Sunday, January 11, 2015

Othello the Legatus Act 5 Scene 2 Prologue 33

Prologue 33

Emilia waited for her father at the corridor. Soon he was out and walked with the shoulders slumped forward. She seen that walk before; its the walk of dejection. He had failed. Her tears welled up on her eyes, as she rushed forward.

"Was it bad?" Emilia asked. The older man looked to his daughter and nodded.

"I tried all I could. He may not healed properly. The flesh had been damaged and so are the nerves....." The older man mumbled his words from then. Emilia held him back.

"Tell me, father. Would it ....permanent? Like those whom you had to removed their limbs?"

"Those whom I had done to removed their limbs, had the support of a stick, but this one cannot be removed, but allowed to healed inside. He may not be the one you knew anymore. He may had..."

"Changed? Unlikely he would. Othello loved me. I loved him. We can't change that. I would heal him. That's a promise." Emilia declared to her father.

"An oath I hoped you would fulfilled. But remember this, child. You are still young, much more younger than him. I had no dreams of you in union with the affluent or the nobles. Just be happy for whom you are with, and that would made me happier."

"Yes, I know. And I am happy." Emilia told him. "To be at his side, for better or for worse."

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