Monday, January 11, 2016

The Planet 10.2

10.2 The new role

“You …” Daniel looked hard into me.  “You were special. Have you not wondered why you were recruited by Kingsley? He did invite you to the event. There was a figure that tried to hit you then during the confusion? They were all in the plans of events.”

“What is happening here?” I screamed out.

“Have you ever wondered why the Corsairs are here?” That question took me off guard. There was a lot of confusion since we landed. The briefing was to check the damages but since then I have been chased, attacked and shafted down a tunnel.

“Tell me then.” I surrendered then to Daniel.

“Kingsley was in from the start. When the first samples were shipped to Earth, it underwent a series of test by the Earth Office of the Minerals Rights. It was the sixth test when L 391 made the contact with Chairman Ian Finney of Earth Office of the Minerals Rights. It was not coincidental but planned by L 391. They wanted to be known to your people. It was their mode of initial attack and soon after that they will then began the conquest.” Daniel appeared to look at me. 

“Your Chairman made a decision to involve Kingsley Corporation.”

“How did you know?” I asked. I looked around me and then smiled. “You were there? L 391-1.”

“Yes, there was little distinction between us and them as mentioned before. Some of us were the stowaway as part of the samples. We were never invited so we hitched a ride.” Daniel replied. “We wouldn’t be doing our works if we weren’t there.”


“Perhaps but it’s a crude way of giving us such name when our tasks was for the greater good of monitoring the L 391. We assimilated into the group that met Kingsley Corporation.”

It dawned on me then. How could I miss the point until then. There were a numbers of L 391 on Earth already. The alien read my mind and alleviated my concern.

“Yes, we were there since the samples were received. It was a nice place from the reports and in the mind of L 391, ripe for a conquest.” Daniel made it simpler for me to digest. “Anyway back to Kingsley. They were disbelieving initially but L 391 won them over. The deal was soon made with them for the secrets that L 391 was willing to divulge.”

“You are telling me that Kingsley concluded a deal with …” I shouted in reply.

“Yes, L 391 did that. We did not know until the …. the stowaway reported back when the crafts arrived. That was how we knew of the arrangement. It was the just the formal arrangement of announcing the successful bidder. Well, someone on Earth leaked the news to DOD.” Daniel continued on. “We learned that too. Earthlings were so susceptible to such needs.”

“The DOD?”

“Yes, the DOD and they got to know of the scam. They wanted a piece of the cake. It was an expression from Earth. They got the Corsairs to work out the attack plans.”

“The Corsairs?” It was then I recalled Dmitri. Daniel continued on.

“If you had listened to Mark Kinsley words, you will laugh at the threats made by the Chairman Ian Finney of Earth Office of the Minerals Rights. His Office was a laugh on their presumed strength. Half of those in the Fleet were old friends of the corporations.” Daniel laughed at my innocence on the real Earth Office.

“What was arrangement?” I asked impatiently.

“They will carry L 391 off this planet. The earlier probe found what few survivors on the surface where the real leaders were all beneath the barrier. L 391 shared the barrier with them. When your plant arrived here, it tore into the barrier and then breached it after several attempts.”

“Why didn’t you stop it? You were all powerful and I saw your assimilations. The droids, how do you control it? What about …me?” I was asking a lot of questions then.

“The droids? We did not control it. It was Kingsley new work. They named it the Stealth Works.” Daniel replied. “It was the program to remotely control the droids. The droids were to protect Kingsley assets.”

“What about me?” I asked again.

“You were the sucker.” Daniel gleefully told me. “That was another thing he did without telling the L 391.”

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