Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Trojan War Chapter 23



“We will bring back Helen.” King Tyndareus addressed the gathering of the eleven worlds to punish Troy. “I had agreed to wed her to King Menelaus of Archaeon.”

“All of you have an oath to Helen.” King Tyndareus reminded them. “We are all men here and warriors. An oath is sacred to us. None will dare to dispute his claim on it. Let us study the Trojan's strength. They have not battled for over a decade in time.”

“Wait, King Tyndareus. We swore to protect Helen but to …” The Argos King voiced out.

“We did and she was taken from us. We need to bring her back for King Menelaus.” King Tyndareus looked at the other King. “He is her rightful man.”

“We had fought regularly against the Frontier.” Another Archaeon cut in and spoke of their declaration. “Their fleet is smaller in units and the defenses of their worlds are weak. Their planets and moons are widely spread and could be taken easily. All we need to do is take a small force and insert in….”

“Incursion and repelling small battles is not war. We need to re-position ourselves to fight on that bigger scale. Not send small detachment in stealth and battled on their outposts.” King Tyndareus looked at the Archaeon.

“Do you undermine our ability, King Tyndareus?” The Archaeon was agitated.

“No more than any of the others. You were all great foes and bitter outcomes to our battles. We shall not repeat that as we had fought before, but now we fight as one. And in this war, total annihilation will the result.” King Tyndareus bit his lips for his words were rarer to speak of.

“The Olympian may fear us if we are united.” It was the words of Agamemnon who had arrived late to the meeting. “I was held up by my King. Menelaus is upset and conveyed his support to your cause. We will march with you.”

“We are now united and let us work on what we know of Troy,” Agamemnon added on.

“We have not been given access to their armies since the last great war. I was told by my spies that they have been busy. They have …” The Macedonian smaller in the strength of the army but their Intelligence was well known. Well, not all the time.

“The Trojan’s fleet of mothership and frigates are archaic. They have not been investing in it.” Agamemnon cut in. “I have my spies there too.”

“That is true.” King Tyndareus admitted to it. “We are the warring world and our intelligence concurred with yours but we also know that the Trojans may have reinforced their ring of planets contrary to what the Archaeon may have known.”

“They hold the defense named the Trojan Wall.”

Troy was made up of eight planets; seven was to form the outer ring and the ring that protects the main planet, Troy One. Each of the seven planets held five artificial moons that surround it. Each moon was an orbital weapon with a set of heavy cannons that will blast any ships within its range. 

“The Trojan Wall had been penetrated before.” The Dardanes leader cut in. “We once battle them and took out two of their outposts then.”

“At a cost to your fleet, Dardanes.” The Macedonian cut in. “We assisted you then in the withdrawal and then arbitrated in your peace talks.”

The Dardanes leader stepped away in anger. Every leader there knew that Trojan Wall but the latest intelligence spoke of the reinforced wall.

“It held a more formidable wall. Its cannons on the surface are modified and thrice as deadly. That was why Troy did not improve their fleet. They were building defenses on their walls. That was a year ago.”

“Now, I am told that Troy had acquired the new metal made by Hephaestus. They have reinforced their mothership.” Agamemnon added on his compilation of information.

“How do we fare with our fleets?” Agamemnon looked at the others. The ones facing were Sparta, Hellas, Troy, Argos, Babylon, Macedonia, Dardanes, Cretan, Phoenicia, Carthaginian, Parthians, and Barbicans.

“With the Olympian curbing our conflicts, we hold thirty motherships, fifty destroyers, and a hundred frigates with five thousand fighter crafts. Every one of us in the world held that number or less at the command of Zeus.” The Macedonian reported. “My worlds are relatively smaller and we held a third of those numbers.”

“Hellas and Dardanes with Cretan held half that fleet.” Agamemnon had added in his intelligence. ”We do not need to fight any wars for a long time. Until now.”

“So, among the eleven of us, we are ten times the strength of Troy.” The Babylonian was amused.

“What of the Olympians? I doubt they will sit out the war.” The once silent Hellas emissary spoke. “We are their subject but I doubt they will consider us if not for our allies than the Spartans. You came to negotiate our surrender then. And you had helped us to retain our planets and sovereignty.”

“We are at your service.” The emissary made the call.

“Shall we act now?” Agamemnon then raised the pertinent question.

“No, we need leaders for our warriors. I called for a Supreme Commander.” King Tyndareus made that call. “One that will be followed by the others. The warrior of the warriors.”

“No, we battle now. I will lead my fleet to Troy.” Agamemnon was upset at the delay. “My fleet is on the route now as we speak. King Menelaus waits for no one.”

King Menelaus stood at the helm of the Mothership; Athens. It was a huge Mothership that was designed in the shape of a round disc but the mothership held three layers of the disc. It was escorted by five destroyers which were double disc and then the smaller eight frigates which were smaller disc in designs.

“Sire, we approached the Trojan planets.” The Chief Commander of his fleet announced.

“Send forth the frigates and the stealth fighters. Swarm it and removed the outer walls.” Menelaus gave the order.

“Sire, we are registering energy build up on the moons. The Trojans are powering the cannons.” The Commander of the Defense System reported in.

“Modulate the shields frequencies to counter the cannons. Release the stealth fighters now.” The command was relayed on and the hundreds of fighter roared off like a swarm of locusts.

“Cannons have fired.” The Commander of the Defense System reported. “We are not within range yet.”

Those words were unheeded then, for the cannons energy projectiles impacted on the front line frigates at the shields.

“Shields are holding.” Commander of the Defense System reported back with a snigger and then he panicked.

“The shields are deteriorating. The frigates are vulnerable.” Commander of the Defense System called out and it was then the second wave of the energy projectiles impacted on the frigates hull. It was total annihilation.

All eight frigates were destroyed.

“Send in the stealth fighters now.” The stealth fighters from the Archaeon fleet flew towards the moons but it was ineffective against the moons’ shield and the surface smaller cannons laid the salvo of shots onto the stealth fighters. It was a massacre then.

“Retreat!” King Menelaus called out.

It was the first win for the Trojan.

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