Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Mordred 2.1


The Previous Realm

 “It was time to call for Project Exodus.”

The Council assembled all the members and with them the creatures which they were devoted. Alongside of it were the ordinary folks who had to be saved. We were a small world with only thousands of us but with the creatures, we added up the numbers to nearly a hundred thousand. We had then built seven huge crafts which will carry the selected ones into the void and into the unknown dimension. The seven crafts were created with the designs provided by Merlin. It covered over a mile each with a radius of over five miles that tapered at both ends. The designer had built in twenty five entrances with the extended ramps. There was no view to the outside but link was created to the pilot as was named to visualise the outside view. It was projected onto the pilot whose concentrations need to be absolute. There was no mention of the view to be seen and it could only be seen on the journey.

“If there were no creatures to pull it, how could we fly?” Some wizards asked. “How would we know it will withstand the vortex?”

It was Merlin who came forth with the idea of the sphere like craft made with the metallic plates bonded with the magical spells.

“The main craft will be handed by me with the main crystal shard.” Merlin held up the powerful artefact which was discovered from a meteor that had crashed on the world years ago. It wiped out all living creatures within the radius of a hundred miles and levelled the landscape. The area was later marked as Meteor End’s. From the meteor, we retrieved seven shards of crystal which emitted energy. After some extensive study, Merlin managed to tap into the energy and channelled it. The success of his work made him ever popular and then Head Councillor. The shards were in possession of several parties but on that day they agreed to share the energies from the shards.

“When the vortex grabbed us, I will channel the main craft into the centre of it while the other crafts will form around it. Each of the crafts will hold the other shards and we will channel the energy around the crafts to form an energy field. The strength of the field will depend on us in link to each other.” Merlin explained. “If we break the link, the energy field may weaken and it will be on the individual shard to maintain its own. I cannot foresee what will happen then.”

“Are you assuming that the vortex will fly us when it sucks up everything?” One of the older wizards asked out loudly. 

“It is madness.”

“Madness it is, my dear Archimedes. But sometimes madness can be the gift of miracles.” Merlin replied.

“The craft is huge but it cannot fill all of us.” Another asked. More heads came to mind that madness may have prevailed then.

“I know. We cannot build larger crafts with our resources and time nor could we build more crafts. So I have designed an alternative.” Merlin replied. “We will all shrink to fit the crafts. After all in this world, we may appear as normal but in another world, we may differ.”

There was no more debate on it and all was accepted. We then began boarding the crafts for our new destiny. We had the inside of the crafts laid out for its passengers. Considering with our shrinking spell, we managed well to fit almost all who were willing to go. Inside the crafts we had wooden benches and tables with make shift cubicles for the scales creatures. Well, we couldn’t leave them there. They were still living creatures.  

Soon we were all lined up like parade balloons waiting for the vortex. It was not a long wait considering the vortex was three times its original size when we detected it. It had swallowed over half of the world when we were boarding.  For a length of time, it there was ever any to be referred to those in wait for the vortex, we stood frozen inside the crafts. Then without any warning, we felt the lift and then the shearing sound as if the plates on the crafts were being ripped off, and then the pressure built up.

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