Saturday, December 5, 2020

Trojan War Chapter 17



Aphrodite had tossed the gown she was trying and stepped to the mirror to watch her beauty displayed. She was in her chamber in the tower with six of her designers.

“Could you not find me a gown that will outshine the others?” Aphrodite self-marveled at her beauty. “I am without a match to the concept of beauty.”

 None of the assembled designers replied to and it drew her irate response towards them.

“If none of you believe in me, then tell me why my waistline is more pronounced compared to the previous moon.” The Goddess raised concern.

“Who dares to say my mother is undesirable?” The voices of Phobos and the other twin, Deimos had visited their mother. “I will have that person killed.”

“My sons” Aphrodite held out her arms to greet her sons, borne with Ares. “How have you fared?”

“Boring for there are no wars to be fought. We are just bored spectators to the Games. I wished we have wars. The real conflicts are to be fought between worlds. Or can we do ours against the Frontier?” Phobos groaned on the condition then.

“Yes, even with the Frontier was endless negotiations and n real results,” Deimos added to the misery.

“So, you back to …” Aphrodite was cut off.

“We are back for the feast. Ares felt that our outlook needed to be refined with the others. Other young Gods or Goddesses are vying to upstage the older Gods and Goddess. And even to challenge Zeus if they could.”

“Behold your words, Phobos. Zeus is not to challenge unless they have the edge over his might.” Deimos cut in. “ However I do dread that we are to drink and smile even though we don’t like them.”

“It’s called diplomacy, my boys. The prelude to most times war may not be by physical strength but the show of itself in strength. Not everybody has to be like Heracles.” Aphrodite replied. “Or even to the likes of Zeus.”

“Like your beauty Aphrodite. Attest to it or be prepared to be challenged.” Phobos creamed his reply towards his mother. “Ain't we all a happy family of miscreants.”

“Snarling nasty but I liked it.” Aphrodite laughed. “You are as cunning as your father as he is at war.”

“Ares is the best there is to the ways of war,” Deimos added in. “Even Athena need to bow towards him.”

“Do not discard Athena, my boys. She may be more than you can handle.” Aphrodite cautioned the two young ones. “Heed my words I have contested with her many times.”

 At that moment, Athena was in anger at the demise of Medusa the Gorgon by Perseus. She had attended the grand funeral for Medusa by her clan the Gorgon.  It was an event that was to have the warrior of Gorgon kept at the mausoleum for over some time before it was released into the deep cavity in the subterranean.

Athena was there to send the casket holding Medusa to the core of the planet. She had created Medusa with the hair braids that were serpents in design, and her stare that will turn anyone to become stone. She recalled Medusa asking her for mercy when the latter voiced the broadcast on Athena’s communications.

“Help me on the injustice inflicted upon me by Poseidon.” Medusa had pleaded. “He violated my sanctuary.”

Athena had known Medusa to be a faithful follower of her’ and confronted Poseidon. They met before Zeus in the Great Hall. The Hall was devoid of the others except one had joined in was Hera.

“How dare you called on me to compensate the Gorgon? I am Poseidon.” The elderly God had rebuked on the request. “She is a woman. And the Gorgons are weaklings. Their men are pathetic warriors while their women command their army.”

“She may be another woman to you but to me, a faithful follower of mine. I have an obligation to them.” Athena had protested.

“Bah! Women have no standing with us.” Poseidon had arrogantly replied. He then looked at Zeus. “Do your ruling, Zeus. Am I to waste my time listening to her?”

Zeus had sat there silent throughout the discussion. He had not even looked at Hera then. He then spoke.

“The woman held no demands on Poseidon.” Zeus had made his wise ruling. “She may have not been violated but on her accord, given it willingly. And now chose to make demands upon us.”

“I stand to …” Athena was cut off then. Not by Zeus but by Hera.

“The woman held no claims on Poseidon. We held no rank on the men.” Hera had spoken then and Zeus avoided her. “If every other woman will be claimed us, then the whole Olympia will be at threat.”

“Those are wise words, Hera.” Poseidon had thanked the other. The discussion was closed but Athena was not pleased with the outcome. She had met Medusa later and offered her assistance.

“You will be the warrior for the Gorgon. You will possess the power to turn men into stones.” Athena handed the power goggles to Medusa. “Let no man creep on you for your headpiece will be a multitude of droids that resembled the serpents with it a sight to aid you and its venom in its sting that will immobilize them.”

Hence the birth of Medusa but her reign was cut short by Perseus.

“My warrior demise by the hands of Man, and the weapon that countered her was by Ares. I am not to be denied my anger.” Athena had called out. She was the rival of Ares when it came to the challenge of the war strategies. “Ares will feel my wrath once more. I will meet you at the next feast and roast your soul there.”


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