Tuesday, January 26, 2016

TTO Episode 1.4

R3 was a top flight call for reinforcement on a riot situation. Liberty Avenue was where the elites held their office there. No officer ignored a R3 call. It also stands for officer in need of assistance.
I reached Liberty Avenue in a flat two minutes three seconds; slower by those seconds due to a drunk on my ride path. I did not hit the brakes but soared over three moving vehicles to land ahead. When I reached Liberty Avenue, I saw the commotion there. There was a siege on the officers that belonged to the Enforcers 3; the city patrol units.  They have parked their patrol vehicles in a triangular frame with them inside it. The half bubble shaped two seater was designed for patrolling and was hardly any match for riot control. It does have a mini cannon mounted on the top but it was for emergencies. The officers had their sidearm drawn and aimed at the encircling mob. The mob was not attacking the officers but intimating them with vocal expletives.
“Command eject on my call.” I spoke to the bike system. It was a standard protocol for stopping the bike in emergencies but then for me, it was the cue to disembark while in flight. The bike roared on the push of the throttle and then it went up on the front wheel before it took off into flight. It was a climb of over ten feet before I jumped off. I curled in my legs close to my chest and went into a somersault to propel into the line of mob. The bike had stopped in mid flight with its side panels opened up to allow it to drift further ahead.  I landed on the head of the one mob participants and used that to propel myself ahead in another somersault before moving into half twist to land on the ground facing the mob. I then called on my energy claws from my greaves.
“I am the Enforcer.” I had to dramatize my entry to instill fear in them. “I will warn you only once.”
The mob on Liberty Avenue held back then their taunting. They were a mixed of breeds there from Montries to Quetron and among others. I saw some of my own kind there. I took then the opportunity to address them.
“All of you are in violation of Code 112 of the Federation Laws.
When I was to speak, a dark shadow loomed over the Liberty Avenue. I looked up and saw the new threat. It was a flying craft that carried the Federation of the Galaxies mark with one more unique marking; the Troopers. The craft was a transporter Model Galileo marked with the sign Five on it; it was shaped like a saucer with a large underbelly. On the side of the craft underbelly were the four mounted six barrels rotary cannons that were aimed then on Liberty Avenue.
“Civil gathering that exceeded twenty persons are considered as rioting. You may be taken down on that action.” The cannons started firing into the mob and within seconds, the front lines were reduced to torn body parts. The others at the rear saw the killing and retaliated in return. They drew out their hidden weapons and returned fire. The low powered rifles and sidearm were not a threat to the armored plating on the Galileo. The firing from the craft soon stopped when the number of the mob have reduced.
Then the craft underbelly opened up and a squadron of troopers descended onto Liberty Square with their jetpacks.
“Resistance is futile.” The troopers took their firing with the superior PH375 rifle towards the remaining persons still standing among the dead or wounded. The trooper which had landed aimed the rifle at the wounded person on the ground. The trooper pulled the trigger and removed the pain of dying. The trooper then stepped boot into the dead body as if he was in a ritual to rub into the blooded flesh. The trooper then aimed the rifle at another and fired. Within seconds, the killing had stopped and the troopers were checking the wounded before they terminated their lives.
“Officer Edo, you have been recalled to your Command Base.” I looked at the trooper who had just spoken to me. The trooper had the insignia of a squadron leader on the left arm. “I am Captain Cines. Please follow me.”
“No! Answer me this. Why did your squadron kill them?” I shouted at the trooper leader.
“Officer Edo, they are the violators of the Federation Laws. The punishment is death. We were just carrying out our orders.” The trooper leader then motioned for me to board the craft. I refused and told the leader, I will take my own transport there. I called on my bike which zoomed next to me. I mounted the bike with the thrusters roaring to speed off.
It was then I saw the new attack.
The Galileo Five turned its cannons on the three half bubble shaped two seater with its unwary officers. Six of them died in the first salvo while the two seaters went up in flames. I pulled out my sidearm and aimed it at the trooper leader. The other troopers near me had then trained their rifles towards me.
“Officer Edo, please do not be rash. We are acting on orders.” The leader stood there unmoving at the threat on his life. He then looked to the troopers and told them to board the craft. I turned to look at the burning two seaters alongside with their occupants. They were the innocents there. Someone will pay for this. I swung my bike towards the craft and crashed into the boarding troopers there. With my accelerated speed, I bumped off six troopers on the ramp and slammed into four others inside at the craft inner sides. I braked on the bike to the sound of drawn rifles by the other surviving troopers.

“I changed my mind. I will ride on the back.” I raised my face visor. “I can’t have you covering mine.”

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