at Angst who walked up to the stairs opening. He bunched up his hands into a gripped lock and the flames soon enveloped all over his hands. He then move his hands apart and shaped the flames into a hot flaming ball double the size of the normal ball. He then grabbed the ball of flames and hurled it into the doorway. The ball of flames exploded into a blast of fire down the level section. I can hear screams and wild shots as the persons who was waiting for us got caught in the flaming blast.
“May I?” Its Graham now, and his doubles. They are all armed with automatic rifles and handguns.
“Only your doubles, Gram. No heroics stuff.” Six ‘Graham’s’ has slide down and they laid covering fire for us as we stepped down. I was first followed by Graham, and Evie then Maddie, and finally Angst. The Graham team is checking on the dead guards and checking the surrounding area. We are in a large open area with some work consoles laid out. Before us are four corridors and they lead to different sections of the Vault.
“Now its my turn.” I projected the consoles to be stacked on three of the corridors entrance to block any exits, while we took the nearest one. I took the point, followed by Graham’s team, Evie , Maddie and Angst covering our rear. There are two doors on each side of the corridors and the Graham’s doubles checked the units. They are working labs with all kinds of equipments but no doctors or patients. At the end of the corridor, we came to the next section of the Vault. Its a mezzanine floor with a glass wall in front of us. I walked up to the glass wall and looked out. It oversees a large working areas with about fifty over working consoles and the main frames are all lined up behind in rows of five. This could be the intelligence section where all the data’s are kept. I turned back to the unit I was in. Its bare of any consoles or desk. That is not possible in an operational unit like these unless the console is hidden.
“Graham, checked for switches or levers. I am sure there is something here.” He or they all nodded in reply and starting searching. I saw Maddie standing by the glass window looking out.
“Is that what you are looking for, Maddie? The whole setup is in there.” Maddie looked at me with her puzzled look. “Sally told me, you worked on us as Project God’s Way was yours too. You needed to study us too. When Global removed you out of the project, you went on your own. Is it true? Did you lied to us?”
“Yes, I did. But that was not what you think. I took you out to undo the damage. I did not know it will lead to this. I did not sanction the project to be used for black ops or on kids. Global Research is a project under the Department of Defence. One of the project is the super soldier serum. I worked for Black Ops or used to work for them. I cared about you and the kids. I tried to reversed the effect, and I think I may be able to do it......”
“You made us freaks and now you want to ‘un-freak” us again. Maddie, you are mad.” Pride will not take this type of punishment. Pride did what Prude would had done too. I projected Maddie to slammed against the wall as she reached for her handgun. Maddies fell down and the gun dropped from her right hand. It was then the mask on her face fell off. It reveal the lady I saw in my nightmare. The one with the facial scars. She is Maddie and those may not be just nightmares but real events.
“Prude..... I did not mean to. .... It was a mistake but I really want to change things .... back.” Maddie or the lady I called Mum is trying to redeem her soul back to me. But I cannot believe this lady anymore. I really love her and now she is dying because of my action. But does she deserved a second chance in my life. “Look at me. The same experiment that gave youy gifts disfigured my face, and I still do not know what or why. I only know that I can figure out what is causing yours, maybe I can reversed mine. Is that too much to asked? I need love too.”
I could not give her that, as Angst has send her to a flaming hell with his fire.
“No.....” But she is a burning corpse by then. I looked at Angst and he gives me the stare of “I dare you”.
“Pride! Angst! Stop it! We are one family.” It was Evie who prevented us from doing what we were about to do. “There has been enough deaths without both of you adding in the numbers. Can we continue to find the others?”
“Guys, I found a switch here.” Graham is pointing to a panel of switches behind a hidden panel. I walked towards it and tried to understand the workings. I switched on what I think will activate the console in the room. And it worked, the console raised itself from the flooring to reveal a multi screen work desk. There is a message there. ‘Pride, I lied. We are not there. You however are trapped. The place will detonate in five minutes. Love you.’
That is the Sally I knew.
“We got five minutes to get out. Move now.” All four of us ran back down the same corridor and up the stairs.  We ran to the SUV and Graham took the wheel.
“Drive to the facility now.” I don’t know why but I think it was for the best. He followed my suggestion just as the explosion came. It was a series of explosions from the yard where the payramid towards the yerd where the SUV was and its spreading to the gate itsel. They thought we will made it the same way we came in but I changed the conditions. If we had driven straight on, we would had been caught in the explosions.  But instead we drove the left towards the facility building and now out through the other gate.
We are out by we are short of one person; Maddie.
“Pride, I am sorry. I could not help myself. She confessed to using us for the experiment and I just want to pay her back. I am so sorry.” I looked at Angst as we all stood outside the SUV facing the sunset over on the mountains. We did not stop for anything or anyone for over four hours and now we did here as we ran out of gas. I walked over to Angst and held to me. He is still a frightened kid and the last year events has been troubling him. All of us are still troubled by it but maybe we can handled it better as a family.
“Pride, would I able to see my sister again? I do love her.” Now its Evie’s turn to be emotional. I held out my hands to ask her come forth. She did and joined in the hugging with Angst.
“Graham, grab the gears. We are going for a hike to the nearest town. His doubles does take a burden off us in carrying the bags.
By morning, we were resting in a motel not far from where we ditched the SUV. Everyone was sleeping when I left for the nearest car dealer. I bought us a second hand station wagon for a reasonable price. Graham commented we cannot do more than sixty on this junk, but I told we can at sixty five max and that is the limit we will drive on. I may not be able to find the rest but I have a plan to get them to come to us.  The Clan is known to us now, and we have some names we can work on. Since we can’t get the eggs, we will go for the nest now.

It took us one month to organised it.
Fredrick Krames, Senior Executive of Global Research has a daughter studying in High School. As daddy is always busy, missy tend to be on her own. As she is a High School student, we got ours to meet up with her. It was a simple ‘I knock into you and I am sorry, buy you a drink to make it up’. By the time she crossed the road, we had her bundled into the car.
Kristen Benjamin has an eight year old son in Junior, and he waits for the driver outside the school. But today, his driver is asleep in the boot, while we drove the Bentley. Kristen’s son did not have much to worry as we explained James is not feeling well, so we sat in for him. And not many kidnappers are teens.
Fukuda Matsu’s wife is the perfect housewife at home most times. She never sent off a boy who is raising funds for his school project. But she forgot to asked him which school and left the door open.
Three for our three is a fair exchange.
But we are not in a hurry. We send the notes and we kept quiet on our exchange.
We can wait. We did for one year.
Kristen broke first as she misses her son very much. So we call the exchange. The open field in his school. No authorities or they all die.
Its going to be a ball game that weekend for the Junior team and the turnout is expected to be packed. Parents and kids will be there. The hostages will be on the right far end seatings while we want our family members to be there on the left end seating too with the three Seniors escorting them at precisely half time of the game. No one wants to missed a final of the ball game, even though its the junior league.
I was sitting there with three hostages that morning. Graham and his doubles are somewhere in the near vicinity while Evie is in the crowds. Angst is also here, but I don’t know where he is hiding. The car is behind the stand and I can reach it in five minutes. The call for half time came. The three Seniors brought the hostages to me while I am holding onto mine.
“Sally, Lois, Gareth? Do you want to come with us?” I looked at the three members of my extended family. All except Sally nodded.
“Sally, you could stay on. I am not stopping you, but we are not coming back again. We are leaving for good and that’s it.” Sally held onto the hands of Ms. Kristen. She is only eight and she is lost to all of this. It was Lois who then spoke to her. “Sally, please come. We need you. I need you.”
That made Sally turned to looked at her guardian. She pulled her hand away from the guardian and walked over to me.
“Pride, do you know we won’t let you go without a fight?” It was Ms.Kristen and she is standing there looking ever defiant.
“I know. And we will be ready. Guys, the car is in the back. Its the blue one. Go there now. As for members of the Clan, here are your family members.” The three hostages ran to their parents. Ms.Kristen then spoke to her comms on the brooch she was wearing; “Go.”
But we were more prepared. By then Evie has got one section of the crowds into a fist fight; mothers, fathers and kids while other parents are looking in disgust, Graham who was on the other stand, dropped some tear gas on the spectators. The smoke caused everyone to panicked and they ran all over the place. Angst unknown to me has started a fire on the grandstand causing more riots in the crowd.
As for me, I caused the stand next to me to collapse. I grabbed Sally and pulled Gareth by the arm to the correct car. It was next to the blue car and ours is colored grey. By then Angst and Graham has joined me. I drove the car to the other end and Evie joined in. We are out of the carpark in the next minute.
They are outside too. But I was prepared.
I mind swept on the two cars there blocking the road and got it move to the side while we zoom through.  Graham dropped off some metal spike chains on the road to prevent any pursuing cars following us. There was the helicopter hovering over us and probably reporting on our position. Its low enough for me to projected on its tail rotor to bent and the copter went down. By the next ten minutes we were moving into town and then into the basement of a building. I pulled up to a black MPV in the basement carpark.
We transferred to the MPV and drove out by the other exit, moving into the Sunday’s traffic.
Its going to be a long ride but we are one family again.
But not all families are united from the start to the end.

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