Sunday, July 15, 2012

CWE Book I Part I Chapter II

Lieutenant Damai
I did not need to picked the men as they were dead when I arrived back at the quarters. These five friends of mine, took their own lives as they know I would no do it myself. How can I kill some one who fought with you and shared their lives with you. But the men knew if I disobeyed, it will more than their head that will roll.
‘This is all her fault. She should not have taken the Mistress across the wall without our knowledge. She shall repaid for her foolish act.’ I took a long drink of the wine which was laid out on the table as a token of respect to the death.’ Drink together as earth and hell are the same. Its not our death that will be today, but it may be tomorrow. Damn the Gods and Lords.’ Fifty five men who are in the hall with me shouted in unison to my statement, but I saw was condemned men who signed a patch that they know not of, but for the freedom to eat and kill as every army does.
‘Pardon me, commander. There are five new recruits outside. They been assigned to us.’ I looked at my sentry and replied,’ let them rot outside for now. They need to know they joining the ‘Hell’ detachment.’
‘Aye, we know. That’s why we volunteer.’ The voice belongs to a man who was once Damai’s peer in the last regiment. Today, he is a marchman, the lowest rank that the army can offer for his indiscipline is the result.
‘Signar, you northern pig, How dare you joined my detachment and shout at the officer? But by God, they are crazy to put us two together. We used to to roast the prisoner for fun in the last war.’ Both men hugged and laugh, before they shared a drink from the same bottle. “Nay, scare them young boys you will, if you keep on telling lies about us in the last war. It was you on the fire, and I came to your rescue.’
Signar and myself was in the last Succession War and the previous two mutiny, and we piled them bodies high. As said, it was his indiscipline that got him kicked down the ranks. And out of the regiment to another whose calls for reinforcement was heeded. It’s now almost ten years since I last saw him.
‘So tell me, what created the vacant numbers?’ I told my tale as it was a long night for us, but one that I will still remember as we made a promise to kill the personal guard of the mistress. It was the next morning when I went back to my humble home near the city wall. I was greeted by my wife and my kids, Dumai and Dimai; twins of ten years old.
‘So how is father?’ I know my wife concerned for her father although he has disowned her that long of a period. She was send to him to be his wife as he had none. He was then the favored commander of the Lord Camlash, but the silly mistake he made was to defend the daughter’s honor in the Lord’s Hall. For that, he was ordered to marry her and keep her away from the Lord. It also kept away his position in the army on hold. His current punishment was to protect the younger sister in law and her death is the death of his family too.
‘He is as crazy as before. Let me be. I need a bath to cleanse my body of the odor of the Hall.’ With this, I left for the bathhouse. She joined me there to scrub the dirt away, and I had to tell her.
‘Genus is back.’

Domo, the Wise
When the door was opened by the servants, the man I thought I would not see again was now in front of me.
‘Why did you return?’
‘I did not come on my terms, I was sent by the Prime Leader to escort a gift, but the Lord now makes me stay. He may not recognised me now, with my missing hand and left eye; but he will one day when he sees through the amour. How is Claudia?’
‘I see not her, but I have heard that she is doing well. She is married now to Damai, whom you met on the road. But I did not foresee the sorrows I bought to Damai when I planned the act to bring them together. But I hear that she is well and happy; they have a twin son’s whom the Lord is aware but choose to ignore.’
‘She is happy, and I am for her. Our child is well too? I seen not before.’
‘Your child died before birth. Its better that there was no child. I am sorry, Genus.’
‘You said the circle will be complete with the three of us.’ Genus held me tightly for an answer which I cannot give. But I did give him an answer.
‘I lied about the circle.’ What was to be a reunion turned out to be a departing one,as Genus pushed me away and walked out of the room. My servant came to my aid and asked if they are followed him; I said no. Its best this way he knows what he ought to know.
But I was not prepared for the second visit a short while later. It was Claudia herself.
‘You told him? The truth or lies which you spin to many others.’ She is a brave woman to stand up to all these years, but she is a Lord’s daughter. She knows her limitations and duties to the Lord’s well being.
‘Yes, only the part which matters to him. And about you. But not about the child. The God’s has claimed ownership that night.’
‘Domo, curse on you and your lineage.’ With that she left me, a desolate old man who played too many a song on the same harp, that now the music that comes out is not of my playing but the harp itself.
A dark figure stepped out from the tall curtains of the window which opened to the garden below.
‘Give this message to your Lord. Tell him the circle may come to end soon. But I cannot tell him the conclusion.’ The dark figure stepped out from the tall curtains of the window and took a leap from the window sill to the garden below.

Mistress Camy
I took up the towel to wipe my hands, and leaving it there on the bowl of water for the servant to cleared it off. I turned to face my protector and now friend, Dina who was sitting on the arm chair across the room.
‘Do you think we caused too much trouble today? We did sneak off down the wall, and confronted the bandits. You showed your skills well, and they are all dead. But I did not expect to meet the Praetorian and his companion. I thought if not for them, we could had cover up the ambush, and tell Damai we were lost. I could tell him to keep silence on the tale he heard from the woodcutter, but the damn Praetorian spoils it all. But you are good. The way you handled those bandits; better than the last one when you fought with the robbers in the alleyway. I like the way you do it. Sometimes I wished I can be like you; slashing and killing. Wow, that will the day... like a woman warrior.’
I looked at Dina and saw no expression on her face. I wondered if she ever speaks at all. She has not spoken more than ten sentences to me since she was assigned to me. During most time, when I am here in the room doing my daily rituals which is reading and sewing, she will remain in the arm chair or at the balcony practicing her moves. Its only when in the late evening when I tell her to follow me to the walls, would she react to my commands.
I know of a small gate which I can used to exit from the inner city through the wall; the guards being bought to silence by myself. We have done this many times, but sometimes we meet some obnoxious people which Dina would helped to put them to sleep temporary or permanently. We are usually back before the set of the dark night stretch, but today was an exception. We cleared the outer wall gate, and was out in the forest. Then we met the bandits and the tale was as we all know.This is not the first time, Damai has caught us, but silence was kept between us so there was no trouble. I liked that man, with his amour and unselfish dedication for the lives of mine and the Lord. I wished I am a man.
‘Sister, are you okay?’ My little prep for a stepbrother; fifteen complete seasons too although we shared different mothers. Coincidence, both our mothers died on birth with days apart. Conal spends his time on the books and music. He hardly seen with his sword, except for his hand fan ever flapping away at his neck. He is also dressed like a diplomat, all layers of clothes and powder, which you will find amusing or disgusting depending on which you find most appealing. As usual he comes in with his entourage of four guards, and they deployed themselves like pillars to the four corner of the room. I could just imagine myself throwing our multi daggers in those directions and then there will be four dead guards before I hit the ground.
‘Yes, I am fine. I just got wandered off but Dina was there to save me,. So was Lieutenant Damai.’
‘Aargh, spare me the details. I just want to know if you are alright.I will be in my room if you want to discuss other matters. I am also looking for my pet rabbit. Do return him if you see it.’ He left me with his guards and I felt so cold. As if this is not my real step brother, but an impostor which can turn the hand fan into a deadly weapon; taking off my head before Dina can reach me. Nevertheless, none will do that to me if I can prevent it. Or Dina can.
But now a pet of mine needs lunch and a change of diet from white mice.

Lord Camlash
The wedding went well. My son was looking good in his ceremonial dress, and the crowd loved his speech. I can see the match in Lord Kimble’s daughter; she also looked nice in her ceremonial dress. And so is the Lord Kimble, all dressed in his battle amour unlike me in my royalty ceremonial dress. I let the man show off his prowess to the crowd, especially his entourage of twenty guards. He how fears the assassin more will be the death by the assassin. I have my guards as befitting a Lord, but I can take on any assassin in my own time. 
The wedding procedure took over half the sunlight day involving many tradition rules and regulation. The attire fo the family was already involving lengths of cloth which can clothe a village and so was the feast being served was more than a village can eat in a week. Such are the requirements when you host a hundred over dignitaries and their company, all there for the wedding and of course my presence to offer them favors. I had to avoid or dispense so many that I lost count of who I actually offered. And I am concerned of the gold coins my treasury will report on later. I know all of this as I was main culprit involved in it myself of giving it away like trash.
Today as I sit here, I also reflected on the previous one which I was to give my daughter away. It was a day similar like today, but the only difference was the newly wed was dressed in their usual dresses, and the ceremony was very short minus all the regalia and events of today. I just announced them to be married and got the High Priest to perform the vows. Then I dispatched them off to their homes and settled for the night myself. I also decreed that she will not come back to my home and called me her father.
Soon after the ceremony was called to an end, Lord Kimble asked for my personal audience. I granted him one short one as it was late and I am tired too.
‘Lord Camlash, I see our alliance as getting stronger. But I see a threat to us from a nearby city. Would you like to discuss this now?’
‘Any threat is an immediate discussion. Pray tell me as you got my attention now.’ Now I am feeling more refreshed as war intrigues me.
‘I viewed the Lord Daken as a threat to us, His armies are stationed at my border and he is known to be associated with the Grand Lord; sharing of gifts and news. I am thinking of waging war on him, but I need the assistance of yours and your friendly Lord’s to ensure total victory.’
‘Lord Daken is indeed an ally of the Grand Lord, and any attack on him is viewed as an attack on the Grand Lord. If I backed you up, we may all end up in a civil war again, or maybe a Third Succession War. Are you sure we can manage that now? At the last conference, you told me of your desire for peace with the Grand Lord but now you want to wage war.’ I took a sip of my rare wine served today for this special occasions. I loved to debate with his this old friend of mine for over twenty completed seasons. He is a wise leader and will not issue such remarks unless its real and affect his land.
‘My war is with Lord Daken, and I will announced that to the conference. And to Grand Lord. I am sure he will not interfered if the other Lord’s are not involved. I asked your assistance in reinforcements and not your flags.’ I see his argument now; he wants to get rid of a pesky neighbour with my army when his is not sufficient to do so but choose the victory for himself. If he wins the war, he could be more powerful than myself as I would had lost many men for his effort, and perhaps sacrifice by him in the battle so he can win over the remaining battle I disliked being taken for a fool. I dismissed the discussion citing fatigue and will continue tomorrow.
Lord Kimble left in anger and was cursing softly to himself. Truly a man of such statute cannot control his emotions may be becoming a poor leader.
I send for a messenger that night, and dispatched him off. If I calculate the odds correctly, I may lose a friend and gain another. One which is closer to my enemy, and one which the enemy would not suspect. Who said the enemy of your enemy cannot be your friend, when the friend of your enemy can also be your friend. After all, loyalty is like a coin being spined; where it falls is where your loyalty lies. Or you can spin again as long as it shows the correct sides.

I was given the last instruction by Praetorian Genus, in message box by the Prime Leader Romus. I stood transfixed as I read the instruction. I took the message box to the fire place and burned it. As I was burning the message, I looked at Genus and he gave me was his usual blank expression look. I was hoping that he can tell me what is the next thing to do, but all he did was raise his wine cup to congratulate me on my new assignment, whatever it was that was given to me. I took my cup of goat’s milk to his cup.
That evening, Genus treated me to a display of his skills with the sword, and I was asked to learned with him. He coached me till near dawn when we both collapsed in exhaustion. Then he told me that he also received his latest assignment; to stay with the young master till further instruction. I wanted to tell him my assignment, but Genus stopped me from doing so.
‘Shriven, the path you are going to take is yours alone. I may be there at some junctions, but the decision to walk on is yours alone. I cannot be your guide nor your companion. I can also be your nemesis one day. So trust no one except yourself.’
Later that morning, I was told that Genus has been moved to stayed with the army officers, while I am to move closer to the young master Conal quarters. Conal has four burly guards with him, and they followed him everywhere, except when he is in his night quarters inside the Inner chamber. Now that he is married, his night quarters will be shared by his rightful wife. As I am his latest guard, I was told to guard the outer walls of his quarters during the day, including night patrol when the other guards are asleep. My duty started the day I moved into the new quarters.
It was on the third night of my patrol, that I saw a fleeting shadow on the eastern wall. I followed suit to check on the wall as it could be a figment of my imagination or there is an assassin on the prowl. The path along the eastern wall leads to the Inner garden of the master’s night quarter. This is next to the Inner chambers and is reserved only for the Lord’s family. I need to be cautious here as not wake up the master and his wife, or I will be in deep trouble. I opened the gate which lead to the Inner garden. I made sure that every step I took was as silent as the previous one. Not a pebble nor a speck of sand was moved, if it was; it was without any noise. I stood before a small plant to viewed the inner garden. In the center of the garden was the pavilion with a moat around it. Its joined by small bridge and flowers decorate the sides of the moat. Other than that there was nothing else except open space of grass laid cover with some slabs on stones laid in random order. It was then I saw my dark shadow appearing from the walls, leaping in with ease and landing near the pavilion. Before I could stepped out, the shadow person told me to do so.
‘Who are you?’ I asked with my long ‘bo’ at ready.
‘I am your master, Conal.’ The dark shadow reveals himself to be my master. Immediately I took my bow and seek his apology for not recognizing him earlier. I also asked of his reason for being in the garden at this hour.
‘She is asleep and I normally come here at night to practice my skills. I like you join me and teach me your skills too. That is why I brought you here.’
‘You trapped me here? I thought you are an intruder so I followed suit to verify your identity. But I heard of you among the servants. They said you are a person of arts that....’ I guessed my stay here has not been long, and there are many things you do not tell or asked, as it can be considered as rude or impolite, especially if its to towards the Lord’s family. I am new and yet to learned all that cannot be said.
‘That is practiced by the womenfolks. I know, and I do like that form too. But I hid my other preferences for my own time. I been practicing the art of movement for many years now, and no one know except you now. Why did I reveal myself to you? You need to know. You are the first guard I have who is of my age and size. I heard of your monastery and I admired the skills they taught there. So you can be my friend and teacher here. But only here.’
I stood transfixed as if I seen the devil himself and was confused. But I find myself nodding to his request as he is the master. He wants to teach him the arts I know from the monastery and spare no pretense when I do fight with him. I was afraid to hurt him so I decided to teach him some of the basic moves without the ‘bo’. Soon I find myself coaching the young master more in the advanced style of the arts and time flies when you are enjoying yourself.
For over some nights, this was our daily ritual when the household is asleep, but during the day, I see the Master is back at his books and music. He looked ever joyous as if he has not missed his sleep at all.

Lord Camlash
The guests has all left the city and I have it back the way I wanted as before; minus all the crowd and quiet corridors. I personally saw the Lord Kimble to the Main gate, and gave him my consent to act as his supporter in the war with Lord Daken. He was well pleased with my words and started off his journey with his twenty guards and three hundred marchmen, plus another hundred of lancers. There is a also a train of wagons which includes his wives and concubines plus their servant. As it was a long train of people and wagon, it took me about an hour to wave all of them off. After all, its the rightful thing to do for an old friend and their journey can be dangerous with bandits everywhere.
I was soon in my hall when I received the message from my messenger who just returned from the far border. It gives me good news and good news comes with a good appetite, so I send for the a serving of good food. As I was eating my lavish layout, Domo, my senior adviser came to seek my audience.
‘I believe my Conal is doing well with his bride. If I k now him well enough he is probably still courting her in spite of the fact he is already married her. Such are the stupidity of the poetic society, they spend more time courting then cohabiting.’ I finished my statement with the bite of the delicious cherry and followed by the wine from the cellar.
‘My Lord, I come not because of your son, but the words reached me of Lord Daken has cross our borders with his army. He is seen on the Shon Ridges, which is also intersect with the road that Lord Kimble will take to go back. He has a small army of two thousand  only. Shall we send our army to protect your alliance?’ Domo is my older friend who knows me but state matters is his main concern. He advises me well on them at times.
‘The impudent Lord Daken! How dare he invades my county? I will see his head hanged before my very eyes. Dispatched the message to Lieutenant Damai to command a division from the Second Army from the borders to clear these invaders.’ I threw the goblet which held my wine and asked for a new one.
‘My Lord, the Second Army is up north and it takes two days to reach them, and three days to mobilize them. We may be too late. Why not send the First Army, they are here and can be send off immediately.’ Domo is ever vigilant with the movement of the Army. He is more knowledgeable than all my generals. But sometimes he over reacted in his advice.
‘And leave my city undefended..... Domo, your age has caught up with you. Send out my orders.’ The First Army is my personal division and they are stationed near the city. I am the only one who can lead them or I may allowed some generals to lead them only on my consent.
Domo bowed his head and apologized for his hasty remark. He said he will do per instruction. He then took his leave and I contend myself with the food on the table. After all, when the food is served, you need to do is finish it off with relish. Or you may insult the kitchen for their efforts.
But this was not so.
Another audience came calling.
It was my son, Conal, bearing news of his pet rabbit disappearance. I send out orders to search the city of the missing pet and if need be, killed the one who stole it. That made my son very happy and sad at the same time. He pleaded with me to retract the second order as he felt a person’s life is more precious than his pet. I reluctantly agreed and asked him to be off with his wife.
Next I called on Praetorian Genus to be brought to my Hall. I looked at the man with part of his right arm missing, and blind in another.
‘Senior Praetorian Genus, I received a message from Prime Leader Romus that you are to serve me as your Master. It with that I have an assignment for you to do. I want you to ride to Lord Daken’s camp on the Shon Ridge and tell him I will have him removed from my land when my Second Army comes from the North. And if he prevails to loot my land, I will hold responsible for any losses I have.’
The Praetorian was dispatched to see Lord Daken and he was made known my intentions well. In the Empire, the words of the Praetorian is without doubt honored by all and they do not lied in their words. Nor do they interpret messages in their own words. If they said something, its the exact words given to them, not a syllable more or less.
But this Praetorian amused my memories; I seen him before but I still can’t placed where I heard or seen him. Its also a surprised that Romus will consent to his man to me as the new Master, as Praetorian are rarely given out as slave to another Lord without a reason. I know of some who sits in the Lords council as advisers, but they do report back to their own Prime on matters concerning them. I know I am not to look at the gift and questioned it but this one I must speak to Romus when we meet one day.
Is he planting a spy here, or is he helping me to spy? I known Romus very well and he is an ambitious man. Perhaps ambitious to be Grand Lord.

Prime Leader Romus
I saw the messages and I knew why, but I care not. The Lord’s can fight among themselves as long they do not harm the Grand Lord, who is under my protection. I am sure the rest of the Prime Leaders are getting the same messages but some may be late in responding. Or not at all. My spy has done his work well, to tell me, and I will see he serves me there. Its an open secret that he is to spy for me, but he may do as the Lord decides. Such things makes me happier to see my Praetorian man decides his loyalty. After all, he has sworn to the Oatha as a Praetorian.
But today, my Grand Lord Micha asked if the conference of the Lords is on as agreed at every end of the second harvesting season. I replied to him on the new developments that we await some confirmation from the far out Lords’. Grand Lord was impatient for the conference as he felt that something need to be spoken among the Lords’ or war may avail soon. According to Grand Lord Micha, there is the circle which once formed will become the end of the Lords. I looked at the old man whose babbling of prophesies and outcomes are getting out of hand. I think age has caught on to my Grand Lord and his delusions are becoming more apparent. I made that know by secret messages to the other Prime Leaders so they will not accuse me of treason. If there is truly any threat to the Lords’, then its probably the work of the Praetorians’, as I am planning the demise of the Lords. I been doing it with the assistance of the Prime Leaders with these planted thoughts. As I am replying to my Grand Lord, the Praetorians are getting themselves ready.
Prime Remus has cleared a number of the criminals of any charges if they swore loyalty to the Praetorian, or be hunted like the rats in the sewer. Prime Rimua has channel funds to his own Division creating large debts in the Frontier Army, whose men are upset and angry with the slow payment. Prime Raihan has bested the Frontier Army in many skirmishes, sending the Army to enemies strongholds and only attacking the weaker ones with his Praetorian. Unknown to the Army, he has also recruited more army men to his cause, and their numbers are almost double now.
Prime Romus smiled at this own thoughts and one day, the seat of the Grand Lord will be shared by four Prime with one Grand Prime,which is me. They had enough of the tradition which sacrifice their lives for the single entity called the Grand Lord. And in return all these seasons, the Lord’s squabble among themselves and more lives are lost there. Not one season, was there any peace to be found in the Empire.
The Praetorians must planned well so that the people will not revolt on us. They must make the people hate the Lords and then their Lords will be complete for complete takeover. Till then, they had to play by the tradition and respect the Lords. Like what was said in the Oath.
And there are the Outsiders; they are not a known major threat and if well positioned can be considered as an alliance to the cause. If they do not do so, I can ask Raihan to cleared them out. After all he has the army at the borders to do the works for him.

Lieutenant Damai
I was given the message and told to ride immediately. An army officer does not query his orders even though they can be ridiculous to act on. As its a long ride, I asked for is a member of my men to follow me, and that was agreed by my commanding officer. We rode out on the way to the North to intercept the Second Army holding the borders from the Outsiders. I know they are fighting a losing war with the Outsiders but their new orders are to march one column of one thousand men to Shon Ridge with me in charge. I was told to pick my men from Rivers End fort and marched to Shon Ridge. I do not know who gave the ridiculous order, but this is a stupid one as everyone knows River Ends fort was under attack the last few nights and I fear I may not have five hundred men to march at all. Everyone knows the role of the River Ends fort which is to protect the strategic point in the northern frontier; and its constantly under attack. Every season,we send in reinforcements to reinforce the previous ones, and yet they asked me to go there. Perhaps Domo is getting crazy at his age. There is the Third Army in the South which can be called but Domo chose not to do so. Or even the First Army, as they can reached Shon Ridges in one day forced marching. Even if I ride non-stop, I can only reach the Second Army in one full day and night, but are we in time to saved the Lord Kimble’s party because I need a day light to organize them and then marched them to Shon Ridge. By then, I think I will be in time to bury the dead and picked up the wounded. I was also not told of the invading army and their strength. Perhaps Lord Camlash and Domo knows not of it or they are setting me up to be killed.
It was on the first evening of our ride that we hit trouble. We stopped by a tavern for drink and some food. It seems that we are the only other guest besides the tavern owner and his wife. Maybe it was the far remote location, or just the it was coincidence that nobody stopped by it. Its not odd for a tavern to be situated along the well traveled roads, but this one is really empty of guests.
‘Signar, do you feel what I am feeling?’ I looked at my companion who was also slowly eating his food as if its the last meal of his life. ‘Aye, and I am sure we are being watched. Not from inside but outside the tavern. There are some movement out there, but they are keeping their distance.’
I looked out the window next to the table which we sat on. I see only the oncoming dusk and it brings the mist along with it. I looked at the horses which are tied at the pillar of the tavern and they looked alright not me; not spooked or nervous. I keep on scanning the nearby treeline and was shocked when the lady of the tavern came with another mug of ale.
‘See ya mug is empty, perhaps another filler will help.’ She was a thin looking lady with rough hands as I can see the callous on the palm. Truly this women is not a typical tavern wife, but a women of some hard works. Like perhaps a hard labor prison term may had given her those hands. I looked at the owner whose expression is more like a thief than an owner of the tavern. ‘You’re a bonny lady for run the tavern.’
‘Ach, the works is many and hours are long. Besides the cooking, I had the cleaning and a lazy man to care on. Truly a woman’s life is sad, but she is born to it.’ My lady seems to have the answer well planned for me.
‘Aye, and a sharp dagger I see on below your skirt. Must be expecting some bad companies at times.’
‘Its not safe nowadays. So I much prefer my tooth pick to be slightly larger, lest it can removed a tooth if need be. I see you are Army people, and we see not many of you around. We have our free looters, and bandits, but they know the feel of my toothpick if they tried something funny. And that man you see there, he is previously Army man but now retired. His skills are as good, if not for his age.’
‘So I can feel safe here. I am touched by your assurance. Tell me how many men are there out there?’ I knew Signar had to be the first to unscrew the cap on the bottle.
‘Oh, I would say about a dozen, heavily armed and hungry for a fight. I told them off that they can start after you had your meal. And anything broken is theirs to pay, from either pocket I mind not. But we not involved in the fights here. We just run the tavern for travelers.’ I believe her alright, and she killed her guests at night and robbed them of their wealth. I wondered if she served them as the main meal, but I do not want to spoil Signar’s appetite.
‘You get this often?’ I had to asked as I shift my view to the trees again.
‘Nope, only when the Army officer comes over. Them bandits loved the officers much. Them being past soldiers before.’

‘With no intent to be rude, can I have your name please, ma’am?’ I was sinking the last of my bread into the stew I am eating. And its damn good stew, even though it looks like some creatures I used to kicked around camp. .
‘Ma’am? By holly, you are well mannered for a burly man. Wished you came to my life twenty years ago, and I would showed you how womanly I was. My name is Annie and he’s Billy. We run this tavern since the last war ended. I thinketh our conversation going to end now. They are coming now.’
I saw about five big nasty guys with various amour platings on their chest and arms. They are also armed with swords and pikes. I hate pikes as they are cumbersome to use in the battle except against mounted lancers. I prefer my battle axe and shield. The Lieutenant stood up and adjust his amour plate, and then unsheathe his own broadsword.
The five of them came in first through the front door, while more of them came in by from the back of the tavern through the kitchen. I have now about ten nasty men in the tavern, besides us and the owners. Its getting very crowded as they are moving the spare tables and chairs to the sides; probably did not want to pay for them damages.
‘Hi Andre, I thought I recognised you from the helmet. So you are back to your thieving days again. Told you to quit before.’ I recognised Andre from my old division. He is one bad soldier who can’t march and soiled his pants during fights. His favourite is the helmet he took off a yellow beard once in the previous battles, and he wore it since then. It used to have four horns on it, made from that of some poor bull, but today only three horns are on it; I removed that one by my axe before. I also removed his left leg below the knee so now he walks with a stump. That was the last I saw of him before I left him to die in the forest. The forest must be kind to let him come out alive. I should had left him in the viper hole and maybe I won’t see him today,
‘Signar, you can sit this one out. Our work is on the officer. We been paid well and we aimed to collect our bonus on his head.’ Andre was quick man on his rewards; he collect everything first as he always said never know when you might not come back. Thats how he lost his leg; aiming to collect on some bounty on my head.
‘Andre, you take me for a fool. The last bonus is for my head and not his.’ With that, I threw my plate of unfinished stew at the nearest man, followed up with the swing of the axe. That was the cue for the officer to take on his attacker with a upward thrust on the chest.
‘Sloppy, boys. Eyes on your opponent, not on the money in the bag.’
The next guy to go down was trying to parry my downward swing, but someone should have told him that the cudgel is no match for an axe. It took his cudgel apart and so was his lower torso. I faced my other attackers, swinging wild with my axe at them. That kept them at bay on my end. The officer was exchanging moves with two of them, and he just dropped one with a side swing at the lower ribs. Now he faced the other attacker who was reluctant to make any first moves. This guy must be mad to join this fight as he was not fighting but dancing with his sword. I was right, he should had picked the dance hall; he’s dead the next moment with a thrust on his front chest by the officer.
My attention was on Andre as he charged at me with the short pike he used it as a weapon; I parried it off with my shield and broke the short staff with my swinging axe . I turned my body to back swing the axe at Andre, but he ducked in time. Not so for his friend who stood next to him, he had more than less of one arm now off at the right shoulder. With Andre off balance, I slammed my shield on his horns; removing another one and he had one bad concussion coming to him. I followed on with a my axe on the back of his neck. He made such a mess, I am sure poor Annie going to charge extra. The battle stopped then as the rest of the attackers took off in a haste, once they saw their leader down on the ground minus a head. I looked at the officer who managed to get some of them without any injuries.
‘Annie, cleared Andre’s bag. There should be enough to pay for the damages. And bring on the good stew. I am still hungry. Was it dog meat in there? You could add them spices more. ’

Praetorian Genus
My horse almost veered off track several times and if not my fast handling, we will be in the bottom of some ravines. I reached the Shon Ridge earlier by riding across some smaller path known to trackers and hunters thus overtaking the Lord Kimble’s column. The Shon Ridge is a steep landscape area through some winding routes; on the normal tracks you can march through in double lines or single line if its your wagon. I knew this place well I as told that this is one of the most desolate area to mount a campaign and I wondered why Lord Daken chose here. The normal route to take across the ridge is wider and less dangerous although you faced with a high wall of forest on one end and a dropped to a river lined ravine on the other side. I know why they choose it. Its a shorter route for them to reach back to their land, cutting off the traveling time by nearly half. But this route is known by traders as one which you can get ambushed by bandits or dropped off the ravine from careless riding. For Lord Daken to trap the Lord Kimble here, he can spring up a number of deadly traps or disasters like falling rocks. Its a easier way to win the battle.
 ‘Hail Praetorian,’ the scouts can recognized my amour plate well; ‘you ride for whom and where?’
‘I seek no one, but the way home. How come the Lord Kimble’s scouts be doing so far from your borders?’ I feigned no knowledge of their presence.
‘We are returning to our column and taking the different route through the Green Plains. Its longer but less treacherous than this one. We spot Lord Daken’s troops ahead with their traps.’
‘I am no enemy of any Lords’ so I will march on. Good day to you. And safe journey.’
It seems that the hare is smarter than the fox. I am sure my stay at Lord Camlash will be more enjoyable. Maybe revenge is at hand soon. I met the forward guards of Lord Daken, and convey my message. I also told him of the new route that Lord Kimble took, as mentioned to me by the scouts. Lord Daken was immediately upset and recalled his troops. He marched back to his land without a fight. I took my way back along the same tracks on Shon Ridge, and was surprised to meet the Lord Kimble column. They are on same route as I am on, and did not divert after all.
‘Praetorian, I see you are well. Truly the Gods has set their eyes on your safety. My spies told me you left the city in a rush so I dispatched my scouts to intercept you. I know of the possible places for traps, so I arrange for my scouts to go ahead and if possible intercept you. I am wondering why a Praetorian will ride so hard to the come on my route too. I sense dangers but I need to hear from you.’ I admired Lord Kimble in his planning and how he averted a battle which he knew he cannot afford now. I told him of my mission as its the way of the Praetorian; we do not lie.
Lord Kimble laughed and said, ‘The hawk is sometime not as smart as the snake. I thank you for chasing the hawk, so now my snakes can go home. Pray do not tell the Lord Camlash. You see the main column is on the Green Plains; well most of the servants anyway and my wives. They are easy to lose and more can be collected. But I ride with my lancers here, fast and swift to the protection of my city. Beware, Praetorian Genus. War will soon start; know your enemy well and be prepared to be stab in the back.’
Its amazes me as I watched the column moved with ease on their mounts; and what is mine to keep to convey ahs been done although there was not much I need to convey. I was confused as I never met Lord Kimble nor spoke to him, but he knows me and my name. On my ride back, I saw a dove flying above me. Its a rare sight to see one so far in these areas, but maybe they are growing beyond their normal flying grounds.
But I did not see the arrow which hit my breast plate, causing a bruise more than a hole. I jumped off my horse and drew my sword to attached it to my arm. But no more arrows came towards me, but there was a wild hog running to me in a hurry. I jumped aside to avoid being impaled by the beast, to see the follow up is a young man with a bow and arrow notched in the string.
‘I beg your forgiveness, sir. I was shooting at the hog, and missed him. Did my arrow hit you?’ I  looked at the young man who was about the same age as the monk. He is dressed in the darbs of the forest hunter, but he is obviously a new hunter at the game. On his waist, he carries a short knife; probably to cut up the meat he needs from his hunt, if he gets any. There is also a pouch he carries next to his knife, and he offered some herbs he said will stop the bleeding.
I politely refused his herbs saying that I was not hurt. I asked him his name and where is he from.
‘My name is Darius and I lived on the hill behind this treeline. I came out to hunt as the food supply is low and my mother is too sick to hunt.’ I was ever curious and asked if he can take me to his home as the day is getting dark.

Its not often that we have guest, and more so when they come bearing food.’ I thanked the soldier who shared his food with us. He told his name is Genus and he is a Praetorian. He also said he was on his way to the city when he was shaken by the wild hog appearing out of the bushes. Mother was very apprehensive when she knew our guest is a Praetorian, but she served the food he brought.
I asked the Praetorian about the life of his, but my mother was quick to stopped me. She told me not assert on our guest as the man may need to rest from his journey. Genus was kind to say he will tell me tomorrow when I am awake. But he was not there the next day, leaving us at the break of dawn. He also left a bag of food and some coins. Mother was weeping and refuse to tell me why. I wished my Dad was around as he would know what to do. But Mother would not let me talk about him nor who he was. I am kept in the dark on my origin except for the few trinkets that I held precious. One is small amulet that has a red stone on it. According to my mother, it would one day make a difference in my life. And I must hold it well.
Today there was another surprise.
My grandfather is back and he bears more food and gifts. He comes back when he feels like it, and leaves the same. And he always asked for the amulet to be shown to him. Today, Mother and him spend sometime talking together, and he left in a hurry. But before he left, he gave me a pouch to hold.
‘Do not lose this and the amulet. Its will explain everything, but you cannot open the pouch. Not now and not ever. Only the rightful can do so.’
With that, grandfather left us again, back to his work as he always said. As for me, I am back to my work as the devoted son, and practicing my bow skills, as taught to me by my mother. She can shoot a dove in flight or a hog in the forest from a distance. She never told me where she learned her skills, but she was adept at it. I did asked my grandfather but he also said that my mum will tell me one day. Just as I asked of my father.
In the forest, there is little to do except collect the woods for the fire, and hunt. Its from the later, I learned to identify the different scent of the animals and their way of survival. I learned how to approach a bear
without its knowing, or I did try but failed on some occasions. I had my fair share of encounters with wild beast and am lucky to be alive today. I was once saved by mother who shot a charging hog who was about trample me. The only other persons I meet are the hunters and woodcutters, and they avoid our home, but we do meet on the trails. They give me some food but would not tell me much on the outside world. They only say the if I ventured out, there are worse beast than hogs and bears. I do encounter column of soldiers but I avoid meeting them as I was told so by my mother.

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Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...