Sunday, July 22, 2012

CWE Book 1 Part II Chapter V

book 1
Part 11

By Jimmy Loong
War is a business in which a lot of people watch a few people get killed and are damn glad it wasn't them.
-Herman Wouk, The Caine Mutiny

The ruins of the old castle was a good choice to meet, as agreed by the twelve Lords’ after the last battle to oust the last of the opposing Lords’. It was not an easy battle if not for the change of mind on the Praetorian Guards. They executed the Grand Lord’s family and high officials on high treason and declared the Grand Lord seat is vacant. That averted the final battle, but the invitation to the existing Lords was to stay outside the city until they decided the new Grand Lord. Hence the call for this meeting in the ruins of old castle; a legacy of the old when there was still a King then.  
‘Who is not here?’ The circle of Lords’ was close to the fire which warmed their body. ‘Only Lord Camlash. Ah...he is here now.’
‘Aye, my Lords’. A crippled need time to travel, lest of all up some old castle. I bid you all welcome today. Pardon me, as since I am the only cripple, please allow me to handed the meeting.’ Lord Camlash was not one to mince his words, nor his intentions. He knows that given his current state, he cannot be the next Grand Lord, but he will be the kingmaker. It was him who plot the war and to take out the four Lords’ he had rare dealings with. He was the one who took on the first alliance with Daken and Kimble to knock out down the numbers. There was two gone before the remaining Lords’ took sides. By the first year, Lord Camlash alliance has taken two more Lords off the list, but all of these are minor Lords. Soon Lord Camlash finds that he the disadvantage on numbers as the big became bigger, and the opposition was harder to remove, so he let them fight while he sat back. But last battle he partake has a price to be paid; it was his legs; caught in the saddle of his falling horse, His legs could not be saved so he asked that they be removed. But the war was soon over and now they stand here together.
‘I put to motion that we all qualified to be the Grand Lord, but there can only be one. So we will put to vote the name. But before we do, please know that we must abide with the rules.’ Lord Camlash knows these bastards well; so he put out his paper first in the hat. So started off the names of others into the hat. It turns out everyone wanted to be the Grand Lord, but only Lord Camlash voted another other than himself. He put in Lord Micha’s name. Immediately on announcement, swords were drawn and friends became possible adversaries, but Lord Camlash spoke out.
‘We had an understanding. I voted Lord Micha, because I know he is wise and can be a better Grand Lord. More to it, it was his army who wins most in battles, and helped some of us in times of need. Lord Daken, you know your campaign. You lost not once but twice and it was Micha who came to your aid. I battle Micha before, and lost too. So I acknowledge he is a better man as me, and deserved to be Grand Lord.’
A plan in motion must be kept moving although some of them may be get jammed somewhere. Like the prepared man; he is a man with plans for everything and every time. Soon the grumble and complaint but the time of the works set it in motion. 
Perhaps Lord Micha can tell us his overall plans. How may we divide the land and cities.’ As announced by Lord Camlash.
Somehow that managed to convince the Lords’ to forget their grievances and they soon came to a better understanding of the treasures before them. After more discussion they all leave a happier person with their own their share of the land, after all its the wealth they want not the seat of trouble.
But no plan well prepared is without its flaws as not all the events run the same course. Lord Micha has his own plans and they can be different from Lord Camlash. So what was agreed can be mended to a disagreement. Just as the appointed person is the figure to respect in public, but not so in the private halls. Lord Micha played his moves later to consolidate his position, but there are many others with ways to counter it.
After all its a game, only the results matter; win or lose. In the empire, its the same, except its called live or died. But the cripple hold the handicapped;and that he may turn the results around. 

The nightly exercise has made me more agile and skillful in some new techniques. I know not who this young master learned from, but its good to learn something new like days back in the monastery. During the day time, the young master will not acknowledged me or even give me any expression when we meet in the corridors, but when nightfall, he is as talkative as a parrot. I wanted to asked him for the change in behaviour but I dare not as this could be the way the Lord’s live their life. I missed my mentor, the Praetorian; he been away for over two moons now, as he can explain this to me better.
I also met Mistress Camy and her guard a few times, but we did not speak. Nor was the last incident mentioned. Tonight was not different from any of the other nights, the young master and myself did some learning of some new techniques and then we settled down for a cup of tea. Its a rare event for master to drink with his servant let alone a guard, but we have become more than that.
‘I wondered what is it like to be married?’ A unique question from the person who is married. Oh, I almost forgot; he spend more time with me at the nightfall than in his chamber with his wife.
‘Perhaps,you want to retired early to your chamber, Master Conal. After all your wife may missed you.’
I was startled when he leap up but stopped himself from talking what he wanted to said. Then he said,’I guess I am tired today. We will continue tomorrow evening.’
I stood up to see my master rushing off back to his chamber and I cleaned up the place so the servants may not have to do it. I resume my patrol and walked the walls.
It was near the other end, when I saw the shadow of a person jumping off the ledge to the garden path. It can’t be the young master as he just left me, so I went forth to investigate. As I reached the same path, I saw a pile on the ground. I bend down to picked up the bundle and noticed it was a tunic; a new one too in gray color. I looked around to see who could had dropped it, but I saw no one around. I looked at my own tunic and noticed its edges are getting be like worn out. I decide to keep the tunic and resumed my search for the elusive shadow.
But there was no one around.

Mistress Kimi
A wife must take her own destiny if the husband does not do his duty. I crept into his chamber that early morning before the servants are awake. My lord husband is asleep as usual with his books and poems all around him. He is lying down on his side facing the opposite side of the room, with the bed covers on half his body. Its a warm night I know as the dry season is coming soon, but what intrigues me was his works all around him. He finds solace with them than the company of who can listen and reply his views. Out of curiosity, I picked up one of the poems and read it beside him, and was surprised at his words. He professed his love for me, but he does not know how to approach me. I looked at the man who lies there. He is a nice looking man with good complexion and manners. I should be honored to be married to him, but why does he shy from me if his heart tells him something else.
Does he not want me? Or he has a change of heart and these are the words for another? I wanted to wake him but something tells me to not do so. I saw a bead of sweat on his neck and reached out to wipe it with my hand. It was then he stirred and move his body towards me, sleeping face up. That movement of his sleeping position has removed his bed spread and uncovered a man I had yet to see until today. I see a face of beauty and strength, truly a man made to be a Lord one day. A Lord needs a lady behind him, and he needs a heir to his position so that the lineage can continue. I must not despair that lineage.

If I had known he will be so clumsy in leaping the walls, I would had left the tunic on his bed. I am an assassin and its the taught way to us on to scale and run around walls, but maybe not so for those in the art of guarding. I can’t help it seeing him so cosy with his master, and they were talking to the late night. With my Mistress Camy, she has been lately very quiet too and remain most time in the Inner City. She did not ask me to go out to pick on some bandits or assassins to out challenge on my skills. Her father, Lord Camlash was different from her daughter. Since the mission I spied for him on Lord Daken and Prime Leader, he was very happy with my skills. He has asked for my service on certain officials of his like Domo, but they yield no results that he wanted.
I heard of some rumors that the Lords are planning a rebellion soon, and many perceived that Lord Camlash is the main leader. Its a wonder for a person like him on the push cart wheel can be be so powerful. Since the last battle with Lord Daken and Kimble, Lord Camlash has been keeping much to himself in the Private Chambers. I tried to get in once, but the chamber is too tightly guarded, and I can removed one or two guards without alarming the others, but by day break, they will be found.  That I cannot do as I am supposed to guard the Lord too.

Lord Camlash
I heard of the rebellion and rumored that I was to lead it, but I know its not me. My plans are not ready as yet, but this new information is putting the wrong motions into my plans. I had to find out who is the Lord involved and how it will work. I have send out my spies but the result came back is nothing; not until today. Its does not looked like work of the Lord’s but look to be the Prime Leader Romus himself. It seems that there may be new players in the tussle for  the new Grand Lord position. I need to re-looked at my plans; maybe my enemy enemies can be my friends.
There are eight other Lords, besides Daken that is on my side; I need to contact them and see how I can change or strengthen their mind to join me. There is the two other Lords which sit on the Grand Lord’s side as they are related. But there are are also the three Prime Leaders’; they are just as vulnerable to the power of greed. I have much to do now.
I also received intelligence reports of three well known assassin are in the city this week. They came in separately and reported to be staying longer than expected. Its their style to make themselves known and yet they made no attempt to contact each other nor did they declare their works which are their specialties. I send out more spies to check on them and report to me of any new development. I fear this could be the works of some Lord or maybe they work for the contender for the seat of Grand Lord. I have double the personal guards and increase the perimeter patrols, as these three are known be good but they leave bloody trails in their works. And To date, they been successful with all their targets.
I must be prepared myself, as what the personal guards may not perform, I must do so myself. I am not a crippled like many imagined to be.

Grand Lord
A rebellion in the making and the person responsible unknown; truly a marvel feat by Lord Camlash to keep it under wrap so well. Camlash, you old fox; engineered my ascent and now try to take me down. I may be old and feeble, but my mind is still as sharp. I know your enemies and your friends, but do you know your foe.
‘Prime Leader Romus, your city hold well, I believe. I heard that some civil order are in place now, with nearly one full moon of revolt by its people. I hope you did not suffer any drop in popularity.’
I know how the Prime Leader feel when I asked him of this revolt. Its seems a long time when he last settled one down, since the last Succession War. I must cleared my thoughts well, as my memories failed me again; he was only a Senior Praetorian then. It was rumored that he took over when the last Prime Leader died on a journey to see me. Such a sad event, for the man as his horse bolted and ran into a ravine and the body not found. One much not be too careless with animals; they can beastly in nature.
‘They are quiet for now. My men are in control of the City. Lord Kimble is highly respected by the people. But soon they will changed. How may I assist you, Grand Lord? Your call to me at this hour is rare.’
‘Yes, I called you on the rumors of the rebellion. Some of these news are disturbing, especially after the Lord Kimble’s death.’ I like the Romus, he is man of few words and direct to action.
‘I heed your call, Grand Lord. Considered it done as I will uncovered the truth.’
‘Just of curiosity, how are the plans of our three mercenaries?’
‘They will be doing their work soon enough. And it will worth the prize we paid. So sleep well, Grand Lord.’
I would, Prime Leader Romus; with one eye on you and the other on Lord Camlash. When both of you are gone, then I will close my eyes to dream of you fighting in the depths of hell. I did not dismissed the Prime Leader, but he took the last remark as his exit call. I am the only Lord who can sleep well without any army to protect me, except the Praetorian Guards, and they are the ones which can also take my head without my order. Its like lying in the viper pits with the viper guarding your entrance, and you can’t  move as it may strike you too.

It was not the heat which woke me from my thoughts; it was the silence of the chamber. I looked at my Mistress sleeping soundly without worries; she had none to worry with me around. But today I am concerned for her safety. The guards has been doubled the last few nights and so has the patrols. I heard of there are assassins in the city and they may strike but who; no one knows.
It was the flutter of the butterfly which alerted me, but to see it at this hour flying in the garden, tells me something is amiss. The moon did not help much but the wooden panels did creak ever so slightly. It was enough for me to spring towards the dark figure and grapple the person out of the reach of the Mistress. Both of us landed on the porch outside the chamber, but my dagger was out before I hit the flooring. It found its mark on the thigh of the assassin, whose cry of pain was muffled by their training. The figure came at me with a down thrust of the short sword preferred by many assassin but I managed to stepped back to avoid it. My next throw was without failure; it struck him at the left eye and he dropped his sword in pain. That was when I rolled over on my back to land at his feet and took the final thrust with my other dagger into his ribs beneath the heart. The upward thrust did not failed me as it hit burst his arteries that supplies the heart. The assassin was dead before the rest of the body guards arrived.
And all this while, my Mistress slept without waking up. She must be a heavy sleeper or she is smiling at me inside her.

Conal did not turned up as other nights; maybe he is busy or tired. Nevertheless, I continued my own training and when completed, I took my patrol on the perimeter wall and was glad that its over, as its boring to see nothing happening. As I was walking back to my guard post, I heard a cry for help form the chamber. It sounded like Mistress Kimi, so I ran towards the chamber. On my way there, I saw two guards lying down in the outer corridor; silenced with a blood coming out of their upper chest. I rushed down the corridor towards the Inner chamber, and saw the third guard dead on the door to the Inner chamber. As I entered the chamber, I saw the assassin just finishing off the last guard, and was about  to step towards the young master and his mistress. She was holding the master with her arms and looking scared, while my master was whimpering in her arms. Without hesitation, I called out to the assassin to my direction.
I took one careful step into the chamber, with my ‘bo’ ready for an attack. My challenger was a big man all dressed in black and had on a mask of the hyena. His weapon was the sickle with a long chain attached at the end with a short knife. He turned to face me and swung his sickle at me. I jumped aside using the long staff to defend; striking the sickle to missed its intended target. But the assassin was on his feet towards me with the other end of the short knife; a move to thrust it in my torso, but that was blocked when I swung my long staff downwards on his knife arm. His move was very agile but I had anticipated his move. The assassin retract his sickle to prepared for his next move, but I had mine moved into action. My side swing of the long staff at his left was blocked by the knife, but I did a pull on the staff back towards me to thrust it out directly at his face. He just managed to evade the thrust by leaning backwards, but the long staff caught his face mask, causing it to be removed. I am now looking at a man who is like any other on the street except this one has the skill to kill with stealth.
If it was not the Mistress Kimi’s effort, the battle would had gone on. The small stool thrown at the assassin by the Mistress diverted the assassin attention , which allowed me to land a heavy blow on his left shoulder causing him to drop the sickle. That was my cue to follow up with an inward swing on the long staff to hit the side of the head; a blow which ruptured his left ear drums. The assassin staggered from the blows and left his body defence open. My forward thrust to his chest was fatal and he collapsed forward on his knees. The assassin was facing down to the floor and dropped his knife. He raised his head to looked at me and said; ‘they lied when they said you are only a boy.’
It was then more guards came in with their drawn weapons. I was surprised that it took them so long to come. I looked at my master who is still sitting at the corner with his wife; so different from the master I spar with nightly.
‘We apologies, Master. The gates was blocked by some beam and we had to take a detour to get here. And there is another assassin at the Lord’s chamber too.’

Lord Camlash
The bastard had almost killed me on my own sleeping mat. His effort was not without result, as my double was sleeping there. I normally sleep in the side cupboard, built for my ‘reduced’ size. Its arranged in the same row with my other cupboards, making it inconspicuous to one who is not familiar with the design. No one knew I have a double except my own personal guards in the chamber. Its a well kept secret since the last attempt after I was crippled, which almost succeeded if not for my own determination to stay alive. I fought the assassin while I move on my stumps. The guards came in soon to saved me and killed the assassin. Buy now my own personal guards are dead, except for me alone now again. I can see my assassin looking at the body on the mat and has doubt on it. But that is all I need to release my trap, designed by me and installed since then. From the side of the other wall, a released catch on the spring, showered the room with arrows. I tested it myself with some earlier guards and none came out alive. Nor will this one. The assassin was laid down with three arrows on his back, although he managed to slash at the ones which came him from in front. If that trap had failed, I would had open the rear hatch to slipped out of my secret place to exit to the next room.
After I had killed the assassin, I opened my secret hatch to exit at the next room. I mounted on my other spare push cart and proceeded to come back to my room. The guards who just arrived was slashing at the dead assassin in revenge for my so called ‘death’. They stopped when I came in and immediately bowed on their knees to seek my forgiveness for being late. I saw myself out and pushed to the Main Hall to seek the man I need to carry out some action. He finally turned up still clad in his night clothes.
‘Domo, remove the bodies and kill the guards who came late to my rescue. And then give me a full report. And also something for me to eat.’ I had to hold onto the pushcart to avoid him seeing my hands shaking.

A total of twenty two guards was killed in the acts, besides the seven who came in last to the Lord’s chamber. They include the ones found at the different location and also at the children’ chamber. Physicians and minders were dispatched to see to the well being of the children, but the Lord refused treatment of any form. He is busy indulging in his food which includes some red meat and wine. A feat which I cannot contest with as of now, my body still filled with fear of death.
‘Domo, are the children well?’ He cares for them only.
‘Yes, your choice of guards saved their live. Mistress Camy does not remember anything that happened, although Conal is in shock. Physician are treating him now.’ I know of Mistress Camy sleep pattern; heavily aided by the flower that they served to her as a tea drink. She drinks it like her dead mother nightly to overcome the nightmares. Poor girl who has to served the same punishment. Conal was not what his father expected. This is the first attempt on both children and the one who is awake needs more attention.
‘Get me new guards, and fast. Better still, get them from the monastery. I will pay good for them. And find out who hired those assassins. Someone got to pay for their call.’
I did all I could but I could find nothing at all. I send out words to the Monasteries for able guards, and got the reply that they are short of any now. I seek out some good ones from many sources for the Lord and finally he is satisfied. Today, he has ten of them at his side.
Now I am back in the cottage in the forest.
‘How are you, father?’ She cared for me despite the way I treated her; banished to this place for over fifteen years now. I took the drink she gave me and sat myself down at the stool at the table.
‘Where’s Darius?’ I see not the young ward who was to stay in the forest.
‘I know not. I searched him every where since the night before. I am not his real mother; you know that. But I tried to be one. I even loved him now as my own. But he seems to have left me. He also left the amulet and pouch. I heard some woodcutter tells me they saw him going north. I think he seeks someone.’
‘Fools! Why can’ they be in their places?’ I threw the drink onto the floor. The water in it splashed across the floor, was seen to be flowing into the cracks in the floor. Soon it will dry but the water will travel back to its source. ‘He seeks the Praetorian, but I can’t stop the events that will take place. Its all concluded before I can controlled it.’
‘Does he know, father?’ She was with the wounds of a mother who is lost now, and fears her wound may be permanent inside soon.
‘I think not. He is seeking now a figure for a father. He sees the Praetorian as his father figure now. He emulates the man, but he may be disappointed. I hope he does.’ I looked at my daughter who has lost not once her child, but two. She is not to be blamed for this is her life chosen by others. Others like myself, who tries to draw the circle, but its actually drawing its own lines.

Grand Lord
The act was in the play and we let the actors decide the script. We come to see a play which no one knows the ending, but awaits the next curtain raise with anticipation. I heard of the attempts from my spies but I await the man to tell me his version.
‘They acted as per instruction, but failed in the attempt. Not one but all three. Shall I send another, Grand Lord?’
He must take me for a fool to do this again. I sometimes wonder if my Prime Leader Romus knows what is on his mind and mine, or does his mind contradicts mine. We planned the assassination and know it may failed,  but we did not planned on doing it till they die. So the attempt failed, then we will let it be registered as failed. After all, there is only success or failure.
‘No, let them be. Now my Lord Camlash knows what it feels like to have your loved ones threatened. Do you know of the pain, Prime Leader Romus? Never mind, we have other things on hand to do. Tell me who is planning my rebellion now. Who dares to?’
I looked at the Prime Leader Romus; not you I hoped.

Prime Leader Romus
The bastard arranged the whole thing on me. He planned it all, although it was us who discuss it. But its my gold that paid the assassins, my orders to do the killing, and also my head will roll if the others find out. It was he who asked me to kill the nephew, and now he may just blame me for the rebellion.
He asked me to send the bodyguard for the young master, and planned on which target for the assassins. Now he wants to send his message of dismay and hope to Lord Camlash.He hoped that it will put me in as the pawn in his plans. But he forgets that I hold the Praetorian as a card. A card which I dealt out and may shift the power of the negotiation.
But where is my Praetorian? I was told he traveled north two moons ago, and yet nothing is heard of him. Maybe he lies in some swamp or hole, courtesy of the bandits.
Or maybe he is well and alive. Or maybe he is planning a battle.
So how is my Praetorian with so many secrets?

Praetorian Genus
‘Heave to, you useless bunch. You eat night and day, yet you work like the women. And they only work at night.’ This boat is the largest in the fleet and will be Command ship. I smiled at myself, for a man who has yet to stepped onto the sea before, I am beginning to look and think like many of these seafarers. Not all the Outsiders are seafarers, but those who are took the skills as a need to survive. They adept and adopt the skills from the original people who used to stay here. But there were a couple of them who found home here, from the neighboring continents; they bought ideas and plan which the boat are constructed. They are recruited in as ‘Shipwrights’; some of them was coerced over the threat of death too, but eventually they all agreed to be one. They taught us the different woods for the boats, the method to cut them which includes making new tools, the sails and also the oars. It was a very skilled job, as the shipwright would decide which wood can best be used of the different parts of the boat. We have skilled carpenters who knows how to shape and fit the parts.
Not all the ships are made from scratch but captured boats or wrecked found on the beaches from previous raids are salvaged and re-fitted with the parts from the others. But before a tree is chopped down, we have our woodcutters who knows how to fell a tree without losing the lives of the people around it. The cutting is done with axes and wedges; carefully the trunk are notched in the direction you wanted it to fall. Then a deep cut was made on the opposite side and wedges driven in to help push the tree over. Once the tree is down, its hauled to the nearest open are for the craftsman to removed the limbs they want. Everything on the tree is used for some area of work or as materials for other use. The bark of the tree goes to tan hides and skins; whereas the fibers just beneath the bark are used to make ropes which can go back to the woodcutters as tools. Not even the twigs are wasted as they chopped up and added with sawdust and chippings; they are an excellent material to smoke fish, meat and cheese. Some of it are retain as smaller off cuts saved to make charcoal. Its the main part of the trunk that would be split into wedge shape like slices of cake and these slices were then carefully trimmed into planks.
The trees grown in woods and forests tend to be straight and upright as they do not suffer from the force fo the wind which may bend  the trunk in its growth. So this makes the carpenter  works easier to split the timber with with long planks. But not all the trunks are split for that, as some portion are kept for the bigger parts of the boat like the keel or mast step. Most parts of the fittings are held together with wooden pins that were split and wedged to hold them in place. As metal like iron are preferred for weapons, the alternative is to work with the next best material. These 'wooden rivets' are employed in many areas of the hull, simply wooden pieces driven into a gap or bored holes through the component pieces. At the other end, a small split is started into which a smaller wedge is also driven. This locks the rivets in tight neither moving forward or back. Some parts of the ships needed to be lashed down, and the best material is the treated fiber cords.
Once the main pieces had been chosen and carved from the solid wood, the construction of the Hull or body of the ship could begin. The Keel the lowest and most central timber, was the primary and most important timber in the ship. It ran from one end to the other as a single piece of wood, with the Bow-post and Sternpost being attached at either end. The posts and the keel would then be joined with iron roves to start the hull, with the three main sections being wedged securely upright with wooden props. There is always the tendency for the ship to leak at this point. To counter this, animal or human hair rolled in hot tar are used to trapped between the gaps and leakages. It can be seen how all these bits of wood were held together sufficiently tightly to make the ships strong enough to cross the open ocean. The steering oar fits over a solid rounded piece of wood attached to the section of the hull. The Rudder is roped through the hull and woven cord, holds it;  tightened up to draw the rudder tight into the hull. The rudder is then secured with a heavy strapping to stop it flapping about and a series of ropes are attached to it to allowed better steer control and if need be to raised it when swallow water is seen; to avoid it getting caught in land or mud.
When the season was close to changing, we had built about 150 boats; a rare achievements considering the task and skills to be learned. They ranged from a twenty to fifty oars and hold a sail each, depending on the size of the tree trunk. The command ship was the biggest with eighty oars but it was rigged with an extra sail for more flow.
‘Soon we will be ready’ I told Braven. He has become more like a friend now, and we shared our talks with issues of warfare and strategy. I begin to liked this man and prayed that we will not be enemies anymore.

Lieutenant Damai
These are crazy months, but its been fun to be with this Outsiders. I was assigned to the weapon making section where a number of ladies are engaged in to help. The ladies will shape twigs of different length into arrows or the longer branches to be shaped into a long pike staff and later attached with a spear or pike head. I reckon in a boat to boat fight, the long reach of the long pike staff will be a good weapon to the sword. It can also be used as a deterrent for boarding parties. On the ground, it can be used as  thrusting arm with longer reach. Moreover, its easier to teach them to fight with the long pole than the close combat sword. I find in a battle field, groups of men clustered together with their pikes as outwards to the enemies is a threatening sight. I taught them how to form the ‘shield’ against lancers; sixty men with fifteen on each side forming a square with a hollowed center, with the three men in a row. They learned to do this on the cue of signals and learned to march in direction without braking the formation. I also taught them how to do ‘forward march’ in rows on open grounds with hand signals and verbal commands to carry out certain maneuvers during a battle. The learned to move in strength against different attacks formations. I had the lancers charging them with wooden lances to feel the pace of the battle and pain of defeat. The days of charging blindly with the sword is over, its not organized movements with strong results on the advancement and killing. The pike man main concerns are archers, which in most cases do not come down to the battlefield directly. So the next weapon would be the shield carried by the pikemen. They are trained to raised it and protect themselves or formed the shield wall to protect all of them including lancers. The shield movement is like the shell of the turtle; strong and well covered the body.
For our shields, the carpenter passed on the discarded pieces which are shaved into small planks and made into square shields. Each shield is held with lashes of bindings or tar. Each piece can cover the holder from his knee to his chin and the width of his chest. Unless you are faced with Signar and his heavy battle axe, you are relatively safe behind one of these shields. They are work of art by itself. A section of the shield on the right side, is cut with an opening for the pike staff to be slotted out as a lance. On each shield is the engraved sign of the Outsiders, the image of the circle with its perfect circumference. This same sign is on the breast plate amour of the men, although this one is drawn to cover the earlier engraved designs of the army, as most of their breastplates are taken from battlefields, or fallen heroes of engagements.
We also developed short swords, half the length of my broadsword, but they are effective in the close combat with less space needed for the swings and thrust. I took some wooden trunks and dressed it up like a Yellow Beard, and I got the people to trained on it. By the end of the day, the animals skins are in shreds and a new coat may be put on. Eventually its not needed, but the people still slash and thrust at the wooden trunk regardless. Soon I moved my training to do one to one combat with wooden swords of heavier weight. This is built up their reaction and speed, and also the feel of the blow when you are hit. As time progressed, they moved to trained with the actual weapons. My last count of casualties today was twenty maimed or wounded since sundown.
Those who are not good at close combat fighting are taught archery.  A number of bow and arrows are built but these are limited in numbers. And its not easy to trained someone in that skill given the short time we were given. But we tried and if they can hit a target at fifty paces then they are qualified. The ones which we find with little skills in fighting, we got them to built boats or weapons with the women. Or they drive wagons for supplies.
I find myself disbelieving that I am teaching the Outsiders to fight like my own men, but it was to be. I gave them basic training and then the more advanced fighting modes. They learned fast and the most surprising part was the ladies who joined in to learn too. One day, l saw a lady took down a burly man armed only with her wooden sword, and he was with a long staff. She managed to block the blows and got in her own on his groin. That put paid to his earlier boast of conquering her. Her name is Nina and she is the daughter of a warrior who died in the battle at River Ends. She bear me no grudges on my involvement with the army or at River Ends, only that she dislike me for not allowing her to use a real sword. Its seems that the swords are all reserved for the men while the women can learn to use the staff or spears. The rationale for that was the level of contact in battle was not so close if you fight with a staff or spear. Some wise man decided that the sight of spluttering blood may alarmed the ladies. Not these ladies as I can see in my training; they fight like men and squabble like one too.
It was one afternoon that I saw a fight between Nina and another. They both soon drew their staff and faced each other with deadly blows. The surrounding men just stood and cheered them on as if its another normal event. I wanted to intervene but was stopped by Signar. Signar just gave me the look that said no. The fight was soon over, with Nina on the ground with a bad gash on her forehead. The winner was about to rain her staff on the fallen foe, when I decided it was enough.
‘Stopped the fight. You won.’ The lady holding the staff glared at me as if I have intruded on a private matter. ‘She has lost and you win.’
‘Nay, she won alright.’ The lady threw her staff on the ground and limped away. I reached out with my hand to raise Nina up but she refused my help and got up herself. ‘Its your fault I lose’; was her reply before she walked off too. The crowd soon dispersed and I was left facing Signar.
‘You should had given her your broadsword.’ I think Signar knew what happened here. ‘Because its the sword she wants to use.’
‘She can’t use mine. And there are many sword around in the armory.’
‘Nay, she wants to share yours. You been too long away from a woman. You will soon become a monk.’
Or maybe I am the one who should be monk.

They teach these officers many things in their career, but not the ways of life. This is something which they have to learn. I learned more when I was here. I think these are my people, the ones I left behind many years ago. Now I will teach them to how to survive on their own here. And hopefully they will accept me back.
The lad I saved is always with me; asking a lot of questions which I have no answers to some. But I tried to take care of him and his grandmother. His parents are dead; in the hands of the army, but vengeance is not on their mind, salvation is more the reason.
Today we found a young lad wandering in the forest. He claims to look for a Praetorian but not his name was mentioned. He also said he came from the far away forest and met the Praetorian there. The lad name is Darius.

I left the forest which was my home since I was born. I followed the direction given by the woodcutters to go north. I do not know why I followed onto north, but I did. I walked and slept in the forest and plains. I even met some bandits who was kind to me; they gave me food and shelter for a new days. It was then when I feel sick from some bad fruits. The bandits tended to me and send me off when I was well. But nothing surprised me more when I met an old lady in the forest path. She asked me to assist her in carrying her load, which I did. Then she told me that I might one day be famous and meet my father. I asked in curiosity why she said that. She replied its in the circle, whatever that means. I think she is a witch or worse a blood sucker. I left her as soon as we reached her cottage in the forest, and made my way back to the main trail.
But my journey soon came to an end when I met these band of men training in the forest. They were led by a huge man who carries an axe with double blade. I told him of my journey to seek the Praetorian, and he asked me more questions. It then crossed my mind that I know not who the Praetorian is and why I seek him.
Why not my grandfather or other men I met in my life?
But we were soon met and the Praetorian was surprised to see me.

Praetorian Genus
‘Braven, the men and the boats are ready. We can sailed any day now. The ‘shipwrights’ said so with their charts and tools. I believe them too.’
I know the preparation is ready and the men are getting restless. Braven took one step forth to see his  fleet of boats; he is impressed from the expression on his face.
‘Lead them for me. I  am their Leader but you are their Commander. They respect you and your Lieutenant.’
‘Its your fleet, Braven. I only assist in the building and training. If there is victory, you should helm it.’ I can sense his reluctance and concerned that he is not the commander they want.
‘No, Genus. I made my decision. Take them to fight; avenge their losses and family, and let me see you win.’ I would had argue further, but I can sense the man is not going to change his mind. He did consult me before on who should take care of the Outsiders during the campaign against the Yellow Beard. Just as in any war, the General takes the battle, but the King celebrate the victory.
‘Braven, take care of the young lad for me. Darius is young and has to understand the ways of the battle more so on the sea.’ I am worried about Darius as he is too young to go out there. He still carries his bow and arrows, but this is a different beast’ that he faces; they don’t bite, they killed without a single thought. Braven agreed to it, and my mind was at ease.
I have over a thousand man to man the boats and these same men will fight like soldiers. I wondered how many will return to these beaches. Perhaps half or none at all. We are ready for a voyage of two months and if need be find more food and drinks on the foreign land. If we failed in our voyage, Braven is to withdraw the settlement to inland for the season. He will know when we return as messenger will be dispatched like in any battles.
‘Find me the Lieutenant.’ I told a young lad mending some nets on the beach.

Lieutenant Damai
I disliked separations; they bleed a part of you to dry. I told Nina I need to go but she was reluctant to let me leave without a last hug. I disliked that as it makes me more sad to leave her. Its the same with my wife back at the city; I hardly hug her when I am to do battle. I just tell her that I am, and she will accept it. The twins do the same as they been well coached by their mother. But now I wished I had hugged them before I left, as I am now with Nina.
I been with Nina since the day of the fight. I went over to see her and tend to her wounds and comfort. From then, I was in her home more times than the assigned quarters. One evening, I found my stuff was all send over to her home, then I knew I had no more assigned quarters. One things about our relationship is that we never spoke of the past and only the present. I think in both of us there is a fear that one day we may never meet as friends. I trained her myself in the art of swordsmanship; even giving her a new short sword I procure from the blacksmith, but she prefer mine more even though its heavier to fight by her. Soon I find myself with the new lighter and shorter sword while she uses mine. The lady in training has improved a lot and she can match her own against some of the men now. They called her the ‘sword lady’.
When the day came for us to sail, she offered me back my sword but I declined. I am used to the lighter sword now and find my skills are more deadly with new moves. ‘Keep it well, and I will be back for it. You must remember that the weight of the blade is your bane, so let the flow handle it. Don;t push or pull against it; let it swing by its own. It will do your work for you.’
Her silence is my reply that she understood. Its been that way sometimes, when she does not reply to my instructions but just do it as told. She is a good soldier, but sadly she is my lover. For the later, I am indebted to protect her and not the way around. When the sails was raised, I left her on the beach after a tight hug and kiss. She waved at me until I cannot see her on the beach. I looked towards the fleet which has just set sail;  a hundred and fifty boats with over a thousand men to fight an enemy which we know not of their strength and skills.
Its the kind of fight I liked. The unknown one which many unknowns will be made to known soon.

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Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...