Monday, July 30, 2012

CWE Book I Part II Chapter IX

Lord Camlash
The conference did not start off well.  Two of the Lord’s met with accidents on their way here. One was Lord Nictin, whose trip was hampered by a land slide on his route. He had to detoured and that caused him an extra day to reach here. Lord Mathis, I was advised had some sickness which render him unavailable on the first day of the meeting. But nevertheless we met and discussed on certain issues. I was surprised that The Grand Lord was the first to announced his retirement soon after this meeting, and he hoped that the so called rebellion be called off as a respect for him. The entire hall was silenced and soon erupt into a furry of comments and denials. I was also in the midst of doing the denials while I silently praised the Grand Lord for his coup. You averted an issue to be deferred but you know the inevitable will still happened. Its not about your seat the Lords are squalling on but the removal of the imbalance of power of some Lords. I know Micha and his cousins are very formidable lords, now including Daken, whose army is small but he holds wealth in his land. The rest of us has been caught in the economic issues and war with on our fronts like the Outsiders, our wealth is dwindling much. The sharing of Kimble’s treasury is not much compared to the land the Prime Leader sits on. In fact this meeting, I wanted to asked for the reduction of levy on the poorer Lords but he has averted the issue with a notice of retirement. My alliance members are arguing on the petty matter now, while the main objective still remains unheard.
I looked at the Prime Leader Romus, standing proud behind his Grand Lord; do you guard him or wait for his retirement to be Grand Lord. Your other peer Remus stands on your opposite behind us, perhaps to stab us in the backs. It was Lord Giantus who stopped the meeting citing that the Lords need time to consider the matter. So we all retired to our own tents and the discussion was hushed between Lords on personal basis.
Later I took the opportunity to seek Lord Mathis, an old friend once but now we share different sides of the table, but we can still share a drink. But Lord Mathis refused me audience citing his weakened health, so I turned back. As I was riding back on my cart, I saw the some guards on a tent, as if guarding a prisoner. I must consult my spies on this.

Grand Lord
‘How can this happened here?’ I looked at the Prime Leader Romus, and his peer, Remus. ‘Security is yours to concern on and this happened.’
Both Prime Leader bowed their head but no one has heard or seen the attempt on the Lord by his own son. Mitus was able to stab his father before he was pinned down by the guards who rushed in on the alert of the father. It happened inside the personal tent of the Lord and the Praetorian cannot be blamed, but I just wanted to released my anger. I was only advised on this matter when I was to resume my seat in the conference. A runner has also just advised the Prime Leader Romus and Remus, and they all grim in thoughts.
‘The attempt was by his own son, and it happened in their tent, so the matter is under their own Lord.’ I looked at Romus who made that statement. I know that too, but why now. Maybe he sees this father is more exposed in the conference and he can removed his father to be the next Lord. And used the conference to affirm his position. Its a clever move, but the attempt failed.
I told Giantus who was with us in the Main Tent, but I was surprised at my cousin to said, ‘let him handle his own family matter.’ Its family matter, but we are family too. Looks like I am to be wary of my own family too.
So the conference goes on with me raising back the matter of my coming retirement.

Prime Leader Romus
I was just advised that Master Mitus died in his tent just now. He was discovered by the guards; impaled on his own dagger to the heart. I rushed to the tent to see my guards holding a perimeter over it. I met Lord Mathis in the tent, who was weak on his feet, with a heavy bandage on the across his middle torso. Master Mitus was laid on the bedding and a cloak was on his chest to hide the wound. Lord Mathis was holding the dagger which took his son’s life.
‘I came as soon I heard. Please accept my condolences.’ Lord Mathis stared at me with his teary eyes, and said,’ Your move was fast. I never expected you to move so fast. If I only suspected earlier, I would had him well protected. You took my son for a fool he was, but the father is not. ‘
‘I do not understand your accusations, Lord Mathis.’ I signaled my men to make sure the tent is secured of any more visitors.
‘Romus, you cahoot with him on the Camlash assassination. I knew then, that you are bad news. You convince this fool to killed me here and announced his ascent. But I was careful when told of this. I took today to confront him and he never denied it at all. He thought that I am feeble man with little to look out for. I took his thrust as a father love to his son; that he could kill when the need is around like on his own  father, but I also wanted him to know I am still Lord. Thats’ when my guard caught him. I send him here to be kept on hold, while they tended my wound. I was delayed by the fool Camlash who wanted to see me. I did not attend to him but I delayed my walk here. When I did, your assassin has done the works.’
‘You are delirious, old man. I did not planned this murder.’ I stood looking down at an old warrior with his heir dead at his side.
‘No, I am not. This dagger was on his heart, but he held an evidence of your men. The shoulder clasp that is normally worn on your men’s amour. It was on his left hand. I need to find that man and I can get a confession that you planned all this.’ It was then he rushed at me with the dagger, and he stabbed me in the side of my left chest. I turned around to run outside the tent, calling for my men to disarmed the Lord. The Lord was in rage and turned to challenge my men. The Lord’s guards near us came running with their weapons. It was a calculated risk and I played my hand. I let the Lord guards get to their master side, while mine surrounded me. It was then without any knowledge the Lord was seen with a sword in his right chest; done by a guard of his own. As the Lord felled down, the other guards has stabbed the rogue guard in several places. I told my men to lowered their weapon and I walked towards the fallen Lord without my sword. His guards was cautious of my approach, but on seeing me unarmed, they allowed me to approach him. The Lord was dead by then, so was the rogue guard. Soon the area was filled with guards and servants. I signaled to my guards to withdraw and let their own take care of their leader.
It was a well planned coup and I won. The murderer of the young master was also the rogue guard who slipped away after the killing. He then returned to complete the second murder, and he is good, even to the extent of sacrificing his own life. He will be well rewarded and his brother will be moved from the border to rejoined my unit as senior. Rest assured, your death is well received and we the Praetorian salute you.
Now I need to do the next stage.

Grand Lord
‘The sad demise of my cousin and his son weighs on this conference. Its also by decree, that his other son takes over the seat as Lord. But the man is young so he will need to be guided. I have appointed myself as his guardian as his mother is also my mistress’s sister.’ I looked at the Prime Leader Romus, to read his reaction, and I saw was none.
Romus, you started the game, but I checkmate you at the end. This is not another Kimble’s case; you did well to removed the two, but you forgot the closest relative. I followed your plans since we last met Lord Mathis, and my spies tell me of your meeting with his son. I knew the assassin you hired, but you did not know of mine in place with the guards. It was my assassins who silenced your man after he has performed it. You thought you paid them well, but I did more for them, I offered them some extra benefits. They now answered to me.
So you see Remus, unlike Mathis, I can planned better. And Mathis has found his elixir of life now; eternal sleep.
Giantus is a cousin but he is not as crafty as me. He is a brave warrior and all he knows is the way of the survivor. I told him of my suspicion on you; Romus and you just got yourself implanted as his enemy now. Now my remaining cousin looked to me as his closest ally, so close that Camlash will need a sword to pry us apart.
Me retired soon; a silly thought given to many but a well planted thought of mine as one who is retired can be as useful behind the seat. Now the conference can truly begin as Lord Nictin has arrived. But the earlier Lords has dismiss my application to retire; in fact they support me to continue and also to govern over Lord Mathis lands and people. Now the Grand Lord sits with an army to back him besides the Praetorian Guards.

Lord Camlash
Somewhere in the planning, someone changed my plans. Lord Kimble is dead by my plans, but not Lord Mathis. Now the Grand Lord sits on the same seat and commands one of the largest army. Since his announcement to retire as Grand Lord, my alliance was shaken with some citing a rebellion was not needed, but wait for the next selection process. They actually endorsed his continuation without conditions. How can I wait when I know any delay will end up like Lord Kimble or Mathis.
Its time to play my to other hidden cards.

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