Friday, December 4, 2020

Weekend Special; Short Tales; California Series 2.1 Chapter 3



The jungle can be unkind when you are not prepared for it. The training does help but every time, you trek in, it will still intimidate you. Gunner Master Stark was in the middle of the seven men dressed in the army fatigue and lugging the duffle bag in addition to his standard complement of the M4 Carbine and the holster was 1911 which was his own. He had on the bush hat and kept his pace with the Colombian squad under Lieutenant Diego. The squad carried M4 Carbine attached to the M203 grenade launcher with the Beretta 92.

“Master Gunner, my squad will be your protection unit. You make sure you hit the sniper and then we will withdraw. It’s a recce task for us.” Lieutenant Diego was a short guy with wide shoulders in the crew-cut hairstyle.

“Get me there and leave me to the task,” Stark replied. That was before they were taken by the riverboat upriver on a ride that took an hour and from there they took the trek into the jungle for over two hours before the Lieutenant called for the rest. It was another spot where the trees loomed above you, and the canopies of leaves hid the sunlight.

“Lieutenant, who gave you the intel?” Stark asked.

“I don’t ask. I just do as told.” Diego gave him the standard reply.

“Well, if you were to take cover.  We are to be hit soon.” Stark then leaned back on the tree trunk to hid his frame.

“Refugiarse! (Take cover.)” Diego called out and the shots rang out. The squad sought cover at the trees but two went down at the start of the firefight. Diego had found his cover behind the tree trunk while he returned fire with his rifle.

“We are pinned down,” Stark called out. He peeked from his spot to check the shooters. He had seen them a few clicks away and knew these were not the everyday bandits but trained army personnel turned mercenaries. The ones that ambushed him were the better of the lots.

“Diego, I got two on my six o’clock. You have one on your two o’clock and the last one is at three o’clock.” Stark called out and then fired the grenade at his rear. He needed the distraction to move from the six o’clock duo’s sight. He rolled to the left side with the M4 lined up. He did the three shots bursts at the ones on the left. He got the one at three o’clock and ran out to the next cover. His run was to distract the other shooter which was at two o’clock which Diego shot with the continuous burst of the carbine.

Master Gunner had then taken three short bursts at the remainder two mercenaries and was backed by the Lieutenant and his remaining men. They did not last long.

“We are busted.” Master Gunner said. “They had us soon after we landed.”

“I will radio the Camp.” The Lieutenant replied. “They need…”

“You not do that. The Camp may be compromised. You will move to the rendezvous point. That should be one click away. Stay there and be ready for the evacuation.”

“I don’t understand. You ..” The Lieutenant was cut off.

“I have the coordinates in my communication unit. You will move there and give me six hours. If I am not thereby then call in the chopper. Go back and bring the heavy firepower. Call in the drones or the choppers then.”  

“You are in my jungle. I will go with you.” The Lieutenant called on the other men to take the wounded back. “We will signal you. We shall be there in an hour.”

“Okay, I could do with a spotter.” Master Gunner reached into his duffle bag. He drew out the laser sight scope. “You know how to use that?”

“I was taught the Slight High zero method and the wind speed on the trajectory deflection.” Diego smiled. “I was in the Sniping Team before.”

“Why did you leave?”

“They told me I was hopeless at it.” Diego smiled. “The truth was I fragging the Instructor’s ex-wife. I got my scores toward perfection.”

“Fuck you. Get your gear. We are moving ahead.” Master Gunner then moved to check the dead. He had to know who they were. He was not surprised by the identities of the dead. And their rifles.

“My own which had left to work for money.” Master Gunner had heard of the many nationalities who had offered their services. These were known to him; once trained by him to serve in the Army. They did not make the grade but they had the basic training.

“Mexican and that one are American. I knew them from the training some years back. Their rifles had my insignia on the butt.”

“It does not matter to me. Those three are from my Division. They are trained to be snipers on our side. They had gone AWOL some time back.”

“There are always bad ones. It’s that we have to be more than bad compared to them.” Master Gunner then looked at the jungle. “Let us move.”

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