Friday, July 6, 2012

Crusaders Part 39

By the shoreline of the Great Lake

I met my squire as he rode in on his mount. He told me briefly that his works was done for his people and he now comes back to rejoin us. But he warned me that the High Lords are everywhere and we need to be extra careful.

"You changed and maybe its time I called you as Marcus." I put my hand on his shoulder, but he took it from there and kissed the back of my hand before going on his knees.

"I am still your squire and would always be." I laughed at his humble gesture and pulled him up to his feet.

"Only on the works we do for God, but inside me, you are my equal and good friend."

It was a pact we made two years ago when we first met.


Two years ago

I was in the chase with the mercenaries for this elusive Lycan as they have named it, across the roof and alleys of Manchester. We told of that this Lycan had plagued the town for weeks and now is the time be rid of it. All of us who hunt the creature had been told to convene to Radcliffe Manor and we were given our areas to look. I was given the worse location, the Bury Castle, overlooking the river Irwell. But on my journey there, my mount decided to start a lame on its right front hoof that I had to complete the trip on my legs.

It was not far in my walk when I was cornered by a young boy to followed him.

"Come, dear sir. There is a man in need of help." I was not one to refuse the boy so I followed him to the barn he was take me by my hand. I found a man lying on the haystacks with wounds on his arms and legs but he is still alive. I asked the boy to get me water and cloth so I can nursed the man. I slowly stripped the man of his tatters and tried to make him as comfortable as I could. The boy did his task and I sashed the wounds and bound those I could. Soon I had him taken care to my best and I rested my body next to him.

I must had fell asleep as next when I woke up I find myself facing a set of fangs from a Lycan. But I was not be one,  thanks to a well swiped slap by some creature on the Lycan side causing it to jump off me in pain. I rolled over as soon as the Lycan was off me. I saw my rescuer and its not of man, but another Lycan look alike but this one is bigger, more fierce and longer claws. That is not the only difference as the new one have a number of wounds causing it to stand on weakly. I took up my rapier and pistol to defend myself from both was my initial thought. Then I saw the Lycan faced the other one and it starts to charge at the bigger wounded creature. I don't know why but I placed the shot into the creature's knees and then stabbed my rapier into its right ears into the brain. That stopped the Lycan for now. I and I looked at the other one. Instead of charging me, it slipped into the floor. That was not my only surprise as the creature transformed before me back to the young man I nursed earlier.

It was an hour later when the young man woke up but this time he is chained by me.

"Who are you?"

"His name is Marcus. He is not from here, but across the ocean." I turned to look at the Priest who spoke. He is a Friar from the nearby Monastery. "He came some years ago to this island and I taken care of him then. Then he left for the bigger continent but he came back three months ago pursued by the Lycan. They do not received him as one of their kind and he runs from them. He has been hunted by a pack of them and the last one was in the barn."

"But Father..." The priest introduced himself as Father Henry. "Father Henry, he is a creature that was spawned by the Demon."

"True he is of the descent but he had shown qualities of mercy and kindness since I know him. He does no harm with his abilities but used it to protect himself. Just as you hold the deadly weapons in the hand but you do not used them for bad purposes like some. So can't he be redeemed for his abilities. Is it not to forgive a virtue of our faith?" The father has not crouched down to attend to his care.

"There is a saying that the wild creatures cannot be domesticated once they have sample the blood. So I hold true to that and take no chances with these 'wild 'ones." I point my rapier at the unconscious man held by his caretaker.

"Job 33:29 God gives each of us chance after chance.” The priest recite the passage which we all warriors are bound to heed at times. I tell myself that if I faced an adversary who I cannot kill but to to bring back, I would remember his words.

"I give him one month to show me his correct ways or I would take him down like a demon." That one month got me a friend and the man pledged to ride with me to get rid of demons.


By the shoreline of the Great Lake

But our reunion was intervened by Micheal who came running.

"Ben is missing from his bedding. The Shaman said he has been taken by the Woods Spirit in his weakened condition. We may had to rescue him."

We mounted a search party and I find the return of my squire a good thing. He can help us tracked down the demon in his other form, but I need to hide it from the tribe people. In the end, I asked the tribe members to let us search for our friend alone. They reluctantly agreed and we went into the forest.

I nodded to my squire and he soon became the one we knew as Clawler. He sniff the air and took to the trail in search of the demon. Its not difficult to track him but its harder to rescue him. We found him a tree branch but he is well curled up the branch over his body as if he's been cradled by it. The four of us approached the tree which is a thick oak tree and an old one too in this forest. I seen many wonders like in my adventure but I have never seen a demon tree as yet. As I approached it, I was taken aback when the ground opened and a demon stepped forth. Its not a he but a she, as she stood between us and the Ben.

"Lilith!" I shouted out.

"He...he....he..... I am not. I am a Witch of the Woods. You can called me Mary or perhaps Morgana. I cared not as I am not your enemy, but actually helping your demon friend. You see, despite my so called reputation, I do have a soft spot for warriors like Arthur as you knew. So fight not on me, but let my forest nurtured your fellow warrior. He needs it more in the coming battles. He lies in the care of the poison oak as his powers needs the opposite nutrients to restore it to glory." I never trusted a woman and more if she is a witch. But this time, this one made some sense in her words. But she speaks well of the Oak tree and its good tidings for magic and healing.

These Oak trees are seen by many as an icon of endurance, vigor and sturdiness. The trees are said to extend as far below the ground while at the top, they are seen to reach up into the heavens, thus building a bridge for the encompassing Underworld and Heavens alike. Oaks are mostly found in the wilds as their character is said to be wild, untamed aspect of nature. What appeals to the tree is not only its majestic build but its medicinals works. It believed that the tree can be conduit for the purpose of transferring the evil spirits of disease from the sufferer to a strong healthy tree, which seemed much better equipped to cope with it. The practice is known as 'transfer magic'. Besides that the Oaks are found to be effective against many different kinds of affliction of man.

"How long?" I asked of her.

"I would like to say as long as I have a need of him, but his task is important, so I would say maybe a day or two may suffice. Meantime, I would suggest you enjoyed in the hospitality of the Huron' people. As long as Baal is in my care, he is safe from any demon or man." She then looked at Helmut.

"You wield his sword and I see you have served it well. Arthur would be proud of you. But beware the Man of Nowhere. He holds the key but not the lock." She had turned her back to us and was seen walking back into the forest.

"Is she not too far from home?" Micheal was to muttered as he picked up an acorn from the ground.

"Are we all not too?"I longed to return to England but my task does not lead there but on a marry goose chase in this large continent. I soon followed them back said as we rode back to the Huron' camp with our hearts heavy for old motherland. Maybe not all, as my squire is on his motherland.

"Squire, do you missed England?"

He looked at me and smiled. So he does and he must be having someone waiting as I know not who but I would find out one day soon enough. I looked at my companions as they rode on, and I asked myself how many of us could afford a lady in waiting as we are not sure when we would return or even be in the body still alive when we do. It also occurred to me then, that none of us had actually spoke of any love life besides our works. Its sad but true.

"Gabriel, you made us live a monastic life since we became your warriors. I do not think we discuss that condition when we joined. Perhaps one day, we can made amends to our terms like having us time to go back to see our family." I muttered my words as I rode behind.

Funny how that words would be given back to me sooner than I expected.

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