Tuesday, July 17, 2012

CWE Book I Part I Chapter III

Lord Camlash
I was told of the withdrawal of Lord Daken and his army; not from a fight, but on his own upon receiving my message. I would not had  understood the reason why he took my threat so seriously. Lord Daken, who took my message as a real threat when delivered by the Praetorian. He now claim war against me unless I paid him some compensation. Maybe he is not a smarter friend then I thought. It seems that Lord Kimble is a crafty man which has managed to elude his enemy, by marching his other slower column through the Green Plains. His own lancers will be swift on their horses to reach the city even though they pass the ridge. If the traps are sprung as planned earlier, Lord Kimble may still outrun it. Smart Lord, he is but such a pity that he is getting old.
‘The fool was deceived and he blames me for it. I best be off with such an alliance. Has the Second Army marched yet?’ I am furious that Lieutenant Damai has not reported to me.
‘They did not do so, as there was issue at the border the Outsiders. The message also said Lieutenant Damai is in command now as the previous one died of wounds. He is held up at the fort at River’s End.’
‘Where is Raihan’s men?’
‘They are stationed at River Creek, where skirmishes has been reported.’ Fools, these army officers. Prime Leader Raihan is hiding his troops there, not fighting them. I did not plan for this. The Outsiders has not been a factor till now; they used to group of bandits, but they now fight like a army. This new threat must be tackle on or it may overcome my land.
‘Send out reinforcement from the reserve. The threat must be countered and Lieutenant Damai brought forth for court martial.’
‘On what charges, My Lord?’.
‘Disobeying a direct order.’

Lieutenant Damai
‘I want the embarkment mended now. And strengthen it well as the next attack may not be so easily overcome. Signar, take over the defense there. I need to see the other side in case they decided to hit there next.’ I did not bargain for this battle, when I rode here with Signar.
After the fight in the tavern, we rode the next morning, facing no more opposition, although we can see that our movement was observed by many a times along the route. It could be the spies or scouts from the Outsiders, but they harassed us not. River End is actually where the river ends in a waterfall where the water will flow over into a deep ravine, and continue in the rapids to reached the plains. The fort is located to the left of the waterfall edge, with the river flowing next to it. The front and right side of the fort faced stretches of heavy forest which the tree line has been send back some distance when they built this fort. The rear of the fort is the steep ledges of the ravine with impassable terrain.Its a good spot for defense but poor in terms of any retreat. This fort can hold up to three thousand men with ease but the last few days of fighting, has reduced that number to around two thousand now, including the wounded. Its last officer, the Lieutenant Young, died from his battle wounds, just as we arrived. There are still some junior officers, but I was asked to take charge.
This may be a fort but its not fortress as yet. The division of three thousand men under Lieutenant Young has started re-building the fort some days back. It was razed to the ground by the Outsiders alongside with its one thousand five hundred original occupants. The new re-constructed fort does not differ much from the previous one. It was set up with a large ditch around the outer edge. The dug up dirt from the ditch was used to build a rampart to raise the height of the wooden wall which was built on top of it. The wood was taken from  the cleared forest trees to push back the forest line from the fort. This is to allow the defenders to see any oncoming attackers and also for any extra troops which can camp outside. The new wooden gates have guard towers on both sides, and along the wall are also some towers. The men  also dug deep holes in the ditch and put in sharpened wooden stakes. The sharp branches and timbers in the ditch makes it difficult for infantry to approach the walls.
Inside each fort are the two layers of defense, the outer and inner fort. The outer defence areas are the Barracks with rooms to hold the men. Each room can hold one hundred men with one compartment for the junior officer. The officer barracks was near the armory for control purpose.
In the inner fort are more barracks for the personal guards and senior officers or commanding officers. Next to it will be the two large buildings the discussion hall and personal chamber of the Commander. Sometimes commanders are allowed to bring their immediate families along. This was allowed as the officers may fight with more determination when their families are at stake.
The discussion hall sits in the Inner fort and served as the commanding quarters for the administrative and also officers meetings of the fort and also where the pay for the army was stored. The inner fort may have have buildings for blacksmiths, carpenters, butcher, shoemakers, storage for grains, and a stable for the horses but those are on the the edge of the fort. A stockade is built outside the fort for any men with discipline issues.
As for Lieutenant Young, he has managed to built the inner fort which is what can be seen now, with his troops before they were attacked too. Its structure surrounded by a high wall of over man’s height and has four towers, plus two heavy gates saved more than half his men to safety but he died in the battle. His works also includes some new quarters for the officers and other structures like the armory, store and medical hall.
The surviving division has just began to build the second perimeter of the outer fort wall when they were attacked again The second wave was handled well by the army as their officers was in the front line now, calling in organized fighting. This time the army managed to piled up the cut down logs as makeshift barriers and they organized themselves into pockets of resistance. It from here, the army suffered several more attacks which took their toll on officers and soldiers. This was when I rode in with Signar to be included in the carnage.
‘Move those wounded inside the Inner Fort. You.... collect the lances and pikes. Stack them against the embankments, facing towards the enemy. Get some of them to help you. Move it now. And you, move to the armory to get more weapons. Anything we can use, including kitchen knives.... find a cart if you cannot carry them all.’
I had more of the defenses built up soon, with lances and pikes as spikes on the wall. I had the men behind it, armed with whatever they can find as long as it kills. I also stacked some dead corpses on the wall to make it look like they can guard the wall. It does not matter if they smell or not, the concern is the numbers for the enemy to guess. I looked at the other embankments and see them coming up fine. Some of them has stacked up the logs but for the wall, as barriers around. I see Signar moving among the men to get them moving the defenses. Soon it will be dark and we may yet get to see another day. I heard of these Outsiders; they do not fight in the darkness. They fear that their souls will be lost if killed in the dark.
I walked around the Inner Fort to be confronted by wounded men, and some archers who manned the palisades on the wall. There are a handful of these archers but they are needed  and preserved for their skills. I saw a couple of man who can still carry a fight, walked by me to go to the embarkment. I also see some who are still able, trying to hide themselves in the dying. I wanted to tell them, if we lose the outer wall, they would not have much to worry about.
‘Where is the Healer?’ I asked of the wounded. ‘He’s dead. By himself for he feared to be healed by others.’ I liked the humor they have,as its show courage in times like these.
‘Be damned you all. Shut your mouth, or you will heal yourself. Why do you seek me, sir? You are hurt in any places?’ I find myself facing a short stubby guy with a short beard that reeks of dirt and blood. He is dressed in the garbs of the healer, black tunic and a red sash around his waist, and holding a pot of foul smelling potion. I can see one his hands is in the pot as if to smear the content on some wounds.
‘I am not hurt to need your service. I just want to know if you are around. What is your name healer?’
‘A healer I am called, and that remains my name. If you have not need of my service, then let me be to my painful ones. After all this potion is good while its still hot.’ With that, the healer move his way to the wounded. In the normal times, I would had him whipped for insubordination but today, I respect his concern.
I saw an occupied corner, which I laid my weary body to sleep. I did not noticed the position of the moon when I slept, but it was the break of dawn which woke me up. Or was it the shout from the wall.
‘They’re coming now! Prepare for battle.’

The last swing almost hit me on my left shoulder, if I had not moved it in time. I took down my attacker with the half broken staff, burying it in him the sharp end up his chest. I then faced the my second attacker, who is all dressed in the animal skins and brandishing a heavy mallet aimed at my head. I loved these crazies as they come like the raging bull. If you ever need to stop a raging bull, its to step aside and swing down hard on the back of their neck with a sharp object. In this case, I took his wolf covered head off with my battle axe. My third attacker has managed to sink in the dagger into my left thigh causing me to cry out in pain. He is a young person of maybe just coming to be a man, but his intentions are more than that. He was trying to stab me now with his other dagger on my torso, but I managed to side step his attack. I grabbed at his attacking arm and pulled him to the ground. I wanted to remove his head with my battle axe, but I did not. Instead I use the staff of my axe to knock him out. Its a sad thing when young boys like him are send to battle with older men. I pulled the dagger out of my thigh and threw it at a oncoming attacker; striking him deadly at the chest. I turned to face any more attacks and saw none coming. They are all retreating again as can be heard by the sound of the horn being blown. I looked at the unconscious young lad and pulled him up by his animal clothing. I hurled him over the wall, so that he can crawl back when awake later.
‘How did we fare, sir?’ I looked at the marchmen who was holding himself up with his pike. He is bleeding in so places and yet he stands up to see the battlefield.
‘Not bad; we are still alive. You best be treated before you do your next battle.’ The wounded marchmen turned to march back to the Inner Fort, but he tripped on the fallen body in front of him. He was not to see his next battle as he fell onto a stake in the ground. Such are the tragedy of war when you think you found yourself alive, dead comes around in another way. I could only stared at the dead man and prayed he found better times in the other life.
‘Signar, you okay there?’ I heard him, and my reply is a nod.
‘I can still fight, sir.’
‘You may not need to. Reinforcements are on the way. Their forward scouts made it to our wall. We are safe.’ I guess so, but tell that to the dead. I can see bodies of both sides piled up on the barricades. I think we lost more than half of the earlier men. I looked back across the wall and find my unconscious lad missing for where I threw him. I saw him then, running back to the tree line, with one hand on his head. He is going to have a massive headache soon.
Praetorian Genus
The order I had when I reached the city was to see Lord Camlash immediately. I did not refresh myself and rushed to the Hall.
‘What stench did you bring to my Hall?’ The Lord Camlash was covering his nose and ordered the servants to bring in the aromatic incense from the faraway lands. I seen them before in the market place and they are very pricey for even one like me. They are supposed to give out nice aroma and in some cases, intoxicate the inhaler. I am sure I was not asked to come here to enjoy such exquisite gifts, and true to it, my new orders was given.
‘Go to River End, and seek out Lieutenant Damai. Both of you are to go to across the border to seek the Outsider’s Leader. Give him the boxes of gold coins I am entrusting to you now, and tell him to keep to his border. When you are there, I want you to observe his strength and weakness. Be gone now.’ Those were his instructions and I was to live immediately.
I made my way to my quarters. It was then I met Shriven as the day is bright and he is resting near my quarters. His work is at start of darkness and ends on dawn break, so we have time to sit down. I spend some time talking while I refreshed. He tells me of this duties which are boring but he is taking it in his stride. I asked him of the young master, but he said he has not really seen or talk to the young master,a s during his night duties; his master is also busy with his own night duties with his wife. I know he is not telling me the truth as I been in such conversations before. But nevertheless, I enjoyed our laughs and meals before I leave.
I noticed some bruises on my young friend when we were having our meals, but I kept my peace on it. Maybe he is in some fights or training where the bruises could had come from.
I left the city the next day with my entrusted gift and message.

It seems my friend the Praetorian is ever busy in the Lord’s service. I wanted to tell him more about the Master but the master forbids to tell anyone, so I lied. I have been busy too, with many nights of training and fighting with the young master. He seems so different from the description of the one which I hear from the servants. But our training is only in the Inner Garden and since I am his protector, I am doing my duty in a way. When we are not training, the young master asked me of the world outside the city. I tried to tell him as much as I could but there was little I could tell as I am also new to the outside world. And since I came here, I never been out of the Inner garden and my own quarters.
‘I wished I could go out there. Be free like the commoner.’ I know how he feels. I wished I was as free as the commoner and not bounded by the oath as the monk. But this was my chosen life and I have limited choice in the selection.
‘Master, you could request to go out with your wife. I am sure the Lord will allow that. Tell him, you want to see the people and pray at the temples.’
‘My wife? Eh, no. I do not think so. Never mind,we will speak another day on this. Let us continue our fight.’
So ended another night of talking and fighting. I don’t know why my master so fear his wife and his Lord. The next day, I was surprised when the servant told me, that I am needed to see the Mistress Camy. I have not seen her before, so I asked for the servant to send me there.
It was a big hall where the Mistress Camy was in; she had one a mask of the she-devil, and was all dressed up as if she is going for martial arts training. Sometimes the ladies dressed up in this way like man so they can fight like man. Her tunic was red in color and so was her pants. She has on her hunting boots and two long staff which was unusual. She threw one of the long staff to me which I took hold of. Mistress Camy then took on the attacking stance with the long staff in front. She motioned to me to attack her with her fingers.
‘I am sorry, Mistress Camy. I cannot fight you.’ I let the long staff dropped down on the floor beside me. I bowed my head as show of respect for her. Her long staff struck me on my right shoulder, causing me to fall backwards. I slowly got up and seek her forgiveness if I offended her in in any way. Again she struck at me, but this time I moved out of the way, causing her to missed me. She took on me again with a number of counter attacks and each time, I just jumped or evade her blows.
Finally she stopped, and removed her mask.

I threw my long staff at him again and this time he held onto it. I feel useless with that stick, so I will use my daggers instead. I looked at him and saw a moment of anger,as he felt cheated that it was me behind the mask. Maybe he wanted to see the Mistress Camy face. He took the long staff and assume his attacking stance. Truly our game will begin now.
He parried off my attacks with ease, except the fifth one which I managed to cut at his sleeve, but not the arm. That made him more determined to take me down as he started off with offending moves now. I jumped and rolled but he kept on coming at me, with his strokes ever nearer to hitting me. It was then I lost my balance and fell on the floor. His staff came to a stop inches from my chin; if it has struck down, he would had killed me.

She is not the Mistress as I seen her a few times in the corridors. She is the personal body guard of the Mistress. I do not like to misled by a girl and one who is also adept at the fighting arts. So I attacked and I wanted to make her cry out in defeat, but she did not. She looked me with her eyes, and devoid of any expression. I raised my arm to pull back my long staff, as I know I had won the match. There is an important  saying that said, once you stroke the tiger tail, make sure the head is in the noose. In this case, I wished I had let my ‘bo’ do the work for her legs struck me; making me lose my balance and my ‘bo’.
I rolled immediately to the side upon falling on the floor and missed her dagger which was embedded to the very spot I was falling on. I got up and faced this murderous assassin. She was now standing there in her attack stance and there are daggers on her hands. My ‘bo’ is on the floor near her and I doubt I can reach it before she hit me. My only consolation is to avoid her attacks with my other skills now.
But the attack never came.
‘I love it.’ Mistress Camy came out of her hiding behind the curtains. I knew there was someone there when I was fighting her personal guard, but I did not expect it to be the Mistress. I bowed my respect to the Mistress who was obviously very happy to see the fight between me and her personal guard.
‘You are both equals, yet I liked her treacherous moves more.’ The Mistress knows her servant well, but I am not really amused at this show. It also surprised me to see the Mistress whom I assumed to be gentle and lady like to like the fights we staged. This household is a mad as seen so far by me; all their external gesture are not reflective of the their inner thoughts and desire.
I asked for permission to leave, and was granted by the Mistress. As I passed by the personal guard, I can see her face, and its show nothing; no remorse for her act. I know her type. She is an assassin; born as one and will die as one. I seen them before when they come to challenge our Monastery. Sometimes they come in the open, sometimes at the stealth of the night. Most times we win but we will lose some of the inexperienced disciples. I fought a few of these fights and won some, but it was my master who defeat them all. We asked the masters why do they attacked us, and their answer are the same; its their to attack us and its ours to fight them. Its the way of the circle. We are their opposite and yet we together to exist as one. I was surprised to see one as personal guard but maybe I have to see more things out here.

When I reached my quarters, I threw my daggers at the wall when I was allowed to be dismissed by the Mistress. I don’t know why I had to endure this life when all I do is kill and kill on the call of a lady who is crazy. I could had killed him as in the other fights, which is how my training takes over my mind; its will strike without any second thoughts.
It was the Mistress’s idea to staged the fight so that she can see whose guard is better. Its obvious that I am better as I won but she did not know that he could win even without the staff. I wanted to tell her, but that is not the result she wants to see. So silence is better than death.
I seen the Monastery before, as I was there once with my master. We fought and escape the masters there, but we left a trail of wounded. I may had fought this young senior but I am not sure as there are so many of them, and they are good in their fighting arts. I know as some of others of my group never made it back with their masters’. I must find a way to apologies to him as I did not plan on hurting him. It was my training but I missed his hand due to his reaction and not my mistake.
But now I need to do is to clear my thoughts of the last fight. I must concentrate on the light and be one with the light. But each time my concentration fails me. I still see myself at the Monastery crying at the gate when they close it. I missed you, mother. Even though you left me there at that terrible place for over fifteen complete seasons, my heart yearns for you. I will find you one day and forgive you, before I kill you.

I wondered how the Praetorian can find the cottage when many others has failed before. For those who was near it, they were ambushed and killed by the men I hired to protect them. Lately, I know the men has been careless with their works, and may need to be replaced. This time, the boy brings the Praetorian there. I was lucky not to be seen by him, when he left the cottage. I hid in the bush when he passed by me, and I waited for him to go before I dare to come out. Our paths has crossed many times, but of late, its has been too much a coincidence. I must consult my books for answer. The time is not ready for the circle to be formed. It must followed certain events although some are in place now.
I also saw Shriven coming from the Mistress Camy’s Hall, and he looked angry. I am not surprised as this lady has the works to put people in trouble or die in the making. I know her well, not so her father who thinks the lady is an angel, when she is truly an angel of death. She has the shown the evil side of the Lord, and yet he has the good side in the male son. But in this realm you need both side to survive. I wondered if the children knows that. Perhaps there is one who knows.
The Outsiders are a new threat to the Lord and also to the realm. They being there for a long time, but in was only in recent time that they became a force. The new Leader must be understood and controlled or the Empire will exist not long. I must set my spies there too, but I was told the Leader is suspicious of who and whom that comes near him. Now that the Praetorian rides to bribe him or loose his head in the process. I hope the Praetorian was not to do this, but the journey must be made to complete the path to the destination; so be it. Praetorian, I prayed your safekeeping, although your name will never be mentioned on my lips.
Its Lieutenant Damai, I feared for his safety. Once a preferred officer of the Lord, now regarded as a untrustworthy slave. Yet he still served as the leader of the Personal Guards for the Lord and the families. Maybe its way of punishing him as any calamity befalling the Lord or his family is his personal responsibilities. But now I hear he is to go to the borders to follow the Praetorian. Its a wrong pairing as both has a history against the other.

Praetorian Genus
I reached the fort on the following day and the gates was opened for me. I was greeted by the new commander, Lieutenant Caman, who came with the reserves. He has reinforced the Inner Fort and now building the outer walls of the Outer fort. I also see the Lieutenant Damai looking at me from the stockade, built near the river. Alongside with him is another soldier who is sitting down at the other edge of the stockade.
‘Release the Lieutenant and his friend. These are the new orders of the Lord.’ The commander read the new orders and motioned to his men to released the prisoners. ‘Have them refreshed and fed before bringing them to me.’
Being a Senior Praetorian at times, carries some weigh when its comes to Frontier Army. They do see us often and held us in respect when met. The two prisoners was brought to me when they were cleaned and fed. I offered them a drink on the table and to rest at the table. I remember Lieutenant Damai as I seen him before. He looked very upset and was avoiding my looks. I used to see him at the city before. We may had fought in some battles but I am not sure,. This is the man who married my lover and now is under my command as laid out by his Lord. The Lieutenant did not liked the new orders,but he accepted it nevertheless. So did Signar; I was told his name during our drinks. We spoke of the Outsiders and who is their leader. We also questioned some veterans of the army who fought them many times, and all we heard makes us very concern if we can come back alive.
We set across the border the next day, with a load of supply to last us for a week. We reckon that we can find ourselves be greeted by the elusive leader if we appear as ourselves; three soldiers in full uniform. True to our action, not long after we entered the forest, we were surrounded by a group of them and was asked to surrender our weapons. I asked to be brought to Braven as I have a message for him from Lord Camlash. I showed them the gold coins to  be given to the leader. Some of them argue to keep the gold and kill us, but one of them was quick to call the action off.
‘Send them to the cave. And await my answer.’ We were escorted by the group of Outsiders on a trail of over a quarter days of riding to arrive at a cave. The trip to my calculations will have taken half the time but were given a detour to throw us off the correct trail. We set camp and waited for the return of the messenger. It was not till dark fall when the messenger arrived back. We were told that Braven will see us at at a place which we would be brought to by the men but we are to be blindfolded.
The slow trip took us another to quarter night and soon we find ourselves alone inside a steep ravine. And one man stood in front of us, dressed in the same animal skins as the earlier men. He had on the head of the black bear and carry a spear with a sharp long end. Our box of gold coins laid at his feet and so was our weapons. I looked around the steep walls to see for any more surprises and I was not disappointed; armed men with bows are on the ridges and they are not hunters of any hogs.
‘Hail to you, Braven; leader of the Outsiders. We come in peace.’ I looked at the face beneath the bear skin, and see only part his face. From what I can see, he is veteran like me and is capable to lead.
‘Do not confuse my appearance with that of the Leader. I am just his subject to see you.’
‘If you are or not Braven, but you are allowed to speak on his behalf. Lord Camlash seeks your peace on his border, hence some compensation for your losses. The Lord feels that both sides stand to lose more while the enemy builds their strength.’
‘A bountiful load your Lord give me. Aye, he is less than wiser as I thought. I hear he fears his own shadow and sleep with the guards. But I thank him as these gold will go far to equip my men, but if you want peace, I will offer you one as I need leaders. I seen your men fight, and I want them in as the bargain.’

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