Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Loki Passage 10

The Adventure Years


Loki lived his life unlike the others. He was always looking for excuses not to partake in the hunts or raids, or even in the defense of the Hall. When there was no calls for him, Loki made himself a nuisance in the Hall. His acquired skills in magic gave him an edge. He will played prank on them or caused mischief. Regardless of his antics, no one dared to hurt him for his siblings swore to protect him. He also took on the responsibility to help his own siblings.

“Loki, if you are involved voiced your words now before I thrashed it out of you.” Thor confronted the other. He had the features of a fine boned physique with the taller than most others height made him looked like a demi-god. With his free flowing blonde hair that reached to his waist coupled with the unkempt beard, gave him an image of the Adonis image. More to his look, Thor had a bagful of exploits which oozes with bravado and grandeur of heroic rescues. He was aided by a gift from Odin; the hammer Mjolnir. The hammer was to be made by the dwarves Sindri and Brokkr but Loki intervened. He undermined the skills of the blacksmith brothers. They were taken in by the words of Loki as one of his antics; the famed sons of Ivaldi had made more items of valued than them; one of the popular one was Odin’ spear Gungnir. The brothers Sindri and Brokkr challenged Loki in taking a bet.

“We will complete the gift for Odin and in return we will take your head as our prize.” The two brothers begin working in their workshop. Sindri worked on the smelt while Brokkr monitored the fire by firing the bellows. Loki, in disguise as a fly, came and bit Brokkr on the arm. Nevertheless, he continues to pump the bellows. Next, Sindri puts some gold in the forge and gives Brokkr the same order. Again, Loki, still in the guise of a fly comes and, again, bites Brokkr's neck twice as hard as he had bitten his arm. Just as before, Brokkr continues to work the bellows despite the pain. When Sindri returns, he took out Darupnir; Odin's ring, which drops eight duplicates of itself every ninth night. Finally, Sindri puts some iron in the forge and tells Brokkr not to stop pumping the bellows. Loki came a third time and that time bit Brokkr on the eyelid even harder. The bite was so deep that it drew blood. The blood ran into Brokkr's eyes and forces him stop working the bellows just long enough to wipe his eyes. This time, when Sindri returns, he took Mjöllnir out of the forge. The item was flawed; the handle was shorter than Sindri had planned therefore the hammer can only be wielded with one hand.

But Odin was pleased with it. When he gave it to Thor, he used these words to describe his gift.

“Thee may smite as hard as thee desired, whatsoever might be before thee, and the hammer would not fail; and if thee threw it at anything, it would never miss, and never fly so far as not to return to thee’ hand; and if be desired, thee might keep it in his sark, it was so small.”

With that Sindri and Brokkr searched for Loki to claim their reward. However, Loki worms his way out of the bet by pointing out that the dwarves would need to cut his neck to remove his head, but Loki's neck was not part of the deal. As a consolation prize, Brokkr sewn Loki's mouth shut to teach him a lesson.

“I have lost my hammer.” Thor finally spoke up. “It Mjolnir I am looking for.”

Loki stood up in surprise. He denied knowing anything to do with the hammer.

“It’s not you I that was the cause of it. I thought you may know it. No one else knows about except you now.” Thor looked in anticipation at Loki. “You must help me.”

“I will help you. But we are not able to find it unless we get some help.” Loki thought hard until he came up with a name.

“Goddess Freyja.” Freyja is a goddess associated with love, sexuality, beauty, fertility, gold,  war, and death. Freyja is the owner of the necklace Brisingmen rode a chariot pulled by two cats, keeps the boar Hildisvini by her side, possesses a cloak of Falcon feathers, and, by her husband Oor, is the mother of two daughters, Hnoss and Gersemi. 

Freyja agreed when she was approached.

“I heard rumors that the Giants at Jothunheim had acquired a rare artifact.” Freyja spoke out. The Giants have been accumulating artifacts and treasures in their hordes to annoyed the others.

“Then it’s there I will check for Mjolnir.” Loki then took to flight high into the clouds. Somehow he knew of where to go and that confused Thor who was tailing on the horse and eventually lost Loki in the trail. Loki had then flew to Jotunheim; the land of the Giants.

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