The throne of the Order:
The start of the NEW Order
Jimmy Loong
Late December 2015
Episode Zero
The Beginning
The dark figure stood on the edge of the ledge with the upper limbs stretched out horizontally. The figure was well proportioned with the body tight suit at a height of slightly over six feet. The body suit was dark in shade and covered the figure entirely. The dark figure clam the upper and lower limbs close to the body and then toppled over in a fine executed dive. The dark figure will accelerate to 176 feet per second or about 120 miles per hour in that free fall given the light breeze of the wind. At the drop of a thousand feet or at an approximate of 13.15 seconds, the dark figure spread the upper limbs out horizontally to decelerate the velocity of the fall. A set of thin fabric coating that resembled that of the bat wings appeared from under the upper limbs. It spread out beyond the tip of the upper limbs and stretched to twice its length. With the wings, the figure shape had changed to resembled that of the winged bat. The figure then stretched its body frame in a backward sweep to move its fall into a curved descent away from the impending impact on the ground below. With the arch frame, the figure was able to turn the dive into a flight which the descent was then moving to level with the ground below at a height of five thousand feet. The dark figure had then moved into a flight path that took it in between two building towers and then it swerved to the left after the towers. It was descending then at a degree between ten and fifteen degrees before the figure retract its lower limbs to its body. It then pushed out with the lower limbs to propel its flight speed to a higher level.
Its trajectory was to land on the lower tower in its path at over a thousand feet away and at the height of four thousand feet. The area for its landing was a mere two hundred feet in length with a width of the similar dimension. The figure reached the designated tower before lowering its body frame to decelerate the landing speed. It then moved it upper limbs forward with the wings acting like landing flaps. The small jet packs on its waist belt then kicked in to assist in the deceleration. The figure had stopped at exactly one hundred and eighty feet on the tower rooftop. The wings on its upper limbs then retracted but it length was maintained.
“Nani?” The surprised guard on the edge of the rooftop was not prepared for the appearance of the silent dark figure. The trained specialist in weapons and fighting techniques thought he had seen the ‘Oni’ or demon in the ancient mythology. The guard delay to the presence of the dark figure caused his head to be removed. The extended wings had transformed into a set of deadly blades at over three feet in length. . The headless guard collapsed onto his knees before falling flat onto his chest.
That was the first in the evening.
When the dark figure reached the entrance to the level below, three more guards were dead on the rooftop. The dark figure descended down the steps designed for manual descent. The defensive lasers on the staircase were activated on the presence of the unverified personnel. The lasers will cover the staircase area with a series of intersection of deadly rays that will vaporize anyone that attempts to cross it. The dark figure raised his upper limbs and the wings appeared like a cocoon over the frame. The cocoon protected the dark figure from the deadly rays.
It then had five minutes to reach its target before the designated level was covered with more guards.
The dark figure took haste in its run and soon reached the designated chamber on the level below.
“Dekiagari!” The dark figure heard the voice when it stepped in. Across the chamber was the target.
“I am Darth Asoka of the Secret Order. Who are you?” The blond hair figure was a young man with the mixed features was dressed in the white suit with the red overcoat that reached the knees. The blond figure right arm was glowing with the shade of crimson red. It extended to the three feet long red fusion energy staff in the right hand.
“Dono yon i anata ga koko ni shin’nyu aete?” Darth Asoka did not like to be intruded in his personal chamber. He was also the Darth of the Order that resided there. Both the figures were apart by thirty feet.
“I am Dark Angel of the Order.” The dark figure spoke out for the first time that night. “I am to kill you.”
With that, the dark figure spread out its upper limbs out. With the extended blades, the dark figure looked like a swooping eagle.
“The Dark Angel of the Order? Darth Natria, I am surprise at your new designation as the Dark Angel.” Darth Asoka smiled. “I do wish you had come at me earlier. The others lacked the experience that could hold my interest. The last one had died in my arms although I sent her with the memories of the passionate echoes of satisfaction.”
“You are a bastard! She was my sister.” Darth Natria screamed out in anger. She then moved forward in a series of dance moves like that of the kabuki dancer with the big steps. With each move, Darth Natria swung her body with the blades swinging as if slashing. The short distance was covered in ten big steps when the right arm blade sliced at him. Darth Asoka had twisted his body aside to evade the slash but he was not prepared for the left handed blade. The left arm blade went down on the other at the right shoulder. The blade cut in deep across the neck towards the left side of the chest and cut the arteries to the heart.
Darth Asoka was not dead when the left handed blade reached the left ribs.
The assassin was not prepared for the victim who stepped back dragging the blade out. In the ancient texts, all humans have a soul. When that person dies, the soul leaves the body to an intermediate dimension to await the proper funeral rites so that it may join the ancestors. That was for the deceased who had died normally from illness or age. If one dies in a sudden or violent manner, then the soul may strayed in the inter dimension as the yurei. The yurei may be appeased with the correct rituals but not all have that. The yurei may remain as there with cruel intentions.
“Yurei!” The assassin cried out and then drew out the blade. The later, Darth Asoka lashed out with the right arm. His staff flashed out the foot long energize blade on the top and struck on the assassin right blade. With that Darth Asoka left hand reached for the staff and used both his arms strength to push the blade of the assassin down.
Darth Natria cried out in pain when her knees touched the ground. She felt her soul was pulled from her body by the force of the Secret Order. It was reputed that the Secret Order possessed the inner influence of the Dark Order. She must fight it to win.
For her sister.
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