Monday, June 8, 2015

47 Ducks 1.8


Othello laughed when he heard the suggestion by Sansei Mouse that the legionaries placed the armored chest on their back with thorns on it.

“Caesar, you are to be made a porcupine now.” Othello told the other who was not amused.

“Ducklings, a porcupine is a rare breed yet with its small frame, it deterred off many predators with its pointed shell. Despite its formidable self, it chose a life of sedentary wanderings and posed no harm to any others.” Sansei Mouse explained.

“True, but the porcupine is clumsy in movement and in the Legionaries, we valued speed in formation and in retaliation.” Commander Caesar emulated the moves of the predators. “With more shells, we will be dragged down.”

“A patience predator snared more prey than a wild roving one which spent its energy moving.” Sansei Mouse quoted. “Your ducks will be well protected from the eagle. Golden Eagle reputation was it grew from its defeat and developed the deadly talons attack which was aimed at the spine of the prey. Its best you considered my aid then to serve as notches to the eagle’ beak as one more tally.”

Commander Caesar relented in its argument and proceeded to complete the task. It will be days before it could get the new shell done. It was then Sansei Mouse looked to the other.

“Commander Othello, your loss of guards needed more reinforcement.” Sansei Mouse spoke to the other. “I am suggesting you added in sharpness to your wings. Please follow me.”

Sansei Mouse led the Guard Commander to the lake. It motioned to the reeds.

“The papyrus there is one. The reeds are unique; by itself it’s a weak plant which will bend to the wind, but cluster them together it will grow with its own standing. The weeds appear weak due to its hollow state inside, but its stem could withstand much pressure.” Sansei Mouse reached down to bite off a section of the reed. “The stem is hollow as you see it here and made it light to the holder but it’s also quite sturdy. More to it, these particular reed types are of the harder stem stock. Look for the young ones.”

Sansei Mouse then jabbed the stem into the wet banks.

“It’s not the stems that penetrate the ground, but the sharp edge made it through.” Sansei Mouse explained. “It’s not the feathers which cuts the opponent, but the power of the swings.”

Othello nodded.

“I have constructed the jacket that you could wear over your wings to give you the sharper edge.” Sansei Mouse told the commander. “There’s only three of it given the time I have. You have to choose who could wear it.”

Othello nodded again. It was then the commander saw Iago strolling off with Morgan. Casanova was sent off on a scouting task and the commander ignored that development.

“Morgan, tell me you have a plan for Cassius?” Iago questioned the other when they were at the secluded area. Unknown to the others, Iago was the leader of the Roasted which Morgan was one of the recruits.

“No, Iago. I have no plan…” Morgan replied but was cut short by Iago.

“Morgan, clear your head. Our objective is to split the Guards. Once you have seduced Cassius, I will plot the rivalry with him and Othello.” Iago told her. “You owe me your life. I will tell Othello of your involvement with the death of the Emperor.”

“You would not dare…” Morgan fought back but Iago told he has a witness.

“There was a consort who trailed the Emperor and saw it all. You are not the only vixen in the camp.” Iago snorted up the bill. It then nudged its bill against Morgan. “More to it, I desired you.”

“No!” Morgan stepped back but the amorous duck pushed on. It was then Cassius appeared.

“Iago, stop your devious acts.” Cassius warned Iago. “I heard it all. Repent and there may be mercy.”

“Fool!” Iago quacked out. “Who are you to command me, Cassius?”

Cassius and Iago both held equal ranks in the Guard. It was then the unexpected happened. From the rear of Cassius, the unseen Casanova had sneaked up and laid its bill on the former’s neck while its legs pushed the body down. Iago stepped forth to use its left webbed pad to crush Cassius’ bill before it kick the crown.

Cassius died from the deadly blow.

“Casa…” Morgan rushed to Casanova and connected their bills but the later soon pushed apart from Morgan.

“Iago, we need to hide the body.”Casanova told the Roasted Leader. Morgan was puzzled but soon got the conclusion.

“Yes, Casanova is mine. We are all part of Roasted. You were to be recruited for that same cause. If you recall, it was Casanova who told you of us and hinted how we could be contacted. You took the bait and were snared.” Iago replied. “Morgan Fay, you were young. Casanova never loved you. He used you like all the others he had in his life.”

Iago laughed and then left the carcass of Cassius for Casanova to hide. Morgan looked to Casa and asked.

“Is it true? Have you ever loved me?” The later looked at her and smiled.

“I do as I had to the many I have nested with.” Casanova replied. “Now move back to the camp. I got work to do.”

Casa moved to complete the removal of the body while Morgan rushed off in tears running down her bill. There was two ducks that had their heart broken. The disappearance of Cassius was reported to Othello by Iago as trapped in the mud hole.

“I am sorry, Othello. I could not pull Cassius out.” Iago replied with tears down the bill. “I really tried.”

Othello forgiven his friend and closed the issue.

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