Saturday, June 27, 2015

Mordred 3.2

The New Realm

I be damned was my exact words when I viewed the new threat. It was huge; triple my size but the worse end it was not a dragon but a hybrid. It had the upper body of the dragon but the second half was that of a serpent. It body was not scaled but smooth with the red shades. I have not seen such creature before, but in the books of skilled crafts, it was mentioned there. There are different forms of the dragon. It was claimed that this was the process of meta-combined by the two different creatures, or it could be work of some wizards to change the outlook of the creature.

“I heard of twins but this is ridiculous.” Daley cursed at the sight of the creatures that soon came to our vision from the hidden corners. We were faced by seven of these creatures at the location which was a huge hangar. They were in various shades; red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. The hangar had two of the three crafts which carried us there through the vortex. Three of the creatures were on the first craft while the others were on the second craft. They were in various shades

I stepped forward then to face the craft with the three creatures. The craft was not operable without the workings of Merlin and his shard. Nor was it in any prime condition with part of the sides torn open. The once polished metal plates looked dull with the years of neglect.

“I want to speak to your leader.” I voiced out to the creatures. “I am …”

“Mordred the Guardian.” The red creature lowered itself down from the craft side. When its head touched the flooring, it released the aura of energy seen before in Fangnir. The aura of energy soon flowed downwards to the height of Man before it took form again. Its form was that of a lady with a reddish shade for its complexion.

“That one I could recognize.” Daley voiced out but I ignored him.

“My name is Cohen. We are all Cohen’s.” The reddish shaded lady replied before he waved at the other three. They have also reverted to their human form but they vary from colours. Except for orange and violet, the others were all men. “We have come to seek the crystals.”

I was to reply when Daley went into action. His twin Taurus was adding marks to the dust coated plates. He was aiming at the reddish lady which jumped into action. The lady raised her hands and a shield appeared before her. The bullets still pushed itself into the shield but she was supported by Violet who lent to her their energy. It stopped the bullets but the men were into action.

Orange was the acrobatic one which went into a series of jumps and somersaults while releasing the energy lances at me. I deflected that with my own rolls and bumps while seeking cover. Blue sprang into action too by releasing bouncing balls of his colours, but these balls explode on contact. That called for some faster on my side where I had to rely on my own skilled crafts. My skilled crafts were the elements around; water, fire, earth and wind. I used the earth element to raise an earthen wall. The flooring gave me more than sands; there were iron and other hard metals inside. The solid wall absorbed the attack and I went into action. I called on the winds to create a dust storm to create a distraction. I rushed into Daley and pushed him behind some cover.

“Have you filed in your dead wish?” I shouted at Daley. He was not chosen by me for the Section and his reckless have landed both of us in dire situations before.

“You know my approach so shut up.” That old man was getting into my nerves but the Supervisors will not let me get him replaced. He then continued on his brash moves. The old man leaned over and released more shots. Some idiot should have told him that shooting in random direction may result in no results.

It was then Indigo came into the attack with an energy sword that he swung hard on the earthen shield. Green was last in the attack when it hit us with the energy that will stick to the surface and then held it in place. My earthen shield had collapsed but it was time for me to hit back.

I got the wind to mix with the water elements to form icicle forms. The pieces projected at a storm rate were as deadly like bullets. It brought down Yellow and Indigo guy who had no defence shields. The others ran for cover behind the ladies. I used the Wind element to raise myself before I called up the fire element by burning the oxygen around them and created a cordon around them. It was working for the Cohens’ were confused then. I lashed out with the water to create a multiple jet flow at the defending Cohen. It further confused them. In that confusion, I swooped down and landed among them. It was time to put into action my Savate fighting techniques.  
First I went in with my torrents of water sprays to blind them before I used my right fist into Green. The punch knocked him out flat and by then, I had turned my body to deliver an instep kick at Red’s left knee, followed by an elbow into her face.

Ouch! That must have hurt for her. When Red went down, I half crouch on my body with m left leg lashed out with the hard toe end into Orange. She went down with sore jaw and I followed through with a down jab with the side of the right hand on the side of the neck. Soon I was facing Blue and Violet. Blue came at me with the energy blasts but in the enclosed area, it was difficult to aim. He ended up hitting his own mates when I called on the earthen element to form the formidable solid metals around my fist. I lashed out with punches at the duo and they were down.

Then it all came down to the hardest part then for me. I took out my Colt Anaconda and aimed it at the Red Lady. In all military strategy, it was to take down the leader first. 

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