Sunday, December 27, 2020

Story Write Compilations Volume I Stories 3

 See ya.....



Author's Note:

This one is on the sacrifice of love. Two-person in love could bear to be apart.



Megan, you don’t have to do this. It's not worth it for you to prove you are heroic too. It was me who plaster his brother to the wall. I shot the man as he was a danger to society and it's my job to do just that. But you are not doing a dame job. You are a fragging journalist, and you are to carry a notepad or camera, not .38 caliber. I regretted those days I taught you to shoot. Darned days when you going to shoot the barn from the farm. I know you practiced hard and you can do it now, but it's not your responsibility. I am the one who is to do it. I am the enforcement officer, and I carried that gun as my tool to kill idiots like them. We stand in the fore of every crime and we take the shots daily. It's my fragging job.

Shut up, Brad. I am here because he took your life and left me alone. Why did you had to die on the day I am away from you. I came to your funeral and they had dropped into the darned hole. Why couldn't you just wait for me? Yes, it's my job, to be called away into the world where people talked to you by mouth and not mouthpieces that travel miles for them. How was I know that you will die on the day I am in an isolated location in the mountains? How was I to know you laid in pain waiting for my call? How was I to know you will die that day? How can you do this to me when we were to walk the aisle this summer? You left me alone; in isolation with people who mumbles words that mean nothing without you next to me. Do you think the words they inscribed for you on the stone means anything; a hero in his days. Those days were meant for me. You are my hero and heroes don’t die on their followers. But you did because you were too stupid to duck down. You plastered his brother and he plastered you too in a hole as deep as his brother.

 No, Megan. I can live on in you. I still love you. I will never let you go. I will be at your side. You don’t have to die for me. You got to live.

 No, Brad. He’s got me too like he did with you but the difference I give it to him too. He is standing next to in line for the registration. Be there Brad when I come in. I want to be with you and not be alone here too in this new world. We are soul mates and we will always be alive or dead. There are reasons why love transcends life, and this is one of them. I love you. So remember my words; be there when I come through.



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