As we rode into the forest, we are greeted by many types of creatures big and small but one creature caught our attention more as it hovers and flies around us. We have not seen these before and they fly like a bee but not sting like one. Helmut tries to catch one and to the amusement of us all, he almost fell off his horse.
"Its a Humming Bird, Sire. They are found in these woods as some more you may see in our journey. But this one is aplenty but they are sacred by the natives. The bird is deemed a mythical icon to many of these natives, according to their folklores. I feared it best we leave them alone although they fly by us ever inquisitive of our looks." My squire speaks true and we were surprised that this bird would helped us soon in pur predicament.
We stopped at a creek and let the mounts be rested from their loads, and we are able to sit ourselves on the solid ground to cooked a proper meal. The water flowing could had been from the melted snow pack or rain that drops on the high mountains nearby but my squire was to tell me this one is different, as its water comes from an aquifer or underground water source. For this reason, the creek water is pure, clean water and smooth, in its flow. I told him I seen such streams in the Highlands and also in the plains. I tasted the water and find it cold to the throat yet refreshing to the body.
But what caught on Micheal interest was not the clear water but the abundance of trouts and salmons that swam in its river bed. He for once relied on his skills with a sharp stick instead of his trusted pistols to have something which we can smoked on our fire. Helmut was not without his share of enjoyment as he looked for fruits or ground growing sprouts. Then the unexpected happened as I find the water getting dark and then followed by the surrounding forest. Soon we got ourselves engulfed into a world of darkness with our lighted fire serving as a beacon for us.
"Ben, is this your doing?" I asked of the demon but he shook his head as he looks around him with astonishment on the changes that happened.
"I could if I wanted, but this is not of my doing. That I can assure you as I am now intrigue as who would do this?" We all looked around and there was not much to see but darkness. But I noticed the mounts are calm so that means what is around us influence only us.
"Undo it, Ben" But he replied that he was not able to so as his power is not of light but of darkness. Just as he had completed his words, the place around are covered with red blood eyes but not of body or a head. They seemed to be floating all around us in a whirlwind of lights. Helmut had his sword out and he slash at the eyes in front of him. The ones he managed to hit disappeared in pain but soon another was to replace it.
"Stand close so that we can watch each other's back. Ben, see if you can communicate with this demon and do something to stop it." I know Ben may be trying but e may find that even his powers can sometimes be limited in some areas. Just as we thought we would be trapped forever, the space of darkness seems to dissipate in some areas and from a small void to a bigger one. Then I saw the Humming Birds that surrounds the native old man dressed with a dark veil over his face cringing from the incessant humming of the birds. The darkness soon raised and be gone while Helmut had his broadsword by the native man's neck.
"Sir Black, said the word and I would have him walking the darkness without his head." But I stopped the German Baron from doing his duty, as this native is obviously a dark sorcerer to call on the dark arts to counter us. The Humming Birds on seeing us freed of the dark trap have now flown off.
"You are lucky but not forever as many more of us would challenge you as its the command of the High Lord." The native elder was glaring at me as he reached for the blade in his waist belt but Helmut was fast to cut the native's wrist causing him to drop the blade.
"Please spare his life, Warriors of the Light. He was misled by the High Lords and we would take him to our custody for punishment." I looked the source of the voice and saw the same man who offered us safe passage across his land. "He would be dealt with according to our laws."
"Just as your took our demon and we see not his return may had spelled his death at your hands." I challenged the Shaman who had just walked into your campsite. "Who is he?"
"He is a Baykok, who only preys upon warriors, killing them with invisible arrows or beating its prey to death with a club. There after it would kill its victims, then devours the liver of its victim." The Shaman explained to us. But Ben challenged him back.
"He is not a Baykok. You blamed the unseen one as this one tries to kill us with the cloak of darkness. He is devourer of light and a cowardly demon who would used it to kill his victim. He is Dark Demon conjured by the High Lords with new powers. If you want to see your Baykok, look no far but to your right back. He stands there in defiance of your accusations." Ben was right as we all saw a shadow of slim body or mor like bones drapped over the body and it gives out as shrill call that send shivers down our spine. The Shaman who made the announcement of the Baykok now cowers away while holding onto his power totem.
"Stop, brother demon. You shall have your vengeance on this lies but not when I am here. I must take my friends on their journey as their sight of you doing the ritual may yet ruin their appetite." The Baykok nodded to Ben as we all packed up our mounts to ride out.
"Spare me mercy, Warriors of the Light. I am on your side. I served no High Lords." I looked at him and turned my back. Its not my first time I did it.
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