Sunday, January 31, 2016

TTO Episode 2.2

I rushed to the wall opening and looked out. The city was burning from the aerial attacks of the Stingers. I recognized those crafts from their designs. It was disbelieving then for the Federation of Planets to do such an act on one of its allied member but the collapsing structures were real then. I looked towards the Command Base of the Enforcers with its five imposing towers. It was a distance away but with the armored vehicle I could there in under a minute. I have to do that for Edo was there. She needed me.
“If you construct will stop creaking at the joints then maybe can we fight for our city?” It was Mos Early standing by the bar counter. The man was not called a Conductor for his musical inclinations but his ability to fight. He had already strapped on a vest with the stick explosives and in his arms was the Heavy Shot PH1020 Hand Cannon. The design resembled a long pipe with a six loader shots at the rear. It was to shoulder mounted and have an effective range of five miles. The constructs there all looked at the man who addressed them.
“Well, take your pick.” Early motioned to the bar counter. The front panel facing the tables dropped open and it displayed the rack of mini cannons and heavy rifles. I ignored the offer and took my run towards the armored vehicle. During my run then, I saw the Stingers were all over the skies and there was no defense against it.
Not yet then.
 I heard the whoosing noise of the familiar launch of the missiles. It was a small one from the shoulder mounted launcher but it was effective. The Stinger went down seconds later. One up for the defenders but we were cannon fodders for them with their superior numbers and weapons. More shots went up but we were the miserable units. I reached the vehicles and reached for the door lock. I regretted the need for secured locks but then I wished it will just open on my command.
I punched the lock through. 
Within seconds I was driving towards the Command Base. I swerved and knocked a couple of constructs in the way before I saw the Stinger attacking the South Tower. I calculated the trajectories and worked out the damages. I knew then of its intention and stopped the vehicle. I jumped to the rear and grabbed the jet pack. It was then I saw the escape tube chute. I did a thermal scan and matched the heat signals.
It was Edo.
She was in the chute.
I kicked the jet pack thrusters and went into overdrive. The jet pack could do some serious speed and it was troopers issued. Those nuts loved the danger levels even during training. I went up into the air and raced towards the chute. Edo was reckless, but her other knack was she will do anything more than once. I saw the tear from inside the chute and then there she was dropping out.
I loved the part when she called my name.
I swooped up and then down in a direct trajectory to catch her. For me not to break her bones on impact was to match her descent speed and then slowed the trajectory before we hit the ground. I calculate d it all in my puny processor and took the plunge. I grabbed her on the descent and then kicked in the reverse thrusters. I estimated that the margin of error was milliseconds. I pulled hard at my effort with the body turned to create more friction as to delay the descent.
It was a last second call.
I ditched her into the nearby pond that they constructed in the shape of the justice scales. She dropped down hard but mine was harder. I hit the grass turf and ended up in a series of rolls. I survived my fall with my synthetic skin but the gears and nuts all creaked out loud. Within seconds I was up and running towards Edo. She was seated in the pond. I guessed it was not as deep as I expected.
“Edo, how are you?” I felt my sensors must have gone bonkers. She glared at me. I tell you women can get at you in even the oddest places. “Must you drop me here?”
“I can’t explain now but we are under attack by Stingers. Federation Stingers.” I told her rather plainly.
“Where is my bike?” I heard her called out. Damn the lady at that moment she wanted her bike. I almost shed some oil then. I motioned to the armored vehicle. When she left with the troopers I parked the bike inside the vehicle. She rushed off to get the bike.  

Damn! Those ladies always do that when they needed a ride. They just couldn’t wait. 

Saturday, January 30, 2016

TTO Episode 2.1

Episode 2
The Book of Daniel
The band there was playing the ancient folklore song named ‘Nanatsu No Ko’; the tale of the seven baby’s crow. The band was adept at it with three musicians playing the music with the ‘shamisen’ and ‘koto’. It was rare to hear the song with the equally rare instruments but the Mos Early Hall was not your typical place to listen for music, but it was when the owner was Mos Early the Conductor.
“Do you want a squeeze of the D7?” I mimic an equivalent of a snigger to amuse the half construct of organic and machinery. I nodded to the bartender behind the counter. The Siverin are adept at the serving counter with their four extended arms and the bulging eyes that extended from their chest. Nothing escape the Siverin sight for those set of bulging eyes have five retina in each socket with their own individual sight. When I mentioned that the Siverin was half construct for it was seated on a mechanical platform that moved on the double tracks.
I had my serving of the D7 while I focus on the trio on the left side of the Hall. Mos Early may be an avid music listener but his business acumen told him the space for the stage be kept at the minimal while the other spaces were reserved for the patrons. Mos furnished it with three round tables on the other side while two rectangle tables for eight pax occupied the center of the hall. Okay, Mos was a scrooge for a proper hall but that one served him well. It was packed with all the tables occupied and some were at the counter with me.
I forgot to mention that constructs hardly communicate when they were served lubricants.
“Are they good or are they …” The construct was a speech therapist in a golden encasement and given the frame of a homo sapien. However the construct was not an ecstatic design with its joints displaying the cables and lubricant tubes.
“Oui, pardon me.” The golden construct took a dab of oil on the left elbow. “I guessed I am dripping oil.”
I took no notice of the drip but the other released off a disgusting laughter sound that was more like a Druggin experiencing a dry fuck. I ignored the construct and went back to the musicians. The trio of two three feminine gender had completed their stint and was leaving the stage.
“Hold on. You all three organics continue with the music.” I disliked those three constructs; they were halves like the bartender but the three were mercenaries. Their limbs were all replaced with machineries there. It was a sad case of poor judgment in battle survival skills. Given the fact that they were of the masculine gender account for higher degree of stupidity in judgment. Those three were seated near the stage and given their organic tolerance for the potent drinks; they were categorized as intoxicated. “We want to hear more music.”
The lead musician turned towards the three mercenaries and smiled. The musicians were Monscrats; the few with the inclination for the non violent learning.
“My apologies but our time is up.” The lead musician then took a bow. The nearest mercenary who was also of Moncrats lashed out with the upper limbs at the musician. The musician took a step back with the left leg and bent the body frame backwards to avoid the double arm grab. During the move, the musician lashed out with the right arm in a closed fingers jab at the mercenary lower chest. It was a numbing move that disabled the drunkard. The other two mercenaries stood up to join in but they were denied the move when they saw the musician have a side arm in her right hand. Even though weapons were not allowed there but exceptions were maintained at times.
“Are they good or are they …” The golden construct echoed his comments once more but that time I was past listening. At the entrance was the appearance of two hooded figures in a dark overcoat.
“Gracious, they stink.” For once the golden construct was correct. The two hooded figures pulled their hoods back to reveal their faces. They were Grecians.
“We come here to foretell you the new ten years.” The Grecians voiced out in unison. “We are prepared to speak for a  series of drinks.”
“Oui, mate. You are in the wrong hall. This is for the constructs. Organic is down the path.” Trust golden construct to speak the truth. I sniggered but it was cut off when the shooting began.

“The city is under attack!” Another construct rushed in to alert us all. “Get me the oil before I melt.” 

Friday, January 29, 2016

TTO Episode 1.6

I recalled once when I was younger running for my life when the ground trembled. It was up in the mountains when I took the hike with some older friends. I was only twelve then and when the ground groaned out in pain, I found myself running from it. Soon I was lost among the trees and everything was a nasty life form of some sort. I ran while screaming for my friends but the vibrations of the ground drowned my voice. It was during the run when I stumbled over an uprooted branch and then found myself flat on the ground. Everything was moving and I screamed out louder.
No one came but a voice sounded in my mind.
“Clear your mind, child. The answer lies before you.” I stopped screaming and looked around. There were evil life forms there and they were calling my name. I wanted to scream but the sound will not come out. I pushed myself up and then looked around. It was still frightening then but there was a glimpse of hope.
It was an open space among the life forms.
I ran for it and saw myself fall.
I fell.
I soon landed on a clump of leaves but the branches were moving. The tree which I fell was uprooted then and it was toppling over. I grabbed out and held a branch but that did not stop the tree falling. It went down and I was thrown off. I found myself in a river with the swift torrent.
I was being swept away by the torrent.
Like then when the frigates launch their fielding of the mines on Edo. It was pure madness but we were under attack by the Federation of the Planets ships. It was initiated by General Hex.
“We are under orders to destroy the planet. The inhabitants of this planet have lent their support to the Order of the Light. With that, we are to demonstrate the punishment for those who oppose the New Order.”
I was shaken off my seat in the Command Base then. I picked myself up and saw the other officers were evacuating the place. I saw some of the equipments were on fire but the most frightening scene was outside when I looked though the wall glass opening. The city was under attack by Stingers.
The Stingers was like a miniaturized frigate with its mounted side cannon on both sides. The cannons could swivel on the ball turret up to 180 degree on either direction. The single seater fighter measured twenty feet in radius screamed across the skies over the city. The fighter was able to maneuver in between the structures with its cannons tearing into the foundations and pillars.
I saw one Stinger ran parallel to a tower with its cannons blazing at the wall structure on level twenty five. The Stinger screamed past the tower on its run and then returned for another pass at level twenty four. On the completion of the second pass, I saw the tower integrity was compromised. It began with a series of creaking noise when the upper levels started cracking on the structure. The subsequent three upper levels gave way and then the tower started to tilt. It was a slight movement and stayed on. The Stinger was not finished with its strafing. It screamed on the third pass and blazed its cannons on the lower levels to cause the foundation to weaken. When the Stinger swerved away in a sharp turn from the tower, its work was done. The tower shaken at its foundation and with the damages to the side, it then began to topple.
I felt it all. That was the middle tower of the Command Base. The white tower collapsed and hit the Southern Tower. Both towers went down and ended up as rubbles on the ground.
Five thousand or more lives’ were lost then.
There was no time to lose then. I ran to the chute system on the wall. I hit the release button and saw the tube chute shot out towards the ground. It was a design for us to evacuate in the case of fire or worse, a collapsing tower. Without hesitation, I opened the escape hatch on the wall and climbed into the chute. It was a free fall at about sixty miles an hour but within the tube, you are safe as long as the tube remains intact. It was a calculated risk and I took it.
I went down and hard.
I prayed harder for a safe landing.
The Gods were away then.
At half way, I felt the lurch in the tube.
It was giving way.
I could not see what was happening out there.
I was trapped inside a tube falling rapidly.
I grabbed my sidearm and fired at the tube lining
It tore apart and I was sent out into the air.
There was no time to handle the situation.


Thursday, January 28, 2016

TO Episode 1.5

The Command Base of the Enforcers was an imposing structure with it five towers; one in the center and the other four forming a square on the center tower. The center tower was shaded in white while the other four were in dark shades. The structures were built sixty years ago when the Dark Order was in influence. It rumored that the design was to symbolize the greatness of the Dark Order which had besieged the White Order. Each tower was shaped in a hexagon facet design and held sixty levels each with enough space to housed three landing pads on its roof.
The Galileo Five landed on the Northern Tower where I disembarked. I rode the bike to the transporter unit which resembled a rectangle cubicle that could fit in twenty five persons at any one time. Each tower held four of these units to move the personnel over the various levels. I took my descent to the forty fifth level while the bike was commanded to park itself with Daniel at the open ground outside the tower.
“Daniel, I want the bike charged for another run.” I instructed Daniel through the communicator. “I want the side cannon mounted.”
It was my add-on to the bike for the heavy battle situations. The cannon will be fitted on the right side of the wheel with the ammo feed belt to the rear where it will housed two hundred shots. When I had finished communicating my instruction, the cubicle had arrived at the desired level. I stepped out and saw the guard battle construct there standing at the entrance to Enforcers D9 Unit. The battle constructs designer had the impression of a canine species then. The unit stood on four legs with retractable claws and a rectangle body frame connected to a snarling designed turret head piece with the twin mounted cannons. The turret was attached to the body frame by the flexible housing that allowed it to swivel in a 180 degree direction. On the side of the construct were the mounted mini cannons in the sponson there. The construct stood at nine feet in height of which the legs were of three feet in length and four feet across. They were named the Bull Dog Construct.
“Hello, Tom.” I walked past the construct towards the main entrance to the Command Base of the Enforcers D9. Inside the unit were our support and intelligence units that assist the nine officers like myself in our cases. The design of the Command Base was like the Bridge of the Space Cruisers. It was split into two platforms with the upper level that resembled a floating square mezzanine level in the middle connected by three walkways. On the mezzanine level was the seating for the nine enforcers alongside with the three commanding officers led by one Chief Enforcer. The side of the chamber was the array of equipments that were manned by the support staff. The lower level of the chamber was the Intelligence section that held over fifty officers with their head gears linked to the equipments for their works.
I saw the other eight enforcers were there seated on their assigned seat. I took mine and strapped in. Once I was strapped in the seat will reclined to a sleeping position. All our focus will be on the overhead orb in the center of the floor. It was then the seat will take over my body awareness. Next I will find myself in a virtual chamber with the other eight officers. We were all standing there in the void when a voice spoke to me.
“Welcome, No. 9.” The voice belonged to the Chief Enforcer. “I trust you had a good outing with the Mitoushi House. And of course your reckless riding on Galileo Five.” 
“I have better days, Chief.” I smiled and then greeted by the appearance of the presence of a high ranking officer from the Federation of Planets.
“General Hex will address you now.” With that the Chief’s voice faded off. The General stepped forth as if he was walking on the flooring. He was dressed in the hard pressed gray uniform with the single black shaded epaulette on the left shoulder and the small strap from there to the middle of the waist level coat. His matching pants were tucked into the knee high leather boots. The boots held the hook and fastener on the outside near the knee. The General’s headgear was the dark side cap with the single red stripe across it. His rank was prominently displayed on the right side of the chest with the Federation emblem crisscrossed with the double swords. The officer displayed a fine physical form at his height of six feet and the wide shoulders lent weight to his image.
“Enforcers, I will be brief.” General Hex spoke up. His facial expression was grim with the thin moustache coupled with the deep set sunken eyes. “The Federation had declared war on the Houses here in the Mistral Stars.” 
We are the third planet among the five which rotated inside the Mistral Stars System. It was a hospitable planet with good air and flush with green growths although we have leveled most of it for the emergence of cities and also for mineral extraction. The Mistral Stars are abundant with many minerals hence the inhabitants have prospered well with it.
“Mistral is generally supportive of the Federation of Planets with its fair trades of the minerals. The trades have also prospered the noble Houses which in return have been of assist to the Federation.” General Hex was clearly not entertained when he praised us then. He was after all a Moncrats. “Lately the noble Houses have not been adhering to the needs of the Federation. With that lack of assistance, the Federation of Planets had requested the Federation Military to take remedial actions.”
I felt the shiver down my spine on those last words. I have heard on the vibes that Federation of Planets military have taken over the Corvus traders in a similar operation. The remedial action coveted by the Military was total annihilation with the total control on the trader goods. I wanted to question the move when the whole chamber burst into a fest of shades.
“As of this moment, the Federation Ninth Fleet is entering the Mistral System.” I found myself standing in a virtual scene in the void of space. That void was soon interrupted by the appearance of twelve battle cruisers, twenty five frigates and fourteen troopships. The cruiser battle ships were designed line the double scimitars with the sharp blades end to the fore and the engines were at the rear. The two structures were interconnected with a series of nine bridges in the middle. The cruisers measured five miles in length and a quarter mile across to a height of a quarter mile. As in its namesake, the cruisers were named the Scimitars. Each Scimitar cruiser held a crew of five thousand with a complement of eight thousand troopers and two hundred Stringers in its ten hangers. The cruiser deadly weapon was its double phaser cannons which could pierce a planet from its surface to the core with its energy blasts. It also housed over two hundred double cannon turrets on the sides of the ship which protect it from enemy fighters.
The frigates called the Shields were of a different design. It was a double saucer shaped with it forward movement in a vertical position with the six interconnecting bridges. It was also one third the dimension of the cruiser but it was without the deadly double cannons. Instead it held a set of ten slots for mass deployment of the explosive mines. The mines could be deployed in a blanket formation of a hundred miles per launch that may cover over a hundred miles across with each mine an effective range of one mile. The frigates held a squadron of twenty five Stingers with a complement of five hundred crews and a thousand troopers.
The troopships were called the Armor were half the size of the frigate and held a smaller squadron of twelve Stingers. Each troopship was designed to carry five thousand troops and other supplies. The Armor design was oblong shape with three fins on the rear.
The Ninth Fleet was the smallest in size among the twelve fleets in service with the Federation of Planets.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

TTO Episode 1.4

R3 was a top flight call for reinforcement on a riot situation. Liberty Avenue was where the elites held their office there. No officer ignored a R3 call. It also stands for officer in need of assistance.
I reached Liberty Avenue in a flat two minutes three seconds; slower by those seconds due to a drunk on my ride path. I did not hit the brakes but soared over three moving vehicles to land ahead. When I reached Liberty Avenue, I saw the commotion there. There was a siege on the officers that belonged to the Enforcers 3; the city patrol units.  They have parked their patrol vehicles in a triangular frame with them inside it. The half bubble shaped two seater was designed for patrolling and was hardly any match for riot control. It does have a mini cannon mounted on the top but it was for emergencies. The officers had their sidearm drawn and aimed at the encircling mob. The mob was not attacking the officers but intimating them with vocal expletives.
“Command eject on my call.” I spoke to the bike system. It was a standard protocol for stopping the bike in emergencies but then for me, it was the cue to disembark while in flight. The bike roared on the push of the throttle and then it went up on the front wheel before it took off into flight. It was a climb of over ten feet before I jumped off. I curled in my legs close to my chest and went into a somersault to propel into the line of mob. The bike had stopped in mid flight with its side panels opened up to allow it to drift further ahead.  I landed on the head of the one mob participants and used that to propel myself ahead in another somersault before moving into half twist to land on the ground facing the mob. I then called on my energy claws from my greaves.
“I am the Enforcer.” I had to dramatize my entry to instill fear in them. “I will warn you only once.”
The mob on Liberty Avenue held back then their taunting. They were a mixed of breeds there from Montries to Quetron and among others. I saw some of my own kind there. I took then the opportunity to address them.
“All of you are in violation of Code 112 of the Federation Laws.
When I was to speak, a dark shadow loomed over the Liberty Avenue. I looked up and saw the new threat. It was a flying craft that carried the Federation of the Galaxies mark with one more unique marking; the Troopers. The craft was a transporter Model Galileo marked with the sign Five on it; it was shaped like a saucer with a large underbelly. On the side of the craft underbelly were the four mounted six barrels rotary cannons that were aimed then on Liberty Avenue.
“Civil gathering that exceeded twenty persons are considered as rioting. You may be taken down on that action.” The cannons started firing into the mob and within seconds, the front lines were reduced to torn body parts. The others at the rear saw the killing and retaliated in return. They drew out their hidden weapons and returned fire. The low powered rifles and sidearm were not a threat to the armored plating on the Galileo. The firing from the craft soon stopped when the number of the mob have reduced.
Then the craft underbelly opened up and a squadron of troopers descended onto Liberty Square with their jetpacks.
“Resistance is futile.” The troopers took their firing with the superior PH375 rifle towards the remaining persons still standing among the dead or wounded. The trooper which had landed aimed the rifle at the wounded person on the ground. The trooper pulled the trigger and removed the pain of dying. The trooper then stepped boot into the dead body as if he was in a ritual to rub into the blooded flesh. The trooper then aimed the rifle at another and fired. Within seconds, the killing had stopped and the troopers were checking the wounded before they terminated their lives.
“Officer Edo, you have been recalled to your Command Base.” I looked at the trooper who had just spoken to me. The trooper had the insignia of a squadron leader on the left arm. “I am Captain Cines. Please follow me.”
“No! Answer me this. Why did your squadron kill them?” I shouted at the trooper leader.
“Officer Edo, they are the violators of the Federation Laws. The punishment is death. We were just carrying out our orders.” The trooper leader then motioned for me to board the craft. I refused and told the leader, I will take my own transport there. I called on my bike which zoomed next to me. I mounted the bike with the thrusters roaring to speed off.
It was then I saw the new attack.
The Galileo Five turned its cannons on the three half bubble shaped two seater with its unwary officers. Six of them died in the first salvo while the two seaters went up in flames. I pulled out my sidearm and aimed it at the trooper leader. The other troopers near me had then trained their rifles towards me.
“Officer Edo, please do not be rash. We are acting on orders.” The leader stood there unmoving at the threat on his life. He then looked to the troopers and told them to board the craft. I turned to look at the burning two seaters alongside with their occupants. They were the innocents there. Someone will pay for this. I swung my bike towards the craft and crashed into the boarding troopers there. With my accelerated speed, I bumped off six troopers on the ramp and slammed into four others inside at the craft inner sides. I braked on the bike to the sound of drawn rifles by the other surviving troopers.

“I changed my mind. I will ride on the back.” I raised my face visor. “I can’t have you covering mine.”

Monday, January 25, 2016

TTO Episode 1.3

The goon went down clutching his crotch while his other compatriots all reached for their swords. It was then when I stepped back and took my fighting stance with my left leg swinging back in an arc to bend behind to add strength if I was move forward. The frame of body had turned to the left with right arm raised out to shoulder level. My right fingers clenched out pointed to the open palm. My left arm had pulled back then at the elbow close to my waist with the same fingers stance.
It was one of the five Harashi fighting opening stance.
“I will not tempt fate, guys.” It was Daniel with his bald head glistening as if it was polished hard. He was dressed in a similar suit like mine. He had also backed me up with the waist leveled seven barrel rotary mini gun that fires off seven rounds in one parsec. The gun was fed by the ammo belt lined from the rear pack.
“This is a military grade model. Last I saw its impact, there was not much to pickle at.” Daniel does at times speak too much but his threats were really scary.
That did not stop the Hanuman guards from having their swords leveled at me. They have their sword raised over their shoulder in a move to perform a down swipe slash. Heck, I had better pricks lined up before. My mind reached for left greave and it activated the built-in remote that activated the three slim curved inwards foot long energy blade above my wrist. It was fashioned like the claws of the Ussuri brown bear.
Teishi!” The voice commanded the guards to stand down. I knew that voice for I had taken the same move. I retracted my energy blades then. I looked behind the guards and saw the commanding figure that was approaching then. It was Kuzuka.
“Edo, we meet once again.” Mitoushi Kuzuka; the First Shugo or Governor in the Gaijin term. There are five Shugo in the Mitoushi House but the most powerful was the First. He was the next in line to be the Daimyo. I knew Suzuka when he was younger. We once dated but it did not work out. There was a rule that the Harashi could not interact with the five Houses on an intimate level. I was the rebel.
“Hello, Kuzuka.” I smiled at the dashing young man. He stood below me at eye level but we matched in beauty on the physique. He was a fine specimen while the social networks loved to feature him as infallible Adonis. His hair was tied up in the top knot style of the ancient looks and so was his attire of the hakama; the white shirt design and the flaring ankle length peach blossom shade skirt. He had donned the sleeveless crimson thick jacket over his shirt with the padded shoulders. His feet were covered by the wooden sandals favored for indoor.
“We will speak inside.” Kuzuka replied. He looked at Daniel and then back to me. “He cannot step into the Tower. It’s forbidden.”
There was a rule among the Houses that no constructs may be employed or allowed inside their homes or offices. That was a rule set by the Houses when the Daimyo of the Hasada House were killed by the constructs that was to protect him but was reprogrammed. The Daimyo’s then of the four Houses took a vow to banish all the constructs from their employ. “There is no true loyalty then that of our retainers. We swore that only the true flesh and blood shall swear to us.” Those were the words of Mitoushi Sasada.
I followed Kuzuka inside and was led to the chamber there at the ground level. It was a white chamber without any design or seating. I stepped in with Kuzuka. He motioned with his hands and the chamber was turned into a beautiful creek where we had the real first and last date.
“You dislike the boots.” Kuzuka read my mind. I disliked them for it made me looked like a scrawny court jester with shapely legs. The former spoiled the beauty of the later. It was sentimental of him to bring back the memories, but I was on a M5 case then.
“Thank you for reminding me. Now that we cleared of the awkward scene, can we talk on the M5 call I have?” I grimed my facial expression. It also spoiled his mood for the creek then became a rectangle table with a single chair for his seat.
“I guess chivalry is not in the agenda. I will stand.” I snapped back. “After all I looked pretty with my long legs.”
Kuzuka smiled while he leaned back on his seat. He was a SOB at time. I guessed it came with the stock and the pens that have mould the identity. Then I knew why we never went beyond the first date.
“We had a small fire incident, and one of our guest was..” Kuzuka smiled. “Perished when he tried to escape the fire. We regretted that the incident was made known to the public but we at Mitoushi House valued our privacy.”
The snooty bastard was trying to tell me to back off but I have my obligations.
“We still need to know more on the fire. There have been some incidents of late between the five Houses, and this incident ranked in line with the others.” I smiled back. “We are obliged to investigate.”
“A simple fire does not have any conspiracy involved.” Kuzuka replied. “Those other incidents you mentioned are regrettably unrelated at all. It’s only the vivid imagination of the social networks that ignited the link.”
I forgot to declare that Kuzuka did studied legal courses during his academic pursuit. He was the academy top orator and excelled himself in many social events.
“Nevertheless, I need to investigate. I am sure you will not stand in the way of the D9 Enforcers.”
“Harashi Kumiko, your family is no more one of the noble Houses’. When both sides of the Order have ceased their hostility, your House became extinct. Today you served the Dark Order as an Enforcer…”
“I am a D9 Enforcer.” I snapped back.
“Nevertheless still a lackey for the Dark Order, or in your belief for the Federation of Planets. We of the Mitoushi House hold no respect for the Federation of Planet or of the Order. We are the Noble Houses of the Sun.” Kuzuka cut it in deep. “The other noble Houses are all the same.”
“There is no others in the Federation of Planets and the Dark Order said by you have died fifty years ago when its hundred years of reign ended.” I corrected him. “The Moncrats does not rule as the President now. They have been replaced by the …”
“The Teknocrats, I know.” Kuzuka interrupted me. “Another set of lackeys for the real power. Grand Order Illium had retired.”
“A delusion on the part of the Dark Order well played to the Federation. Grand Order Illium remains on the seat of power although not in the physical sense but his mind is encased in the Grand Hybrid Form while his apprentice remains as loyal to the Master.
It was rumored that the Grand Order had moved his mind to that of the machinery known as the Grand Hybrid; a large slab of circuitry linked to a series of data processors. The Grand Hybrid was then linked to almost all the electronic systems which constantly feedback data to the main processor for assimilation and analysis. The Grand Hybrid was stored in the First Temple of the Dark on Montrie V. It was heavily guarded and the only one with access to it was Darth Natria.
“A self denial by you. Grand Order Illium had died eight hundred years ago, and Darth Natria was not seen for over five hundred years. Both the Light and Dark Order had ceased to exist.” I was getting upset at the unfounded remarks made by Kuzuka. “The Federation of Planets is now ruled by the Council of Nine.”
I was to continue on but Kuzuka had then did the bow before me which was his way of saying we are not to continue.  
“Our discussion ends now.” Kuzuka voiced out. “I shall have your section named for the attack on my staff.”
It was then Daniel called me on the communicator. It was a silent unit that was affixed on the rear of my left earlobe.
“Edo, we got a R3 situation at the Victory Avenue.” 

Sunday, January 24, 2016

TTO Episode 1.2

At almost six feet tall, I dismounted from the super bike without any trouble. My super bike was a red shaded powered stallion with the supple stretched ‘S’ framework that was made from a mixture of aluminum and titanium with the two rimless metal wheels bonded with the super soft rubber like material. The framework held the carbon fiber panels that store the powerful one thousand horsepower engine with the twin exhaust set at the rear wheel. The bike panels peeled open when the bike comes to a standstill. During the ride, the panels retract to encapsulate the arms and legs to keep the rider safe in case of an accident.
I don’t know what was more appealing to the bystanders there even at the then ungodly hour of before dawn. Maybe some will pick up the image for a quick scrub before getting the needed last hours of sleep. Or maybe it was not the bike but my dressing. I had slipped on the body tight dark suit with the red stripe down my left side from the shoulder to my thigh where it became my legging. On my right shoulder was the matching shoulder pad that reached from there to the elbow. On my upper left limb was the matching red greave. The gloves on my hands were cut off at the fingers to allow me some skin feel when I pulled the trigger on the side arm I carried on my right side of my waist belt. My leg gears were the shin high leather boots where an energy blade resides on the left boot. I pulled off my head gear which was a rider helmet. It also covered the front side of the face with the electronic face visor providing me readings on the bike. Underneath my helmet was my Enforcer’ red beret with the emblem of the lightning with the ‘sai’ weapon on it.
Maybe it was my legs. It does accentuate the beauty of my rear.
“I am Commander Edo.” I pushed out my left arm greave which displayed my official badge. The male patrol officer from Enforcer Unit 3 took a look at the badge and then stepped aside. He was shorter than me, but his frame bespoke of a hunky physique. His uniform was a dark blue overall tucked into the boots with the matching knee length overcoat. His waist belt held his sidearm and the packs of accessories to assist him in his work. His head gear was a close replica of the kabuto; the ancient samurai head gear. It had the dome shaped design with the wing like projections. His left arm cradled the three feet long energy staff that when operated will emit the extra four feet length energy blades on the end. It was an improvised model of the ancient naginata.
“I don’t need your credentials, Commander Edo. “ The patrol man grin his expression. “I recognize your side kick.”
Daniel came on his own vehicle. It was not a super bike but a six wheeler armored vehicle. It was shaped like the personnel carrier with the reinforced plates. It would also park the super bike inside when I rode with Daniel. The replicate was dressed like the patrol man without the headpiece and his overcoat was red. Daniel does not carry any weapons; he was a weapon by design.
I saw then the ring of guards at the entrance of the Mitoushi Tower 9. Those were not your hired enforcers but hard cored warriors. There were twelve of them; with their double breasted suit but in the imposing part were the double swords they have tucked into the waist belt. The swords were one about four feet long and the other was just under one feet. They have these head bands on their foreheads with the Mitoushi emblem. Those were named the Hanuman warriors with the face mask that covered their real faces. They were stopping anyone from entering the building including the patrolmen.
I was not letting any hunks stopped me from responding to a M5 call.
“I am Commander Edo of the Enforcers.” I looked into the eyes of the guard that was in my way. “You let me go in huh?”
Either these guards have hearing issues or they got balls the size of my tits. I was a 34D for the records. It was the same with these Houses; they think they will take care of things themselves. Normally in these situations, we defused them with the best of options.
“The Mitoushi House will take care of its own issues.” The disguised guard said. I was not buying then so I pointed to him the blown out windows on the 25th Level. The fire may have been doused but the smokes were still there. More to it, I have five witnesses who swore they saw a body was tossed from there. That body was however removed some time back by unknown persons. The witnesses claimed the body was carried inside the building. The fire was not a M5 call and not was the jump but the event took place at the Mitoushi Tower made it a M5. The authorities disliked events that involved the five Houses for it was bad for the city image.
“I want to speak to Kuzuka.” I glared at the face mask goon.  
“Mr Mitoushi is not here.” The goon pointed his right index finger at my chest. “Small tits.”

I struck him in the balls. I felt insulted when my tits were compared. I preferred kneading. 

Saturday, January 23, 2016

TTO Episode 1.1

Episode 1
The Book of Edo
I hate to sound like a wreck but I was then. It could have been the bottle content or the sex desire was like the bottle content. Both were dry and felt like I was pulled across the gravel path. I pulled up from the bedding and sat on its side. I heaved in deep pull of breath and then held it there. It was not working for my tits as it had not rose up like before. I looked across the room towards the standing figure. It was a human form in it’s my natural splendour except that one was hairless and it held a prick between its legs.
“Daniel, I told you that the elasticity in me may be diminishing.” I curled my lips on that last word. I did not wait for the reply and stood up on my long legs. They were the attractive part of mine that covered nearly three fifth of my frame. It was not that the other parts of me was not appealing but I have scars on my back and navel that many assumed came from roughing it out on the edge of sexual pain. In actual fact, they were my priceless battle wounds during my career as an Enforcer of the Law.
I am Harashi ‘Edo’ Kimiko, the last descendant of the Harashi House. Kimiko was my given name by my father which meant ‘the child without equal’ but I was called Edo by my grandfather who felt the name was more appropriate to me. Edo was the ancient name for Tokyo for over three hundred years until 1868. Edo also meant the ‘estuary’ in Japanese. The family had played the role as protectors of the Order. My grandfather had told me that the Harashi served to keep the balance in the Order for generations. We were never seen or mention in public but we served behind the scenes. Our roles was like the namesake; the division between the Dark and Light. We were where the tide meets the stream. With the thousand years reign over, the Harashi House was disbanded and like the Order of the Light, we soon extinguished in our contribution.
“I would think so but that is a failed assumption.” The hairless frame replied. “The tautness of your flesh may be due to the over exertion of my grasps when you were riding me. I believe the term of reference will be ‘cowgirl’. The flesh will compensate back. You are still supple.”
“Fuck you, Daniel.” I hissed out while making my way towards the shower cubicle. I disliked to be told that I was wrong. Most of them who did were either given a hollowed orifice or terminated. I took my stand in the shower cubicle while the sensors picked up my presence. The streams of liquid came down from above me and soon engulfed me. It may seem like a cocoon but for the person inside it was like taking a deep dive into the sea. I felt every pore of my body was swept by the comforting liquid and cleanse of any impurity.
It was refreshing to be in there.
“Fuck you, Daniel!” I screamed out when I felt its presence moving to clasp me from the rear. I twisted my body and used the left shoulder to create a break between us. Then I moved my left elbow into the midriff of the hairless frame and followed on with a closed fist slammed into the throat. In an organic frame, the person having those blows would had died or worse, suffered blood gurgling but Daniel was a replicate. The replicate is a construct that resembled an organic frame with all the expected anatomies; well maybe better endowed.
“I just wanted a shower.” I snapped back while reaching for the blanket to wipe the remnants of liquid.
“It…was a M5 call.” Daniel had recovered from the physical ordeal. The replicate pulled its frame upright and did some neck turns while its body sensors ran diagnostics. The M5 call was a priority call for D9 Enforcers to respond immediately.  
“I thought you liked your sex spontaneous.” Daniel was infallible in his logic thinking. “And a quickie prior to a M5 call may be your preference.”
“I would have but we just completed a three hours of it. And it sucks.” It was not Daniel’s fault but mine. I was distracted by other matters.
“Sucks? I thought I was doing just the …” Replicates could never be like real humans for emotional timing in responses.

“Frag it, DN-501.” I had referred to Daniel by his Replicate Model Reference. It was our ‘stop’ signal like what they used in the bondage games. “I am sorry, DN-501. We have a M5 call.”

Friday, January 22, 2016

TTO Episode 0.3

“Darth Natria, my apprentice. Your flawed action had exposed our new existence.” Grand Order Illium then faced the others in the Council of Lords. “The last day of the thousand years will end by the setting of the last sun on the mountains. With that, the words of Master Seldon had ended its purpose. Now that is known, I am here to tell you of the new age.”
“A new age of a hundred years as said by Master Seldon or of what you may say?” Lord Hamill recovered from his attack stood up to question the Grand Order. “Surely you will not tell me that the Dark Order shall rule once more. Do you recalled the balance of the Order held the also the Light Order?”
“The Light Order? It’s a defunct order which had ceased to exist for over nine hundred years now. The Grecian Masters have gone into exile and the apprentices have deserted the Order. Have you seen the last of them since then?” Grand Order Illium spoke out. “Grand Master Xilnex have been dead for a hundred and five years.”
“Impossible!” Lord Hamill hit back. “The Grand Master is in exile. He will return…”
“Return? Perhaps parts of him I believed could be persevered.” Grand Order Illium motioned to Darth Natria. “Please show them remains of the esteemed Master.”
Darth Natria stepped forth with the small container. The apprentice was clad like the Grand Order but the stripes were not of crimson shade but that of pink. The shade befits the feminine beauty beneath the loose drapes. Darth Natria placed the container on the ground and without any hesitation, she kicked it over. The container spilled over with the remains of the once master of the Light Order rolled out.
“Dramatic entry or was it exit. May I present Grand Master Xilnex’s pelvis.” Grand Order Illium announced to the other Lords. “The Order of the Light may have ceased ….forever. Please excuse my dramatic exit.”
With that the Grand Order swung out his right hand at the remains. The crimson energy streaked out like a set of curved claws that lengthen to two feet. The claws hit the remains and vaporized it. The gathered there exhaled their disgusts but none will dare to oppose the Dark Order.
Well, not all.
“The Montries will not bow to the Dark.” Lord Cram of the Montries stood out from among the Lords. “We have been the one with the Light for a …”
“Too long for you, once of my blood brothers. ” Grand Order Illium hit back at the Lord Cram. The Mountrie Lord was a partial organic and mechanical construct. The Mountrie held no real form for it was a density of energy encase in the construct frame with the six upper arms while the bottom frame was in a hovering saucer.  The Lord was once a veteran of the old battles before becoming Lord. The older Lord was slashed by the claws at the chest. With the front cavity breached, the energy form had lost its containment and dispersed out. Without the containment, the energy form was weaker and the claws returned to slash at it. Lord Cram raw form dissipated into the environment.
“Resistance is futile.” Grand Order Illium waved both his hands above his head. “I truly dislike the Borg from muttering it incessantly. They make it sound like it was their own invention.”
From the mountain tops around the plateau, a thousand crack troops of the Moncrats jetpack towards the plateau. From the view of the gathered, they were alike the harbinger of death. The whiteness of their armors on the troops was not a contrast of their honor, for the whiteness of the armor was borne to be covered with the various shades of the defeated life body liquid. Every trooper idolized their death coatings like badges of victory. The troopers were all armed with the energy blaster PH 375 rifle that could tear apart a Gonzoria beast in seconds. And those beasts are at a full height of ten feet and weighed over a ton with a ferocity that most of hunters feared. The trooper head piece was the white half face helmet that covered their eyes to the bridge of the nose. The helmet had a wide brimmed side that sailed downwards at the rear. The troops landed among the gathered with their rifles drawn.
“My fellow Lords, please do not be alarmed. That was just one of our favored dramatic entries. It was listed down in our Order Annals.” Grand Order Illium smiled. “I prefer my own entries.”
Grand Order Illium lowered his arms, and fifty troopers fired their rifles at the nearest Lords. Fifty five of the gathered ceased to exist that day.

“Now the Order of the Dark will rule beyond its hundred years.” Grand Order Illium called out. “Hail the New Federation of the Planets under our rule.” 

Thursday, January 21, 2016

TTO: Episode 0.2

The Council of the Lords had convened for the thirteenth session in that cycle of the planet Olympia. The session was held on the Mount of Zess, the highest plateau on the range of the Illiad Mountains. The plateau was the famed flat rock that was rumored to be cut across by Gods of the Universe. It was revered by the Grecians who valued peace and avoid any conflicts in its existence for eons. It was the great master and negotiator, Grand Knowledge Master Seldon of Grecian brokered the pact of peach for all. In his greater words, Master Seldon declared that the fifty galaxies will cease to exist if the conflicts were not resolved.
“The findings of the sixty nine masters in all the fields of the knowledge deduce that if we do not broker a peace now, the fifty galaxies will be one in a thousand year. All will be united and those of you seated here will perish from the annals of the words.” Master Seldon had sent the message to all in the galaxies. “Salvation is however at hand if we are to unite now. All fifty galaxies are to unite now. And peace shall reign for a thousand years.”
“A thousand years, Master Seldon?” A critic of the Grecian spoke of its defiance. “Surely for the Grecian who had fought no conflict and yet was occupied by many in its times, how can you tell us that peace may reign for a thousand years? Why not two or three thousand years? We had fought longer than that?”
“We did occupy Illiad Mountains for over a hundred years.” The critic gloated on the occupation of his kind over the Grecian. “Fine slaves then.”
“Yes, Master Tribute. Your Lords were cruel then but they were none compared to the Moncrats who had killed half the knowledgeable masters for they feared our works.” Master Seldon replied. “We were all once your slaves and then also your fearful foes in the world of knowledge. You may have committed atrocities on us but none of you would dare to extinguish us from existence.”
“We are few now but we hold the key to the future.” Master Seldon silenced his critic. “Do we do peace for a thousand years or perished before then? Take notice of words. A thousand years of peace to rebuild your system. A thousand years for you to populate.”
“Mark this, the ones who listened” Master Seldon continued on. “Legacies will end in the thousand years. And from the thousand years, there will be the hundred years and finally the ten years.”
“In those ten years, there will be one without any legacy who will turn the cycle back or not at all.” Master Seldon raised his voice. “Such is the way of the balance of the Order.”
The one hundred and ninety five Lords from the fifty galaxies formed the Council of Lords then and peace reigned for a thousand years. The battles had ended then and the galaxies prospered. The peace of a thousand years brought in trades and then more riches to its Lord. They named the alliance the Federation of Planets. It was fine for seven hundred years until the last of the elders died when its soul expired. The new elders that followed on were not then that saw the formation of the Council. They argued and questioned the logic of peace accord. The renewed sparkle of questions was to lay the foundation to the end of the thousand years.
“What then, Lord Quantrill?” Lord Hamill raised his voice to the Quetron Lord during the thirteenth session then of the Lord of Council. “We are to the last daylight cycle to the end of the thousand years. Your master had questioned Master Seldon on the end of the thousand years. So what do you say now? Or perhaps the Moncrats have their questions?”
Lord Hamill looked at the assembled there on the plateau. The plateau held no seats for the assembled while they held their sessions standing in the gathering. It was said that if all were to be allowed to stand, there will be equality among them. On the plateau, there were no elements that will annoy them for the plateau was surrounded by a ring of mountains that protects it. The Lord whisked off the strand of hair from his tall forehead that gave an image of oblong shape to his upper head where it branch out to two protruding anatomy. The protruding anatomy was not a set of horn but it was swept back to form a curvature that dropped to the lower back. On the two protruding anatomy, there was no hair growth there. His hair however held its place on above his ears and towards the shoulders like the fine fur of the Toberian Tiger with its seven shades of colors. The two protruding tops were covered with the sacred texts that were ingrained into the skin there. He was dressed in the yellow loose gown that covered his body from the neck down and on his left shoulder hung the woven bag. The gown hid his lower body structure which resembled that of the four legged long narrow limbs with the hoofs. In the bag was his prized possession; the glass orb that he used for his meditative sessions. He looked towards the Moncrats who stood on the side all by themselves.
The two were the representative to the Council; Grand Order Illium and Natria. It was rumored that the Moncrats held only two Lords to command over their fifty million inhabitants across the five planets in their galaxy. It was a small number compared to the two billion of the Quetron but the planets of the Moncrats held ten billion trained mercenaries that were cloned from one to serve as their army.
“I hold no need to question the thousand years of peace.” Grand Order Illium replied. He held the frame of the homo sapiens with the two upper and lower limbs. The splendour frame of Grand Order Illium was dressed in the dark gown with the matching dark overcoat and hood. The overcoat held five red stripes on its back that were embossed in as if was clawed across the back from the left shoulder to the right thigh. His face was half covered by the red mask on his right side to the edge of the mouth. There was no slot for the eye but in its place was a dark yellow jewel that was placed there. The jewel was reputed to be the Eye of Jana; the reputable icon worn by the tyrant then of Jana. The tyrant removed half of his subjects on one of the six planets he ruled in one daylight cycle when his life was threatened by an assassin. Such was the cruelty of the tyrant. “The reign of peace shall end soon and another hundred years will prevail….”
“Another hundred years? Of what? Peace or….” Lord Hamill questioned. His question remained incomplete for he had fallen to his knees then clutching his neck. “I….”
“Darth Natria, hold back on your wrath.” Grand Order Illium halted the younger person next to him. “We do not wish to alarm the others. Nor alert them too.”
“The Dark Order? How dare you?” Lord Quantrill snapped at the Monscrats representative. “How dare you move to the Dark?”
Lord Quantrill was one of the nine Lords from the Quetron. He was the representative to the Council. The Quetron held nine planets under their influence and close to the Grecian in the pursuit of knowledge. The Quetron held a unique frame with a round shape and the head occupied half the shape. The Quetron also held no limbs but they were served with the kinetic power which allowed them to move things. They also hold the ability to communicate with the machinery by thoughts. The Quetron was pushed off the pedestal which was placed there by the constructs for their use. Lord Quantrill and fell among the others in the motion of a rolling ball. He rolled himself upright and glared at the one who attacked him.  Grand Order Illium confronted the younger person once more who initiated the attack.
“You follow me and shall only act on my orders, Darth Natria.” Grand Order Illium commanded the other. “Or be banished, apprentice.”

Darth Natria nodded to the Grand Order. It was the law of the Dark. There will only be one Grand Order and the other the Apprentice. 

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

TTO Episode O

The throne of the Order:
The start of the  NEW Order

Jimmy Loong
Late December 2015

Episode Zero

The Beginning 



The dark figure stood on the edge of the ledge with the upper limbs stretched out horizontally. The figure was well proportioned with the body tight suit at a height of slightly over six feet. The body suit was dark in shade and covered the figure entirely. The dark figure clam the upper and lower limbs close to the body and then toppled over in a fine executed dive. The dark figure will accelerate to 176 feet per second or about 120 miles per hour in that free fall given the light breeze of the wind. At the drop of a thousand feet or at an approximate of 13.15 seconds, the dark figure spread the upper limbs out horizontally to decelerate the velocity of the fall. A set of thin fabric coating that resembled that of the bat wings appeared from under the upper limbs. It spread out beyond the tip of the upper limbs and stretched to twice its length. With the wings, the figure shape had changed to resembled that of the winged bat. The figure then stretched its body frame in a backward sweep to move its fall into a curved descent away from the impending impact on the ground below. With the arch frame, the figure was able to turn the dive into a flight which the descent was then moving to level with the ground below at a height of five thousand feet. The dark figure had then moved into a flight path that took it in between two building towers and then it swerved to the left after the towers. It was descending then at a degree between ten and fifteen degrees before the figure retract its lower limbs to its body. It then pushed out with the lower limbs to propel its flight speed to a higher level. 

Its trajectory was to land on the lower tower in its path at over a thousand feet away and at the height of four thousand feet. The area for its landing was a mere two hundred feet in length with a width of the similar dimension. The figure reached the designated tower before lowering its body frame to decelerate the landing speed. It then moved it upper limbs forward with the wings acting like landing flaps. The small jet packs on its waist belt then kicked in to assist in the deceleration. The figure had stopped at exactly one hundred and eighty feet on the tower rooftop. The wings on its upper limbs then retracted but it length was maintained. 

“Nani?” The surprised guard on the edge of the rooftop was not prepared for the appearance of the silent dark figure. The trained specialist in weapons and fighting techniques thought he had seen the ‘Oni’ or demon in the ancient mythology. The guard delay to the presence of the dark figure caused his head to be removed. The extended wings had transformed into a set of deadly blades at over three feet in length. . The headless guard collapsed onto his knees before falling flat onto his chest. 

That was the first in the evening. 

When the dark figure reached the entrance to the level below, three more guards were dead on the rooftop. The dark figure descended down the steps designed for manual descent. The defensive lasers on the staircase were activated on the presence of the unverified personnel. The lasers will cover the staircase area with a series of intersection of deadly rays that will vaporize anyone that attempts to cross it. The dark figure raised his upper limbs and the wings appeared like a cocoon over the frame. The cocoon protected the dark figure from the deadly rays. 

It then had five minutes to reach its target before the designated level was covered with more guards. 

The dark figure took haste in its run and soon reached the designated chamber on the level below. 

“Dekiagari!” The dark figure heard the voice when it stepped in. Across the chamber was the target. 

“I am Darth Asoka of the Secret Order. Who are you?” The blond hair figure was a young man with the mixed features was dressed in the white suit with the red overcoat that reached the knees. The blond figure right arm was glowing with the shade of crimson red. It extended to the three feet long red fusion energy staff in the right hand. 

“Dono yon i anata ga koko ni shin’nyu aete?” Darth Asoka did not like to be intruded in his personal chamber. He was also the Darth of the Order that resided there. Both the figures were apart by thirty feet. 

“I am Dark Angel of the Order.” The dark figure spoke out for the first time that night. “I am to kill you.”

With that, the dark figure spread out its upper limbs out. With the extended blades, the dark figure looked like a swooping eagle. 

“The Dark Angel of the Order? Darth Natria, I am surprise at your new designation as the Dark Angel.” Darth Asoka smiled. “I do wish you had come at me earlier. The others lacked the experience that could hold my interest. The last one had died in my arms although I sent her with the memories of the passionate echoes of satisfaction.”

“You are a bastard! She was my sister.” Darth Natria screamed out in anger. She then moved forward in a series of dance moves like that of the kabuki dancer with the big steps. With each move, Darth Natria swung her body with the blades swinging as if slashing. The short distance was covered in ten big steps when the right arm blade sliced at him. Darth Asoka had twisted his body aside to evade the slash but he was not prepared for the left handed blade. The left arm blade went down on the other at the right shoulder. The blade cut in deep across the neck towards the left side of the chest and cut the arteries to the heart. 

Darth Asoka was not dead when the left handed blade reached the left ribs. 

The assassin was not prepared for the victim who stepped back dragging the blade out. In the ancient texts, all humans have a soul. When that person dies, the soul leaves the body to an intermediate dimension to await the proper funeral rites so that it may join the ancestors. That was for the deceased who had died normally from illness or age. If one dies in a sudden or violent manner, then the soul may strayed in the inter dimension as the yurei. The yurei may be appeased with the correct rituals but not all have that. The yurei may remain as there with cruel intentions. 

“Yurei!” The assassin cried out and then drew out the blade. The later, Darth Asoka lashed out with the right arm. His staff flashed out the foot long energize blade on the top and struck on the assassin right blade. With that Darth Asoka left hand reached for the staff and used both his arms strength to push the blade of the assassin down. 

Darth Natria cried out in pain when her knees touched the ground. She felt her soul was pulled from her body by the force of the Secret Order. It was reputed that the Secret Order possessed the inner influence of the Dark Order. She must fight it to win. 

For her sister.

Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...