Thursday, June 25, 2015

Mordred 3.1


The Previous Realm

I held on fast to the two handrails of the craft when we heard the shearing sounds on the outer plates. I looked to the elderly man standing steadfast at the front of the so named bridge. He was seen with both his hands hovering above a crystal shard which was glowing. His frame was tall and slim despite his age, he could still stand upright. He was covered in the read cloak that identified him as the Head Councillor. He was Merlin.

“Mordred, bring forth Fangnir. I need its strength.” Merlin called out. “The vortex is too strong for me to hold the link.”

“No!” I voiced out. “The law forbid us to share our strength with the creatures. Not so with Fangnir.”

Fangnir was an exceptional creature. It pledged itself to Merlin when the later had defeated. Merlin did not destroy it for Fangnir was different from the other dragons. It was not a dragon by origin but a wizard who evolved into it through the deviant spells. Merlin overruled the Council and too Fangnir as a specimen subject. He had kept the creature under chains, and when we were to move here, he requested that Fangnir be send along

“Fools! Those laws were made by those that did not foresee such needs.” Merlin replied. “Get me the dragon or we may all perish.”

I did not move as he had asked. I was not going to break the same laws I had devoted my life to defend. I stood my ground there and looked out of the double layered glass pane. I saw the other three crafts on my side held by the magical link that kept us together. It was striking out like a series of lightning and yet it does not pierce the plates but formed a cocoon with the crafts in the centre. That link was then flickering before it was renewed back to its full flow.

“Arthur, get me Fangnir.” Merlin called out to his apprentice then promoted Wizard Knight. The young man was dressed in the newly minted armour of the Knight Ranking, and held on his waist belt was the sword given by Merlin. He was a dashing man but he had his beauty plagued by the scar that streak across his left cheek. The young knight rushed to the pens to retrieve the powerful dragon.

“I plead with you, Merlin. Fangnir is an evil one.” I voiced out to Merlin. “Do not share its energy onto yours.  It may tempt your darker side.”

Merlin was to reply when he screamed out in pain. His left hand moved from the shard towards his head. The palm of the hand had signs of burn on it. He then heard the other call from the other side.

“Head Councillor, we lost one craft.” The voice was Lancelot who was also a knight like Arthur. “I saw the link severed. We lost craft Five.”

By then Arthur had arrived with the dragon still caged inside the small containment box. It was shrunk smaller than us for easier control. Merlin then instructed Arthur release it. The other was reluctant but Merlin had him overruled. The dragon was released and then brought to Merlin side.

“Grow, you insolent fool.” Merlin called out to Fangnir. “I know you could.”

True to the words of Merlin, Fangnir grew from the miniaturized frame to full height before us.

“Fangnir, I desire to see your other alter ego. I call on the other who was once Man and friend.” Merlin told the dragon. The creature looked towards the elderly man and then bowed its head. Its body soon flickered and then an aura formed around it. Form the aura a new figure stepped out.

“Welcome, Morgan Faye. I am pleased to see you once again.”  The figure was a lady unclothed but yet her modesty was well covered by the purple shaded energy aura which formed a cloak around her body. She raised her hands towards Merlin who took it gently.

“We need to combine to create the energy required.” Merlin explained to her. “It was that or we will all die here in the vortex. Arthur will be our conduit to link up.”

“You still fear me, Merlin.” Morgan laughed out in gleeful manner. “Surely, you must have missed me.”

“Enough of your words, Morgan. Do as I say or be prepare to die.” Merlin motioned to Arthur stand in between them. 

“You will be the conduit that will channel ….. Fangnir energy.”

Merlin then called up the incantation to merge their energies. Morgan placed her arms on Arthur and he in turn placed his hands on Merlin. The incantation worked for I could see the energies flowing between the three.

“By the glory of Astra, we got the link back.” Merlin called out when both their energy combined and was channelled to the shard. “We can all be one once again.” 

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