Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Mordred 4.2

The New Realm

The surviving Cohen’s were all shackled to the special designed chairs while neuro-transmitters were inserted into a contraption that reached from their neck to lower spine that will suppress their ability to call on any spells. If the neuro-transmitter detects any variation in their energy levels, it will activate the needed simulation jabs which have been proven to stop them. It could be pain or joy or even moods that will immediately disrupt their concentration. I was never a fan of such techniques but the administration then wanted it to enforce that way.  All of us at New Salem was given one but not myself, as I was the Guardian.

“Arghh!” Yellow screamed out in pain when Daley pressed the remote to activate the neuro-transmitter. I reached out to Daley’s hand and grabbed the remote.

“Daley, we are having a conversation. Don’t do that.” I called out. It also frightens Sparky who was in the adjacent cell.

“The heck with your conversation pieces. I am here to get the truth on the Grand Master.” Daley snapped back. “If you can’t take it, leave us. As I do with your fights.”

“Daley…” I was getting agitated by the remarks and was to lash out when Charlie stopped me.

“Mordred let him be. Both of you don’t shared the same history.” I looked at the war veteran. I was disgusted by his words and then walked away. I could not stop Daley; he had the blessing of the authorities and so was Charlie but I had wished I had the say in who was to be with me. Daley was a good partner when it comes to the battle but he had bad experiences with the creatures and wizards. I could be seated there and Daley will do the same.

“I heard you caught some live ones.” Captain Lovelet was another arsehole to work with in the Section. He was chomping on his chewing gum then which he claimed stopped him from smoking his cigars. He must have my pained expression and then the screams. He then calmed me with his fatherly advice.

“I wouldn’t sanction that but it had been now nearly two years with all these Class D and E popping in our backyards. The top cannot accept any more excuses. We got to be tough. We need to know the Grand Master identity.” Captain Lovelet voiced out in that pleasing manner that only young kids might appreciate but he spoiled it with the clenched fist shown to my face.

“So you sanction that inhuman torture. We are …visitors to your world but in us, most of us are no different from you.” I hit back. “The only difference is that we still know the skilled crafts to be more …”

“Arcane? You are right. Your people are gifted in some ways, but the killings got to stop.” The Captain explained himself. “I got a task to ensure that is happening.”

“Then let someone more humane questioned them. Not Daley. He is sick.” I pleaded but Captain Lovelet does not care.

“Daley is a good officer.  He does not enjoy doing that. He does that because he has to. Not because he hates your kind. He had a reason with his wife being killed by one of your people but he never let his personal interest gets into his way.”

“You do, Guardian. You get involved into those street fights to hit back at us.” Captain Lovelet continued on. “Your psyche analysis revealed that. You want to hurt us like how we hurt your people. Pain for pain.”

“No!” I snapped back. I was to reply when I stopped myself. I looked away and then began to walk away. I was stopped by the Captain.

“You can’t hide from me, Mordred. I knew it all. I knew all of you.” Captain Lovelet. “These pips were not there for show. I am your Captain and for me to be one, I need to know every one of you. Daley is no sicko. He is just a tough but most times reckless. He cared not for his life anymore since his wife died. He wants to be killed at times but when he comes to his senses, he will be the best partner you could ever ask for. He’s good at doing his tasks. Not many could do what he is doing now. He felt their pain but the pains of the victims’ loved ones prevailed more in him. You are good too but you have a weakness. You harbour resentment on us since you arrived. Maybe it’s New Salem or maybe it was always in you. You hunt the so called renegades for us but when captured or maimed, you do the execution. You used our weapon to do it, not your …so called elements.”

“The gun belonged to us. You did not kill the ones we caught. We killed it when you used the gun.” Captain Lovelet hit back. “If you want to stop the killing, then find for us the Grand Master or whoever he may be.”

“Captain, there is no Grand Master. That name was created …” I replied but the Captain stopped me.

“Then prove them wrong.” I was to agree when Daley stepped out. He staggered out with his body bloodied in several parts.

“They are getting away….” Daley collapsed on the flooring. “Sparky helped them.”

Both the Captain and I rushed in but our captives were gone. So was Sparky. There was a large hole in the wall at the detention chamber.

I leaned down to help Daley while the Captain raised the alarm. The Precinct other elite team all went into action. The Storm Troopers rushed for their gears of the protected vests and greaves while arming themselves with the heavy calibre guns including the riot shotguns. They are nineteen of them commanded by Lieutenant Graves. He was a smaller frame guy with his distinguished bald head but he compensate with the belt of his fragment grenades. His motto was if it too higher for your reach then shortened its height.

“Captain, we got the escapees in the yard. They are putting up a great fight.” Lieutenant Graves’ squeaky voice crackled over the communications line. I rushed to the yard with Charlie at my rear. We reached them in time to see the Lieutenant being handed a bruising hit on the left leg. There were five of the RR Team also out of circulation. I saw all of the Cohens’ there and Red looked bad. She was earlier tortured by Daley. There was Sparky in its huge glory form.
Green had taken over command. He saw me approach them.

“Guardian, you crossed the line today.” Green spoke up. “You killed our elders. This will not go down well with us or the others. We are all family. More to it, there is no Grand Master. There are only us, the New People of the Inner Realm.”

Inner Realm was the name of our people then; the gifted ones who were the wizards and witches. All of them were governed by the Council. Since we arrived here, the Council was no more and so were the bond that binds us as the People of the Inner Realm.

“You were a Guardian. We respected that in you. But what you did today, we have removed that. You are now a renegade.”

“How can that be? I was protecting the crafts.” I protested. “All of you were there without authorization.”

“Whose? The Council or theirs?” Green voiced out. “The Council was never there anymore for over twenty years. We formed a new Council, with new members. We were not fighting you. We were looking to go back. We were told to look for the crystal shards. We did not attack you. Your friend was the one who started the fight.”

“There were others who did.” I argued back. “I had fought them for years.”

“Are you sure, Guardian? You were supposed to be our Guardian and yet you protect the others against us.” Green replied. “The New People have questioned your role and from what we had seen, you were judged as guilty of treason against your own kind. That will be the verdict we tell the others. Goodbye Guardian. May we never again meet.”

It was then Green and the other Cohens’ dissipated into the thin air. That left Sparky there to face us. I approached the dragon but the Storm troopers had started their version of a negotiation. They opened fire with their guns at the dragon. Sparky was hurt but the fire power was inadequate to bring down the dragon. Sparky responded with his flames and burned to crisp two of the troopers. It was then Daley stepped in. with his Taurus.

“Hey, Sparky. Look over.” Daley called out. The dragon turned to the voice and saw the new threat. Daley was not alone. He was with a mechanical form. It was a huge figure with the body armour that covered it from head to toe. The extra armour made the figure stood at over seven feet and with the extra guns on its arms, it must have weighted move than half a ton. The twin guns were the rapid firing weapon that utilizes the six barrels in a rotating cluster to provide a sustained rate of fire. It was fed by the ammo belt that was on the rear of the armoured figure. The armoured giant was nicknamed the Dreadnought.

The machine figure released its firepower on Sparky. The dragon fell backwards on the impact of the shots .The armour piercing projectiles tore into the scales of the dragon, and into the flesh beneath. Sparky collapsed dead on the first salvo. I stood there like a stranger in the crowd. I was confused yet angry at myself.

There were many unresolved questions. 

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