Sunday, May 31, 2015

47 Ducks 1.4


The two commanders stood on their webbed feet facing the back of the older duck. Merlin had selected the chamber for it was on the far side of the Palace some distance from the consorts nesting. The place was bared of anything resembling a comfortable area for it was all twigs and vines.

“The Emperor has to be avenged before we placed another on the nesting.” Merlin quacked out. “There is none other than the two of you who are qualified to take the nesting.”

Othello looked to the other commander. It then faced Merlin and quacked out.

“I will not stand for Emperor, but if Caesar stands for it I will retired my rank.” Othello spoke its mind. “I respected El Gluck but not this one.”

“Othello, your pride will be your undoing. I am keen to be Emperor, but only upon the correct way. Tell us what was to be done.”

“Enough!”Merlin raised the vocal chords to quell the argument. “If there is to be a new Emperor, then I will decide.”

Both commanders looked to the old adviser. It was Othello who spoke.

“Surely you do not mean that nerd duckling Arthur will be the new Emperor? All he did was pulled the worm out of the hole.” Arthur was the young duckling who managed to rescue the King of Earthworms who was caught in the hole at the large stone. May had tried to pull the worm out but failed until Arthur came. When the King was rescued, it asked Arthur how it was done. Arthur told the King, that the number of seasons which had kept the King in the stone had caused it to drop in weight thus it was easier to pull out. More to it, there was the element of the erosion caused by droppings. That last statement caused the King of Earthworms to forbid all communications with the ducks until its death.

“Enough talks of being Emperor. First, slay Colonel Saunders and the one above that cock.” Merlin gave the command. “The one who commands the Colonel is none other than King Large Drumstick.”

“So it shall be done.” Caesar spoke up. “My Legionaries will march today.”

“A fool’s errand.” Merlin replied. “Your legionaries of ten thousand will not reach the Colonel let alone the King. You need a smaller army; one of dedicated warriors who will steal their way in and kill the two.”

“How many of these warriors?” Othello asked. “The Guards will do it. I do not have ten thousand, but the three hundred of mine will gladly die for the Emperor.”

“Bah!” Caesar quipped out. “Your three hundreds could not guard a passage pass my feathers let alone fight the chickens. I have more than three hundred to select from…”

“Enough!” Merlin raised its vocal chords. “There will be Guards and Legionaries. Give me selected twenty three of your men including yourself. I will give you the one that will take you into the King’s stronghold at Kentucky Court. There will be a total of forty six of you. It’s in the signs.”

Merlin was also a quack soothsayer and constantly studied the stars and waves for signs.

Kentucky Court was the strong hold of the chicken clans, consisting of several main breeds like the Andalusia’s, Bantam, Campine, Brakel and even the Broiler. The Court covered over fifty acres with ten separate camps, while the main camp was where the King resides. King Drumstick was a Broiler; the white breed like the German Langston which was a cross breeds from the Cornish strain and white Plymouth Rocks. The Broilers were bred for they grew much faster and laid more eggs. King Drumsticks was an exceptional; it was prime stock and thus maintained to breed. The King was in a large shed which covered over seven levels covering over half an acre in buildup. It has fifty doorways on each level, but there were no spies who made it beyond the first level.

The King was guarded by the Broiler’s best with Colonel Saunders helming the team. The German kins were only one of the several breeds which served the King. There was also the mystical breed, Japanese Yokohama which was rare and hardly seen by the others. There was also the Thai Game breed; small but robust breed for cockerel fighting.

“More to this”, Merlin spoke out again. “There will be one other who will join you. The number must be forty seven of you.”

With that, Merlin quacked out to call out the last member of the killing team. From the corner of the private chamber, blended into the surroundings was James ‘Zero London’ Duck. The ‘Zero London’ nickname was for the achievement of that duck on a mission there at the far lake when it returned with all its targets removed. Not one was left alive hence the zero denomination.

“Zero London?” Othello reeled back in shock. “Zero London is a misfit. It’s equivalent to having Ollie with us.”

Ollie was the hog that resides nearby in the muddy banks while enjoying basking in the sun. Ollie was entertained because it ran an all natural spot there which the young ducklings like to go.

Caesar turned to leave the chamber, but Merlin stopped the duck. Caesar turned to look at Merlin.

“Zero London in and I am out. He is a scoundrel, and will get us roasted up with the skin crisps for easy peeling.”

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