Friday, June 19, 2015

47 Ducks 1.18 Finale


Anthony looked to the newly crowned Emperor whose Queen stood by its side. The ducks were back at their own land. Of the forty seven ducks that took the task, only fifteen returned. Anthony looked to its own Legionaries and noted the missing numbers which had succumbed to their wounds. It recalled then of one named Brutus; once regarded as a personal friend. Brutus was once its friend but with the ending of the war, it had done the unforgiveable act of killing their Commander. Anthony gazed at the Queen with its teary tears. It was a fool’s love among them when the true intention of the prized catch was all about power and never of the heart.

Anthony then saw Othello who stood alone. That duck had lost more of its Guards too, and some good friends, but none pained it more than the betrayal of loyalty. It had heard of the other who plotted the cause of this war, and ended up barred from the land. It was then the new Emperor chose to give its first news.

“Come forth the ones who remains from the forty seven that served the last Emperor’ with true loyalty.” Augustus called on the fifteen warriors. The ducks lined themselves before the new Emperor.

“Firstly, I salute all of you for the task well done. Your action have weakened the chickens, and made me Emperor.” Emperor Augustus spoke up. “I admired your loyalty to the Emperor, but your actions make me doubt of yours to me.”

Othello was to quack, but Augustus silenced the commander.

“Let me finish. Your ….explanations will not appease me. Not when the last Emperor died by your watch and in the wings of the Guards.” Augustus glared at Othello. “I was banished for many seasons by El Gluck for it stole my heritage, but with the blessing of the winds, I have returned. Not alone but with more allies among the others to form the bigger and more powerful Duck Nation.”

Augustus then looked to Anthony.

“Another great warrior, but I have mis-trust of your intentions. You have seduced my Queen, when you knew we were to be together. I left you with the Queen at the Niles to be guarded but you made your way with her like your Commander. You even dare to call her your Queen which enraged me.” Augustus quacked out in the controlled bellows. “Anthony of the Mallard, I strip you of the role as a Legionaries.”

The Legionaries under Anthony reacted in anger but they were outnumbered by the bigger army of Emperor Augustus.

“That was my fear; the Legionaries cannot be left alone without a proper Commander.” Emperor Augustus quacked out. “Serve me or Anthony? Make thy decision but beware the consequences.”

There were murmurings among the ducks but Anthony stepped forth to address the ducks.

“Emperor Augustus, please accept my intention to relinquish the position. I will take my leave now.” Anthony turned to waddle out but Othello stopped the duck.

“You may not leave, Anthony. Not by yourself, but with me. We will leave this land together.” Othello turned to look at the new Emperor. “I asked not your permission to leave for I have not you as my Emperor. I have not the Emperor whom I was loyal to anymore. Let us not tarnished your honor with our type of loyalty.”

Augustus was to quack but held its back its bill when the two ducks waddle out. The remaining surviving ducks from the task also followed suit except one. It was Cleop.

“Cleopatra, come to my side now.” Augustus quacked out. “You are my Queen.”

“Emperor Augustus, I am no more your Queen for the Queen cannot have an Emperor when it’s paired to the King. My King have left me and so shall I abdicate with it. Please accept my decision to leave you.” With that Cleop rushed off to join her lover. With her departed, Merlin then stepped forth. It looked to the Emperor and quacked.

“You have done well, Augustus. In one session, you have denied your enemies of the ground to usurp you as Emperor. Just as well, when I sent them to remove the chickens, and paved your ascend to the throne. Your mother will be proud of you.”

“Thank you, dear Father. It’s with your wisdom I will rely onto to disposed the ducks.” Augustus smiled and then leaned over to quack in low bellows. “If only they knew of your role with Colonel Saunders. A plot I would never have thought of but since it’s done, I think we shall see the total closure to it.”

“Total closure?” Merlin looked to the Emperor. Augustus smiled at its father when London appeared from the rear to kill the older duck. Then London dragged the dead duck from the Emperor.

“Emperor Augustus, the name is Zero London. The final tasks of my assignment have been carried out.” London bowed to the Emperor. “My loyalty is to the Emperor. And you Augustus are mine. Long live the Emperor.”

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