Friday, January 30, 2015

Loki Passage 11

In Jotunheim, the Giant named Prymr sat on the burial mound of his friend, Geirrod. He was plaiting collars from the hewn and roots of the trees to make collars for his females dogs. It was his work for he had no woman he could call his own to do the task. He was ever lonely then since Geirrod had perished under Mjolnir held by Thor. He still recalled that event which led to his friend’s death. Gerriod had told him that he caught an unusual bird and had it caged. Both Prymr and Gerriod then visited the cage. Inside it was a falcon, but unlike any other falcon, that one had an unusual beak.

“Is it a rare bird? I have starved it for several days to make it speak.” Gerriod was not the brightest among the Giants but he was a hunter. Prymr was to reply when the falcon spoke.

“Release me you fool. It’s me. Loki of Asgard.” The falcon spoke out in the tone of Man. “Unless you wished another long war with Odin.”

“Loki? Asgard?” Gerriod howled out. “The trickster? I shall squash it now.”

Prymr stopped his raging friend from his foolish act. The last war with the Asgard caused a lot of their friends to perished. He looked to the falcon.

“Show thy real self.” Prymr told Loki. “We will talk to you than your feather disguise.”

“Then release me now. How could I fit into this cage?” Loki called out. “And hurry for me a meal to satiate my hunger.”

“I rather think not. You are Loki the Trickster. You may well trick us with your antics.” Prymr replied. “Not unless you swore an oath by your mother’ name.”

“My mother? Which one? The birth or the caretaker?” Loki asked. “Or even my other mother of my children.”

“Your birth one.” Prymr spoke out. To the Giants, the oath swore on their mother’s name was a sacred one, and it was forbidden to break it. Loki did not agree to it and was made to starve for another two more days. Finally he agreed and was released from the cage. He was given a meal of corns and water to feed.

“Corns and water? I asked for a meal to befit a Lord.” Loki rebuked.

“Aye, but it was not you who asked. It was a bird and I served what a bird may take. So eat up and we will talk.” Prymr commented back. Loki did as he was told and soon sat down to discuss their demands.

“You are mad.” Loki replied when he heard the demand. “I may be his brother, but I command no such influence on him. Thor is betrothed to Lady Sif and never would he betrayed that oath.”

“Trickster, only you who was given the name could do the task. You may trick him and we will ensure he become one of us.” Prymr replied. “Gerriod have two sisters who are pretty.”

Gerriod gasped at the claim on his sister. He last recalled they looked like the external bark of the tree exposed to the coarse lashing of the environment, gnarled by the bears during summer and watered by the canine creatures during winter.

“Gerriod sisters? Why they are…” Loki held his tongue for he was once in love with a Giant who fared slightly better. “I agreed to speak to him but whether he will come may depend …”

By then Gerriod ha grabbed Loki by the throat.

“Spare me the reply and send over your head for me to crush.” Gerriod threatened the other.

“You drive a crushing offer, Giant. I shall oblige for my head is on the debt.” Loki replied. He then rushed back to the Hall to see Thor. The reply he got was more amazing.

“Sisters? What are their names again?” Thor in his younger days then was emotionally maintained by his ego and hormones jumped to the idea. “I have not been with a set of sisters since…”

“Pardon me, Thor. Those sisters you met earlier were witches and they nearly took your arms off if not for Balder and Odin who came in time.” Loki replied. It was him who fetched the duo when Thor was trapped by the witches.

“Ye, but I thought it was my…” Thor was motioning to his navel. “That they were after. Never mind, I have battled many Giants and won. Let me challenge these sisters and be victor over their …”

“Love, Thor. Not otherwise. We are going for a love match and not a brawl. Although you may brawl later in their bedding, I cared not.” Loki sighed. Then he added in. “There was one other condition. Gerriod said no Mjolnir.”

“No Mjolnir. It’s my hammer which I carry everywhere. It comes with me to the bedding and …” Thor defended his companion.

“In which Sif complains that it was akin to having Frigg watching over her while you were rutting above her.” Loki sighed louder. “Leave your hammer behind. You have one there that could do the hammering.”

“Yes, you are right. I had sometimes mistaken the throbbing of it for mine.” With that Thor left Mjolnir at the Hall before he started on his trip with Loki. Thor was not into the flying or walking so he took his chariot with the goats pulling at the front.

‘Better than the hinds of the mares, huh?” Thor laughed at his own joke while he held the reins. Loki sighed louder for he saw the goats have all done the same above their goatee. The journey was longer for Thor needed to do stopover at another Giant’s place. It belonged to a Giantess named Grior.

“I hear you are going to meet Gjalp and Greip.” Grior cautioned Thor. “Be warned that they are more than just maidens. They are also spell mistresses. They sought you for vengeance than for your seedlings to farm their lands. For your safety if you insist in going, take my staff and iron glove with you. It may avert disaster on the journey.”

Thor thanked the Giantess and continued on his way. True to the caution of Grior, the weather soon took to change into darker storms which swelled the rivers with strong currents. Thor came to the banks of the river and saw it raging currents. The Billy Goats that pulled his chariot were reluctant to cross.

“It ain’t in our terms to cross rivers that swell above our heads. We are hill terrain breeds, not aqua hybrids.” The leader of the Billy Goat replied. Thor tried to explain that he was without his Mjolnir and could not control the lightning and thunderstorms. The goats being their normal self stood on their own hinds in the matter. It was Loki who came to the rescue.

“Strike the staff into the river and let it formed a sea wall.” Loki told Thor who did as per instruction. The raging water stopped as if it was blocked by a strong wall that rose out of the mud yet it was translucent to the sight. The wall rose higher when the water level increased but after it was the sight of the river bed.

“Move you, you bleats. Your dried path laid out for you.” Thor swung his reins to prod the goats to pull the chariots. They did as told for there was no raging river in their way. It was a divine sight to view the high wall of the water while you rode past it. It must had been how an aqua creatures sees their own world.

Soon they reached the home of Gerriod. Thor and Loki were welcomed into the hall of Gerriod home. It was a huge chamber with one exception; there was only one chair there. Gerriod took Loki by the arm to lead him to the rear of the hall while Thor sat himself by the only chair there.

“My body aches from the ride. I shall rest with my eyes closed and let my mind wandered to the coming events when I ride those sisters.” Thor did as what his body suggested. Just when he was falling asleep, he felt the chair moved. He looked up and saw the ceiling lined with sharp stakes awaiting him. He thrust Gríðr's staff against the roof beam and pushed down. With the heavy weight and force of their guest, the giantess sisters, Gjálp and Greip, were crushed to death. The two sisters were in hiding at a nearby pillar was crushed by the falling ceiling. .

Thor, displeased with everything that had happened, went to confront Geirröd. The giant raised his hand and threw a hot lump of iron at the thunder god. Using the iron gloves lent to him by Gríðr, Thor caught the hot iron and threw it back at the giant who hid behind a pillar. The hot ball went straight into the pillar, into the head of Geirröd, and finally rested deep into the earth.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Loki Passage 10

The Adventure Years


Loki lived his life unlike the others. He was always looking for excuses not to partake in the hunts or raids, or even in the defense of the Hall. When there was no calls for him, Loki made himself a nuisance in the Hall. His acquired skills in magic gave him an edge. He will played prank on them or caused mischief. Regardless of his antics, no one dared to hurt him for his siblings swore to protect him. He also took on the responsibility to help his own siblings.

“Loki, if you are involved voiced your words now before I thrashed it out of you.” Thor confronted the other. He had the features of a fine boned physique with the taller than most others height made him looked like a demi-god. With his free flowing blonde hair that reached to his waist coupled with the unkempt beard, gave him an image of the Adonis image. More to his look, Thor had a bagful of exploits which oozes with bravado and grandeur of heroic rescues. He was aided by a gift from Odin; the hammer Mjolnir. The hammer was to be made by the dwarves Sindri and Brokkr but Loki intervened. He undermined the skills of the blacksmith brothers. They were taken in by the words of Loki as one of his antics; the famed sons of Ivaldi had made more items of valued than them; one of the popular one was Odin’ spear Gungnir. The brothers Sindri and Brokkr challenged Loki in taking a bet.

“We will complete the gift for Odin and in return we will take your head as our prize.” The two brothers begin working in their workshop. Sindri worked on the smelt while Brokkr monitored the fire by firing the bellows. Loki, in disguise as a fly, came and bit Brokkr on the arm. Nevertheless, he continues to pump the bellows. Next, Sindri puts some gold in the forge and gives Brokkr the same order. Again, Loki, still in the guise of a fly comes and, again, bites Brokkr's neck twice as hard as he had bitten his arm. Just as before, Brokkr continues to work the bellows despite the pain. When Sindri returns, he took out Darupnir; Odin's ring, which drops eight duplicates of itself every ninth night. Finally, Sindri puts some iron in the forge and tells Brokkr not to stop pumping the bellows. Loki came a third time and that time bit Brokkr on the eyelid even harder. The bite was so deep that it drew blood. The blood ran into Brokkr's eyes and forces him stop working the bellows just long enough to wipe his eyes. This time, when Sindri returns, he took Mjöllnir out of the forge. The item was flawed; the handle was shorter than Sindri had planned therefore the hammer can only be wielded with one hand.

But Odin was pleased with it. When he gave it to Thor, he used these words to describe his gift.

“Thee may smite as hard as thee desired, whatsoever might be before thee, and the hammer would not fail; and if thee threw it at anything, it would never miss, and never fly so far as not to return to thee’ hand; and if be desired, thee might keep it in his sark, it was so small.”

With that Sindri and Brokkr searched for Loki to claim their reward. However, Loki worms his way out of the bet by pointing out that the dwarves would need to cut his neck to remove his head, but Loki's neck was not part of the deal. As a consolation prize, Brokkr sewn Loki's mouth shut to teach him a lesson.

“I have lost my hammer.” Thor finally spoke up. “It Mjolnir I am looking for.”

Loki stood up in surprise. He denied knowing anything to do with the hammer.

“It’s not you I that was the cause of it. I thought you may know it. No one else knows about except you now.” Thor looked in anticipation at Loki. “You must help me.”

“I will help you. But we are not able to find it unless we get some help.” Loki thought hard until he came up with a name.

“Goddess Freyja.” Freyja is a goddess associated with love, sexuality, beauty, fertility, gold,  war, and death. Freyja is the owner of the necklace Brisingmen rode a chariot pulled by two cats, keeps the boar Hildisvini by her side, possesses a cloak of Falcon feathers, and, by her husband Oor, is the mother of two daughters, Hnoss and Gersemi. 

Freyja agreed when she was approached.

“I heard rumors that the Giants at Jothunheim had acquired a rare artifact.” Freyja spoke out. The Giants have been accumulating artifacts and treasures in their hordes to annoyed the others.

“Then it’s there I will check for Mjolnir.” Loki then took to flight high into the clouds. Somehow he knew of where to go and that confused Thor who was tailing on the horse and eventually lost Loki in the trail. Loki had then flew to Jotunheim; the land of the Giants.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Loki Passage 9

Loki checked on his child at the island but with the incident, he had also taken an interest of Hel. She was growing fast for her age group and soon had become a lady. Her hair had taken on length to her waist while her flesh was pale with no shade on it. Even her lips were pale but she countered it with her choice of dark shades for her clothing. She always have kept to herself and conversed with the creatures.

“Hel, are you there?” It was the voice of Frigg. The caretaker had been watching her and one of the concerns was the child affinity to speak with the creatures.  Frigg had spoken to Odin but the later ignored the concerns. Hel did not reply but approached the caretaker.

“There you are. I was looking for you.” Frigg spoke up.

“I was over there and with friends.” Hel told the other. “You may not worry so much about me. I am capable of taking care of myself.”

“Are you talking to your…friends?” Frigg looked around but there was no one. “Hel, there are no one here.”

“Oh! There are around but they are not now of this …place.” Hel replied. “They come to me for help. They want to go home.”

Frigg was still looking around. She had seen mythical creatures like faeries and nymphs but never had she seen what was considered as a spirit. She does not believe in ghosts or those who were in the same dimension with her. She then asked Hel to follow her.

“Frigg, may Helga Inga come with us? She need some love too.” Hel asked with her Frigg stopped in her steps. She knew of one named Helga Inga who had died in a fire five years ago. Helga was alone at home when the fire took place. She once appeared in Frigg’s dream but there were no messages given. All Frigg was Helga nodding.

Frigg took Hel back to the house but she was feeling all uneasy then. She called in Odin who appeared soon after when she exerted her request into a command.

“What ails your mind, woman? I was in counsel with the Goblins on the mineral mines.” Odin was enraged to be called by his woman as he placed it then. He had told Balder that ‘no fury more fearsome than a woman scorned’.

“Odin, Frigg was not scorned but in need of comfort for her concern.” Balder smiled. “I knew her too but as a mother.”

“Odin!” The leader was shaken from his slumbering thoughts when Frigg raised her voice. “Hel could communicate with the others. It’s true.”

Odin looked to the young lady and frowned. He had heard Frigg telling him before but he placed it off as gossiping than truth encounters. He had seen the Gods before but they never mentioned of the unseen ones. They once said those who died will be sent to the Underworld or Helheim.

“Is it…” Odin was snapped back by Hel who replied back.

“Helga Inga is with me. She wants to be heard by you.” Hel pointed to Odin. “You are the one who could find her justice. She sought justice for her killing.”

Even before Odin could reply, Hel was telling the tale of how Helga was killed by one named as Beveran. It was Beveran who ravished and then bound the lady before burning down the house. Helen could not escape in time nor shout for her tongue was cut. She soon perished in the fire.

“Blasphemy! I have never heard a taller tale than this.” Odin denied it all. “Beveran is a good friend of mine and hold himself by my side as the warrior. I will disbelieve such a tale.”

“Then asked him on how he acquired the wound on his left thigh.” Hel spoke up. “The one that won’t heal. It won’t heal for the blade Helga used was coated with a potion. She was a healer before and to be one, she needed to know other cures too. She told me all this.”

“Then show me proof.” Odin spoke out hastily and then sat himself on the seat. “I will call for a Council meet and discuss this issue.”

The Council meet had convened and Beveran was presented. He did show his wound but he could not explain his wound. It was the Vizier who solved the riddle.

“It’s mixture of herbs and blood from the gall of the serpent.” Vizier explained the potion. “It’s a cure to eat at the rotted flesh which was why the wound will not heal; it will not close the wound.”

Beveran was banished from the Hall, but the fame of Hel caused her a lot of discomfort. She was further shunned by the others and eventually Odin seek the Vizier advice.

“Hel does not belong to the Hall. She is … She belonged to elsewhere.” The Vizier commented back. “Ask the Gods.”
Odin as per advised. He sought the help of the Gods. The reply was “Helheim’.

“Helheim?” Frigg was upset. “The Gods are mad. That place is not a place for a lady. Not one as young as Hel. She deserved more.”

Frigg may be upset but Hel was banished there by Odin. It was a cold place and gloomy most times. It housed the lost spirits that no other realms will accept. The astonishing part of her banishment was Hel did not feel lost there. The inhabitants of the place worshipped her for her strength and skills in communicating with the other dimensions. She also displayed fair leadership in solving the issues there. Soon she was reveled as their Queen.

Loki could not prevent his child been banished; all three of them but he was glad they are away from the Hall. He was left alone to exact his vengeance on Odin. He walked to the Great Sea and looked to it.

“My second child, it’s me Loki. I have come to say goodbye to you too.” Loki wished his child the best should it be alive. He then walked back to the Hall to await Ragnarok; the day Odin will die. 

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Loki Passage 8

Loki looked to the young babe that was held by Frigg. It had been some seasons then since the mother had said her goodbye to them. Since then Loki had lived a lonely life more like a hermit with only Frigg offering him some visits to his hut. Every time Frigg comes over, she will bring along Hel. The babe had grown up fine under the care of Frigg to a beautiful girl. He had enquired about Fenrir from Tyr and the replies were a shock to him.

“Your…son growing faster than the meals I fed it.” Tyr told him. He had Fenrir kept in wooden magical enclosure but the creature was always escaping and taking its own fair share on the bred creatures. “I just barter off some of my furs to Jonas that other day.”

Loki smiled when he hears tales of Fenrir, but he was also wondering of Jogmunder the serpent. He had seen how fast Jogmunder grew and he overlapped Fenrir but how will he fare in the Great Sea where some of the predators outgrew even the Frost Giant.

“Loki, I been looking for you.” It was Thor who approached him. “We have decided that Fenrir had outgrown his stay here. They are going to bind the wolf.”

“Wolf? He is no wolf than you are a Giant.” Loki snapped back. “Do not confuse my children with another.”

With that, Loki rushed towards the enclosure which was to hold Fenrir. He was greeted by a group that was preparing to snare the wolf. They have prepared three fetters (manacles) to bind the wolf. Loki wanted to approach his child but the others stopped him.

“Come no nearer, Loki. We will deal with your wolf.” Loki looked to the one who spoke. He remember the face; Bjorn the Hunter. The man was known for his skills in trapping the creatures. What was not known to them Loki was in communication with his child by mental thoughts.

“Fenrir, it’s me Loki.” Loki found himself. “Your father.”

“Father? I don’t recall my father anymore.” Fenrir howled out in pain. “Leave me or I may just forget that I have your fangs.”

It was then the hunters dropped the first fetter into the enclosure. The fetter was made with Leyding. It was an unusual rope that was made from a combination of hewn and sinews of the creatures.

“Wolf, test your strength against it.” Bjorn challenged the wolf. It looked at the fetter and then growled. The former did not hesitate to bind the wolf. He had it bound from the jaws to the four limbs and even the ears. Just as he stepped back, Fenrir stretched its limbs and the fetter broke off at its seams. Bjorn was not convinced on the wolf’ ability and came back with the second fetter. Without any hesitation, Bjorn bound the wolf but he had to call for assistance. The second fetter was made with Dromi; a much harder and resilient material which includes carbon extracts from the hard materials shaved to hair thickness. Fenrir tested the new material and growled. It was a sturdier material than the first, but Fenrir rolled on the ground while it kicked at the binds. The second fetter took its beating and soon it was loose.

“By the wrath of Odin, the wolf had cleared through two fetters.” Bjorn called out. “I will use third fetter. The one that Odin had me walked great distance to retrieve from the dwarfs.”

“Skirnir, bring me the last fetter.” Bjorn called out. The former came forth holding the third fetter, named by the dwarfs as Gleipnir. The dwarf constructed the rope from six different mythical materials. It was smooth as the silk yet it was tougher than any ropes.

“Bjorn, we will deal with the wolf at the lake.” Skirnir spoke up. “The Vizier told me so.”

“The Vizier? Why ain’t he here now?” Bjorn was getting agitated that his bindings did not work. Finally he relented. Tyr pulled Fenrir by the ears towards the lake. In the commotion of binding the wolf, Fenrir had grown to twice his size. He was almost to the height of Tyr at the shoulder. The lake was near the Hall; it was named Amsvartnir. On the lake was an island named Lyngvi which was where the group headed with the wolf.

Fenrir looked to the third fetter; flimsy in the looks but it felt that the fetter may be more than its match.

"If you bind me so that I am unable to release myself, then you will be standing by in such a way that I should have to wait a long time before I got any help from you. I am reluctant to have this band put on me. But rather than that you question my courage, let someone put his hand in my mouth as a pledge that this is done in good faith."

All the assembled there were in shock at the creature’ request.

“Skimir, you go on ahead. We will back you.” Someone hollered out to him but the other refused. It was Tyr being the bold one who approached the wolf. He put out his right hand into the wolf’s jaw. It was all a prank that went wrong; Bjorn kicked at the wolf rump and Fenrir reacted by snapping his jaws. Its bite took off Tyr’ hand who screamed out in pain. The others then took the opportunity to bind the wolf in the new fetter. Gleipnir caught tightly, and the more Fenrir struggled, the stronger the band grew. At this, everyone laughed, except Týr, who had lost his right hand when the wolf bit him.

“Hail the Gods, we have bound the wolf. We call on you to deal with the creature. Ragnarok will be forgotten with the 
wolf in captivity.”

The gods knew that Fenrir was fully bound but they wanted to be sure. They took a cord called Gelgja (Old Norse for "fetter") hanging from Gleipnir, inserted the cord through a large stone slab called Gjöll (Old Norse for "scream"), and the Gods fastened the stone slab deep into the ground. After, the Gods took a great rock called Thviti (Old Norse for "hitter, batterer") and thrust it even further into the ground as an anchoring peg.

Fenrir growled violently; it opened its jaws wide and tried to bite the Gods. The Gods thrust "a sword" into Fenrir's mouth, the hilt of the sword on Fenrir's lower gums and the point his upper gums. Fenrir "howled horribly," saliva ran from his mouth, and this saliva formed the river named Ván (Old Norse for "hope"). The Gods rejoiced that the wolf was finally subdued but not Loki who was dismayed at the capture.

“Loki, you have defiled us. You fathered monstrosity creatures that will bring down your people.” The Gods told Loki. “We are displeased and this is one of our option to restore the balance.”

“Why can’t you just kill my child if you considered it as …a monster?” Loki snapped back. He then looked at the Gods. 

“When are we not monsters ourselves at times?”

The God ignored him and left for their realm. It was Tyr who spoke the wise words to Loki.

“The gods respect their Holy places and places of sanctuary that they did not want to defile them with the wolf's blood even though the prophecies say that he will be the death of Odin. Be wise to it that your child will live.” 

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Loki Passage 7

“Loki had a family without my permission.” Odin was enraged that he called on a series of lightning on the land. He then called on that Loki be fetched to the Hall to answer for the deeds.

“What foul deed have you done?” Odin looked to the adopted son of his at the Hall. The Hall was packed with the others including Thor and Balder. Frigg had declined on the grounds that she was not the real mother of Loki.

“These are my children; Fenrir, Jogmundar and …” Loki led his last child, the tiny yet cheeky looking young babe by the hand towards Odin. “She is Hel.”

The little babe approached the leader with her wobbly steps and then laughed out loud at the monstrous looking figure. That caused the mother of the babe to rush from outside the Hall to come in and held her child.

“What monstrosity is this? Who dares to permit a Frost Giant in my Hall?” Odin barked out loud. His shout was loud that it scared Hel. The later broke out into tears while the mother soothed down her fear.

“It’s my lover, Angrbooa the Giantess.” When Loki spoke those words, the Hall resonated into a series of laughter. One of the attended also commented that it was unforgiveable for an Asgardian which they had named themselves, to cohabit with the Frost Giants. Loki heard the statement and drew out his blade on his belt but Balder stopped him.

“Do that and you will lose your life and those of theirs too.” Balder cautioned him.”Hold your tongue and let Odin speaks for you.”

It was a mistake that Loki was later to regret.

“Loki of my Hall, stand thee before me.” Odin commanded. “I have taken you into my Hall from the waste land of the battle. I have fed and clothed you for your wanted years.”

Odin paused then to let the murmuring among his fellows to quiet down. They were all aware that Loki was not his with Frigg and from there, it was all make believe or rumors of Odin’ unfaithful tryst before he became leader. Some had said Loki was one of Frigg’ with another but that was never mentioned in the Hall.

“You repay me by disappearing for a period and then return stained with a family. You have disrespected this Hall with your action.” Odin picked his words with care. He had used stained for he had a personal dislike for the Giants. He had fought them for a long period and have been wounded more times that he could recall.

“Odin..” Loki wanted to protest but Balder stepped in for him.

“Odin, I will speak for Loki. He is young and may had been misled by the …Giant.” Balder spoke out. “Please forgive his brashness. He does not love the Giant.”

With that Balder looked to Loki before he whispered.

‘Forego them. We are your family.” Balder told him. “I will find ways to care for them later.”

“Enough of your mutterings.” Odin raised his voice. “If you agreed to my terms, you will still be my son, and be protected by the Hall. Defiled me and you will be killed now.”

Loki looked to the man he had considered as his father for some years. If he fought Odin then he will die even before he could reach the man. If he chose to bid his time, he may be able to do it when he is ready. The issue then was how he was to wrangled himself out of the mess.

Loki chose his namesake.

“Dear Odin, you are my father. Of course I will believe you. I was young and …virile.” Loki grabbed his crotch and smiled. “Three childs. Not bad for your offspring, huh.”

Loki approached the lover of his. His real expression was hidden by the mask he had on then.

“Me in love with you? You must be mad for I am an Asgardian. I needed the fun and you were there.” Loki laughed. “I guess I spent too long of time with you.”

Angrbooa screamed out in pain at the remarks made by Loki and just as she was strike at him, Odin spoke out.
“Restraint your friend, Loki or we will on a harsher manner.” Odin told Loki. “Loki, I do not like to kill children but sometimes it necessary to remove them while they are young. If they are left to grow they may return to haunt you. Nevertheless, they were yours, and ….”

“They must die.” The Vizier had stepped forth. “I have listened to all that was needed. I must caution you my Lord that these children are not mere threats but they are linked to Ragnarok. It was told in the stars that a furry canine will consumed the Asgard leader. That creature could be the wolf we hold captive now.”

“How do you know, Vizier?” Odin asked.

“By it name, Fenrir.” Vizier replied but he was reputed by one other named Tyr.

“Vizier, you are getting senile.” Tyr was a warrior of the Hall and rode with Odin on many hunts. “The myth said of a furry canine but that is a cub. You are too cautious, Vizier.”

“A cub may grow and when it does it will fulfill its legacy.” Vizier spoke up. “I cannot foresee the future but I know my readings.”

“Enough!” Odin intervened. “Tyr, you may have the cub. I cared not for the myths but I will weigh in Vizier’ advise. If the cub gives any trouble, you may kill it.”

Odin then looked to the serpent coiled at the flooring. He does not like them for he had encountered many serpents. He picked up the serpent and called for it to be tossed into the Great Sea.

“I will not kill one of my son’s children, but this serpent will fight for its own survival among its own kind. The Great Sea had many predators and let them do the killing lest it stained mine. The others heeded Odin’ command and had the serpent removed. Odin looked to the young babe still holding onto the mother’s legs.

“Giantess, I will not kill one that …It looked like us.” Odin spoke up. “However it can’t live with us. I will have it lived with Frigg for a while. Then I will decide.”

No one noticed Angrbooa had loosen her restraints and then charged at Odin for her daughter but Loki stopped her. He tripped her with his leg and climbed on top of her. He held her down and whispered to her ears.

“This is not the time. Trust me.” Loki told her but she was unconvinced. She heaved him off and then crouched up.

“I am Angrbooa, the daughter of Teruinen. My father was a King…” The giant spoke up but was interrupted by Odin.

“I heard of your father, Giant.” Odin stepped up. “We fought each other a few times, but we were never really enemies nor allied friends. It was just purely for the fun of it.”

“I cared not what you and my father was before but now you taken my children. I will not allowed it even its father will not defend his own children.” Angrbooa spoke up. “My only regret was to have known the son of yours. I was tricked to love him.”

“All I asked for right now was to hold …all my children once more.” Angrbooa spoke up. “Then I will be gone.”

Friday, January 23, 2015

Tweet ..tweet ....23/01/2015... Loki was a challenge

I re-wrote Loki several times for reasons of researching the tale contents from the web. This version of Loki was not the same as the one most may know of; Loki of the Marvel Age.For this tale, I read passages of the trickster. It was not easy for one had to trace the notes to the penultimate source to verify it, and then to mold it in my creative mind how it could describe.

Why Loki? And not Thor or even Odin.

I guess, I was fascinated by the character since the days when I read Thor the Comic. He was a doctor then with a walking stick. I stuck with him even he became a construction worker, and from there to architect. Enough of Thor. Loki was always his nemesis; but never could he be truly defeated for he was Thor's half brother.

But there was no real background on Loki, only his troubling antics that made scenes. When I last saw the Thor movie, again Loki was portray as the enemy.So I asked myself; who is the real Loki and why did he dislike Thor?

From the pages of Prose Edda and other linked sources, I discovered Loki. He was described in the pages of my tale.

I hoped you like it.


Loki Passage 6

Loki had often slept in the barn not for its comfort, but to be away from his so named half brothers. Since he was age of four, he was often awaken by them in the middle of the night. They complained of mumblings during his sleep that disturbed them. He can’t help himself as in his dream state, he was met by the ones he had found love. Most times when he closed his eyes, he found himself at the cold valley where a house that was bigger and higher than the one he shared with his half brothers. He would run to the house to meet the occupants; a family of four who loved him. They were a couple with two older boys.

“Mother, it’s me.” Loki would call out to the lady seated there. She looked so much taller, and bigger compared to Frigg. She would scoop and laid him on her bosom. It was then he would feel the tugging of his limbs by the two lads asking him to go and play with them. He would jump off her bosom and followed the duo to the door of the house. They would run outside, and found themselves facing a group of riders with weapons. Loki turned to run and saw the elder duo have charged out.

“No!” Loki remembered the next stage of the dream. It was happening like it did every night. The riders speared the two elder before they could reach the horses. Then the next to fall were the two young ones. Loki screamed but the riders ignore him. They just turned their horses and rode off.

Loki would then wake up with his body covered with sweats.

She would be there.

The lady would be wearing the green gown and the red striped cloak.

The lady would hold out her arms to him.

It was only her who could comfort him.

“Loki, you are protected by me.” The lady named Gullvieg told the boy.

“Who are you?” Loki asked when he first met the lady in his dream.

“I am your Godmother.” Lady Gullvieg replied. “I knew your parents before they were killed. I would take care of you now that you are alone.”

“You knew my parents? Who are they?” Loki was adamant on knowing his true origin. He rushed to the lady in his dream but she disappeared. She did for a few times whenever he had the same dream, until one day, she remained there to explain to him. She told him of his parents and how they died.

“You lied. My father is Odin. He brought me here.” Loki denied the words spoken to him while the Lady left him at that. She was to avoid him while he underwent the same dream for nights. One night, she appeared back to him but did not speak. He approached her and asked her to tell him the truth.

“What I had said is the truth and be it you believed it or not, does not matter. I am still here as your Godmother.” Lady 
Gullvieg replied to him. “I would comfort you like your mother.”

Soon he forgot about the issue with his parents, while he found new comfort with the Lady. Lady Gullvieg was later to show him some of her crafts. He was taken in by her, and soon become her apprentice. She taught him some magical spells, mostly on talking to the creatures in the forest. She told him, that the basic communication with them could yield results. He began to talking to the creatures close to him like the hare, and then the mice. He found difficulty He moved from there to the smaller creatures in the forest.

But his tranquility was disturbed by Thor’s remark, and made him question his origin again. He was back at the lake, when a stranger approached him. He had seen that person before but were never told who he was.

“I am Njord, Loki.” The man told him while he took the place next to Loki. “I am …..Odin’s friend.”

Njord held back his words from father to the name, for he feared that the boy would not take to him if he said Odin was the father. He sensed conflict in the boy’s mind, and did not want to pursue it more.

“I would …” Njord tried to tell the boy, but he had stood up to move away. Njord tried to stop the boy, but he held back. He then heard the voice behind him.

“Njord of Vanir.” Lady Gullvieg appeared before him. “Loki is mine. You would not interfere in the child.”

“Volva!” Njord called out on the ancient nickname for the Lady. “You have poisoned his mind.”

“Nay, I have not. I am just trying to put right a wrong for the child. He is not of Asgard, but of the Frost Giant. Odin think by taking care of him would relinquish him of his guilt, he is wrong.”  Lady Gullvieg argued back. “Loki would be his bane.”

“Volva,” Njord refused to call her by her name. “What did Odin do to you that you would have your vengeance on him?”

“It’s none of your business, Vanir.” Lady Gullvieg turned to move away. She then stopped herself in mid-stride. “The child is mine.”

“Odin is the lover of my daughter. His issue is also mine.” Njord shouted out and then called on the spell of fire to strike at the lady, but she had vanished. His fire dissipated on the ground where the lady stood. He scanned the area for her 
magical trail, but there were none seen. He looked to the trail taken by Loki but the boy was also not seen.

“I must seek to know this boy more.” Njord muttered to himself.

Unknown to him, Frigg had also sensed the vibration in the land; she was also like her father, a sorceress. She checked the place for her son and also of Loki. Then she saw him standing by the barn. He was talking to someone but she could not see who. It was then she got the feeling that the vibes came from Loki. She tried to recalled the day, and remembered it was end of Loki’ fifth year. It’s was like turning a new phase in his life. She had loved the boy, but she was never comfortable when he grew. She had reservation that he may be their enemy one day. Thor never liked the young one, and often find faults with him. It was that which drove her to get to know Loki more.

It was the beginning of Loki new phase and the concern of three person into his life. 

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Loki Passage 5

Odin sat down on his bedding watching the dawn sunlight that brightened up his chamber. Frigg had kept the incident from him until that morning. He should have checked for the missing son of his, as he normally does when he comes back, but not that evening. He was swarmed by the well wishers and later given the position as the host. He did recalled Thor and Balder playing with the other children, but never occurred to him to look for Loki.

“Did he come back to sleep last night?” Loki was known to sleep at the barn on some nights. Frigg nodded to her lover, as she did check on the young boy after the feast. He was asleep on the upper tier of the barn, and appeared fine. She left a plate of food for him before coming back to the house.

“Yes, he was sleeping there, but this morning when I checked, he was not there.” Frigg told Odin.

“I would check on him.” Odin pulled himself off his bedding, and found his legs wobbly.

“Wow! The wine must be still inside me.” Frigg helped Odin to stand up. “I am needed at the Hall.”
Frigg pushed him back to his bedding. She knew he was not in any position to move just yet. Odin protested but Frigg was the leader in the house. She left the upset Odin on the bedding to attend to her chores. It was then she saw the rider approaching. She stepped out and greeted the rider.

“I am Frigg; the love of Odin. Who are you and why are you here at my tourp ( Norse word for hamlet ).” Frigg spoke to the rider. She recognized his clothing; the design was Vanir. He was not wearing any armor; more of like a wizard. Vanir are a different group of people; they are more into magical practices which the Asgard does not induced. The Vanir and Asgardian had a rift war sometime back, and the uneasy truce was called.

“Hello, Frigg.” The Vanir was Njord was one of the hostages that was send over to Asgard; one of the conditions of the truce. “I need to speak to Odin.”

“Odin is unwell. He had one too many drinks last night.” Frigg wanted to protect her lover when he was unwell, and more to it she does not want him to meet Njord. She may had been his daughter but they had previous conflicts which weighed on her decision. The Vanir would take no for an answer and tried to barge in. He stepped up to go past her, but the lady was adamant on her lover having his rest. She placed her left leg out to stop him moving forward, while her hands reached for his cloak to pull him back.

“Obviously, the Vanir ladies are a formidable force by themselves.” Njord picked himself up from the ground after he was thrown back. “But a wizard like me would not be stopped. Here is a spell you may not know.”

Njord was seen calling on a spell which made him move forward, while the real world remained static. He walked past the frozen lady and into the home of the new All Father. He was greeted by the presence of Odin who stood there in the living hall of his home. The later was not affected by the spell, and could move freely.

“Njord, you are a crafty one, but I had learned on how to counter your moves.” Odin held the amulet worn around his neck. It was a gift from Njord himself. “You said so that it would one day benefit me.”

“Obviously, I had trapped myself with my gift.” Njord replied. Both of them laughed and it was then the spell broke upon his lack of concentration. Frigg rushed in and was to assault the Vanir, when Odin stopped her.

“Frigg, Njord was here to accompany me to our meet.” Odin feigned an excuse for he feared Frigg may just hurt the 
Vanir. Both the men left the hall and proceeded to the barn.

“So tell me, Njord. Surely, you did not come to wish me well in my new role.” Odin remarked to the other, who just smiled.

“Your ascendancy to the new ranking was foreseen by me before, and which I did mention to you.” Njord told him. “It was just that I did not know the rank would be the All Father. Truly for one renowned as me, not all we seen are to be believed.”

Odin laughed out on hearing that, as the Vanir had given him much foresight of events which sometimes, he worked harder to deter them off his people.

“But I came to you today, not of a vision, but of a rumbling in the spirit world.” Njord expression was a serious one. “I feared evil had come to the land, and would be influencing the people to fear it.”

Odin looked with his grim expression at the Vanir, and then asked how the threat was to come.

“Surely, you do not come to tell me that Ragnarok would happen soon?” The Norse had feared that event as it meant the end of their people. “Who would I need to slay to avoid it?”

“Nay, my friend and All Father of Asgard.” Njord comfort the newly elected leader. “I seen the vision that a witch had come to the land. It was drawn here by the child of mischief. Both of them would be a bane in your side, and at times, an allied with staunch support of yours. But either thing they perform, would affect those around you greatly and that responsibility as the All Father.”

“Speak not in riddles, Vanir. I am tired of listening to them.” Odin was getting upset at the words spoken by Njord. “I need to know more..”

Odin noticed the stare of the Vanir was not on him, but what was above and behind him. He turned to look at the direction watched by Njord amd saw it was the young boy, Loki seated there on the bale of hays.

“Come down, Loki.” Odin called out to his adopted son but the later scrimmage to the rear of the barn and soon went into hiding.

“Who is he?” Njord asked the Asgardian. “I had not seen him.”

It was true that Njord who lived at the far side of the village, and his visit to there was to attend the discussions. He was sought on advice involving magic, although the Vizier detested him for the intervention.

“That was Loki, my…” Odin explained but was cut off from the Vanir.

“The child you brought back years ago from the …cold.” Njord did not want to get into the details. He heard of the child, but never had he laid his eyes on the boy. Then when he saw the boy, he felt a sense of despair, and fear.

“Odin, the boy~.” Njord wanted to explain his concern, but Odin had enough of the accusations on his adopted son.

“The boy is mine. He shared my blood with that of his mother who was a Frost Giant.” Odin declared to protect the boy. “I am ashamed of my illicit affair, but the child is innocent of the blame. He had been ostracized by the others, because of the words spoke by the loose tongues of the ladies.”

Njord looked to his friend, and thought out his words. If he sounded rash, he might be blamed like those ladies.

“Odin, can I look to the boy? Like a tutor?” Njord asked the later. Odin nodded and was relief that someone would finally looked to the boy’s welfare.

“You may, my dear friend. But be warned, Loki is not like any other boy. He’s…” Odin cautioned his friend, who smiled and intervened on the words.

“You forget I have two of my own, and one is a boy like him.” Njord quipped to the later. “Let me be the judge to the boy’s learning abilities.”

“And for that, you have my blessing.” Odin replied to the Vanir. “So tell me what was to befall my people that you had to dragged me here.”

Njord looked around and then smiled.

“None that as the All Father, you would have difficulty to handle.” Njord replied while he moved to change the topic. Part of his mind was on the boy named Loki. He was the one that caused the vibration in the magical spheres. The boy would grow up to be a great wizard who would rule over many others, for good or for worse.

Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...