Thursday, January 7, 2016

The Planet 9.2

9.2 Prison break

Dusty tale was taking on the interesting direction.

“The L 391 never gave up. They fought hard on every attempt and sacrificed millions of theirs.” Dusty sighed. Was that a sign of relief or act of despairs? “We never stopped them for they were not winning.”

“We can’t but were saved by the barrier that was set there by the elders. We know not what it was but it was developed by the elders. They destroyed the data after placing it there. We, the L 391 were also affected. The others forced us to reveal what we did not know. They even forced us against the barrier and caused us to be exterminated.”

“The barrier? Was it a weapon?” I asked back.

“No, it was more like…a force field. When we get near it, we will start to get weak and eventually … demise.”

“Like in exterminated.” I was being frank. After death was like a fuck. It had occurred and we can’t deny its journey.

“The L 391 held back for a long time; stopping their intentions and even stay away from us. There was a undeclared treaty until the breach occurred by you machines. The drill broke through the last bastion of the so named imprisonment barrier.” Dusty explained.

“Was it the cold layer in the barier?” I asked. I recalled the Freon I detected earlier. It was on the drills.

“Cold? I do not comprehend.” Dusty replied. “We were never a temperate organism. It was sometime in the barrier.”
I stopped my own thoughts and it was my letdown.

“Freon? What is Freon?” I heard Dusty call for explanation. It did not wait for my explanation. The frame tht was Dusty started dissolving; the head was the first to go and then the limbs. The dust spread and then I saw it moved into the consoles. The units started humming and the lights flickered and the whirring began on the ventilation fans. It was extracting more of the cold air.

It was warm but still bearable.

“I …” I was cut off. Bloody irate alien has a lack of manner.

“One of the developed abilities of our …improvement was we were able to read brain waves. It was limited for it required a lot of exertion on our side.” The voice of Dusty echoed out but it was more distorted in the sound as if it was spoken in unison by thousands. I staggered on the last thought. I was caught of my guard despite my mercenary training. We underwent a lot of training of our enemy tactics. Brain probes were still a fallacy but mind probe with hypnotic or psychic approach have leap bound. We were given training to withstand such probes, and I was the top in my class there. It helped when you have too many ghosts in your past. I kept them hidden in the dark recess of the mind. When I was probed, I called them up to haunt me like my ex-wives and the fucks. It was fucking distracting and will literally shut my mind off from the probes. It was my mind form of defense.

Well it worked then but with Dusty, I felt as if I was about to enter into the dark recess of L 391.

 “What is Freon?” Dusty asked again. “I could not figure it out. Don’t scramble our probes on your sex antics. It’s boring.”

Damned! Dusty was reading my thoughts. Thieving aliens strolled into my thoughts. I did protect myself with the thoughts of my ex-wives antics. Those had distracted the trainers then and more than one enemy. It was not make believe but trust me, they were personal to me; they were my intimate pains. I loved those women and it pained me to lose them. I used my pain to fight off the probes. Well, it worked when I diverted my memories to them but the pain sometimes tormenting inside will me react.

I wanted to murder Dusty then.

“Don’t do that!” I raised myself up from the flooring. I had my sidearm PH450 leveled at Dusty.

 “You were not telling the truth, L 391.” I confronted Dusty. “I was not that stupid. While we were sharing notes, I knew you were probing my mind. We learned that on how to detect when the mind was probed. I led you on while I analyzed your contents. You are not L 391-1 but L 391. There was no L 391-1 but a creation of your own deceit.”



I blew off its head. I aimed at the weakest point at the chest to open two cavities. Then I grabbed the pencil explosives from the webbing at the flooring. I grabbed a handful and then jabbed it hard into Dusty there. It helped he was all dust. 
My index finger stayed at the pin.

“Move to kill me I will push the pin. There are enough explosives to blow you to …dust.” I was pissed then. I was back to my mercenary self.

“There is no need to do that.” Dusty pleaded with me. “I won’t read your mind anymore. But you are wrong to say L 391-1 does not exist. They do.”

I was fucked. The dust did it again.

“Get out or I will push…” Dusty bought my point. It went dispersed phase; it crumbled before me, and reformed a short distance from me.

“John Smith, we were playing up to you but you had to over react.” The new Dusty back in it full frame with the head intact spoke out to me. “We are the L 391 and will be our true self, the true galaxy conquest race. We are superior to your race by bounds. Now tell us the weapon you used on us or prepared to die.”

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