Wednesday, August 1, 2012

CWE Book I Part III Chapter X

Lord Camlash
The conference was a failure, as we all discussed was the death of Lord Mathis and his young son, Mitus. No Lord asked when will the current Grand Lord choose to retire his position and allowed the appointment of a new Grand Lord. Lord Nictin who arrived late was not a supporter of Lord Mathis, whom we fought together with before spoke a word of unpleasantries on the departed Lord. That triggered off an argument with Lord Giantus, and soon some Lords took the side of Lord Nictin. In the end, we saw the Lords leaving in groups again, with only myself and Micha standing there. Lord Micha waved his hand to dismissed the guards including the Prime Leader.
‘We are alone again, Micha. Just like the other night years ago. Then I made you Grand Lord,and today you tell me you are retiring and then come back with a larger city and army, courtesy of Mathis.’ I took up my cup of wine and took a big gulp. Its sweet yet intoxicating, such a potent combination.
‘True, every time we meet alone, you have some plans for me. Pray tell me I am involved as I cannot be bear to be your enemy; for a snake like you even a mongoose will turn tail.’ He laughed at me and I joined him too. Yes, if I am the snake, then he need to fear me even though he is a mongoose. He knows I can outwit him, but right now I feel I need to change my alliance plans.
‘Micha, the Prime Leaders cannot be trusted, and you know it. But there are some in the Praetorian which we can trust or convince to be on our side. ‘ I decided to snap at him with my view. And he bought it.
‘A Praetorian like the one you have in your care. He done well for you. But I have none of these on my side, saved a Prime Leader. He is not to be trusted, but he works well for other reasons.’ I know Micha relies on this Prime Leader, but there are three more to choose from.
‘Raihan is too far, Romus is too shy and Rimua; I see not of him except at certain functions. Perhaps you can enlighten me of some seniors I can looked at. Or perhaps yours’; he is an experienced Praetorian.‘ Micha continued with his sarcasm.
‘There are others, but the cost is your friendship, not alliance I asked; just friendship in the coming times. Be my friend so that I can reduce our odds in the selection of the next Grand Lord.’ I hope that Micha can see my way.
‘You mean like the previous Grand Lord and then be removed by his own men. I doubt so.’ Micha is a very careful man.
‘No, you still have an army and guards. I only asked you for not interfered in the coming war, but keep above it. Your enemies will be taken care of in time.
Micha gave me his smile and walked away. He knows how to avoid a trap and set up one well.
Unfortunately it was not me who start off the new war. It was they who I thought was friends. And it was no Succession War, only an undeclared war which no Lords owned up to the action.
Now in conflict, all friends can be enemies and enemies your friends, depending on who favors you. The first strike came from Nictin to me. And soon myself to Nictin and then other joined in. Such is the way of warring Lords; they just need someone to fight on always.

The alarm was raised on the movement of some army towards Red Hill. We were warned not to received anybody except from that of our own city. In this case, the army matching towards us was from Lord Nictin. It was commanded by a General Andrei, who is known for his strategy. His army is of two thousand marchmen and five hundred lancers. Its a small force considering the man in the front who normally leads more than twenty thousand at any one time. Maybe they reckon the target like Red Hill needs is not men but strategy.
Moreover the Undeclared War has been around for three full moon now, and the Praetorian with the Grand Lord sits by the sidelines. The other major Lord, Giantus also choose to sit it out and did not interfered in any battle. Our own force at Red Hill was reduced to a mere 800 marchmen and servants, with not many archers in the hill. The bulk fo the guards was moved to the main city to prepare for new battles which Lord Camlash has a few now on his borders. No one expected to hit the target like Red Hill to be hit soon, so we sacrifice the extra troops for the Lord’s own defence.
I ran to the Inner chamber to seek the master and his mistress who is now with a heavier load. The master was at his table, frantic with writing messages to be sent to his father, which will never be replied in time like these. I told the Mistress of the invading army and seek that she find cover for the master and herself in the tower. The tower is a tall structure with a circumference of 10 man length only and a height of 250 man length feet, and its serviced by a spiral staircase with four platforms as the floors. The top of the Tower is use as the observation center for the stars, but today it will served as the safe-room for the master and his mistress. Food and drinks had been prepared and a simple bedding will suffice as sleeping arrangement. The top floor of the platform is sealed off with a heavy wooden door locked from the inside the tower. There is no main door at the entrance into the tower. I took the hardship of leaving some weapons on the different floor in case I need to use it for any defence purpose.
I saw Lieutenant Damai on his horse, moving from one place to another with orders for the men, but there was little we can do but wait. The Lieutenant on seeing me asked that I moved Mistress Camy there too, but she is not to be found. I was assigned to look for her in the place and bring here to the Tower.

My mistress sat at the high branch of the tree overlooking the main entrance to the hill retreat, alongside with me. We laid hidden most of the time, to avoid being caught by our guards, as the Mistress wants to see the enemy on a first hand basis. There are about a hundred guards here at the entrance and they were led by Signar to defend it. Some of the guard was on the wall side looking over to the open road, while others was hanging around the guard house or the gate. Signar was busy swinging his hands as if he is participating  in a coming event of a game.
Soon the sound of the approaching army can be heard. From our vantage point, I can see the head of the column which is the marchmen, alongside their commander. I heard that he is General by rank and is very experienced by reputation. I took up my bow and strung in my arrow, pulling at the string on the bow to check its tautness. I aimed at the General who is now riding forward to stopped before the entrance to Red Hill. The General asked for the permission to come in, and to protect the young master and mistress. Signar replied that all was well and declined the assistance. But the General insist on seeing the master and mistress, so there were exchange of words between the two.
It was then I noticed some movement on the far side of right side of the gate, where the slope is less steep. I saw the General is keeping the gate guards busy while his men is trying to sneak in from the right side. I looked to the left and saw it was steep and no one was daring the slope there. I turned my attention back to the right wall and aimed with my bow at the nearest man who was about to scale over the wall. My arrow took him in the thigh as he was about to climb over, and his shout in pain was heard by the defenders. Signar rushed some of his men to the right wall, armed with pikes they pushed anyone who tries to get in. Those who did was unlucky to be speared or slashed by the guards when they fell over. That attempt being discovered open the fight as the invaders tried to storm the gate. Signar had it reinforced with additional bars and he had some of his men throwing buckets of oil over the wall. That made the path slippery and difficult to walked on.
I was busy with my bow taking down officers and any brave soldiers. every time I hit a officer, my mistress jumped with joy, but I am concerned on her safety. Signar on seeing my help was glad but soon turn to concern for the mistress. He told me to leave for the next gate as he feared the gate cannot hold too long with the enemy battering it now. I told Signar to look for the trails I set through the forest slope as in the weeks here, we learned of some hidden trails that shorten our trip by half if not more. Then Signar returned to the gate just as it was about to be broken down by the ongoing battering. From the broken gate, men began to swamp in but the narrow entrance broken allowed not more than two men at a time. Signar and his men grabbed these men as they come through to kill them. He did this for a while, until when the whole gate came down. Then more of the enemies can barged in with their weapons drawn. This was when Signar fled with his men to the next gate, but some stayed back to defend the fallen barricade. But the numbers of invaders was soon to overcome the defenders.
Signar and his remaining men ran for the next gate through the marked trails and reinforced that one too. I would assist him with archery skills but I am limited in the number of arrows. So I had to retreat further up with my mistress in tow. Signar kept some guards on the trail in case someone follow through but none did. He repeated the same defensive moves until we reached the fifth gate, and having lost almost all the original hundred men which Signar had, he ordered us to retreat back to the top of the hill. Signar will make his final stand here with the remaining men he has accumulated from the earlier gates in his stand at the fifth gate. They numbered no more than fifteen men, but they are willing to lay their life's here. I left with the mistress who is clearly shaken now by the running and fighting she saw. Its not the same as when she takes me to fight some bandits or drunks, these are trained warriors with intent to kill anyone on sight.

Thanks to the little assassin, we manged to buy more time than we expected, and took on their casualties number to above us. But the retreat has to end here at the final gate before they reached the top of the hill. I find fighting the current way takes on their numbers but the numbers which we will be hit later would be bigger and we stand to lose. I held onto my battle axe and short sword in the other hand, as I recite all the needed prayers I could think of make my journey to the other side easier. And I hope they don’t just sieved water and flowers.
There is no time for defence now, only offence. I laid out the men armed with pikes and spears into three rows with me in the front facing the final crumbling wooden gate. Soon they will come and I will be here to see them off to the next world. As I finished my thought, the enemy came in through the final gate and swarmed toward me. Without any care of the world left, I met them head on with the axe and sword. My swings was not in any form but random wild swings, which are murderous contact to any who come to it. I find myself bringing down two and then three warriors in the initial charge. The invaders retreated and grouped in a circle around me but I had enough of waiting so I lashed out the nearest warrior. Two more warriors fell to my blows before I was pushed back into the circle. I could not see my men and I assume they are also surrounded like me. 
Soon it was only my battle axe held in both hands for the strength to swing it. I smiled at the thought that I was about to die, when I saw my enemies retreating back down the slope. I looked back to see what could had caused them to retreat, and I saw the smiling face of the Lieutenant as he moved towards me with his handful of warriors.

Lieutenant Damai
Signar bought me time to organized the defenses. It was the personal guard of Camy who told me of this stand and I rushed down on the slope to the gate with the men I could muster then. I reached just in time to see him swinging his axe like a frenzied bear at enemy facing him. He must had cut down not less than six men and he was all covered in blood. My men was immediately engaged the enemies and was quick to get the enemies to fall back on the slope of the hill. It was then we seized the moment to collect our wounded. There was not many to carry back as we only managed to find two of the fifteen men still alive. Signar was wounded with many cuts and bruises, but a fatal gash can be seen on his back, although he stands to fight still. I instructed two of my men to carry him back while I take the rear guard. I saw a rider come through and he is dressed like a general.
‘Lieutenant Damai, I salute your men bravery. Its time for us to rest also and we will continue tomorrow.’ I recognised him from the several occasions we met at the functions.
‘Thank you, General Andrei. We meet tomorrow.’
I lost about a hundred men in the gates, and the invaders about triple or more of that as fighting uphill is a disadvantage. But the general has got more men than I can spared. He is kind as friend for me to see to the treatment of my men, but the objective is still to win. My number is only over a few hundred fighting warriors, but they lacked the support of archers and lancers. I contemplated my options and decided that it will be a long night today. I prayed for a miracle and hopes it arrives fast.
It was the break of dawn when the first attack came. They learned fast and took down the new barriers down fast, as there was only a handful of men to guard it. I wanted the enemy to feel confident and rushed me. It was at the last gate I planned my surprise. I had one hundred and fifty men lined up in formation with the pikes ready. The moment they broke open through again, my men rushed into them with vengeance. An attacking force on a downhill momentum carried a lot of force, so we managed to push them back or over the slope. As they were packed so tightly in the path, the forward push threw them off balance. I had my other men picking the survival off so that none can attack our flanks.
It was then I saw the Praetorian with his reinforcement coming up the flanks of the enemies. It was going to be a routing on the invaders, and the General immediately declared truce on the new threat and called off the attack. In the end, we survived the battle with a loss of over four hundred men and the enemy with a casualty list of more than twice our numbers plus a general with a broken arm.
His remaining men surrendered but we allowed them withdraw to go back to their own camp. The general was grateful to me and wished me luck.

Mistress Camy was escorted to the tower by her personal guard. The mistress was left in my care to be stationed with her brother and wife. I took her up to the top platform and joined the others. I went back downstairs to guard the doorway. It was then, I saw a group of soldiers coming towards us. I saw from their uniforms are our own men, but they are behaving like invaders. I retreated to the next level and stood guard over the entrance. At each level, I had placed some spears and short swords.
‘Identify yourself, soldiers.’ There were six of them and they are armed with pikes and swords. One of them walked up the stairs that will lead to my floor.
‘We are the spies of Lord Nictin. Please release us the master and you can free. Fight us and we will kill you.’ I put down my ‘bo’ and took up the swords. ‘I am Shiven, the personal guard of Master Conal. Fight me before you can get my master.’
Two of them including the one at the bottom of the stair charged up the stairs with their pikes. I stepped away from the entrance to allowed them to come in. Once they stepped into the level, I jumped up high with my swords in both hands coming down hard on these men’s pikes. The downward cut took through their hands and pike staff.  They screamed in pain and felled back through the doorway. I picked up the fallen pikes and hurl them down like lancers at the attackers. Soon I was armed with my own pikes for the next oncoming attack. The attacker with his pike and shield as cover, but I was there to thrust the pike into his uncovered face. That stopped the attack as the remaining attackers seemed to be wary on the next action. It was then I heard sound of more fighting in the slope and the sound of my attackers leaving the tower.

Praetorian Genus
I came with the reinforcement of over a thousand men on the order of the Lord. We arrived just in time to take on the enemy rear and moved our way up. The general made one miscalculated move; he send all his  might against the last defence as any leader would, but he forgot to check his rear for surprises. He assumed that he can take the hill before any reinforcements arrived which will take three or four days to come, but he did not know of the short trails like the local people. We cut our journey by a day to arrive in time.
I joined up with the Lieutenant at the retreat and discussed the status of his condition. The order I have was to evaluate the situation and if need be, evacuate the master and mistress. The Lieutenant reckon the Red Hill retreat was a good place to hold up with the correct amount of men. It was agreed that I leave with him one third of my men including some archers, while I returned to my Lord with the rest. They will rebuilt the gates and add up the defenses. I can only agreed to that as the Mistress Kimi is not well to travel and so is the young master. He was kept in his Inner chamber during my visit. Moreover, the Lord needs his men back as he has another battle lined up with the other Lords’.
Since the conference, the Lords has split into factions, and they fight among themselves, except for Micha and Giantus. As I am here now, Lord Daken has also taken his army into the land of Lord Camlash, exerting his power over the far flung people; killing without mercy. Lord Camlash was to march against the Lord Daken if not for this message that his Red Hill retreat is under attack by the general belonging to the Lord Nictin.
I left Darius at the Red Hill as I felt it was safer there. I left him in  the care of Shiven and rode off for the city just in time to see the preparation of the Lord to reclaim his land from Lord Daken. Lord Camlash has massed up close to ten thousand troops including archers and calvary within the city wall, He was to march to the borders to oust the the invading Lord, when I arrived.
I was called to his hall to see him.
‘Praetorian Genus, ride to see General Latin in the east border. I want his lancers under your command to meet me at other end of Shon Ridge. You can reach it if you crossed over at the ferry crossing in this location. Meet me at the end of Shon Ridge in three days. There we will end the battle with Lord Daken.’
I met the general’s lancers’; a total of two thousand lancers on my route  and we rode to the ferry crossing with a lead of half day of riding.
It was much later I was advised that Darius rode off to the north on his own. 

Lord Camlash
My troops arrived near start of Shon Ridge before we spotted the enemies scouts ahead of us. My guards managed to kill them except one who got away. So much for my surprise attack that I was hoping for. I send out my own scouts to gauge the enemies strength, while I camped in the plains before reaching the ridge. I split my camp into two groups, with one group forming at the rear of the other. I was in the one up front with three thousand men.  When my scouts returned, I was told that the Lord Daken is beginning to advance through the ridge with his men, a total of 15,000 marchmen and lancers. His strength has grown since we met and its a sizable force. As the path to pass thru is narrow, they will need time to go thru.
I left guards on the trails around my perimeters to kill or prevent any scouts of the Lord Daken through. I also split my rear troops into two sub-group with one taking the east and the other the west, I intend to trap the Lord Daken’s men when they massed together as they exit the ridge. I also planned a surprised on the path inside the ridge.
The attack came on the late morning of the third day, when I hit them with my three thousand men at their makeshift camp as they exit the ridge. There was already about the same number of men with Lord Daken there too but they did not expect an early battle, so they were unprepared. We rode over the defenses and barricades, and pushed the men back towards the Ridge. I knew that along the ridge path is a massed of another three thousand soldiers which is now starting to march across the Ridge to assist the camp. I had some of my men planned an ambush with traps of boulders to be released on them from the top of the ridge. The avalanche of boulders caused many casualties on the men trapped in the pathway. When this was happening, I sound the withdrawal of my attaching force of three thousand men, and the enemy pressed back with renewed confidence to recover their camp and the previous position. That was when the two sides of the ridge was sounded with shouts of war calls. The attacking enemy force which was massing at the previous campsite was over run by the combined troops of mine including those I held in reserved on the sides.. By the end of the day, Lord Daken has lost almost half his force, including the demise of the Lord who was caught in the boulder attack.
With the ridge road closed, the remaining soldiers of Lord Daken tried to re-mobilize their strength but the lack of senior officers created a mayhem of fights and mutiny. It was not helped by the raids on them by the lancers in several areas at the same time, led by the Praetorian and General Latin. Soon the Lord Daken army was dispersed and the remaining ones who was organized marched back to their own city.
Unfortunately, the war is not over. I got news of another army coming in from the south, from Lord Nictin. Its seems that he is marching for my city with a strength of ten thousand men, and soon to be joined by Lord Pection of another five thousand men. In this ridge, I am now with only half their numbers including some lancers, although my city defence has another five thousand inside. The balance of my army are all  stationed in other places. I also have some my Frontier Army in the North to watch at the Outsiders in case they decided that to revolt or revoke the earlier arrangement. If I withdraw those, I am leaving my borders open for invasions.
‘Send for me this message to the Praetorian. And also this to the Lieutenant. Do it now. I will await your reply in the city. You, ride on ahead to the city; tell Domo to brace for attack by Lord Nictin.’

Praetorian Genus
I got the message and re-group my lancers. We lost some men in the skirmish, but we are still a force to be reckon. I told the men to ride for Lord Daken’s city with some of the prisoners of the Lord, especially the general which we had captured. It will take me a day to reach the city and I hope I am not late. When we reached the city gates, I asked to see the commanding officer with the captured general in my side. A senior officer came out whose rank is below that of the general.
‘Speak to your officer, general.’ I can see the officer looking at his general and also at the treeline to make out my strength of army.  They are well hidden within the trees and spread out thinly to disguise their strength.
‘Lieutenant Julius, I bear news of our Lord. He is dead; killed in the battle at Shon Ridge. We lost most of our men there. We are to surrender to the Praetorian now. He will take command until the new Lord is appointed. Here is the sword of Lord Daken as proof of death.’
‘But General...’ I can sense that protest coming, so I swung his horse to slammed into the Lieutenant’s horse, causing him to almost lose his balance. ‘You dare to disobey your general. That is a punishment by death, Lieutenant.’ I can see the Lieutenant reaching for his sword and I readied my own sword.
‘Enough, Lieutenant. That is an order from me as your commanding officer.’ I turned to see the general sitting upright in his saddle and staring at the officer. The defending officer reluctantly withdrew his sword to hand over to me, as a token of surrender. I rode in to the city with a small detachment of my lancers, carrying both the sword of the Lieutenant and also the Lord’s, and walked into the Hall of Lord Daken. There stood his family, including his heir; a young man of similar built to his father. I instructed that the family be kept to their chamber and await further orders. The general and the lieutenant was put to death immediately, and announced the temporary leadership of mine to the city. My lancers then came in to the city and was placed to guard the inner city.
I met the other senior officers including the advisers to tell them of the new orders. If any of them rebelled, I will have the Lord’s family killed for their effort. If they cooperate with me, I will try to end this war soon and restored the master to his Lord’s position. There were some arguments but in the end they all agreed, but I was to swore on my oath as Praetorian. I agreed to do so if they give me full cooperation. Then I sat down with them to discuss my next plan.

Lieutenant Damai
The Lord must be crazy. I have is only five hundred men who can fight and he expect me to raid a city. And kill the young master of the city. Obviously this man is crazy like his daughter. I don’t know how I can do just that. My good friend Signar lies in heavy bandages, and I got a master who refuses to leave his room. Plus a mistress who is heavy with a child. I am now to add another master in as a hostage.
I must think this through. The Lord is crazy but he is not mad to sent me to die. There are times, he asked me to do suicidal tasks and yet I come back alive. As I stood on the porch of the tower, I asked myself who can do this better besides me.
A thought came to my mind.
Its a work for one who is trained as an assassin. One with me is the young lady’s guard; she is my answer to the prayer. But will she do it? Unless she is as crazy as her mistress.
‘Summon me the young mistress’s guard and also Shiven. Ask them to meet me at the Inner garden by the pavilion.’
I hoped I am right in my choice.

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