Tuesday, June 2, 2015

47 Ducks 1.5

The Team


Zero London was a Mallard breed with a distinct unique characteristics; it had the ability to blend into any surroundings and held the record of being the only duck alive to visit Chicken Court and come out still alive. The duck distinct difference with others was its affinity for young earth worms squeezed and not squashed in the mud; lightly done with a dash of reeds powder so it would be queasy when swallowed.

“Ducks, would anyone want to share my worm?” London have a worm perched on its bill; prepared to its preference. “It’s fresh from the other side of the lake. I had it swam over by the jaws of the grouper. I have a delivery arrangement with their school since I rescued your Prince Mac Worm last season.

“Stuff it, London.” Othello interjected in. “You were a Guard reject….”

“And Legionnaires too.” Caesar added in. “You were an Ugly Darkling.”

The Ugly Darkling was a foul term to call on any duck.

“But I am the best in my area of non-intrusive tasks, plus I have a kill rate of over sixteen including one Labrador this season.” London replied. “Its coat hung over my nesting.” It then reached for the leaf hanging by the side. It placed it bill on it, and then let the spot of liquid there rolled to its bill. “Morning dew at its best.”

“I am also the one who knew how the inner design of the Court.” London continued on. “Mind you, I am the best. And I don’t want to name as the Ugly Darkling. I have my own shares of female ducks. The name is Duck by lineage. London Duck was the given name. So don’t buff it anymore.”

Merlin stepped in to calm the situation. London was not selected for only those skills. That duck was also a skilled butcher. London had completed over twelve critical missions for the Emperor and twice had invaded the Court. For those accomplishments the duck was given the rare treat of the twin worms from the same school. The treat was called the double ‘0” menu; license to thrill.

“Othello, Caesar. Assemble your men tomorrow. With London, all forty seven of you will form the assault team.” Merlin looked at them. “Your code name is Ronin.”

“Master-less warriors.” London’ bill opened up to whistle a tune like that of a hunter’s call. The other two commanders took their leave of the chamber. Merlin looked towards the remaining duck.

“London, why must you be a difficult one for them?” Merlin asked.

“M” London called Merlin by the initial. “I was trained to kill and not guard. More to it, my skills was to be alone and not in a pack. More to it, I disliked discipline. The other two are patty with it. I liked my lard on the females.”

“London, get them in and out.” Merlin told the other duck. “Don’t get waylaid.”

“Waylaid?” London snort up the bill. “I don’t get waylaid. I laid them by the numbers. Tell me which duckling have not … Never mind, I got to go.”

Meanwhile outside, Caesar had returned to his own camp with the Legionaries. He met up with the officers; Brutus and Anthony.

“We got a mission to kill the Chickens.” Caesar told the two. “But we have several issues. Othello is coming along with twenty six guards. I am to bring in the same numbers. It’s to do with his signs.”

“And I want in.” That was Cleop. “Where you go, I will come in too.”

“That leaves me with twenty one to select from.” Caesar replied.

“Nineteen, Caesar. We are coming with you.” Brutus replied. “You will need us to watch your back. Rest with her, Caesar. We will find your nineteen warriors.”

Caesar nodded and was led away by the seductress Cleop. On the other side of the camp, Othello looked to his own officers. The two standing before the commander was Iago, Cassius and Roderigo. The trio was the best of the Guards.

“I need nineteen more warriors. Who do you recommend?” Othello asked. Before Iago could reply, another Guard walked in to the meeting.

“Commander Othello, I would like to volunteer.” It was Guard Casanova. In tow behind the Guard was the one named Morgan aka Juliet.  “So would Morgan. We owed it to the Emperor.”

“Casa, you may come but not Morgan. She is not a Guard. More to it, she’s …”

“Merlin’s niece? Please don’t patronize me. I can fight like one of you. I am trained in the arts too. More to it, you may need a female lure to win sometimes.”

Othello smiled at Morgan’ quacks. It was also curious to know more of Morgan. There were rumors that Merlin influenced El Gluck to ravish Morgan’ mother so that it could be Adviser to the Emperor. Othello believed the death of El Gluck had more to do with Morgan than the chickens.

 Later that evening, at a secluded nesting a young pair of ducks had a taste of consummated love. Casa pulled itself off Morgan’ back and wadded over on wobbling webbed steps. It stopped by a water plate and dipped its bill into it.

“Casa?” The duck heard the soft whisper from the other. It turned around to look at the other which had preened her ruffled feathers. “Was it…”

Casa strolled over and rest its bill on the other. Its green crown was slightly ruffled which Morgan used its bill to nudged them into place.

“I am sorry if I was selfish.” Casa whispered into the other’s ear. “It was my first time. Honest.”

Both the ducks preened their feathers when Casa asked Morgan on her volunteer to go ahead with the mission.

“Casa, it’s the truth what I told you that happened last night. I did not kill the Emperor.” Morgan quacked in a low tone. “He was still Emperor even though he…”

“Leave it, Morgan. I understand you.” Casa comforted Morgan. “Did I ever tell you have nice feathers?”

“Are that all you seen?” Morgan quipped back while it wriggled its bottom.

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