Saturday, January 10, 2015

Tweet TWEETTTT 10th January 2015

Jugs! I missed out greeting on New Year Day....Pardon me, Sire', for I was away from this realm. I am back now and it's a belated Happy New Year. For me, 2014 had been a trying year; a list of achievements and disappointments but as one well quoted writer once put it; 'its from adversity we will our best and shall overcome it'. So shall it be....

Othello comes to an end soon and I will shelf the other two Shakespeare adaption for now. I will however release Loki here. Its at about 32K words with a lot of reference to the myth. Its no Thor-ring feature with the horned forehead but this one will be equally smashing. It took me six months to complete it....started and then stopped ....pondered ...went onto others....came the myths... and re-write again. Finally I did it.

That's one less unfinished tale to complete for 2015. 

So what am I doing now?

Well, besides shelving P&P 4 and Crusaders IV and among others, I have completed 52K words on a Steampunk tale. ( and that is only half way or one third depending on my creative mood...). I will give you a preview of the cover.

Here's to 2015

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