Thursday, January 8, 2015

Othello the Legatus Act 5 Scene 1 Part 1

Act Five Scene 1 Part 1

The dinner went well, and despite his protest, Iago had Cassio drunk some wine to celebrate his promotion. Cassio had come in direct from his patrol and was dressed in his battle armor with his red cape on his back. They were at the small tavern which earlier Othello had met Iago. The later had arranged it there, as it was isolated and more to it, he had Roderigo hidden nearby on the outside.

"No more, Iago. " Cassio stood up on his wavering legs. He had regretted the four goblets he took, and despite his protests and promise to himself, he still succumb to it. He turned to walk out of the tavern despite Iago pleading him to stay.

"He leaves and I am alone." Iago muttered to himself. "Either one must not live. Its them or mine. If Roderigo lived, he would claimed on his investment. I have none to return to him. He would exposed me to the Legatus. The plans and the seduction. That goes for Cassio. He may be told by Othello, on all my devious plans to topple him. What do I have; a pretty face perhaps. Damned I am no better than Othello, mine is not a mask, but an evil face by the time they discuss my role."

"They must both die, or I die." Iago muttered last.

Outside Cassio took his breath of the air. As it was cold, he put on back his cape. He stood there unaware of the evil plan prepared by Iago. It was all a setup. Earlier, Iago had coached Roderigo on the action. He was to come up on the rear of Cassio at the dark stretch and thrust the gladius. It was that simple, but Iago took precaution of making Cassio drunk.

"I must do this." Cassio told himself. He reached with his finger towards his throat, to puke his stomach contents. The threw up removed much of the wine and cleared his head. Once he had cleared his head, Cassio took the walk back to the main area of the harbour.

Roderigo saw Cassio walking towards him. He was dressed like a legionnaire to blend in. He had leaned back to the wall of the shop he was there. He waited till Cassio had past him, when he stepped out. He thrust the gladius at the back of the Centurion.

"Aargh!" Cassio shouted out. He side stepped while holding to his left side. The gladius had wound him but he had moved to the right and caused the blade to cut at the side. He had pulled his gladius in reflect like in battle.

"Stand there, barbarian." Cassio sobered by the slight wound rushed at Roderigo. Cassio saw the uniform and mistaken the other for a rogue legionnaire. Roderigo stepped back and found his back to the wall. He was to raised his arms to show his defeat when Cassio screamed out.

"Aargh!" Cassio shouted out again but this time he was holding his right knee. There was a pugio stabbed at his knee. Some one had thrown the blade at him. Roderigo saw the wounded knee, and rushed at the Centurion. Cassio saw him coming and raised up his gladius. He deflected the attacking blade, and swung his gladius towards the other. The swinging gladius cut deep into the right shoulder of the attacker. Roderigo retreated with the wound after dropping his gladius.

Both of them are injured, one seated on the ground holding his knee, and the other leaning against the wall holding the shoulder.

"Barbarian, why do you disguise yourself like one of ours? Who are you?" Cassio shouted to the other. But Roderigo was not a legionnaire or even a warrior.

"I am dying. Get me the healer." Roderigo kept on shouting. He was getting frantic on his wound. Iago who had sneaked out from the tavern and had seen the earlier fight. He was the one who threw the pugio at Cassio. He was to move in and removed the two but saw the arrival of more people. He sneaked back into hiding. He was not the only one in hiding, as there was Othello at the nearby upper landing of the small tavern. He had witnessed also the killing but not of whom as it was dark. The voice alerted him of Cassio call for help.

"Its Cassio. Iago had done his noble duty for me. He had slain the one who had wounded my heart. He is truly a friend indeed." Othello spoke to himself of the triumph. He thought of Desdemona.

"Whore, your lover lies dead, and soon yours will follow suit." Othello smiled to himself and walked away from the window. He exit at the rear to seek out his love. 

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