Saturday, June 20, 2015

Mordred 1.1

April / June 2015

The Book of Doubts


The Previous Realm

The world was never the same when the dimensions clashed. It was the year 1525 when we were invaded by the other dimension. I was in the one of those dimensions where we rode dragons to soar the skies while wizards and witches battled each over on the spells. Not all of that dwelled there were gifted. There were some which are like the common folks who ply the normal trade. They lived in awe of us who were gifted but some did come up the rank by hard work and with the help of others, they also became above the commoners. They were named the knights. With all the different ranking especially the wizards, they were moments when conflicts could arise. With those conflicts, there was a need for some to intervene.

Then there was a need for us, the Guardians. Most of us were gifted with the craft skills.

I am Mordred, one of the Guardians of the Realm who maintained order on the others. There were only a handful of us then but order was maintained considering that we had hundreds of wizards and witches. There were all types of their kinds from the spell binders to the meta-morphing creatures and the potion blender, or the magical works men who could create anything from wood to metal to the bark of the trees. Among them were three ranks; the leaders, the knights and then the apprentices. It was the leaders that created the issues for us. All of them were compelled by the Guardian Acts to be registered in any of the fifty Guilds as members or be hunted by us. The Guilds themselves were then governed by the Main Council of the Guilds. There were seven members with one Chairman of the Council; or Head Councillor was the rank. That rank was held by Merlin the Great for over five centuries then. He governed the Council wisely and encouraged the participations of the other wizards and witches in developing their works. However, not all of the wizards and witches became members and the Guardians work was never finished. In our own magical realm, people and demons learned to live together and again were under our jurisdiction.

That year when dimensions clashed, we were thrown into chaos. We had known of it from soothsayers but no one was ever prepared for the actual outcome. It was huge and our smaller dimension was sucked into the vortex like a tornado sucking up all in its path. The Council had their discussion and concluded that in order to survive, we will need to migrate to the new dimension.

Zilch! We were soon gone.

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