Tuesday, July 24, 2012

CWE Book I Part II Chapter VI

The next few nights I was out on my patrols, I did not see the master until today. He was waiting for me in the Inner garden; pensive looking and moody. I asked how is he from the assassination attempt, and he just shook his head. Maybe he is still frighten by the attack, but I was puzzled on that. Just as he just shown me now. He took a kick at me without warning, which I reacted in the only manner I know; by blocking it with my staff. Our sparring section took on more than the usual time, but soon we were exhausted and ended up siting on the grass in the garden. I looked around at the broken pots and dislodged flowers, and heave a feeling of resignation to more explanation to the garden caretaker.
‘How was I during the attempt?’ He finally spoke to me after our sparring.
‘You were different. You kept yourself in the corner and refused to fight. I do not understand at all. Here we fight like peers but when you were different then. Like a ...’
‘A coward in the face of death.’ With that, he stood up and walked back to his chamber. I got up and restored the garden as much as I could. Then I went on my usual patrol and tried to shut the thought off on my young master.
Is he a coward or pretending to be one?

Mistress Kimi
I held him tight ever since that night; shivering when he wakes up from his dream. I assured him of my presence and soothe him down. He is still shaken from the last attempt and even refused to sleep in his own chamber now. He sleeps in mine, which I have no objection.
I thank my father who made us all trained in the arts of self defence, even though we hardly used it. It was a reaction of mine to throw the stool which distracted the assassin thus giving the young man to do the needed. I disliked all these fights but this is the way of life in the Empire especially when you are in the Lord’;s home. This was not my first experience with assassins; its my second time which this has happened to me, and both time it was someone at risk. The other time was my father who was in the chamber with me when the assassin came in. They fought while I screamed for help, which brought the guards. The assassin got away with some wounds but he was never found.
‘You must never scream. You must protect yourself or the one you need to protect. And if need be, fight back to protect the one. That is the movement expected of you. You are the Lord’s daughter and you may one day be the Lord’s lady. So your devotion is to the Lord and next to yourself. Remember this.’
I did since that day. And the other night, I did as was told. I protected the man who is my Lord. But I did not expect to see my Lord so scared. He is so weak in the fight, and was crying like me when I was very young. I feel ashamed my Lord is a coward, but he is still my Lord. I hate you, father to passed me such a legacy. I do not want to be the Lord’s daughter or wife.
Why make me one?

Lord Camlash
I looked at my cup of wine and ponder on my fate. A rightful son, who is also my heir; scared of the sight of blood and a daughter who relies in it. Am I cursed to be such a father? Even as a crippled, I still fight like any normal man but not my son. Both the child’s mothers are born warriors too,as they fought with me in the war, but they died on the bed of their birth. Its a funny coincidence that both events occurred in the same manner, or is there something I missed.
‘How fares my son, Domo?’ I looked at the old man who knows so much and too little to get out of him.
‘He is well. He sleeps in the Lady chamber...’
‘Is he mad? How can he sleep in the ladies chamber? What will the servants said?’ My outburst is justified as no Lord sleeps in the ladies chamber. Its the reversed and that has been the way since the first Lord.
‘Hush, my Lord. The servants are well told to be silent on the matter. It is important for him to recover his fear, then to have him looking like a dead man in the corridors at daytime. He will be sent back to his chamber soon enough.’ I listened to Domo’s words, but I have to accept that fact of my son; he is a coward.
‘Send them to my home on the Red Hill; there they will lived for now, until he recovers. I cannot see this happening in here. Do it now. And send Camy too. She is too reckless for her behaviour.’ I dismissed the old man and resumed my drink.
A discreet knock announced my next arrival. It was a man who traveled a long distance. His short message was ‘they sailed’.
So my ambassador has become a traitor in a way; he aids the enemy. Or is he doing it to learn about them or to destroy them from within. I wondered what the Praetorian has in mind.
Vengeance? I gave him that with the Lieutenant at his side. Or he seeks fame, then he may do so with the Outsiders, and soon I will squashed his fame. Or is he my slave to do as I bid. Then time will tell.
I heard of the Praetorian control on Lord Kimble’s city is shaking again. It can;t be helped if these rebels has the backing of others, who provides them weapons and funds. Its good to see the Prime Leader doing his lessons in the art of civil order. Since he is occupied with the city, I would occupied the minds of others.
‘Send in my guest.’
The door was opened to admit in a Praetorian dressed in full regalia to see a Lord. He is normally dressed more battle like, but today he sees the Lord, he took the extra effort to dust and shined the full uniform of the Prime Leader.
‘I bid you welcome, Prime Leader Raihan.’
‘Camlash, will I be invited to your daughter’s wedding when she is ready?’
‘Raihan, you missed the last one. So you still care for her. I will advise you, but bring no gifts. Your presence will be sufficient. The last gift I had was an assassin.’

The young master and mistress was send off that day, with a column of a thousand guards and some servants. They will be safe there for now. The Red Hill is the private retreat of the Lord; high grounds with trees that flower red blooms every year, in which the name was adopted. But its the road leading to it that makes the name more significant. There is only one road up the hill and its manned and barricaded with heavy walls and gates at certain turns. A total of ten such gates act as barricades lined the road, which many previous battles has seen it being crashed, with many more casualties on the invaders than the defenders. Hence the name red can mean otherwise.
On the top of the hill, lies the private retreat of the Lord, which is a large villa designed like any other city; with outer and inner walls. It can housed about two thousand servants and guards, with its important guests. The private retreat is not so much for its security, but also its scenery; it overlooked a large lake at the foot of on the other side of the hill where the sun rises, and a view of the Lord’s city where the sun sets. During the warm weathers, the lake is filled with wild guests that came from many parts of the empire during the dry seasons. They will nest and build their new families in the lake or its nearby forest.
I rushed back to the cottage to tell her to pack her belongings. I still could not find Darius but she is soon ready. Soon a rider approached the cottage and took her away. She will be safe too and near the ones she love. As for myself, I have to be back in the city, and I await news of Darius which none has come back to me. I have also heard rumors of the arrival of a Prime Leader, but I know Romus may not the one, as he is attending with the Grand Lord at the south. So who can this Prime Leader be? There not been any before except for Romus.
What is my Lord doing now?

Prime Leader Romus
The visit to the Lord’s Mathis; considered one of the three biggest Lord in the Empire, by the Grand Lord can be seen as a move to gain more support. Or to threaten the Lord to stay in line if there is any rebellion.
We met at the Big Hall of Lord Mathis’s city; a hall which bears justice to the name. Its a long hall of over a two hundred man’s length with twenty five across. On the side of the Hall are large pillars with the scriptures and inkling of the history of the Lords’, with more emphasis to Lord Mathis. There is one set of three pillars dedicated to the First Succession War, but the Second Succession War was barely mentioned in the pillar which it was recorded. And of course the details was one sided towards some Lords including Mathis and his exploits. The Lord has also lined up alongside the length of the hall with his personal guards, who outnumbered my twenty men by five times or more. The Lord Mathis sits on his high end chair at the long table with a cup of wine in his right hand, and a scroll on his left. I heard he is fixated with the myth of life elixir, that he pursues all materials on it but finds none that can tell him the secret of it.
In this hall, the table is boasted to sit more than three hundred if need be. The Grand Lord was seated to his left while I take on the stand next to the Grand Lord. My men stood at a near distance behind me, but within ear shout in case of anything. I looked at Lord Mathis; a lanky built man with also a passion for archery; his family is known for their skills in it. But the current Lord, is also getting old and lack some passion to horn his skills. As said before, he now sits on the table reading old scrolls with intense that his son has to remind his of our presence. I see his son, the young master Mitus; a fine built and as skilled in his family skills, but sadly waits for the death if his father to ascend the seat. Its been a long wait I can see, as the hairline showed traces of gray and wrinkles are appearing on the brow.
I listened keenly to the words now being spoken by both the Lords, and find more of pleasantries than discussion. As the hour of noon draws near, I was summoned to withdraw alongside with the young master for my meals. The guards was also asked to withdrew although I protest, the Grand Lord was adamant on a private lunch with his cousin. I reluctantly agreed and walked to the eating hall.
‘How hail you, Master Mitus?’ I took on the spoonful of beans which is sweet and delicious with its extra sauces.
‘Like the beans; its sweet when we topped the sauce, but blend when we eat it plain. My life here has been a period of waiting, and no decision is asked of me, but to perform is mine. I feel like a slave than a master.’
‘Treacherous words, Lord Mitus. But we are safe from the spies here. So how may we aid your plight?’ I looked hard at his man, whom I befriended sometime back; a reckless man with an attitude to take the bull by the horn once too often. He could have died if not his father who saw to his aids. Once he assaulted another Lord’s family and it was with his father strength of show that war was  averted.
‘I seen your moves, Romus. Assassination is not my game. I prefer outright fight with equal chances.’ He took a swipe at the new dish, but left it uneaten on the plate.
‘Hush, my friend. Your intentions are good, but they can still fail. And maybe your men can teach you some. They looked old enough to be had learned some tricks of their own. ’ I can see his anger, so I call on the other matter fast. ‘Laugh on it, Lord Mitus as that was meant as a joke. I appreciate your words but think wisely my friend. Killing is our line of work. So are assassinations. You know Camlash sleeps very little these days.’ We both laughed and added our joy with more food.
‘Do it not on my father, or I shall see your sleep is interrupted.’ His warning came unexpectedly, but well heeded.
‘Nay, there is you who can do the works; why call for me to supply the assassins?’

Grand Lord
‘Cousin, you heard of the attempt on Camlash? I did it to quell off this rebellion talks. Camlash was behind it this stupid rebellion. He knows it the only way he can challenged us. In any war, we may lose good men there, but I will make sure you win and you will get your rewards in double or triple. But the rebellion rumors is over now. So we need to find other ways to fight back. I fear some of the other lords may need to be taught a lesson too.’
I looked at  my cousin by blood, and see him still reading his scroll. ‘I need you to handle the other two Lords so that they would not get son bold. The ones like Camlash; I will deal with personally.’
‘Rebellion? There is no rebellion as Camlash plans not one. Do you take me for a fool, Micha? Camlash needs not a rebellion to take on you. He is not a fool you think and where he lacks, he can acquire by deceit or influence. He made you Grand Lord, and he can un-make you as one. The day the papers were switched in the hat. I voted myself, but Lord Giantus did also for me that day. We did not protest as we felt you may be the better candidate then the others. After all, thanks to you, we are stronger now with more men. Alas, more to feed. ’ Lord Mathis lowered the scroll as he brought up the old issue again.
‘Yes, Camlash is not a fool. But he is behind any rebellion. I thank you for your show of hand to shut Giantus off that day or we would had a longer war. I am honored at your act,and will always remembered it. As I said before, it was not me who switched the papers. It was Camlash; he had it all done in the hat. Our original paper votes were in the bottom of the hat, but he drew the one from the side of it. He played his card well, and we allowed it. Giantus, me and you are cousins; we need to stay united. Or we will all die.’
‘Micha, you have your Praetorian to watch out for. You sit too long with him and he may just take your chair.’
Mathis went back to his reading. My cousin suffers from his ailments when at time he speaks in riddles. But I respect his judgment when given with sane thoughts.
I knew of that possibility of Romus planning the rebellion, but I am betting on the sacred oaths of the Praetorian; they swore to defend the Grand Lord and the position of the Grand Lord. They cannot be Grand Lord if they are Praetorian. But oaths can be changed in time to come. But till then, he is my protector.
‘Thank you, Lord Mathis. May your search for the Elixir of life be fruitful.’
‘My elixir of life does not mend back stabbers. So beware yours. And stop this talk of rebellion. Unless it comes from you and him, and not Camlash.’
I chose not to answer and bade him good day. I soon rejoin my protector.

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