Monday, June 15, 2015

47 Ducks 1.15


Caesar looked to the assembled army of Augustus army. It was an impressive one with the twenty thousand including its own legionaries and the rescued ducks. Augustus had the army formed into ten groups with orders to focus on the individual camps. From the chicken line, Colonel Saunders stepped forth with the three barons in the rear.

“Othello, challenge me to a personal duel. My barons are here too.” Colonel Saunders called out. “Show me your warriors.”

The three barons; Baron Schmidt, Schulz, and Smith stepped forth. Schneider had died earlier when it fought London.

“A personal duel. I am for it.” London stepped forth. “The name is London. James ‘Zero London’ Duck. But call me London please.”

“You are the one who killed Schneider.” Smith replied. “I will take on you.”

“Please, chicks. Not one at a time. I much preferred all at one attempt.” London replied. “I hoped to see your triple fouette moves.”

“What is your skill, London?” Schmidt asked.

“Me? I just talked less.” London replied. “So are fighting or sharing tales?”

It was then a dark figure descent on the clearing. It was another chicken but of the different breed. It was the Thailand breeds; a trio of long legged chickens with the head held high. The body frame of the chicken was slimmer and the claws extended out like talons.

“The name is Pontip, and they are my sisters, Montip and Nontip.” The Far East breed voiced out. “The tip in our name is for the deadly tips of our claws. We are all trained in the cockfight skills.”

“Well, ladies. The name is London. You can get me anytime on any day for any outing.” London replied. Then it looked at the three barons. “Pardon me but I got three cocks to terminate.”

“I am not keen on you, London. I am looking at the dark one with the insignia of the Guards.” Pontip motioned to Othello. “Are you game for a fight? Shall we find our own ring by the side?”

Othello wadded off with the three exotic chicks in tow, but Iago and Casanova chose to back their Commander. Pontip looked to the Commander and explained their moves.

“We are not only formidable with the claws but also our beak which will pluck your eyes out.” Pontip told Othello. “Allow me to demonstrate.”

The chicken flew up with its wings flapping before it swooped down with the head aimed at Othello’ crown. It was Othello who did the block with the left wing and then twisted its body to avoid the attack. Pontip did a body turn in midair and struck at Othello’ back. The chicken had plucked a few feathers off the duck, and showed it with its arrogance. Othello was to give up flapped its wings out with the deadly reeds protruded out.

“The deadly extended wings skills. I have yet to see it in action.” Pontip gave out a shrill call before it charged at the duck. The chicken went into what was known as the high kick at the crown. It jumped and let off its killing shriek before it raised the right leg with the claws towards the duck bill. Othello reached back with its body and used the wings outwards like a sweeping punch towards the chicken. Its deadly reeds cut into the chicken body at the wings causing it to drop towards the ground. Othello was to move for the deadly blow on the chicken head when the other two sisters came to their ailing sister aid. The two chickens kicked out with the claws at Othello who was forced to retreat. The two newly arrived chickens stood back to back and protected their fallen sister.

“You used deadly potion on those reeds.” Montip crowed out. “Its unacceptable by the duel rules.”

“Chicks, we are at war now. There are no rules.” Othello replied.

“Then behold our move.” Montip crowed out to the other. The two chickens flapped out their wings and turned to the side for their next move. “Our dragon flight and phoenix ashes techniques.”

Montip flew up with the wings while Nontip rushed with the force of the storm. Othello was attacked from both sides and had its wings almost sheared off if not for Casanova which came to the rescue. The later duck charged into the chickens with a full frontal body attack and pushed them off the Commander. Iago saw the opportunity and struck at the fallen chickens. It used the reeds to blind Montip before it stepped on Nontip in the left wing. Casanova was caught in the fall, and had its crown pecked by the chickens before Montip used the claws to tear open its belly. Iago pulled Casanova off the chickens and spoke to the dying duck.

“Why? We were to let Othello die alone.” Iago asked.

“Yes, but Othello is still the Commander.” Casanova replied with its dying quacks. It was Morgan who rushed out and killed the other two sisters with the wings. The enraged duck then comforted the dying on with the bill.

“Casa, you were a fool. And I love fools.” Morgan quacked out in between tears. “Why did you do it?”

“For love I guess. And I do love you, my Juliet.” Casanova finally succumbed to the wound. Morgan stepped aside and then faced the dying Pontip.

“There is no hell like that of the enraged bitch like me.” Morgan quacked out before jumping on the chicken. Pontip had its claws out to deflect the attack but ended up thrusting it towards Morgan. Both creatures died in the final attack.

“Melodramatic” Smith crowed out. “The bitches sure know how to out a fight. Are you ready, London?”

London gave the chicken a side glance and then stepped up to them. It was high noon by then, and the shadows was not seen. The chickens took their fouette stand with the legs drawn up for their deadly kicks while London took a casual stand. It flexed out its wings and preened some feathers that was off the stack. It then flapped out its wings wide and raised the bill.

Smith did the first move with the swinging left kick at London but the duck had flown up. It flew up and then did a series of turns with the wings extended up. The wings caught onto Smith’s kicking leg and cut it just above the claws. London then did a unexpected body twist to swoop downwards to the ground. In its swoop, it veered to the left and used the right wing to slash at Schmidt’ neck. London landed at the rear of Schulz back and gave it the reeds into the neck.  London then smoothly climbed off the dying chicken and preened its feather.

“That, Gentlemen was the Triple Zero Move perfected by me.” London quacked. “It’s my other killer moves in my signature moves.”

The German chickens fallen to their defeat crawled away. The ducks cheered but Colonel Saunders was not that easily swayed. Then the clearing was covered in darkness when the looming creature appeared from above.

“It’s the Golden Eagle.”

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