Thursday, December 10, 2020

Trojan War Chapter 18



The feast held on the call by Zeus was not a regular event but there were other gatherings but not one like the one called by Zeus.

Each feast was like a test of challenges.

“Bern, I am telling you the meat must be tender and …” Gaston, the Master Chef of Olympia had frowned at the presentation of the dish then. He was the Master Chef for over several decades in the record of calendars, but in reality, he held onto it by craftiness and deceits. It was not easy for like the Gods, he was given a lot of challenges.

“Zachary, are you an imbecile to accept these herbs? I can attest that your sauces are at best on some days. Do you recall the time Zeus had your sauce thrown out of the Hall?” Gaston demanded perfection with Zeus as his patron. He then looked at the other chef that he had to comment on there.

“Tiber, I will admonish you to do well on the deserts.” Tiber was from Sparta and despite the warring nature of his people, he had taken conquest in the arena of preparing meals. His reply to them who choose to undermine his discovered ability as a Spartan; the best of the warriors still need to be fed’.

“Master Gaston, we are not the Gods. We need…” It was Tiber who had told the other. Tiber despite his nature of works held a muscularly toned physique and felt that perfection in the dessert was also in its maker.

“That’s another view of yours that I need to admonish off. You are too proud.” Gaston despite his Macedonian descent had to counter back. He looked at the other two Chefs standing before him with Tiber.

“We have to be on our best, be it a simple meal to the grand feast.” Gaston looked at the three chefs as though he was Zeus looking at the Gods. “I have completed every task here with my best and at times above my best. The Gods are at best fickle but we will anticipate every taste.”

“And for that to happen, I need the best of the best from the three of you.” Gaston continued.

“And what will the Gods do this time? The last grand feast we had, Heracles was ridiculed and sent on a voyage of tasks.”  Bern sighed. He had like Heracles who enjoyed the roasts and ducklings.

“At worst now with the wars done, the Gods will have more to conflict on.” Zachary was an Archaeon and considered himself the cultural one. “It’s like the concoction of herbs it will bring out the revolt or calmness in the mix.”

“I hear all of you but you do know their desires. Their palate of appetites and above all, their serving amount please.” Gaston repeated himself there. “I fear that this time, it may not be Gods I am concerned of.”

“The Goddess? Oh no. The last time, I had the doe served on Artemis, she threw a tantrum and if it was not Dionysus who helped me, I would have died that feast.” Bern did not notice the serving by his staff and almost lost his life.

“She is testy when it comes to meat. After all, she may be a huntress but the creatures are of value to her.” Zachary cut in. “I had to make sure my servings does not have any morsels of meat to every time she feast.”

“Not an easy task there.” Tiber snapped in. “The Gods like meat and the Goddess …I have to say picky with their meals. Aphrodite insists that there will be nothing that will cause her to change in her beauty and yet she plow into everything on the table.”

“Please, Tiber. Aphrodite did that to come in terms with Ares and also to mock at Hera, who chooses to ear in delicate cuts.” Bern smiled. “I have been serving her for some feasts.”

“Gaston, please do enlighten us. What is the feast about? Another Zeus bastard children or was it to display Hephaestus’ latest capture of adultery.” Tiber asked.

“I had cautioned you. I know not what but there were rumors that Ares is bringing some guest to showcase his prize bulls.” Gaston glared at the chefs.

“Bulls? As in the bulls.” In Tiber mind, every creature mentioned was visualized in the servings of cuts or braised, or roasted over the fire. “Their enormous balls could e served garnished with some herbs and in that stew that you made, Bern.”

“Or I am sorry, Bern. I was to speak to Zachary.” Tiber corrected himself but he had drawn the scorn from the other.

“I will have you roasted one day.:” Bern hit back.

“Not in this feast you won’t. Am I not right, Zachary?” Tiber looked to his companion for compliance. “Are you not?”

“I …” Zachary had wanted to keep their personal lives apart from work.

“That’s enough of it from the three of you. I will not have …the mentions of your sides in my kitchen. I have enough of the Gods and Goddess to plague me with their own.” Gaston was upset. He dismissed them all and was to face Bern who stood there.

“I did admonish him. It was not that I…” Gaston pleaded with Bern.

“Well, you can admonish yourself tonight. I am moving to my quarters alone.” Bern left fuming with anger.

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