Sunday, December 20, 2020

Trojan War Chapter 24



“I can assure you that we are safe here,” Paris told Helen while they were seated in the personal chamber of the palace of King Priam of Troy. The young couple had left Spartan in a hurry on the fast frigate of Troy, pursued by the Spartan’s frigates.

“We are in pursuit of the Spartans. I have two frigates on our trail.” The pilot of the Trojan frigate, Chariot One reported to the Commander of the frigate, Commander Polydorus, the youngest son of King Priam. The young commander held the babyface expression but well build through the years of military training, however was no veteran of the wars but his ascent to the rank of Commander was due to his ability during training. He was given the task to send Paris to Sparta when he met the King then after the return of Paris.

“Polydorus, please say hello to Paris.” King Priam had told his youngest. “He returns to us from Olympia and bears with us a gift.”

“Hello, brother.” Paris greeted the other who was his half-brother by birth. “We meet again.”

Paris had met his half-brother at the arena where Polydorus is an avid fan of the speed of the bulls.

“Paris is promised a woman by Aphrodite of Olympia. He was surprised that it will be Helen of Sparta.” King Priam beamed with pride.

“Helen of Sparta? She is to be wedded in the coming feast held by her father, King Tyndareus. He had invited the suitors from the twelve worlds including ours. I was to attend but I am not the only suitor there.” Polydorus smiled.

“She will not be wedded to anyone but only to Paris. It was the honor bequeathed by Aphrodite. No one will dare to challenge her call.” King Priam cut in anger. “How dare they or the even the Spartans defy her to wish.”

“I am not insulting the Goddess but the wills of the worlds are somehow now getting desensitized to the wants of the Olympian,” Polydorus remarked back.

“Silence! How dare you make such statements? Do you know that is treason?” King Priam had rebuked the youngest.

“Father”, Paris had interrupted. The word he mentioned sounded dry from his mouth for he had not known his father till much later in his life. “Polydorus speaks his mind and he is not alone. Many young ones I met have spoken of the glorious days. We can’t stop their thoughts, but they don’t plan any revolt. It’s only the impatience of the youths.”

“I know but we are the vassals of Olympia.” King Priam replied. “I valued the old days but for now, we will stay as it’s. Olympia still rules over us but they do not inhibit our growth. The Frontier is ours to take. Or any parts we can conquer.”

“We can do that more if Helen is with us. Helen is an icon of beauty and if she is in Troy, we will be looked on.” Polydorus moved to change the subject. “Paris, how do you intend to win her over?”

“By demand and on the claim by Aphrodite. I will tell King Tyndareus and take her for myself.” Paris smiled.

“And if she resists? Helen held the admiration of many and they will challenge you.” Polydorus snapped back. “I may be one. Pardon my rudeness. I was being …”

“If you were to challenge me, Polydorus. We can do back here at Troy once we have Helen at this palace. I will not challenge another Trojan amid the others.” Paris looked at the other.

“And if you do have Helen. I will take you away on my frigate. I am the best in the Trojan’s fleet.” Polydorus added his strength to the Trojan’s might. “The Chariot One has added the new metal to its hull. We are formidable now.”

“And I will,” Paris replied.

“And let no one stop us from returning Helen here.” Polydorus smiled.

“We have the two frigates identified. They are the Athenian Class.” The pilot of the Trojan frigate called out. “They are hailing us.”  

“Ignore them,” Polydorus replied. “We can’t outfly them but they have not seen our weapons.”

“We are fired upon. Modulating the rear shield now.” The pilot of the Trojan did the adjustment. “Impact in three... two … impact.”

The Chariot One was hit but the force of the impact caused minimal damage to the shield.

“We have integrity. Do we return fire, Commander?” The pilot of the Trojan asked.

“Negative. Maintain speed. What is our distance to the Bybus Belt?” Polyporus asked.

“We are almost there.” The pilot of the Trojan looked at the space charts.

“Hail the King Chariots. Have them ready to receive us.” Polydorus called out. The King Chariots are a six destroyer fleet which was the latest in the design of the Trojan’s army. The pursuing Spartan frigates halt their flight and stayed there while the Chariot One went on its journey.

“Paris”, Helen still under the intoxication of the serum looked adoring at Paris. “I fear for you.”

“Hush, Helen.” Paris looked at the woman whom he was escaped with on the notion that she was to wed him. He had marveled at the woman who radiated beauty and commands the envy of the other women. Paris himself knew what it was like to be envied; his wins at the arena basked him of that. He smiled for he was not the bravest of the brave, and courage was his behind his bull performance. However, he felt brave then with the most beautiful woman in his arms. It’s a feat that he only feels when his bull won.

“Will you wed me, Helen of Sparta?” Paris found himself uttering the words towards Helen.

“I…” Helen's stammer for her mind conflicted. She felt the desire to want Paris and yet she hardly knows him. It was not a right of the woman to question her feelings.

“I will. I will be yours.” Helen found her words.

“And you shall be Helen of Troy from now,” Paris told her.

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