Sunday, January 18, 2015

Othello the Legatus Act 5 Scene 2 Part 4

Act Five Scene 2 Part 4

Desdemona held onto her friend, and cried. She let her mind float onto the recent events from her union vows to the accusation by her love, and then of the killing she did. It was all so fast and never once she doubted her lover would resort to this. She then remembered that Cassio was hurt. That was why Emilia came to tell her.

"Cassio? He is hurt. I must see him." Desdemona got up and changed into an appropriate gown. She stepped over the dead body and went out. She carefully close the door before she exit by the rear door of the tavern. She met the owner of the tavern and asked him where was the healer room.

"Its on your right after the second alley." He told her. Desdemona took to her heels as she ran in the dark alley. At her departure, the owner was curious as to why she seek the healer at this hour. He knew of the attack and was under orders to keep her safe. He followed her close behind lest calamity befalls her.

Desdemona found the rear entrance of the healer, and went in. She was confronted by the sight of wounded men; both legionnaires and town folks. She asked for the location of Cassio.

"He had been sent to the tavern. We are overly crowded here." The healer told her. She then took to the front door and left by there. She saw the legionnaires now in formation marching to meet the tribesmen. They were taken by surprise but with their discipline and training, they were soon organized for the counter assault. She reached the tavern and went straight upstairs. She saw her room door was partially opened. She barged in and saw Cassio seated there, with his leg in bandage. He was holding a gladius in his right hand.

"Cassio!" Desdemona called out his name.

"Desdemona, thank Apollo, you are okay. What happened here?" Cassio asked. He indicated to the body lain there. "Is that Emilia, the love of Iago?"

"Yes, its. I killed her." Desdemona blurted out. "It was all a mistake."

"Tell me everything, Desdemona." Cassio told her. "Everything."

Prologue 35

Othello stood there in the center with his men. They had formed the defensive line and held back the advancing tribesmen. He had sent Iago to the other line by the far end, while he organized the rear one.

"Legatus, we are holding but we need more reinforcement." Centurion Tavius told him. Othello nodded and looked to the hill. Where was Branius with the other cohort? He should be here. The original plan was for Othello to confront and then kill Desdemona. He would then ride out before dawn, and left the legionnaires to fight on their own. But all of that changed when the tribesmen leaders attacked too early. Now he was forced to lead his Legion.

"Man that breach, Legionnaires." Othello shouted encouragement to his men. He was up and down the line, and also into the tribesmen for the assault. Then he heard the trumpet.

Branius is back. He would now attack the tribesmen from the flank. It was working.

"Rally up. We got our reinforcements." Othello shouted out. But he was not to be taking the fight on when he fell into one of his undisclosed seizures. Centurion Tavius knew of of his condition.

"Carry him back to the tavern" Tavius told the six legionnaires. "Guard him well."

Across the harbour, Iago and his men had beaten back the tribesmen there, and had captured the leader. He confronted the leader on the surprise attack.

"None shall I speak except this. Your leader is traitor. He betrayed us on his plans as he had did with yours." The leader spoke out. "Your Legatus is a son of the Vandals, Roman."

"No!" The young Centurion assisting Iago lashed out and thrust the gladius from the left shoulder into the heart. "Legatus Othello is our leader. And he would not betray us."

Iago tried to save the dying leader but it was too late. He then picked up his gladius and went to look for Othello. There was something new in the plan now; Othello was accused of being a Vandal. If he was, then his life was forfeit. If not, his life was still forfeit or Iago's one would go.

"Where is the Legatus?" Iago asked a legionnaire at the defense wall.

"Back in the tavern. He fell and they carried him there."

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