Friday, July 27, 2012

CWE Book I Part II Chapter VIII

Lord Camlash
I got the news that the Praetorian returns both victorious and brings along my Lieutenant alive too. He’s done his work, I am free of the Outsiders for now, so I can focus on my other matters. I am amazed at this Praetorian, a man of many lives to his stay here in this world. He may be of use again I am sure. But now sitting in front me is my adviser Domo, who bears new development of the conference.
‘So Domo, tell me the worst.’ I liked this new wine; its taste like the old yet its brings up more extra qualities after you finish it. Its bubbly taste will linger in your body for sometime, unless the old wine.
‘The conference is as scheduled. All the Lords’ has confirmed their attendance. We know the Grand Lord will be arriving on the eve of the conference....’
‘Who is with us and who is not? I asked for that; not the attendance list.’ Like the old wine, sometimes I get sick from it, so I decided to try the new wines been offered.
‘We have seven lords with us, but the big three are still with the Grand Lord.’ Domo seems to be worried as usual.
‘So my alliance is still secured even without Kimble. The cousins will stay together as blood runs deep, but we can bleed them. Then they will split, and we will be there to re-join the parts. So how goes my Praetorian?’
‘He has done well. He acted on your instructions and served under their Lord.’ I know Domo knows more than me.
‘Served? I hear is more of assisting the Lord in taking care of the enemy. Now my enemies enemy are friends, so I may have a larger enemy to contend with. See to that the Praetorian is send back to his Lord on returning and send the Lieutenant back to his old duty. Send him to Red Hill. Begone now, I have a conference to plan.’
I want the old man to know that I am sending his valued friend away, but that may not happened as I planned it so. I had written to the Prime Leader Romus to retain the service of the Praetorian for a bit longer, and he has agreed. Of course, he agreed to it; a planted spy in my city. But a spy that I know of is better than a spy I know not of.

The fool plays for me for a fool, but he is the bigger fool. I have made arrangement for the Praetorian to be here too. And I will complete the circle soon. I know now that Darius travels with him, and so the young has met the old. But they know not of the their connection. I would spring that when the time is right. Lord Camlash, you will fall off your push cart and your heart would stopped when I reveal the truth.
I received word from my master; I must be prepared for a new war with the Lords’ involved. This I know as the conference will be the focal point of the war, with sides being declared and loyalty questioned. My master said he has plans of his own, just like Camlash but everyone does not know I have my own plans too. And it involves the Praetorian. A knight in the game, with options to cross over at will the game board.
I thought of the young master, and his mistress; banished to the hill for his cowardice. I see something which the old man does not. His daughter in law walks with a heavier burden, one of joy and sorrow perhaps, but time will tell. She is I believe with a child; the next possible heir to the Lord’s seat. The coming generation may be the only victor in this game.

Mistress Kimi
Since the incident, I have find myself closer to my Lord, and now he is in my arms, sleeping as soundly as his own child. I know of my pregnancy from the signs shown, but its too early to tell. Many wifes has told me of the danger period when the child may be upset and choose to leave the mother, and this was the stage of it. I have to be careful and maintain myself but the thoughts of my father’s death keep on plaguing me. His city rumbled and now under the control of the Praetorian’s and my people are suffering. I wished I was born a man and then I can avenge my father, but a lady who is married to another family loses her rights. So they assumed of it.
I am not without my information from my people, with messages delivered to me by couriers and spies. I have inherited my father’s loyal subjects and they made me their leader. Its unheard of in the Empire, but these generals knew me from the days when the Hall of Kimble meets, and a lady used to speak with them. They know me well, and my fierce debates on the issue which was discussed. I have even shamed an ambassador of another Lord when he tried to insult my fathers’ position. That ambassador will never stepped back at the Hall again. His own Lord on learning of his failure has put him to death by the garrote; a form of punishment for the ladies before this.
I hear of the victory by the Praetorian and would like to see him if I could. War intrigues me as that is the basis for the growth of the Empire. I also am curious of the Outsiders whom many said are our own descendants but they became independents of the Lords’. I also read the odd messages that reached my Lord, as he is too keen on reading his own poems and books. Some of these messages are of the city and its people, and some required replies. I did it for him and sealed it with his seal of approval. One day, he may hear of it and be proud of me.
I see the Mistress Camy but I hardly speak to her. She is too pre-occupied with her own things and at times disappear for days. I know she is in going hands with her guard, Dina; but this Mistress need to be tamed to be a real lady soon.
I saw Shiven our guard, who performed well during the incident. Since that day, as the only surviving guard, he was promoted to the Inner Chamber. He is young and may be of my age range, but he conversed only when spoken. And that also with cautious words not to speak his mind but to please me or the Lord. I once asked if he can show me some moves which a lady can use in the case of emergency, he was immediately kneeing before me and quick to apologies but I told him, i want to learn for personal safety and not because of his failure. I told him I learned archery and horse riding when I was young, but never did learned any of the arts. Shiven offered to teach me some basic moves with the need to subdue the opponent, but I asked him of a weapon I can picked on.
He looked around and selected a hand fan as one. Its light and normally carried by the ladies.

There is a an art which was taught to us as one of the stealth art of defence, and also how to defend against it. Its normally used by the assassin of the female gender. It the use of the hand fan as a weapon of killing in close contact. We trained in it as to counter its move if need be. I taught some of the moves to the mistress on her adamant request. It may safe her from some attackers or buy some time for help to arrive. The other reason was the look on my young master’s face which made me feel the protection of the master may be his wife as a last resort. She learned fast but has yet to do it like an expert. But her body was weak and I had to tell her to stop so she can rest at times.
I met Mistress Camy personal guard a few times during my walks in the chambers, but we did not speak to each other. We just acknowledge the presence of the other and walked on. Since the incident she slept outside the inner chamber and is never far from her mistress. She once knocked down a servant whom she thought was going to attack the mistress, but actually doing his works as a gardener, although he carried a long machete. He claims it to cut the young tree which was by the wall. That story was proven and the gardener released. But at times, I do not see her for a day or two. Its also then the mistress may be missing too and the guards are alerted to it. But they will turn up soon and all will be normal.
I heard the Lieutenant is coming back and he will resumed command. I seem to missed his presence and await his return. There has been some news of the conference and there are concerns it would not be successful as the Lords’ talk of rebellion.

I grew tired of the mistress and her antics. We are so far up the hill and yet she wants to go downhill. All our attempts has failed; not because of me, but her. She will either fall over some roots of the the trees or get herself caught in the bushes. The guards will be alerted and find us, causing more inconvenience as we get escorted back to the chambers. There she will rest and then come up with more ideas that is equally stupid.
I saw Shiven a couple of times, but we just pretended to be busy with our masters. I know he is teaching the master’s mistress in some art, but I choose not to intervene. Its his intention to teach her not mine, although my mistress has asked me many a times,but I refused citing many reasons to avoid it.
That particular day, I saw the gardener coming towards her with the machete; and he was not cutting down any trees but at her. I sprang into his path and almost removed his head if not for the mistress intervention. It was later said that he claimed that he was cutting down the tree at the wall,,but till today the tree still stays there. I am not one to be overly concerned, but I will let his man lived with us as I know his intentions now.

Grand Lord
The conference is normally held once in every four years at the old castle ruins. As this conference may take up days to complete, each Lord is allowed to have with him a personal entourage of servants and guards but no exceeding a hundred in numbers. Each Lord will be assigned a place for them to set up their tents with the Praetorian providing the perimeter guards. Any attempt to upstage or assassinate the other, the Praetorian will have the right to put the offending Lord to the sword. This was decreed by the Lords’ themselves in the first sitting and has been held as law since then.
But the Lords is ever wary of the other, therefore they keep a reasonable force outside the perimeter, also watched by the Praetorian. It seems that the Praetorian has the upper hand, but they are well stretched out with their guards duties, as all this far under Prime Leader Romus and his men only.
‘All is done, Prime Leader?’ I looked at my protector and asked who protects the protector.
‘Done as usual, but this time I asked the presence of some help from Remus. He will deploy one  division for me. Just in case the Lords forgotten their oath.’
‘Remus, and not Raihan. I thought you normally asked Raihan.’ I was surprised at the sudden change of the events.
‘His men are guarding against potential threat from outside.’ I know I used Raihan before, but he seems to be elusive when asked on certain arrangement, hence my fellow Prime Leaders are questioning his motives or objectives.

Prime Leader Romus
We know Raihan met with Lord Camlash recently but we know not what he met on. He also refused to disclosed his meeting details except that they are of matters to him only. His loyalty is to the Praetorian. And none others. We trust his words, but we are in difficult times now. So we put Raihan under scrutiny and raised the false alarm of possible invasion during the conference; thus keeping Raihan busy. Then we let Remus take on the new task as perimeter guards of the conference.
I have eleven hundred men to guard inside the perimeter, and possible another five times outside the perimeter. Its a big number but they stand divided so I can counter with my men, and need be Remus. But I also took some effort to put spies in the army so that I can alerted of any development.
The development of the Outsiders concerns me. A united front outside the Empire is a concern of any. I would had the Praetorian’s head as punishment, but Lord Camlash did said it was his idea to allowed the Praetorian to made the needed with the Outsiders. Lord Camlash also said he knows the strength of the Outsiders has been reduced and they can be handled soon after the conference. He also asked for me to extend the Praetorian stay for a while, which I agreed. It was a bargain for the information on why Raihan met the Lord Camlash.

Lord Camlash
I loved the fresh air at the castle ruins, even though its not the first time I am here; been here for the conferences and also at times for my own sojourn to reflect on the past. Today I am the earliest to arrive’; the early of the day before its due to start. My men are camped at the meadow plains distant of over a short ride from the ruins; a place I have always staked my camp since the start. Everyone knows their places here, as do I. My servants was quick to set up the camp while I took my ride up here with the personal guards. I see the Praetorians has set up the conference area which a large tent was setup inside the ruins enough to housed the eleven Lords, although one chair will remain empty. Around the tents are some smaller ones for the personal guards and an area of preparing the food. Its also decree that no one may be armed in the conference grounds except the Praetorian Guards, but during the last few conferences, hidden daggers has been seen and ignored as personal or grooming accessories.
I was surprised to see Remus on the site, supervising the works on the security. I asked him of his well being and was given back with respect. Among the four Prime Leader, Remus is a quiet one and an academician by leaning. He manages the treasures and wealth of the Grand Lord and the Praetorian, which annually added in by the other Lords’ contribution mandatory by decree. He is not a military strategist but a good planner of economic and social activity. This is a social activity, who why not him as the coordinator. Remus was polite to excused himself from me to continue his works, as I was also getting uncomfortable standing there like a fool while this man is working. I made my way back to my camp to find some one waiting for me.
‘I got your message , Lord Camlash and am now here.’ My devoted Praetorian is present before me, and he has in his company a young man. ‘This is Darius, a friend I met on the war, and I am to send him back soon to his home.’
‘Praetorian, you done well. Too well for my taste actually. You were to study his troops but not lead them to a victory. I would prefer you lost and returned to me as a hostage, but the deed is done, and there are ways to reap the benefits. Do you bear me any messages from your previous master?’
‘Only a message that he will follow the agreement. Braven needs to as his men are tired and affected by the last war; he lost a number of warriors despite the victory.’
‘Braven; on first name basis I see. Hasten me not to judge your report, Praetorian. The Outsiders may lost a few men in the war, but they have gained more than victory. He has gain an alliance with an old enemy, and he has the gold to rebuilt his army. Perhaps one day an alliance with me may surface, and then I may judged your report as good. Till then, I am concerned on this friend Braven of yours.’ I dismissed the Praetorian to a tent on the far side of the camp. I liked to sleep easy at night, and he is not one I liked to have nearby when I am asleep.
If not for this conference, I would had ordered my troops in to the Outsiders’ settlement and end the threat. I need to see the extent of the Lords on this conference; are we ready to fight again or argue without aims. Of the seven lords, I know their strength and weakness and who can be relied on in real times of need. Like Kimble they can be released like a rabbit to the hounds if need be.

Praetorian Genus
I send Darius back to his house in the forest, but I found was an empty place. It seems that no one stayed there for some time. I asked the young man to wait for his mother there but he insist on following me. I relayed to him the danger of being with me, but this young man insist on it. I let him some time to packed his remaining belongings and make our war back to the camp. On the way out, we met some men who looked like woodcutters and hunters of the wild. There are five of them and they asked for the young man to followed them. Darius disagreed to do so, and I told the men of these.
‘Let us through, and I will bring him back when his mother is back here.’ But the men were insistent on their action. I looked at the pack of men; three armed with cutting axe and the other two with a trident spear, more suited for the hunting of the hogs. I kicked out at the horse with left foot and galloped through them I used my shield to deflect the trident and kicked at the other man with my right foot. We caught them off their balance and soon was on our way.
‘Who are they?’ I asked my young man.

‘I have no idea. They are unknown to me. I seen two of them before in the forest, but I know not who they are, except as woodcutters. Perhaps friends of my mother?’ That was all I knew, and I am not keen on going back to see my mother yet. If I do, she not let me leave, and i intend to seek my Grandfather. I held onto my pouch and the amulet; it will tell me who is my father.
The camp was soon filled with more people that I can remember. I heard it was here because of some conference among the Lords’, including the one I just met today. But the atmosphere is more relaxed with the men coming and going to and from other camps. They are like brothers in arm, than enemies. But not the ones I see on the guards outside the camp; dressed like the Praetorian Genus. When we pass them, the guards saluted Genus as if he is a senior officer, but not in the camp itself. I asked Genus of this, and he said those are his men on the perimeter and they are similar to him as they are Praetorian Guards. Their role is to ensure peace here, whereas the others are here to enjoy themselves unless the call to arm is made; then the brotherhood will dropped and alliances defined. Such is the rule in the Empire and has been for years.
I saw my grandfather from a distance but was signaled by him to keep my distance. I wondered why and watched him as he walks next to the Lord in the pushcart. Grandfather seemed to be an important figure here as everyone give way to him. I will see him tonight when he is free of these duties.
‘Darius, you are not to acknowledge me when seen. You must pretend to be a stranger to me. Do that, or we may both die. Stick close to your Praetorian; he will protect you. Do you understand?’ It was late night when we met.Those was his departing words as he moved back into the camp. I stood there in the darkness trying to figure out his warning, when a figure appear from behind. It was a Praetorian Guard, and he asked me go back to the camp site as its late..

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