Saturday, January 10, 2015

Othello the Legatus Act 5 Scene 2

Act Five Scene 2 Part 1

Desdemona cried on the bedding when she heard the news. Othello got into a rage when he saw her crying.

"Why are you crying?" Othello looked at her. "Did some one you loved died?"

"Its Cassio. I knew him as a friend." Desdemona looked at him. "Was he not yours?"

"He was no more my friend the day he betrayed my friendship." Othello replied. "The day he had his hands on your body."

"His hands? Cassio?" Desdemona looked at her love. "I......He never touched me."

"He did. I knew." Othello told him. "I knew it all. Cassio told me."

"Cassio told you? Oh, my God. Did I hear it right? You guys talk such things?" Desdemona threw the small pillow at Othello. "You are all bastards."

"So you are telling me that what Cassio said was true." Othello hit back.

"No!" Desdemona shouted back. "I never slept with him. I ....We used to hold each other, but we never had sex. He wanted it before..... Before we met, I was with Cassio. We used to be together. But we never cross the line. He never wanted it badly like you.. I think he once told me, he had others. That was when we went apart."

"So you had done it with Cassio?" Othello sounded back.

"Why are you accusing me again? You had others before. Have I ever questioned you?" Desdemona shouted back. "How many others, Othello? I know I was the first. I may not be the last."

"You do not question me." Othello hit harder. "I am....the one you need to respect. Like all my other legionnaires, they do not questioned my action. I am the Legatus."

"With me, you are my love. You are equal with me. No one above, and no one below." Desdemona told him. Othello was to reply when he heard the door knocked.

"My Lady, are you well? Its me, Emilia."

"Your Lady is unwell. This is Othello. Tell me your message." Othello shouted back.

"Its Cassio. He was hurt in an attack." Emilia told Othello. "Is she okay?"

"Yes, the whore is good. She would not be leaving this place alive. So back off." Othello replied. Emilia was shaken by the words.

"No, Othello. She is no whore. Do not hurt her. She loved you very much." Emilia shouted back. "Open the door. Please. We can talk."

"Talk? With another whore? No way.." Othello replied. That line got Emilia upset.

"Whore? Myself? Othello, I knew you before. You were not like this. When did you change?" Emilia asked. She thought hard and then continued on.

"Was it Iago? Damned!" Emilie cursed at the one who may be the cause of it all. There was no reply. Then she heard it from him.

"Yes, a man worthy of my real trust. A friend indeed. Not like those whom I had fought besides, and betrayed me at the back." Othello replied. "You were my friend, Emilia. You also left me when you saw my face. You were scared to be with me. You were no better than her."

"Othello, I left...... Yes, I was unsure of how you would look. But I was young then. You were younger too. But ....there was a gap between us. I saw it and left. But I regretted it ever since."

"So Iago was also not good enough for you." Othello threw back the words. "Are we all not too good for all of you? Must you used us like those whores? For what? The coins? The feel of the thrusts? Even that you moaned in fake voice."

"Othello! Enough!" Desdemona spoke up.

"For whom? For another whore? No, I would speak up for the others who had suffered under your charms." Othello turned to her. "Iago, myself and......"

Othello could not utter the other name. He was not in the same rank as them.

"Othello, you are better than him. Damned! Desdemona loved you. Don't throw it all away."Emilia told him from outside. "I am coming in."

She was to go in when the downstairs door opened. It was Lodovico, Gratiano, and Iago.

"Legatus!" Lodovico shouted out. "We are in need to report to you."

"Aye, Othello. You are needed." Iago shouted out and then moved to the corner beside the stairs, where he had drawn his gladius. He would kill the man when he comes down. Emilia heard the voice and knocked on the door of the room.

"Let me in, for your sake, Othello."

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