Saturday, January 17, 2015

Loki Passage 3.1


Odin stood outside the Great Hall of Vahalla that evening while his stares were on the other clans of Asgard. They had all convened there to hear out the election of the new All-Father, or the Leader among the Leaders. Odin was of the Wodin Clan, which was renowned for its leadership and also for its mastery over the realm of magic. The last incident with the Frost Giant had earned them wrath for their impulsive move.

“Odin, how do you view our opportunity today?” Inder, an old friend and clan warrior asked of him, while they both watched the others. Each clan was allowed only three members to present at the hearing of the Elders for the election. 
Their third and last member stood a distance away with his attention focused on the stars above.

“I do not know, Inder. Ask Cultin. He is reading the stars.” Odin motioned to the one whose interest was the ways of the stars. For that, Inder walked away upset with the reply. The later sought out the Tofel Clan to amuse himself on the hunting tales. Odin looked to his departing friend and sighed.

“Inder is raw to the works of the Clan. He thinks we are wasting time here.” Odin muttered to his pets, the pair of crows perched on his shoulders.

“It’s only the wiser ones who would understand.” Odin heard the words spoken at his side. He looked over and saw the person who shared his vision. The man was tall with a hunched back dressed with a dark blue long tunic, with the knee high leather boots. He had on a dark black cloak with a hood to cover his smooth scalp from the cold evening weather.

“Vizier, I am surprised to find you here.” Odin smiled at the person. “Surely, a person of your statute should be in the Hall, doing your best to write the scrolls of their exploits.”

“Aye, I was, but the Great Buri had me dismissed here. It may be obvious that the Great One would like to confide with the elders on the new All –Father without my presence.” The one known as the Vizier was not only a recorder of the events that happened in Asgard, but of late had been the adviser to the Great One. He may not look old like the other advisers, but with his younger age, he offered a new perspective to the Great One.

“How much of the discussion did you hear before you were removed?” Odin was ever curious to know the decision to be made by his grandfather, the Great One.

The land of Asgard was once a wilderness that the people roamed for food and shelter, forming into clans, and fighting among themselves. They were known as Aesir; a breed of brave warriors but pride prevented them from uniting in their land. It was only when a young leader name Buri who soon saw the need to be united. He approached the others not in battle but in negotiation, and soon with influence of strength. Buri soon to be called the Great One was the first to unite the clans and formed the Asgard people. The Great One with the unity of the thirty main clans then renamed themselves as Asgardian, and their land, the renowned Asgard. With the formation of the land named as Asgard, they found themselves in conflict with the Vanir and Elves. Battles were fought and eventually, the others reluctantly accepted the new people and their leader.

“Not much.” Vizier replied, but the young warrior was adamant on knowing more. He grabbed the hunched man to the far isolated corner and asked again.

“The Great One cites that he had served the realm for too long. He wanted to hand over the leadership to someone worthy of it, while he wandered the lands before the call from the Heroes of Vahalla come.” Vizier told the young warrior. “It was then, he sent me out.”

“The Great One gone?” Odin was shocked by the words. He had accepted that his grandfather, the Great One was a God, which would rule and lived for a long time. He had never expected that his grandfather would ever leave for the Heroes of Vahalla, although many of his rank had departed there.

“No, I must see him.” Odin spoke up. He turned to walked towards the Hall, but he was stopped by the new announcement. The sentry at the Hall called on his name.

“The Elders called on the presence of Odin son of Bor to stepped forth and meet the Elders.” The sentry announced.


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