Friday, January 2, 2015

Othello the Legatus Act 4 Scene 2

Act Four Scene 2 Part 1

Othello went back to the room at the tavern but Desdemona was not there. He saw Emilia outside and invited her in. She walked in and close the room door.

"Hello One Face." She called him during his recovery of the face at the healer's place. She had sat by him and assisted hin during those painful period. She was confident that he would recover, but on seeing the face when he bandages were removed, she left in fright. She regretted her action, but it was ghastly then to looked at his face. She had loved him, but the thought of her lover walking with her on the streets with that expression scared her more. 

"Hello, Emilia. Please sit." Othello told her to pull up the only chair in the room to sit while he remained seated on the bedding. "How are you?"

When Othello learned that Emilia would not see him after his wound was exposed, he was distraught by it. He too had loved her but he understood her predicament. It was the father who healed him back and got him the mask. The healer told him these words.

"This mask would hide your hidden dark side, like your lost love. You may take it off one day if you had come to terms with it, but till then, it shall remain there."

It did remained there, but he took it off once before. It was on her union with Iago. He was surprised and then wished them well. That night he drowned his sorrow in wine and took his lust towards two whores that resembled Emilia, he had paid for their services. He had them blindfolded during the acts, but he took off his own mask. He wanted to see himself doing it without the hidden face. He was a monster to them, but they were paid well to take his pains. It was this journey that he saw her again and tried to avoid her. When he was lying next to Desdemona, his mind would flirt to her who was just a wall away. It drove his desire but like his mask, it was all hidden inside him.

"Where is Iago?" Othello asked like a young man finding his words for the girl he met.

"He's with the Senate member that just arrived." Emilia told him. She looked at him from the side view of his better face and saw the man she once loved. She could not hold herself back, and approached him with quick steps. She grabbed his face and buried it on her chest. She leaned down to kissed him on the top of the head, while she nuzzled his face on her bosom. He had liked that before, and even when he was recovering, he asked for her bosom to cry on.

"I...." But Emilia hushed him up.

"Say no more, One Face. All this is yours. And I am yours." Emilia told him. Othello hands reached around her waist and held her closer to him. Then he remembered that he had a tasks to asked of her. He pulled her off and motioned to her to be seated.

"Emilia, I am in need to asked you of Desdemona." Othello whispered his words out. Emilia nodded and re-arranged her clothes. Othello stared at her as she pulled at the hems and sides to looked proper. He still recalled the times he had snuggled on her in the room while her father slept in the next room. He had missed all of those; they were happier nights.

"I am sorry, Othello." Emilie spoke and used his name instead of the nickname. "I shall not betray my lady's trust."

"No, Emilia. I needed you to be .....true to me." Othello looked to her. He was in need of love and would had asked her of that, but he kept to his tasks. "You were with Desdemona most times. Did she ever meet Cassio alone?"

Emilia gasped at the question. She remembered the few occasions like the one when Cassio met Desdemona at the pavilion. She did leave them alone, but it was for a short while. It was all Iago' fault. She then chose to defend her lady.

"Desdemona was on some occasions but she maintained herself well. She would never cheat on you. Do not listen to those rumors?" Emilia blurted out. "I swore that even myself sometimes may had strayed when ....Iago was not around, but never was I betrayed him. It was all ...."

"Hush, Emilia. All I wanted to know was did he make love to my love." Othello asked out plainly.

"No! She was pure to you." Emilia protested. "For the sake of your love, don't be drawn in by..."

"No, I am not. Please seek Desdemona. I would clarify with her." With that, Othello got up and reached for the door. "Please do as I say."

Emilia got up to leave and seek out Desdemona. Meanwhile Othello sat back on the bedding and pondered. His finger trailed the bedding covers and the felt the lumps. They had made love her, he was relentless in his acts. He had her laid on her back while he held he legs apart. He had humped her with force that she called on every thrust. Even then was not enough, that he had her turn on her side to speared her from there. She had her hands grabbing the head side of the bedding to matched his thrust lest she may have her head banged on it. He had spent then on his thrust but he was not giving up. He pulled her leg across to have her lain on her back again before he climbed up on her body. He sat himself on her bosom and pushed his penis towards her.

"Make me hard again. I still want more." She complied with her lips and then her mouth as the lining to aroused his heat. Once he was hard, he climbed off the bedding and stood there.

"We would do it like a dog. Be in position to receive me." Othello grabbed her by the hips and turned her over. He pulled her back towards him while she tucked her knees beneath her. She knew of this position, as it was one of her favorite. She needed not move much while he did the rest. He was into her and then out with the ferocity that he displayed in battle. She laid down her face, while her mouth bit into the bedding to quell her screams of pleasure. She loved every move he had made. Just like how a whore valued the coins that was left on the side table.

"Othello, did you asked for me?" Othello was shaken from his lustful thoughts. He looked at the person standing there at the doorway. It was the whore he was dreaming of fucking then. She saw his hard piece protruding from his toga hem. She turned to her lady in waiting.

"Leave us. I would be fine with him." Desdemona told the other and closed the door.

"What is your will, my master?" She taunt him on seeing his other possible intention.

"Please seat here."Othello pat the bedding. He was smiling and with slow movement, she sat down next to him.

"What do you need of me, my master?" Desdemona continue on her taunt. Othello felt the irritation in his mind, but he subdued it.

"Does it hurt?" Othello reached to touch her cheek which he had struck.

"What wrong did I do to deserve that? Was it the love act, or the sash?'" Desdemona replied. That last mentioned trigger off his anger again.

"Of what you done, you yourself ought to know." Othello told her. You are my love, the love of Legatus and yet you avail yourself like a whore."

"A whore? How dare you accuse me of such. I am ever faithful to you. Never had I strayed from yours since the ceremony. Please hold your respect for me, Othello."

"Respect for you. You are no more than those I stand accused as whores. You have shamed me with your wanton lust; and to whom you may had laid. I would disown any child born from you. They are your bastards and not mine." Othello told her. "The Gods had placed upon me the plague which you are the carrier. Let me take the pain of cuts and wounds. Like that of my face, lest I take the shame of the seedling you sow from."

"Othello, I begged of you. I never shamed you nor did I bed another. If it was words whispered to you, then they were malicious lies to torment me and you."

"Faithful? You? Faithful is my sash. Where is it?" Othello asked. Desdemona looked at him.

"So it was the sash again. Its in the chest and why else would you be so paranoia of it? I never been more faithful than with you."

"So there were others before me? And then there would be others after me." Othello hit back with the words. "How many would there be before you are to be satisfied?"

"Othello, I am not that. Its you who are saying the words to hurt me. I been your love and only yours." Desdemona was very upset to be accused of that other role. Then the door was opened and in came Emilia.

"You are here. Good. Take care of your keepsake." Othello told Emilia. "She may in need of a keeper who would find her more to satiate her lust if not for coins, and then of body sex."

Othello stomped off the room leaving Emilia holding back her shock at what was spoken. She knew of the plan to discredit Cassio but never she imagined it would involve her lady here.

"What happened, my Lady? I heard the shouting and came over to check." Emilia asked.

"He accused me of adultery. Me? I loved him and this was what I was shown for my love." Desdemona told her.  

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