Tuesday, January 12, 2016

The Planet 10.3

10.3 Sucker

That last statement knocked me off.

I was called a ‘sucker’.

That made me a gullible person.

“We got that name from the ones who were there with Kinsley. They were discussing this just before the approval of the excursion here.” Daniel explained. “It was soon after the DOD knew of L 391. They came to up to meet with Mark Kingsley. They argued and in the end a compromise was made.”

“Your name was brought up. Both sides agreed on you. You were a hero at Suzuka, and prior to that, your serving with Mark Kingsley served well on that. He also knew of your special eidetic skill.”

“Mark did ask me to be record the data here.” I hit back. I was not any recorder. I hardly even write my own reports. I just recall them by memory.

Daniel saw the baffled look on me and continued on.

“We have recorders once before but they were made redundant with the defeat of the L 391. The Core Domain stopped it since. And with the barrier and the imprisonment of L 391 does not any recording. You were to be that recorder. Mark Kingsley agreed to that but he kept the information on something new in you. Something he never told DOD nor you.”

“If I am not mistaken, you are also a construct.” I liked the way Daniel describe me. “We never had any use for constructs.”

I was hurt by that and Daniel must have sensed my emotion.

From a sucker to construct. The former was bad but the later hurts.

“I was with DOD then. They are arch enemies on all fronts. Suzuka ranked second to DOD.”

“DOD was with Kingsley then. They were an alliance and yet are enemies at the same time. It was Mark Kingsley who wanted the new implant inside you to be done by them. It was attached to your left ear socket and what you see will be seen by them. Mark Kingsley does not trust L 391 or even anyone.”

I smiled. That was Mark. He was a good officer but he had the trust factor hidden away.

“I don’t see how they could do that?” I reached for my left side of my face. It does not feel any different at all. I was disbelieving what Daniel just said but it continued on.  

“Just before on the tasks, you were modified by Kingsley. You lost your arm once in the battle at Suzuka. Kingsley had a new arm for you. It was retro fitted in just before your task here.” Daniel reminded me of the battle where I went berserk. I was brought him and then given a new arm.   

“It was Mark Kingsley who wanted the new implant inside you be modified. He had a new arm for you. He also installed in a recording device. It was attached to your left ear socket and what you see will be seen by them. Mark Kingsley does not trust L 391 or even anyone.”

 “Mark had the mini explosive inside your left arm.” That was not spoken to me but placed by thoughts to me. I was brain probed and given the message. “Do not over react. Kingsley can’t hear us.”

At that moment I felt like pulling my arm off again. It was not the best of decision which was why I hesitated.

“Don’t do it.” Daniel blurted out. I felt a tinge on my arm. I reached for my left shoulder. I placed my fingers there. I heard the explosion then. 

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