Friday, July 6, 2012

Crusaders Part 40



Ben returned to us two days later and he looks new again. But what he told us was more to our liking. "I know where we can find the Nowhere Key. Its by the coast of the great ocean where the dragons of the water spurts water instead of fire, and the swift fishes swims by the boats to guide and also to rescue them when they capsized."

Our next part of the journey was to take us the land named as Bacallao by the coast of the continent which we are on now. We were guided by the Huron warrior to their borders and told to move east until we see the great ocean. But what intrigues us most was the fog that swept the land like in our own city of London.

"Are we back in London, Gerald?" Micheal asked me, but I shook my head.

"Not unless the world has become smaller since we left. I think this is part of the new World. I once met a Portuguese who said he laid claim to this land. He called it Terras do Bacalhau."The place is like Dover with the strong winds and coastline, and we sight an island out on the ocean. Then we saw the red figure standing at the coast.but as we neared him, we see he is actually cover in the red ochre on all his body and clothes.

"My name is Qu-bee, and I would guide you to the island of my people." As he speaks, he point to a boat that lay at the beach. You may bring your weapons but you can released the mounts. They are not needed from here on."

The boat took us across the gulf to the large island and soon we were swamped by the people of Qu-bee upon our landing.

"They heard of your coming and they would like to view the Man of Nowhere too." They stood by us as we waited next to Qu-bee to see the person named as Man of Nowhere. Or so we thought of as a man but we were shown a different entity altogether as its a spirit housed in a sea dragon.

"Behold the Man of Nowhere." The great creature is huge with large gaping mouth and high forehead with a gigantic long body of a fish shape and big fins. The sea dragon sprouts it power in the form of the sprout of water from the top of its head. The creature submerged into the water with its tail making a big splash. It then rises up and leap into the air like a jumping fish but this one is huge and magnificent. Then it did the leap again but this time the Sea Dragon sprout a fountain of water into the skies.

Just as the water reached the skies, we saw a dark looming creature slowly emerging from the ocean surface. The Sea Dragon is not alone as we saw now in the ocean a giant squid but this one is different as this giant squid had not not only tentacles but on each tip of the tentacles are sharp talons. Its huge too and with its spread of the deadly tentacles, it looks ever menacing to the Sea Dragon. The squid sink its tentacles into the Dragon causing it to cry out in pain and a high shriek sound was heard. The squid lashed out with its talons as it hurt the sea dragon who is now trying to swim away.

Once it was broken free, the Sea Dragon dived into the ocean and was not seen, until a loud ear piercing sound like scream came about. As the sound died down, the squid was seen hurled out of the ocean by the force of the water sprouted by the giant sea dragon. The Sea Dragon came on not only with the water sprout but raised it gigantic mass from the waves to slammed into the squid in its under belly. The force of the impact caused the squid to dissipate into a mass of dark energy that evaporate under the bright sunlight. The sea dragon soon dived back into the ocean while a whirlpool was created where it went in. The whirlpool twirl for a while and then its settled down to calm waves.

"Is that it? We don't get to say hello at all?" I had to asked.

"No, Sir Black. He is has been hurt and he needs to go to the depths to recover. He would now reside in the dark abyss beneath the ocean till he is fully recovered." I turned my back to see Morgana standing behind us.

"How long have you been here?"

"Long enough to view the fight and also to collect the Key of Nowhere for you. Trust a man to do a job and he gets distracted by the action. Here is your Key." Morgana hands us a scroll in her extended hand. I took it from her like one year ago, I accepted the task of being a Warrior of Light.


One year ago

"Sir Gerald Black, Sir Micheal and Baron Helmut. I am addressing you all three as you stand before my Lord. I have a task for you. One of grave consequences but needing the strong will of proven warriors. You all fit the bill. Its not a coincidence that all three of you are here today. Your meeting at the Inn and then the convening here at this Church is the work of God and HE has a need of you."

After the fight at the Inn, it was the Innkeeper who told us to hide in the Church as the guards would be arriving to check on the Magistrate. All three of us took to our mount and rode to the Church. There we were met by a man in a cloak covering his face as he led us in. It was him who spoke to us before the image of God in this Church.

"I fear you are mistaken, priest. We were told to come here to avoid some misunderstanding with the Guards. Its our good fortune to be given refuge by you. But if you are thinking of recruiting us to some task, I may suggest you do that another time. We are tired and have been interrupted of a meal; me more in particular." I took step back and rest myself on one of the benches. It was Micheal who shown some interest and he showed it to the priest.

"Father, tell us more of what you asked. I been a warrior of the evil and if the Church has a a need of my services, I am ever willing." Micheal removed his riding cloak and held it in his arms.

"Baron Helmut as you already know my name. Its amazes me as it was only yesterday I landed in England. So tell one who knows my name, what do you need of my services? The family of mine have been warriors placing these demons to their rightful places since my grandfather and his before that." Another one speaks of serving the Church while I been doing them on placed orders from the Archbishop. I do it as it comes with some gold coins most times. But I also done my killing of demons as it intrude into my works sometimes.

"Ok, they are keen but I am still yet to be convinced. Tell me, priest as I know not your name as yet. So pardon me if I do not called you father." I adjust my rapier so that its does not get caught on the benches.

"Perhaps this would suffice." The priest produced a scroll from his robe.he unrolled it to release a spot of light that shine to the ceiling and soon would reveal an image of HIM. Just as I thought it was another fake conjurer tricks, I was more surprised that the figure could speak to us.

"My last faithful mortal servant was Moses. He climbed up the mountain to speak to me as I commanded him to do so. He was not in despair but I so commanded him to come forth to received the Commandments so he may lead the people well. Just as Moses had done his duty, I have come to speak to you as I am in need of mortal warriors to further the war on the demons which are still roaming on this world. I have sent Gabriel to seek those who are qualified and he has come to tell me of you all. You would be my choice for warrior as the war is not over.

You know of the war between the Son of Light and Dark but that war did not end then. It would never end as many more battles would be fought then and would be from now. But the war would not be fought by my angels but by the mortals in the age of Man. The fallen angels have appointed their champions among the mortal and some immortalize by the fallen angels in the form of half man and demon. These are the ones which I am in need of your assistance."

"I thought we done more of them already." Micheal was asking as if efforts are not effective.

"Yes, Micheal. You did but there are more and they are more dangerous. You may asked like what Sir Black was thinking to do so. Why not let me removed them for you? I am the all powerful being here, but I can't and won't. As you know this is the age of Man and one of the wonders of this age is self reliant by the mortal who dwell here.
You mortals must carry on the battles until such time, hopefully it would end with us victory."

"God, do you tell me you are not sure if we win? Are you no the almighty being and yet you cannot be sure who wins." I wanted to understand the logic of asking us to sacrificed our lives for this cause.

"Thank you, Sir Black. You are finally involved in our discussion. I am the Almighty Being but I never claimed to be the All Seeing Being. I do not see the future as I made Man not to know his destiny but to journey on one during his mortal life. That was my aspiration when I created the age of Man. But I was not to foreseen that at this age, some of the angels would displayed their darker sides and joined to be the Fallen Angels. Just as Man would journey to his undisclosed destiny, I am to take the same journey myself with the glories and follies. But beneath all of this, is the workings of evil to take their war to the mortal world. They seek to gain grounds here by giving their champions to roam the mortal plane. If Man is to be harassed by these demons, then they would be given the warriors to protect them. And you are the first few to be chosen. I would show your guide and assistant in the quest."

The priest removed his cloak and showed his true self; he is truly an angel with the wings on his back.

"I am Gabriel and I would be your friend in the new battles. Just as the fallen angels or devils as you named them; they have armed their followers here with evil power. If you are to combat them, you need to better protected.

Sir Black, your preferred weapon is the rapier and as such it would be yours. I give you the power to inflict a thousand cuts on one of yours.

Sir Micheal, yours are the steel balls which you used in your guns. I would grant the same for your but the steel balls you fired on their flesh would traveled in their flesh damaging their vital parts.

Baron Helmut; you hold the most acclaimed sword of King Arthur. None need to bestowed on you as Excalibur you hold is a weapon that man and demons cannot hold up against.

Not that the three of you are chosen as the warriors of Light, you would be given tasks to complete against the evil doing of the demons. Should you ever be in need of me, call upon my name and i would appear before you. I would try to provide you the extra strength or alliance but I need to cautioned you, that sometimes I may failed to all you asked of. In cases like these your internal strength and skills would need to be exercised and As the last of encouragement; may God bless you. That is the last bastion of hope if all looks bleak."

I don't know about the others but I felt like I was in a trance and I can't help myself to do anything to stop it.

"Wait a minute.... Angel. I mean Gabriel. We are on first name basis right. Can we have a moment to think things over. Its not every day we get a call from HIM to do God's work." I am still confused and I needed time to think.

"Sir Black, you been doing HIS works but you were not aware of it. Tell me how many demons have you vanquished in the last ten years? You are not sure, right? Me neither but you did a fair number I was told last. So now you are just continuing the works but we would helping you. If you are concerned on the compensation, I can tell you that the rewards may not be always be materialistic but there are some that may come with heavenly virtues." Gabriel stopped and point to the dark corner.

"Come forth, Marcus. You hid long enough.I meant your master no harm." Marcus stepped out not as a man but a creature which I am familiar with. Micheal and Helmut held up their arms to defend themselves.

"Meet the last member of the warriors. Even the demons can be persuaded to do the Lords' work. "


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