Saturday, December 5, 2020

Arthur II Book II Chapter 17




“Must you rush me, druid?” Artorius took to follow the druid at his own pace behind. He was walking towards the lake dressed in the full armor of the Prime and held his gladius inside the scabbard on his waist belt... When he reached the lake, he stood there to look at the lake surface while the druid stepped into the lake waters. The druid stood knee-deep and then called out for the ladies.

“Step forth, the lady of the Lake. The King is here to meet you.” The druid called out. Artorius looked at the lake surface and saw nothing happened.

“I call upon thee, Vivianne of the ladies. Come forth.” The druid called out and a streak of lake water lashed out to strike at the druid. The druid was drenched and turned to look at Artorius.

“Arthur, she can be temperamental.” The druid spoke to Artorius by his name.

“Artorius…” Artorius reminded the other but then his attention was diverted to the lake. There was a spot on the lake surface where a sprout of water was seen, and it rose with a lady in white appearing on it. He was awed by the sight of the lady, and by instinct, he went down on one knee.

“I will speak to Arthur and only him alone.” The lady voiced out. “None others may hear.”

The white lady waved her hands and the scream of Lady Morgause was heard on the stretch to the right of Artorius. Lancelot was seen on the left with Arondight stuck into the sands there.

“Only Arthur will be heard, and told.” The lady in white spoke up. “Be away, all of you.”

With that, the three including the druid found themselves in the forest. They were surrounded by the huge tree trunks and the thick undergrowth. Lancelot drew his sword to slash at the undergrowth but for each root he cut, another took its place. He gave up after several attempts.

“It’s not of use. This is the forest of Broceliande. Its enchanted nature protects the trees and the creatures. More so when it’s reinforced by the spells.” Morgause voiced out. “Even I am powerless here.”

“An admission by you is rare, Morgause.” The druid snapped at the witch.

“I am being honest. The vibration of the blade brought me there. However, my sister Vivianne has empowered her with stronger spells that I am powerless to counter.” Lady Morgause admitted. “She may be paying a price for it.”

“No…” The druid sighed. “She can’t ….”

“Love works wonder for some, and its peril to others.” Lady Morgause reminded the other. “Just be there for her.”

At the lake, Artorius stood up and faced the lady in white.

“You are named Arthur and your calling had been heard by Excalibur.” The lady in white spoke. “I am Lady Vivianne and am the custodian of the blade named Excalibur.”

“I am Artorius…. Yes, I am named Arthur by the druid.” Artorius acknowledged the Lady.

“Do you know the significance of the name Arthur?” Lady Vivianne posed the question towards the other.

“I will explain.” Lady Vivianne continued. “In the ancient elements, there is a word named Artois which spoke of the ‘bear’ and when combined with the other word, ‘viros’ which stands for man, or ‘rigos’ which stands for King. That two names combined held the element of the courage of Man or the King. The bear is a formidable beast and yet you conquered it alone. The druid spoke of your destiny with the stars as the Huge Bear. Hence your new namesake.”

“Arthur?” Artorius muttered to himself.

“Your given name Artorius has a deeper meaning. In Latin, it may mean ‘patronym’ which spoke of the Son of the Bear or Warrior King.” Lady Vivianne explained. “Another common link to the name is Arcturus; which is the star near the Great Bear. It also was said to mean the guardian of the Bear.”

“Merlin did not merely pick you the name. It’s your name but spoken in another way.” Lady Vivianne continued. “Your exploits on this adopted land if you want to call it, but it’s your destiny to rule the land here not as a Roman Legionnaire but as its King. You have repeatedly denied that claim either you disbelieved in it or Merlin was a nuisance in his way.”

“He may have been…” Artorius muttered under his breath.

“Hear me out, Arthur of the Knights. Your destiny awaits you but you must accept its consequences. To be King, you need Excalibur and peace will reign on your land. The rule of King Arthur will be known by far and wide and deep into the minds of the people here, but as King, there will be tribulations to your rule.”

“Betrayals and deceits will yours to be tormented but there will be moments of achievements to your calls. Knights and warriors will bow and serve for you, and yet some may battle you. There will be battles where you may lose friends and to some, you may gain others back as friends.” Lady Vivianne looked at the one she was addressing. “You may think that these are trivial to your current role, but caution you will have for the weight of the new ones may overwhelm you.”

“Now, speak your mind and he blade named Excalibur will judge.” Lady Vivianne waved her hands and a new sprout of the lake water appeared. Inside the sprout of water was seen the image of a sword.

“I…I don’t have … If I may be forgiven, my words are lost on my tongue.” Artorius sighed. “I felt unworthy of the task.”

“Do you claim defeat…? Or fear of destiny?” Lady Vivianne looked at him.

“I am… unsure. I have served me…. Most of my life to pursue service in the Legion to fight for Rome and its allies, to spare the woes of its people…”

“Enough of yourself, Arthur. Do you stand to champion for the people on this land?” Lady Vivianne looked at the figure standing there.

“I…” Artorius looked away and saw at a distance the sight of Guinevere. She stood there by the uncompleted path from Camelot to the lake. It was the wishes of him to build the castle extension to the lake with its marbled stone walk path. He came to that idea on his walks with Guinevere who liked to walk the lake area.

“I…” Artorius looked at the lady there. She was dressed in a green gown with the plaited designs on the bodice. He has given him a note by his aide just before his walking with the druid to the lake.

“It’s the note from Lady Guinevere.” The aide told him it read that she had to leave soon for her own home at the seaside.

“Artorius, I will miss our walks. The call to go back to my home ails my heart but I am in need there to see my friends and those who were also their friends. We are the people of this land, and we need to be united. I will be away from Camelot but I hoped not from you.”

Artorius turned to look at the lady in white.

“I will champion the people of this land. I will fight their war and be their …. King.” Artorius declared. “I will take the name of Arthur for myself.”

“You have taken the vow, King…. Arthur. With that vow, you will be bestowed the blade named Excalibur to your use. The blade will give you power and influence on the land, and knights shall fight alongside you in your battles.” Lady Vivianne replied.

“Stand to receive thy gift.” Lady Vivianne told the other. The blade then appeared from the sprout of water to appear on it. It reaches out like a stream of water towards Artorius. Excalibur was presented in its scabbard which was sewn with the hard leather and inlaid with jewels.

“Receive the Excalibur now.” Excalibur was handed hilt towards Artorius. He held out his right hand to hold the sword, but it won’t dislodge from the water.

“Heed my words once more, Arthur. When you have completed your destiny as King, Excalibur will be returned to the lake. It shall never be handed to another. He who is not you holds the blade will be punished till its return to the lake.” Lady Vivianne spoke of the last condition.

Arthur nodded to the request.

“Excalibur, be with your new guardian now.” With the command from the lady, Artorius felt the sword released of its watery hold. He pulled the sword out of the scabbard and pointed it upwards. He went down to one knee and bowed his head.

“Hail Excalibur!” Lady Vivianne called out. “Hail King Arthur.”



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