Thursday, December 10, 2020

Trojan War Chapter 19



The feast was to start with the arrival of the guests on their crafts to the tower. As it was a sizeable gathering the crafts were directed to dock at the designated spaces and then the emptied crafts were directed to the hangers. The stealth fighters there were removed and held a cordon in the above space as a ring of protection on the tower. It was not a display of might but to prevent any renegades from disrupting the feast.

If that was a grand display then the decorations in the tower were held with higher awe by the guests. The Hall was laden with food and drinks on the tables that lined the Hall, and the accompanying musicians ply their best to entertain the guests. It was a great feast involving the twelve worlds and that was not to exclude the Gods and Goddess.

“Ares the God of War.”  

The God of War appeared on a hovering platform that was designed like a disc, and the God himself was dressed in the dark shade armor with the half cloak of red over his shoulders. He had on his headpiece cradled on his right hand, and his facial expression was grim with the trimmed beard.

“Oh, he looked so manly.” The whispers of his look went around the gathered guests while the men all bowed to the great God. Ares was not alone and behind was his prize bull led by Paris of Troy., The bull was kept in a metal cage and hovered in like its owner with Paris walking by its side.

“The prize bull of Ares.’

The bull in the cage snorted at the guests and was tamed by Paris with a pat on the tusks. The guests were overawed by the bull and saw Paris action as amusing.

“Oh, he can tame the bull. I do wonder if he could do to me.” A guest had uttered.

“He will ride you to your knees, Oden.” The friend of the guest replied and the other guests heard that remark and laughed. Oden had then slipped away to avoid any more overtures.

“Pack the bull to the side. We have a feast to attend.” Ares told Paris and then rejoined the others at the tables. Paris was left alone and felt out of his league.

“You are either a brave man or a cruel trainer.” Paris heard the remark and turned to defend himself on the accusation. He had to cull on his reply when he saw himself facing Artemis.

“I am not brave nor a cruel trainer, Goddess Artemis. I am just a herder of the bulls who adored and earned their trust.” Paris bowed to the Goddess.

“It’s a patronizing reply. I will accept it.” Artemis looked at Paris. She finds him amusing like how she looked at the wild creatures. She had never felt the same for anyone since Orion her friend and companion had died accidentally killed by her.

“Where are you from, Paris?”

“I am from Troy. I am…” Paris was cut off.

“Do you hunt?” Artemis pressed on.

“I don’t…”

“It’s a sad part that will be on your side. I will see you around, and if you need to learn how to hunt, I can train you.” Artemis took leave of the Trojan. Paris was without any words and then he was met by another Goddess.

“I will not take her words for it.” Paris looked to his side and found himself facing Athena. “Did you meet Ares in battle?”

“Yes, we did. In the arena and I lost.” Paris was admitted to the Goddess.

“Was it your strategy to do so, or he defeated you?” Athena asked.

“I think it was his bull…” Paris was embarrassed to admit.

“So, you lost your bull to his, and now you trained his bulls? I can see you are his lackey.” Athena turned to walk away.

“I am not his lackey. I am his trainer.” Paris defended his role.

“Whatever that maybe you are still his lackey.” Athena walked on. Paris bit his lips to comment more and was then met by Aphrodite. He was taken in by her beauty and bowed towards her.

“I am honored to meet you.” Paris had started the conversation. Aphrodite had smiled and studied the man before her. He was young, dashing, and may be of virulent to desires she was having then.

“And I am pleased to meet you. I heard you came in with Ares. You are his…”

“Bull trainer. I coached them to do their best in the arena.” Paris smiled.

“Oh, bull trainer.” Aphrodite smiled. She had looked at the bull with its huge horns and tusks and the virile display between the hind legs. “Do you … get them to mate too?”

“Oh…:” Paris had smiled then. “I don’t have to. They are on their own when faced with the other … counterparts.”

“Yes, the copulation. I take it they are … intense. “Aphrodite smiled. “Carry on, young Paris. The evening is young, and you are younger.”

It was then the late guest arrived.

“King Tyndareus of Sparta.”

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