Thursday, January 21, 2016

TTO: Episode 0.2

The Council of the Lords had convened for the thirteenth session in that cycle of the planet Olympia. The session was held on the Mount of Zess, the highest plateau on the range of the Illiad Mountains. The plateau was the famed flat rock that was rumored to be cut across by Gods of the Universe. It was revered by the Grecians who valued peace and avoid any conflicts in its existence for eons. It was the great master and negotiator, Grand Knowledge Master Seldon of Grecian brokered the pact of peach for all. In his greater words, Master Seldon declared that the fifty galaxies will cease to exist if the conflicts were not resolved.
“The findings of the sixty nine masters in all the fields of the knowledge deduce that if we do not broker a peace now, the fifty galaxies will be one in a thousand year. All will be united and those of you seated here will perish from the annals of the words.” Master Seldon had sent the message to all in the galaxies. “Salvation is however at hand if we are to unite now. All fifty galaxies are to unite now. And peace shall reign for a thousand years.”
“A thousand years, Master Seldon?” A critic of the Grecian spoke of its defiance. “Surely for the Grecian who had fought no conflict and yet was occupied by many in its times, how can you tell us that peace may reign for a thousand years? Why not two or three thousand years? We had fought longer than that?”
“We did occupy Illiad Mountains for over a hundred years.” The critic gloated on the occupation of his kind over the Grecian. “Fine slaves then.”
“Yes, Master Tribute. Your Lords were cruel then but they were none compared to the Moncrats who had killed half the knowledgeable masters for they feared our works.” Master Seldon replied. “We were all once your slaves and then also your fearful foes in the world of knowledge. You may have committed atrocities on us but none of you would dare to extinguish us from existence.”
“We are few now but we hold the key to the future.” Master Seldon silenced his critic. “Do we do peace for a thousand years or perished before then? Take notice of words. A thousand years of peace to rebuild your system. A thousand years for you to populate.”
“Mark this, the ones who listened” Master Seldon continued on. “Legacies will end in the thousand years. And from the thousand years, there will be the hundred years and finally the ten years.”
“In those ten years, there will be one without any legacy who will turn the cycle back or not at all.” Master Seldon raised his voice. “Such is the way of the balance of the Order.”
The one hundred and ninety five Lords from the fifty galaxies formed the Council of Lords then and peace reigned for a thousand years. The battles had ended then and the galaxies prospered. The peace of a thousand years brought in trades and then more riches to its Lord. They named the alliance the Federation of Planets. It was fine for seven hundred years until the last of the elders died when its soul expired. The new elders that followed on were not then that saw the formation of the Council. They argued and questioned the logic of peace accord. The renewed sparkle of questions was to lay the foundation to the end of the thousand years.
“What then, Lord Quantrill?” Lord Hamill raised his voice to the Quetron Lord during the thirteenth session then of the Lord of Council. “We are to the last daylight cycle to the end of the thousand years. Your master had questioned Master Seldon on the end of the thousand years. So what do you say now? Or perhaps the Moncrats have their questions?”
Lord Hamill looked at the assembled there on the plateau. The plateau held no seats for the assembled while they held their sessions standing in the gathering. It was said that if all were to be allowed to stand, there will be equality among them. On the plateau, there were no elements that will annoy them for the plateau was surrounded by a ring of mountains that protects it. The Lord whisked off the strand of hair from his tall forehead that gave an image of oblong shape to his upper head where it branch out to two protruding anatomy. The protruding anatomy was not a set of horn but it was swept back to form a curvature that dropped to the lower back. On the two protruding anatomy, there was no hair growth there. His hair however held its place on above his ears and towards the shoulders like the fine fur of the Toberian Tiger with its seven shades of colors. The two protruding tops were covered with the sacred texts that were ingrained into the skin there. He was dressed in the yellow loose gown that covered his body from the neck down and on his left shoulder hung the woven bag. The gown hid his lower body structure which resembled that of the four legged long narrow limbs with the hoofs. In the bag was his prized possession; the glass orb that he used for his meditative sessions. He looked towards the Moncrats who stood on the side all by themselves.
The two were the representative to the Council; Grand Order Illium and Natria. It was rumored that the Moncrats held only two Lords to command over their fifty million inhabitants across the five planets in their galaxy. It was a small number compared to the two billion of the Quetron but the planets of the Moncrats held ten billion trained mercenaries that were cloned from one to serve as their army.
“I hold no need to question the thousand years of peace.” Grand Order Illium replied. He held the frame of the homo sapiens with the two upper and lower limbs. The splendour frame of Grand Order Illium was dressed in the dark gown with the matching dark overcoat and hood. The overcoat held five red stripes on its back that were embossed in as if was clawed across the back from the left shoulder to the right thigh. His face was half covered by the red mask on his right side to the edge of the mouth. There was no slot for the eye but in its place was a dark yellow jewel that was placed there. The jewel was reputed to be the Eye of Jana; the reputable icon worn by the tyrant then of Jana. The tyrant removed half of his subjects on one of the six planets he ruled in one daylight cycle when his life was threatened by an assassin. Such was the cruelty of the tyrant. “The reign of peace shall end soon and another hundred years will prevail….”
“Another hundred years? Of what? Peace or….” Lord Hamill questioned. His question remained incomplete for he had fallen to his knees then clutching his neck. “I….”
“Darth Natria, hold back on your wrath.” Grand Order Illium halted the younger person next to him. “We do not wish to alarm the others. Nor alert them too.”
“The Dark Order? How dare you?” Lord Quantrill snapped at the Monscrats representative. “How dare you move to the Dark?”
Lord Quantrill was one of the nine Lords from the Quetron. He was the representative to the Council. The Quetron held nine planets under their influence and close to the Grecian in the pursuit of knowledge. The Quetron held a unique frame with a round shape and the head occupied half the shape. The Quetron also held no limbs but they were served with the kinetic power which allowed them to move things. They also hold the ability to communicate with the machinery by thoughts. The Quetron was pushed off the pedestal which was placed there by the constructs for their use. Lord Quantrill and fell among the others in the motion of a rolling ball. He rolled himself upright and glared at the one who attacked him.  Grand Order Illium confronted the younger person once more who initiated the attack.
“You follow me and shall only act on my orders, Darth Natria.” Grand Order Illium commanded the other. “Or be banished, apprentice.”

Darth Natria nodded to the Grand Order. It was the law of the Dark. There will only be one Grand Order and the other the Apprentice. 

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